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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Pteran , condolences on your loss, but you taught me something important. I had no idea that the Helm of Charm Protection did not protect against critical hits! One thing I love about these posted runs is that there's so much to learn from the experiences of others.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @bengoshi , Thank you for the clarification. It seems the older I get, the more I misunderstand details of stuff.
  • PteranPteran Member Posts: 388
    @semiticgod just stretch your arms really far ;)

    That sucks that you can't poke the stupid mephits with daggers. I'm kind of surprised at that honestly.
  • TheMetaphysicianTheMetaphysician Member Posts: 76
    I vote one of the latter 2, with Spell Revisions, b/c I'm excited to see what you can do with those specialist school save penalties.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    I can only speculate that it has something to do with Steam. But since I don't use that I have no idea what. It does seem very strange to have this unique constellation with hitherto unknown problems. Have you incurred the wrath of any mystical old lady or something?
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @lurith , Condolences on your loss. I've also had no-reload runs end in that damnable maze, including a no-reload Order of the Stick run that I was really into before Roy got stunned and then eaten by an ankheg. Ice Island is now on my "too dangerous" list for no-reloading.
  • OtherguyOtherguy Member Posts: 157
    I love this thread. I have gained so much experience from reading about the runs of more experienced players. Even though I play with my own personal restrictions I can't really expect other people to agree with my views on.. well, anything really. I am just happy to have found people who also play no-reload games. I have always done it, in pretty much every game I've ever played. So thank you all for making this thread what it is!

    Brief update on Ethos the FMT. He is now ready to leave the big city for the first time! He is at day 2 and already at 20 reputation and has bought a lot of vital gear like the str belt, fortress shield, reflection shield, rod of res/heal, quite a few scrolls etc etc, none of it at 20 rep though..

    No really close calls as of now, the assassins with Mae'var hit surprisingly hard though, scoring a 58 (!) dmg backstab on mainchar, didn't hit a lot due to -15 ish AC vs piercing/slashing which is kinda lucky with those numbers. Went there without the usual F/M buffs blur/MI/stoneskin etc due to resting restriction, aka I had a spell or two left and no chars were fatigued.

    I did something I've not done before which I feel kind of bad about. I bought back the wand of cloudkill since I really hate trolls (spirit trolls in particular) and figured it would make both Trademeet and the Keep a lot less infuriating. I especially loathe the spirit trolls that turn invisible upon falling. Still not decided if this means I should reload, but with the amount of playing time I have right now I think I will let it slide this once. Strength drain is just so evil! At least when you need to save the important buffs for the "big" fights. And yes I know I can just go invis and run past them, but the completionist in me would NEVER allow that.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Blackraven: I've considered taking Sil the Cleric of Lathander(11)->Mage through BG1 and retroactively completing the game. But it's too late now, since I use EE (my old BG2 game doesn't work anymore) and the spider gnome trick on which the Party of Spiders was based is unfortunately no longer possible in EE as of 2.1. I could also take the Fire Seed party back to BG1, but then I'd have no real thief to disarm traps (my Assassin/Fighter didn't put any points into traps or locks, since my Wizard Slayer/Thief was there to handle that).

    I suppose I could try it out next time. I just started a new run, but I'm only in Chateau Irenicus.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I started a new run in Baldur's Gate, the original. I restarted all over, twice, when my familiar got killed, once by a critical hit from a Xvart (12 damage total, which is a 1/120 chance per round with those things) and twice when the FAI assassin, what's-his-face, hit her with Horror and two Magic Missiles. I deemed it wise to start over rather than proceed with a 4-HP Bhaalspawn. Currently we have Eldoth, Imoen, a Shaman, an Enchanter, an Invoker, and a Sorcerer.

    @Blackraven, where do you normally go for early game XP? The only side quests before Nashkel I know of are the ogre with the Girdle of Piercing and Bassilus. I've heard that some people hunt Sirines or Basilisks but I don't know where to find either and I'm not sure where to get a Potion of Clarity.

    But the main problem is probably that I'm not allowing any of my characters to use weapons, and my Shaman's spirit critters and my Enchanter's kitty cat are the only sources of physical damage.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    And the kitty just now got killed by a spider. Failed a save vs. death, and our Shaman was a fraction of a second too slow to cast Cure Light Wounds. He could have saved it, too, since a Huge Spider's poison only does 15 damage over 30 seconds.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Blackraven: Brilliant!

    I actually started a new run and just slew Mulahey. For a while, I've been wondering what it would be like to combine all of the kits into one, and I'm currently playing BG:EE (using the SCS install from our multiplayer run) with a character who has all the advantages and all of the disadvantages of all kits in the game, with some exceptions here and there due to engine limitations and the fact that some kits are mutually exclusive when it comes to what they do.

    Later on I'll go into better detail on what this character is, but for the sake of context, she has 50% of the entire party's kills and is our primary tank.

    I think this was a better idea. The kit is going to be overpowered in BG1 but less so in BG2, where items and spells play a bigger role, and that fits me rather well considering how much more unfamiliar BG1 is to me compared to BG2. Trying a no-weapon run was too ambitious for BG1. I'm better off trying something easier first.
  • OtherguyOtherguy Member Posts: 157
    @gotural holy crap, solo WS with SCS and prebuffed mages... Good luck to you sir!
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