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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    It's okay with me either way, but when this thread started, I think the idea was brought up by some old-timers like @Alesia_BH and @Gate70 that nobody from this forum had ever successfully completed and documented a full no-reload trilogy run. I thought that was why @Ygramul named the thread "Maybe This Time".

    So, it seems like it confuses the issue to mix minimal reloads with no-reloads. I know that on the old Bioware boards, where many of the veteran no-reloaders are still posting runs, their community rules are rather draconian, not because they try to force it, but because they just don't reload, ever. I've seen them end runs because of bugs and computer crashes. It's how they play, a socially accepted fact of life for them. The people from the Big Leagues (i.e., the Bioware Boards) won't consider a no-reload trilogy run successful unless it's exactly what it says on the tin.

    I'll let some other people chime in with their opinions before I post any minimal reloading in here.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    edited May 2016
    Alright so I started a new run this morning with Alexander, a Human Berserker using Bastards Swords and Shields. His stats were (yes, were) 18/63, 15, 17, 16, 9, 12 and he reached Nashkel alongside Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, Xzar and Montaron at first.

    After cleaning the mines, Jaheira, Khalid, Monty and Xzar left and he picked up Xan instead. Everything was going well until he explored an old yuan-ti temple (from Unfinished Business I think) and triggered a Fireball trap in insane difficulty, pulverizing him.

    It was very fun nonetheless and I'm creating a new character as I write this.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Well. My run will be a noreload starting from sod. The minimal reload from bgee I did not post in the thread because I thought it inappropriate.
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    edited May 2016
    lroumen said:

    Well. My run will be a noreload starting from sod. The minimal reload from bgee I did not post in the thread because I thought it inappropriate.

    I would somewhat agree with the sentiment that a run where normal (e.g. non-glitch; non-bug) deaths are regularly ignored and continued over would indeed break the sentiment of a no-reload run. Basically, it is up to the player to decide where they draw the line.

    @BelgarathMTH 's thread serves an important purpose by giving people the option to post minimal-reload runs just like that.

    (My own personal OCD usually implies that immediately delete a savegame when I die, even through the frustration of mistakes and bad luck, to make sure that the Tanarri doesn't tempt me to reload.)
  • lurithlurith Member Posts: 55
    I was aware of your thread, @BelgarathMTH. I will make sure to use it if (when) I turn my no-reload into a minimal reload.
  • toolargtoolarg Member Posts: 182
    edited May 2016
    Alright, made it to Nashkell once again so I guess this run is a go. The run started with a bad omen as I failed to learn Armor from the very first scroll I found despite having a 95% chance of success. Not good. Only casualty so far is Khalid who lost his life in a bar brawl at Beregost. I honestly thought Marl could only knock people out, not outright gore them. Well, RIP Khalid. Mods are BG1NPC, BG1UB, Chatty Imoen, TA: Icon Improvements and AT: Instant casting time for Bhaal powers and warrior innates. Difficulty is Core Rules. The character: image

    So far all his spells have done absolutely nothing.
  • sluckerssluckers Member Posts: 280
    @lolien That was beautiful. I look forward to more of Pablo's adventures.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    We still have to fight some Mind Flayers. Before we can begin the Ust Natha questline, we need to rescue Phaere from a trio of the things. Teleport Field is instrumental here. Laosha rescues our Planetar when it gets stunned.

    I already have the Elder Orb stalk and the Kuo-toa Prince blood, so much of the work for Ust Natha is already done. I try my hand against the pit fights in the tavern, but Sil gets her defenses removed multiple times in the second fight by Remove Magic and the Nabassu's claws. It was very aggravating, but only cost us a few potions while Sil kited the thing until she could buff herself up with a new WoL BoL.

    A common problem for me is Taso Kala, the drow lady that sends you off to fight the ooze priests. If you don't kill those guys and then get to Phaere within the hour, the city turns hostile, but you can sneak past Taso Kala.

    Or just CTRL-Y her and save yourself the trouble. I've snuck past her enough times to get mighty tired of it.

    What about those Egg Guards? With Drow Full Plate +5 and MR in the 60s or 70s, they will be really hard to kill before they sound the alarm (SCS makes them much better at turning the rest of the city hostile). But I have an ace up my sleeve.

    Limited Wish gives you one casting of Shapechange. After you do it once, you can't ever do it again, until you learn the actual Shapechange spell. With WoL Divine Favor, Laosha will have almost automatic hits in Mind Flayer. Then, inside the place, I notice a troubling message.

    Polymorph Self is a standard part of my auto-buffing spell, and Polymorph Self and Shapechange are mutually exclusive due to engine limitations. Laosha can't turn into a Mind Flayer.

    I figure that I wouldn't have cast Polymorph Self had I not had that auto-buffing spell, so I decide to hit the guards four times in spider form and then CTRL-Y them, which would imitate having Mind Flayer form (either way, Laosha has a 95% hit chance, 8 APR, and we get no XP for the kill). But it turns out the Limited Wish Shapechange was completely unnecessary, as Laosha destroys each of the drow in four hits by sheer damage alone.

    That was surprisingly easy. Turns out the Egg Guards still have low HP, and LoB mode only bumps it up so far. Sil nabs the eggs while under the effects of Sanctuary to avoid attracting the golems' attention and we cruise through the rest of the questline and up to the surface. All the required fights are already taken care of.

    Bodhi awaits.
  • PteranPteran Member Posts: 388
    @semiticgod would you mind explaining exactly how the WoL trick works with spells? I've given it a whirl once or twice in BG with items (use the three charges on the wand, then swap items), but I don't seem to be doing it correctly with spells. Either that or I've just happened to select spells that it doesn't work with.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Before we tackle Bodhi's lair, I want to get a hold of Sunray, which works with the Wand of Lightning. Because I'm too stupid to just buy the Helm of Brilliance from the Adventurer Mart while I was shopping for level 9 spell scrolls, I decide to get Sunray from Daystar instead. Now I have to fight the Crooked Crane Lich, the enemy that is still the only reason this is a minimal reload run instead of a no-reload run (I only made this a minimal reload run because I wanted to try to fight that lich, and that lich caused the only death I've had so far).

    I have a better strategy than using Daystar against it, though, as it comes pre-buffed with Protection from Magical Energy. We have gobs of debuffers, including a triple Pierce Magic Chain Contingency on Valos.

    Who is taking the cold damage in that image? In SCS, magic attacks are cast using invisible summoned critters, which can produce some oddities in gameplay. For one thing, if an enemy is moving around while it's getting targeted by a magic attack, it will slow down the spell by a fraction of a second, as the invisible critter has to re-cast the spell using the same projectile. For another thing, apparently that invisible critter suffers the effects of backlash spells like Fire Shield. Not that it matters here; Valos and the rest of the party are already immune to cold damage thanks to our Protection from Cold pre-buff.

    Anyhoo, we fail to prevent the lich from casting Time Stop. Too bad.

    The lich, though, can't do much with the extra time, and unwisely chooses not to cast Summon Fallen Planetar, which could have caused us some trouble. Instead, the lich removed Poppy's Spell Shield with a Spell Thrust, without following up with any other debuffers that could have put Poppy in danger.

    Of course, even if it had, Poppy would still have plenty of time to defend herself, as she was already in the process of casting Time Stop herself.

    Poppy doesn't do much with her Time Stop, either. In fact, the only reason I cast it was to run out the lich's PFMW spell!

    Notice the poison damage. That's from a Cloudkill spell the lich threw out earlier.

    Valos' Breach spell finally hits, and the lich is now vulnerable. Another PFMW pops up due to a unique SCS Contingency (SCS mages can set PFMW contingencies to trigger on the expiration of their normal PFMW spells, which the player can never do), but since the lich is already shorn of its spell protections, another Breach spell dispels it within the round. Fobie and Sil start whomping on the lich.

    That disrupted spell was Valos' Control Undead, which I hoped could hit the lich once Fobie had imposed some save penalties via Called Shot.

    Then the lich suddenly dies despite not being at Near Death, and gives us no XP.

    For a moment I'm confused, and then I realize that Fobie killed the thing with STR drain. Whatever.

    Valos now has Wail of the Banshee, which works with the Wand of Lightning. I try it out on some enemies in the Guarded Compound, which I neglected to tackle in Chapter 3 due to forgetting about the Wand of Paralyzation I wanted.

    Turns out that unlocks a special achievement.

    Quite fitting.

    Anyhoo, we proceed upstairs and abruptly lose our illusion buffs due to having no way of disarming traps. We spit out a Planetar, who in turns spits out a Holy Word.

    Holy Word doesn't bypass MR, but it does strike as a level 7 spell and offers no save. Plus, Planetars cast it instantly in SCS. This imposes a 50% spell failure penalty via the deafness opcode against all evil critters, including Sion, and is stackable (although two Holy Word spells cast within the same second won't stack on undead critters).

    Fobie kills Koshi and costs us a lot of XP thanks to STR drain.

    What danger is a Kensai when you have Teleport Field active, anyway?

    Poppy stops time and smacks Stalman in the face with a stick. I don't know if that disrupted his spell or if it was the Planetar's Holy Word, but either way, it worked.

    EE 2.1 appears to have concentration checks, as I've seen enemies (and I think also player characters) cast spells despite taking damage.

    Valos slays Ketta with Wail of the Banshee. It might offer a save, but WoL forces the enemy to make six saves, and as a necromancer Valos imposes a -2 penalty on saves against his WotB spells.

    Notice Ketta teleported at the same time she died, which is why her leather armor on the ground isn't beneath her falling body.

    Right afterwards, Valos kills Maferan, too.

    I finally realize that Sion is protected by PFMW and not Improved Mantle, so I switch Sil over to nonmagical bullets and quickly kill the poor guy, who already is harmless thanks to a second Holy Word that bumped his spell failure up to 100%.

    Finally, we move on to Bodhi's lair. I'm only partway through, but the process so far is easy to summarize.

    Basically just that, a zillion times over.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Pteran: The Wand of Lightning trick does not work in BG1 at all, as the BG1 Wand of Lightning only has a single target. If you have three lightning bolts in your wand, you must have Item Revisions installed, which I suppose might have also changed the BG1 WoL (I'm not really sure). Without IR, though, the WoL trick should be impossible in BG1. I'm pretty sure this applies to both BG:EE and BGTutu, but BGT may be a different story.

    If you're trying it in BG2, however, there are only a set number of spells that work with the WoL trick, which could explain your experience. The spells that work are all self-only spells--that is, their base target is always the caster. This can include area-effect spells, but only those that are cast on-self. Other spells that can be cast on other targets do not work with the WoL trick, even if you click on yourself. For example, Sunfire works with the WoL trick because it's on-self by default, but Fireball does not, even if you target yourself. Likewise, Mordenkainen's Sword works with the WoL trick because it can only ever be cast on the caster, while Animate Dead does not, because you can also target other places.

    This only applies to spells, however. Scrolls of any spell can work with the WoL trick, even those that aren't on-self, though not all of them are very useful with it. Casting Armor multiple times does nothing; casting Shield multiple times does little (only the bonus to missile AC will stack); casting Horrid Wilting multiple times does a lot. The same applies to any item you can put in a quick item slot, including other wands. Unfortunately, you can't switch out multiple Wands of Lightning to duplicate stuff even further, which would be awesome. Also note that using the Wand of Paralyzation on a single target with the WoL trick won't necessarily force 6 saving throws. In my experience, all six stun effects struck as one. The Wand of Paralyzation can, however, paralyze multiple targets when combined with the WoL.

    Finally, some other items, like swords, can work with the WoL trick, but only if they are on-self by default. For instance, the Sunray effect of Daystar will work with the WoL trick, because it's on-self only, but the charm effect of the Nymph Cloak will not, as it can target anything.

    The full list of spells is found midway down the page on the "Did you know?" thread:

    What spells have you been trying to duplicate?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    The Wobbler run is coming to a close, and I think I might not even finish it. LoB mode just isn't that great.

    This run started out incredibly difficult for obvious reasons, and now it's much easier since I have HLAs and stuff. But I know the game is only going to get more difficult and less fun from here on out, because eventually my characters are going to reach the XP cap while the enemies get stronger and stronger. As single- and dual-classed mages, my party members have already peaked, and even letting them reach level 50 won't do much to improve them. The sweet spot for Legacy of Bhaal mode is probably an hour in the Underdark, after you stop being pathetically weak in early game SoA, but before you become pathetically weak in ToB. Everything else is a slog.

    Also, LoB mode does not guarantee you HLAs in Chapter 2. I did all Chapter 2 quests except for the Twisted Rune, Kangaxx, and the Guarded Compound, plus a bit of Watcher's Keep, and I only had a little over 2 million XP per character in Brynnlaw. I didn't get HLAs until after I had to deal with Irenicus in Spellhold.

    LoB mode in BG2 gives you double the XP at best, because so much of BG2's XP comes from quest rewards, which LoB does not modify. This might be different in BG1 and ToB, where more of the XP comes from killing monsters, but it won't make much difference even then, since you don't get HLAs in BG1 and you already have HLAs in ToB. And having two extra levels simply does not compensate for the incredible buffs that enemies get in LoB mode.

    In fact, one of the things I most want to do now is to do a reverse LoB mode run. Your characters would only 50% of their normal XP (or maybe 33% or 25%; why not?), but gain LoB-style bonuses for themselves: +5 to saves, +1 to APR, +12 to caster level, double damage, and triple HP plus 80 on top. Your level 1 BG sorcerer would be dealing 35 damage per Magic Missile; your level 10 mid-game BG2 fighter would have 467 HP. Then we'd see if that XP is really more important.

    Or maybe a different kind of reverse LoB mode, where I give myself double XP in normal mode, but cut my HP to a quarter, lose a half attack per round, deal half damage, and cast spells at half my level.

    I think I've tapped the potential of the WoL trick anyway, and that's the real reason I started this run. I didn't use the Wand of Lightning trick so I could survive Legacy of Bhaal mode; I used Legacy of Bhaal mode so the enemy could survive the Wand of Lightning!
  • PteranPteran Member Posts: 388
    I do have Item Revisions installed, which explains why I can do the WoL trick in BG1. Also that explains why it wasn't working with spells. I think I tried it with Magic Missile or something, I don't recall anymore.

    I did use it once with the Wand of Paralyzation to great effect. We were pretty banged up and our rest was disturbed by three Ogre Berserkers...
  • lurithlurith Member Posts: 55
    Sorry about Shade, @Blackraven

    Alano is in Candlekeep catacombs right now and so far so good. I will post a proper update later today.

    In the meantime, I wanted to ask a (noob) question: How do you guys add a second (or third, or fourth) custom character in a single player game? The only way I know is creating a multigame and assigning the characters to myself, but there must be other ways.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    @lurith You only need to switch to MP and back if you want to add a character after the game has started. When you're starting a new game in single player, you just use this button:

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Right now I'm trying out a reverse Legacy of Bhaal run, in which my characters receive the opposite of the LoB bonuses and penalties. Now they get only a third of their XP, and so will never earn HLAs ever, but they deal double damage, have quadruple HP, get an extra attack per round, +5 to saving throws, and cast spells as if they were 12 levels higher, just like enemy LoB bonuses. I started this new run to see which was really more impactful: the bonuses that LoB mode gives to the enemy, or the extra XP that it gives to the player.

    Turns out the enemy gets the better end of the deal. My party casts spells at level 20. Fully buffed, Aerie and Viconia have 3 APR at -8 THAC0 with Spiritual Weapon and deal 40 damage per hit, for 20 rounds per day, and it's basically undispellable. Jan stun-locks everything with his high-APR flashers. Mazzy is impossible to kill with her 300+ HP. My sorcerer hurls out 50-damage Fireballs. And the whole party is practically immune to disablers as well as Remove Magic. I've never, ever played any run that was this easy before. We're level 8 now.

    Cernd, meanwhile, has the opposite bonuses. He suffers -1 to APR, -5 to saves, -12 to caster level, has a quarter of his normal HP, and deals half damage, but gets triple the normal XP growth. If I bother to continue this run, then Cernd will get hordes of high-level elemental summons in Chapter 2, compensating for his relative weakness. Too bad he's basically guaranteed to fail all of his saves forever, and guaranteed to have all his buffs dispelled forever, and will die after suffering less than 20 damage. Level progression doesn't look so exponentially powerful when a goblin sneeze is enough to knock you out.
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