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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Xzanah: Sometimes it's fun to go in unprepared, and be forced to come up with something crazy to survive. Some of the most entertaining fights I've had are those in which I've had to take on a powerful enemy with very few resources. It's not how I normally run things, but it's happened by accident on multiple occasions.

    Preparation is very necessary in no-reload runs, though. Sometimes I've thought over an upcoming fight for several days, turning over the matter in my head and considering my options. It's almost as much fun as the fight itself.

    I think there was a no-reload run recently in which a Blackguard Charname took on Drizzt in BG1. All present agreed it was an impressive feat.
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    Team Henke Update:

    The team heads out for the wilderness, as thats where both Henke and Jaheira likes it best.
    The spend several days there tracking down monsters and bandits both.
    Saving a talking hen from wolves, unforunatly Melinvamp dont survive the deschickenator spell.
    Imoen stocks up on some scrolls that will come usefull later, dont dare to scribe them without an int potion since it seems I have very poor luck with that.

    Zargal goes down easy and Henke got a nice new shortsword.
    Bassilus falls.
    The team even rescues famous ranger Drizzt from a band of gnolls, and in doing so they get a very lucky scroll of web spell.

    The team now feels very confident in the wild, joking around half serious that they should go looking for a dragon to fight feeling that few things can stop them.

    Stumbling in to Tengyan proves them wrong....

    Tengyan and her group saves vs both sleep and hold. And starts firing away at the team. Imoen manages to hit the mage with a blind spell that gives us some respite and a chanse to engage.
    Somehow the mage hits both Khalid and Jaheira with a horror spell and they both panic.

    Henke manages to cast remove fear but only hits Jaheira.
    Not only is Khalid running around scared he also gets hit with a poisoned arrow that I cant to anything to cure while hes paniced.

    Emotions under control Jahiera engages the poison shooting hobgoblin and Henke and Imoen goes for the blinded mage.

    We manage to survive the fight and Khalid had enough HP to fight trough beeing poisoned.

    The team decides they need a rest and heads for FAI.

    Heading out again they visit the carneval for some much needed recreation and Imoen picks up a fireball shooting neckless.

    Then they go ogre hunting.

    All goes well, they make a tactical decision to let Khalid take over tanking duties from his wife.
    Same AC double HP cant realy be argued with, ogre berserkers just hits to hard.

    Small things of note:
    Greywolf fell.
    Lioandrins house cleaned.
    Neira fell. ( actualy forgot that I hadnt killed her and got caught by surprise. )
    Picked up fire res ring.
    Saved Samuel
    Protected the escavation sight
    Saved Brage
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @semiticgod A very huge progress! I like those insane backstabs!

    I've noticed Sil was mazed once. Shouldn't the game end when charname gets mazed?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Well, good to know. I wonder, though, if the situation is similar with charm and domination spells.

    Aidahn Sparkyfibber, 7th BG1 update

    Even with all those resurrections, Aidahn and Co managed to gather as much as 4000 gp, so they could finally buy a large shield +1 for Khalid. After that, the party went to the Nashkel mines... only to be waylaid by bandits.

    At first, everyone thought it was a standard bandit gang, but it ended in a rift between a bandit's leader, Senjak, and a half-orc, Dorn was his name. With the help of some unknown skills by Dorn, all bandits were quickly dead, and in a subsequent dialogue between the half-orc and the gnome it became obvious Dorn was a blackguard seeking a revenge for something in his past. Aidahn wished the blackguard all the best but refused to be drawn in these dark matters.

    OOC: The following screenshot shows how many useful items were found during this encounter - Aidahn had managed to find only 3 potions of Invisibility before, and yet here he found 5 new potions (!)


    The party had to return to Nashkel, to identify and sell the new treasure. With more money to spend, everyone agreed it was a good idea to visit the Carnival - maybe new merchants there could offer other useful stuff, adding to the large shield +1.

    It turned to be true. For 2800 gp, Imoen bought "The One Gift Lost" and a "Shield Amulet". She also noticed several green scrolls of protection but didn't know if it was the right time to acquire these scrolls, and not those amulets.

    Entering another tent, Minsc (and his stealth skills had been constantly improving all this time) saw two strangely looking mages.

    Sparkyfibber expected the worst, especially after all those assassins sent after him, so the group rested outside, prepared for a tough fight and only then entered the tent.

    It happened, though, that this was not an assassination attempt. Instead, there was a crazy wizard who for some strange reason blamed another wizard - a female - for being a witch and doing all bad things to people.

    Imoen tried to change Zordral's focus on the group, instead of this "witch", and then he attacked. The Command spell helped one more time (OOC: this is the most useful spell for early BG1 with the SCS mod), and the crazy wizard fell.



    Jaheira got 8 HP from a new level but still was behind her husband in terms of overall health.

    From one of merchants the group bought a potion of Intelligence. With 4 potions of genius in the backpack, it was time for both Aidahn and Dynaheir to learn new spells from all the scrolls they managed to find. When learning spells of 2 and 3 levels, they realized that they were still not ready for the Nashkel mines. "Detect Invisibility", "Glitterdust", "Skull trap". Who knew what sort of dangers awaited them in the mines? They needed to get more levels in order to cast these new spells, more that once or even 0 times per rest.

    So, it was decided that more exploration was needed. On an area to the west of Beregost, the group encountered a talking chicken. When speaking to it, Imoen managed to find out that they needed to visit Thalantyr for an explaination.

    Soon afterwards, Dynaheir got a much desired new level, with 5 HPs and two lvl 2 spells.

    While scouting in that region, Minsc saw 3 hobgoblins and an army of undead, with a man called Bassilus among them. Back in Beregost, they heard that there was a bounty on his head.

    Cautiously, the group delt with the hobgoblins first. The Sleep spell worked, because although these hobgoblins had names and wielded fine weapons, they still were nothing more than hobgoblins.

    When Imoen entered the Bassilus's line of sight, the cleric started talking to the undead around him. Aidahn, being a cleric himself, murmured something about this cleric's family, so Imoen decided to trick Bassilus and to pretend he was speaking to one of his dead relatives.

    It was a right decision because when the dialogue ended all the undead were gone, with only the cleric against the adventurers.

    Khalid, who was meant to tank in this battle, was easily held from the first spell, and before Bassilus killed him, Jaheira took all his attention. Aidahn and Dynaheir tried all their repertoire (Blindness, Command, Hold Person) in an attempt to stop Bassilus but he managed to save every time.

    Meanwhile, a new spell, only recently required by Dynaheir - Mirror Image - seemed to save her life when Bassilus finished casting Flame Strike on one of images instead of the real mage.

    Minsc's arrows finally took down Bassilus.





    When the party was back to one of Beregost's inns, Dynaheir asked Aidahn to study her historical and magical books. It was a fine evening, and the gnome thought that maybe a dance was a better idea. Inspite of Dynaheir's "No"s, Sparkyfibber insisted on dancing. It turned out she didn't know how to dance, so the gnome offered to teach her.

    Maybe for the first time since leaving Candlekeep, Aidahn felt himself happy. She was a lady of the greatest mind and always full of stories about Rashemen, magic and many other things. And ... she was beautiful!

    Aidahn Sparkyfibber - Cleric/Illusionist, 3/2 lvl, 22 HP (10 from FF), 0 deaths
    Imoen - Thief, 4 lvl, 26 HP, 0 deaths
    Khalid - Fighter, 3 lvl, 32 HP, 0 deaths
    Jaheira - Fighter/Druid, 2/3 lvl, 28 HP, 4 deaths
    Minsc - Ranger, 3 lvl, 26 HP, 1 death
    Dynaheir - Invoker, 3 lvl, 14 HP, 1 death

    The overall price of resurrecting - 1100 gp
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    To clarify, death, petrification, and imprisonment on the main character end the game in a party run. In a solo run, charm and Maze also end the run. Other disablers merely increase the chance of death.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Steady progress @bengoshi and @HenkeB.
    @semiticgod you've been very active. You've left me a lot to read... :p
    @Mirage, can we expect any action from your Druid?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Blackraven: Mostly it's just that screenshots are easier to take in EE, since I just need to hit the Print Screen button, instead of pressing the button and then copying it over to Paint. It doesn't actually save time, since I then have to use Photoshop to change the BMP files to JPEG, but it's easier to take them, which means I have more to post.

    Also, fights in Nightmare mode take so much longer that there's a lot more happening per fight.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486

    pressing the button and then copying it over to Paint.

    I used to do that, and then I learned about a Screenshots subfolder in my BG2 folder. It contained thousands of screenshots. Are you sure your (original) BG2 folder doesn't have such a subfolder?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Blackraven: Well, I have multiple BG2 directories thanks to several clean installs, and between them it looks like I've got over 3,000 screenshots.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768

    Mostly it's just that screenshots are easier to take in EE, since I just need to hit the Print Screen button, instead of pressing the button and then copying it over to Paint. It doesn't actually save time, since I then have to use Photoshop to change the BMP files to JPEG, but it's easier to take them, which means I have more to post.

    Irfanview has a batch mode so you can convert a bunch of files at a time. You can also have it perform simple operations like resample if you want.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Cuwaert is on a small break until i can get my wife's pc back online. In the meantime i will soon start one on my own.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    The Nether scroll is guarded by the lich Nevaziah. As a quest-required boss, he's not as tough as a normal lich, which is good for us. Also, unlike normal liches, he can't see through invisibility, and therefore has to resort to divination magic to find us. We escape an Oracle spell, but get nicked by a Remove Magic spell. Sil is hit, but that's quickly corrected.

    After dealing with the ghasts and mummies, we rest and return to Nevaziah. Puttering around his room suggests that he no longer has his Oracle spell--in EE SCS, enemy spellcasters appear to be unable to regain their spells on resting.

    To start the fight, we'll have to break invisibility. Since I've been casting from afar a lot, I decide this time to break our invisibility right in Nevaziah's view.

    Turns out Nevaziah is a little higher level than I thought.

    I draw back the party. This isn't a fight we can face head-on. Edwin stays behind, invisible, and sees his Worg summons also trying to escape. Having failed a save against Nevaziah's Dragon Fear ability (which appears to trigger once per round) the Worg panics and runs, only for Nevaziah to crush it.

    Edwin decides to make his exit, but Nevaziah dispels Edwin's invisibility and Stoneskin, and Edwin fails his save against Dragon Fear.

    Dead. He's definitely dead.

    Nevaziah pelts Edwin with Minute Meteors, and the Magical Sword deals the final blow. Jan hurries out this time to check on Nevaziah. The world turns gray.

    It's a huge waste of a very powerful spell. SCS enemies tend to assume the player is actually sticking around to fight them. Evasive setups like ours can maintain invisibility despite divination spells and Remove Magic, which means even an SCS enemy won't be able to reveal us, if we don't let them.

    Nevaziah's defenses are pretty solid. The only debuffer we've got is a Secret Word. I have Jan wait around Nevaziah, and find that Nevaziah truly has no way to uncover us. His defenses are wearing low.

    Finally I decide to break Jan's invisibility. I'm not sure how many spells Nevaziah has left, but he's used up a lot of good ones. Jan picks up the Robe of Vecna from Edwin's body, changes out of the Jansen Adventurewear, hits the lich with a Bolt of Lightning, and runs.

    Nevaziah throws out an HLA. It could have killed Jan in one shot, but thanks to the Robe of Vecna from Edwin's corpse, Jan can negate all of the damage instantaneously.

    A Minute Meteor from Nevaziah cures the unconsciousness, and when the lich tries another spell, Jan escapes it with ease.

    Nevaziah tries again, but this time, Jan lands a hit.

    Nevaziah tries once more. It's an evocation spell, and Jan misses with his Bolt of Lightning. How does Jan respond? Spell Immunity: Evocation.

    Ice Storm has no impact. Nevaziah takes away SI: Evocation with a Ruby Ray of Reversal, only to see his next spell blocked once more.

    Nevaziah keeps trying. It doesn't work.

    Mages don't do well in long, drawn-out battles. Things seem to be going well, and then I remember that there's one spell Nevaziah never runs out of.

    If Jan gets hit by that, he might well be done for. But Aerie is way down to the south, in safety, and if she runs up to cast Remove Fear on Jan, she'd lose her invisibility.

    I have another idea. Aerie casts Remove Fear on herself, Cernd, and Sil, and Sil runs up to Jan to toss him a Potion of Clarity. Jan is still draining Nevaziah's spells.

    Jan drinks the potion and keeps moving. Sil hangs back--her backstabs aren't much use until Nevaziah is out of Stoneskins.

    But Nevaziah's Spell Deflection vanishes soon after, and Jan is free to hit Nevaziah with Breach.

    Without Stoneskins, Nevaziah has no defense against physical or fire damage (though as a lich he should still be immune to electricity damage, and I belatedly remember to stop using Bolts of Lightning). Sil moves in for the kill.

    Nevaziah restores his Stoneskins, but he starts using Magic Missile on Jan--a sure sign that he's out of good spells. Cernd and Aerie rush in with summons to help out.

    Nevaziah surprises us with some Sunfire spells, but it's nothing a few potions can't fix. The lich is out of options. Sil brings him down.

    Although Jan was able to counter LOTS of spells in this fight, it doesn't mean we can approach other SCS spellcasters with the same strategy. Jan had lots of counters, but there are plenty of spells for which we have no counters. Demon summons and Fallen Planetars could see through any invisibility we might use and Improved Alacrity and Time Stop allow the enemy to throw out more spells than we could possibly counter.

    True Seeing is more complex. Sil can escape it easily by simply hiding after she is revealed. Jan could do the same if we blinded him beforehand, but his stealth abilities are quite poor, and Remove Magic could easily dispel a Blindness pre-buff.

    I am getting impatient about Sil's progress. I want Celestial Fury and I want Boots of Speed, which together will remove the few weaknesses of Sil's backstabbing strategy (enemy weapon immunities and fast-casting spells, namely), but they're both guarded by some very tough enemies. I've been thinking over how to get those items earlier, but I'd hate to break the no-reload streak here.
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97

    Got cought in playing and havnt posted here.
    Finnished BG1 and are ready to import in to BG2

    The winning team:
    PC: Cleric/Stalker

    My original plan was to tank with Jaheira and have khalid, Kivan and Coran as artillery with bows.
    Pretty soon Khalid proved to have far more survivability then his wife and took over the tanking role.
    Xan joined and somewhere I decided to keep him, I figured one more mage could be nice other then Imoen and I felt the Corans wyvern quest was too dangerous.

    In the final fight Xan died in about 2 seconds due to haveing 20 HP
    So he didnt help much.

    Jaheira dided from a friendly arrow of detonation, I thought I had her protected from fire.
    Henke and Khalid where protected from fire. So they kept hitting on Sarevok while Imoen shot fireballs from a wand and Kivan alternated between arrows of dispelling, arrows of detonation and arrows of piercing.

    Final blow on Sarevok came from Henke, a backstab after swallowing a invis potion.

    Now to BG2 where everything feels dangerous...
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    My second attempt on the no-reload:
    Glolien Grolio, the gnome cleric/thief:

    She started at the basilisk fields too:

    Killed the basilisks and Mutamin:

    Then i tried out my newly worked out tactic with hold person and dropped gear. First i drop some item near a hostile creature, what i would like to defeat:

    Next i move to a position, where i see only the item, not the enemy:

    Cast hold person, until the enemy failed their save:


    Oh, wait, i didn't suspect this:

    I tried to run, but for no avail:

    Well, i must work on this some more...
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @semiticgod Patience, my friend, patience is needed. You'll get those katana and boots when it's time :)

    @HenkeB Congrats on beating Sarevok! Good luck in BG2.

    @lolien Didn't know about that tactics. Thanks for sharing it! Also, it seems that the Mutamin Garden slowly becomes a graveyard discrict.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited September 2015
    Next try!

    This time our Charname is Faldorcy, the half-orc (who would suspect this?) cleric/thief:

    Hired up Korax:

    Oh, a letter!

    Yeah... Unfortunately Faldorcy can't read.

    Killed Mutamin:

    The young adventure party...

    No, no this time.

    At last Korax couldn't resist Faldorcy's sweetness:

    In Beregost Faldorcy bought a book for Firebead at the Fedelpost:

    Went for Bassilus:

    But failed to face him without the skeletons, so i decided to move on:

    Worgs and wolves are nasty without equipment, but still better, than bandits/hobgoblins with bows:

    I thought Greywolf is low enough level to auto-fall against command. It turned out i remember wrong:

    After a swift trip back to Naskel:

    My first succesful use of the item-dropping tactic:

    Poor Prism provided me the necessery level up to the access for the third level cleric spells, and to raise skeleton warriors with that:

    In the mines i failed to kill a miner for bad reputation:
    The attacking guard is missing on the picture

    Next time i was more careful:
    Otherwise, bad reputation is a must for the better Bhaal-abilities.

    Poor old miner couldn't even comprehend, what happened before him:
    image They didn't have time to turn hostile

    To my surprise 10 point in find traps was enough for manageing the traps in the low-mines

    For Mulahey i used all the rescources i can. Traps, skeleton warriors, stealth, sanctuary, turn-undead, item-dropping/hold person:

    And he falled as planned:

    Yes, this time!

    Only Lamalha remained alive in the end:

    Nimbul saved against silence, but not against skeleton warriors:

    Tranzig too:

    The bandit camp was more or less cleansed with traps, hold person and skeleton warriors:

    íFor the trapped barrel the 10 points was not enough, so Faldorcy needed some more experience for more skill points. She went to the Ankheg farm nearby:
    With skeletons and command these bugs are manageable. One per one.

    With the appropriate skillpoints the barrel was untrapped, and Cloakwood was open for my half-orc girl. It's a dangerous place:

    However, Faldorcy could eliminate some ettercaps and spiders:

    I always forget to rest far away from the setted traps:
    So i must start setting them again.

    The big preparation killed only one sword spider:
    So i finished rest with Glyph of warding and backstab.

    At this time only Centeol and a sword spider remained in the lair. I think i was tired up with all of the trap setting, so i made a couple of mistakes. First i didn't lay any traps, only summoned skeletons before the spider lair's entrance. Second i chose flame blade for backstabbing the sword spider, instead of Shillelagh (i always have to google this one's to write properly). Backstab multiplie only the base damage, so flame blade do only 3d4+4, while Shillelagh do 6d4+3 damage with a 3x backstab multiplier. Third, when the sword spider didn't died from my attack i escape outside, and just run in circles around my skeleton warriors, hoping they finish the arachnid before it kill me. I could have trie a command spell insted.
    Yeah, and maybe no-reload at work meal-time not a good idea either :D

    So i got new experiences for the next run!
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    edited September 2015

    Caged and tortured in an unknown place for unknown reasons. Familiar faces offers some comfort though.
    Dear Imoen even finds a mean of escape and releases Henke.
    Some exploring allows us to release Jaheira aswell. And Minsc is there, Still not sure about his sanity but he is a ranger and leaving him in caged in the cell is not an option. He seem skill enough with weapons and that will probably prove usefull in the trials to come.

    First level of irenicus dungeon completed.
    The duergar fight did cause us to spend many healt pots, more then I had expected.
    Did complete the plane of air, previous experience says its a dangerous place so I go about it carefully.
    Two skeletonwarriors and backstabbing does the trick and the genie rewards us with Ashidhea the warhammer.
    could prove usefull, however not of the group have any pips in warhammers.

    photo Baldr000_1.png

    photo Baldr001.png

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @lolien It was fun while it lasted! All your screenshots are interesting and self-explaining, thanks for them.

    I enjoy your tactics! It seems "a letter+hold person" combination works like a trap. I.e. you can RP that you set a trap for your enemy - leave a letter on the ground for an enemy to check it - only to fell under your spell's effect.

    As for the spiders, you know that you don't need to fight them to progress, right?;)
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    bengoshi said:

    As for the spiders, you know that you don't need to fight them to progress, right?;)

    Ah, so you don't need to release Centeol in order to defeat Irenicus?

    It was hard enough to leave the young adventurer party, Bassilus and Lamalha alone. But i will defeat my old habits! Otherwise i used to re-load if i didn't get the experience for an enemy because some neutral ally or enemy spell :D
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97

    Using the portal in the dungeon and thinking they had escaped. Only to find themselves in another level of the prieson. Atleast now Henkes ranger senses told him they where closer to the surface.
    In the next room another would be hero joined the group. Yoshimo claims to be a bounty hunter but if so he is probably the worst at it that ever walked faerun. 1 set trap on 4 attempts.
    Atleast he had valuable information about the level ahead.

    Cleared 2nd level and escaped.
    Also did the circus quest and sold som stuff att the adventurers mart.
    Met Gaylean Bayle and have currently rested and the copper coronet.
    Not sure on where to go next, will have to think on that a bit.
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97

    This city is more dangerous then the wilds around Baldurs Gate ever was. Have fought off no less then three ambushes so far.
    And the undead seem to be crawling around in every ally, even found a lich hiding in a tavern..
    And then there is the copper coronet. Something weied is definetly going on there, but I will have to look in to it later. First I need to escort a young lady to the graveyard district and find a specific tomb.
    Maybe its guild about loosing Imoen, but I find it hard to refuse a requstt for aid from young women.
    This girl Nalia will need my help to.
    Going to tombs probably means fighting undead, lucky for me there happen to be an unemployed cleric at the coronet who offeres to join the team.

    So used and protection from undead to kill the lich and grab daystar
    Figured Anomens undead summoning would be nice to have around when fighting Dragomir and his shadows and it did make it a very save enterprise. Tempted to keep him in the group but for now Ive left him at the Coronet.
    Fought some more undead and the crypt king to grab namarra.
    Jaheira got the staff of curing.
    Henke got Arbanes sword.
    Currently at the bridge district, looking in to the murders that had happened there and trying to find the kidnappers that buried tethyr.
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