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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    It's funny, @semiticgod - I too always forget which door lead to a lich and which to the Twisted Rune.

    Also, I've been playing a run recently (not documented here) and only yesterday fought Kangaxx with the party, very similar to your experience, with the only difference I had no Planetars (it's a restriction from my part). Am I right in understanding that if I can't kill Kangaxx before his protections are activated, the best strategy will be to wait till all of them wear off, without trying to take them down instead? Because it worked in your case and worked in my case as well.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @lurith Have a pity for your loss in SoD! Overall, it was a very fun run, and I'm sure you'll remember it quite well - as nothing can beat a feeling when you're playing new BG content for the first time ever without reloads.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @JuliusBorisov: Not exactly. In retrospect I think I didn't really wait out Kangaxx's buffs, at least in his lich form, considering I never had to fight a Fallen Planetar.

    I think the two things that made that possible were Holy Word and our Pierce Shield+Khelben's Warding Whip+Pierce Shield Chain Contingency. The former, cast by Aerie and our Planetar, bypasses all of Kangaxx's spell protections and stops half his spells, or all of them if you use two castings. Holy Word is crippling to any mage or lich, much like a Wizard Slayer's Fire Seeds. The latter, triggered by Project Image (the "Helpless" condition in Chain Contingency), would remove Spell Shield, Spell Trap, and Spell Turning on the first round, and SI: Divination or SI: Abjuration the next round or two, enabling a Breach on the second or third round even with only one mage in the party.

    In a nutshell, we used Holy Word to shut down Kangaxx for the first few rounds while we debuffed him using Chain Contingency and a subsequent Breach.

    It was only in his demilich form that we really waited out his buffs, as we no longer had those Chain Contingencies to do so. We tried to debuff him, but we ended up running out of magic attacks before we ever had a chance to Breach him. Had Edwin used the same Chain Contingency that Imoen did, with Pierce Shield+Khelben's Warding Whip+Pierce Shield on Helpless, we might have been able to Breach Kangaxx early.

    It should have been possible to slay Kangaxx's demilich form in a single round if I had prepared properly, even without the Red Soul kit. SCS only disables quick slot items, not an item's special abilities, which means we could have used the Ring of the Ram multiple times in the same round: one from Poppy or Laosha, one from a Vhailor's Helm clone, one from Edwin's Project Image clone, one from Imoen's Project Image clone, and maybe another two from Edwin's and Imoen's Simulacrum clone. Each hit does 5d6 base damage, or 17.5 on average, which means a reliable kill would require five uses at once.

    This could be done at a relatively low level, since there are multiple Simulacrum scrolls in the game as well as Vhailor's Helm. A level 14 party should be able to take down Kangaxx's lich form with Holy Word, Pierce Magic, Ruby Ray of Reversal, and Breach, and take down his demilich form with Ring of the Ram from multiple clones.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Yeah, I asked about the demilich form only - the lich form is not a big problem while you still have all those spells to take down protections. So, in a nutshell, for the demilich form, an alternative to waiting for all the buffs to wear off, would be using Ring of the Ram from multiple in the first round?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @JuliusBorisov: Pretty much. The most realistic course of action depends on party makeup. A mage-heavy party could pull off the Ring of the Ram trick, while a fighter-based party might need to simply wait. As a Barbarian, Poppy could have actually soloed the fight fairly easily. Her halfling saving throws would hold off Kangaxx's disablers even without Barbarian Rage active, as well as prevent vorpal strikes from a Fallen Planetar. The Belt of Inertial Barrier, Rings of Fire Resistance and Fire Control, Dragonscale Helm and Shield, Boots of Grounding and Boots of the North, to say nothing of the Cloak of Mirroring, would be enough to resist basically any spell damage, rendering Poppy or any halfling or dwarven Barbarian more or less indestructible.

    Halfling Barbarians are one of the single most resilient characters I've ever used. Their save bonuses, immunities, and high HP pools make them about as hard to kill as a properly-buffed Cleric/Mage, Shadowdancer, Shadowdancer/Mage, or Shadowdancer/Cleric.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    edited June 2016
    I'm thinking about a run with a purpose of not letting any party member to die and in the same time taking on the Ust Natha army (I've failed at that in my not documented run). And one member of the custom team for that will certainly be a dwarf warrior (a dwarfen defender) exactly for the reasons you've described - saving throw bonuses and in the same time a single class (i.e. a faster progression, a shorter time to reach negative saving throws if compared to dwarven fighter/cleric multiclass), just as your barbarian.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited June 2016
    Almost done with SoA. I try to go get some silver dragon blood, but we're not in luck.

    Apparently she doesn't stick around if you save her eggs. No Human Flesh armor for Laosha.

    HLAs make the last of our chores far easier.

    I went so long without getting the Gauntlets of Dexterity for Keldorn because of the lich that was guarding it.

    Now we need the Staff of the Magi. We finally enter the Twisted Rune. Shangalar survives the first round of traps, naturally. Poppy sticks to the front to keep Vaxall occupied.

    Not that Vaxall is such a big threat at this point.

    Shangalar prepares to roast us while we struggle to get rid of his clones.

    Aerie brings out Holy Word to frustrate his spellcasting, while Imoen brings out a Planetar to add another Holy Word later on.

    Then Laosha's Charm takes effect, making Holy Word a moot point. We use Shangalar's Improved Alacrity to waste many spells at once, allowing our Planetar to use its Holy Word on Layenne instead.

    But Layenne didn't have PFMW active. The Planetar bypasses all of her defenses at once.

    We heal Poppy and turn our attention to Shangalar, who turns hostile once more. He refreshes his defenses, but a single magic attack takes down Spell Shield, and Spellstrike takes down all the others, opening him to a Breach. He doesn't last long after that.

    The Staff of the Magi is ours, though at this point we have basically no need of it. We are done with all the SoA side quests save the stronghold quest, which I won't waste time pursuing due to the lack of unique loot. After buying up every last thing I could possibly ever need, I head to the Tree of Life.

    Irenicus starts off very strong. Moments after combat begins, he establishes a strong position.

    Notice the blue square on the screen. I like to highlight triggers with CTRL-4 so I know exactly where they are.

    As strong as Irenicus' defenses are, Chain Contingency strikes too hard and too fast for his buffs to survive for long.

    Irenicus' lengthy Time Stop ate into Edwin's spell durations, however, and Edwin has to spend his aura on renewing his most important defense.

    Edwin therefore cannot cast Breach. But with a lucky failed save from Irenicus, Carsomyr does just fine on its own.

    SCS mages use a unique contingency that players cannot use: they can trigger Stoneskin or PFMW to fire immediately after their old buffs wear down or get dispelled, rather than triggering on hit or at 50% HP.

    It doesn't matter. With his spell protections down, Irenicus can't stop Breach.

    Seconds later, he crumples. We enter the Nine Hells.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Which mod adds all those spell timer feedbacks? I would love to know when pfmw and such run out.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Iroumen: Beats me. @Blackraven would know. My game is broken, so he sent me his override folder and dialog.tlk file, allowing me to transplant his install onto mine. I still don't know exactly what I have installed, but his SCS install preferences are basically identical to mine. Those timers were a neat revelation for me; I never had them before either.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    I'll kindly wait for him to reply then :)

    How can you play this game so fast btw. I'm happy if I can get an hour in the evenings.... o.O
    Not to mention having to be careful with prepping and scouting due to the noreload part as well as doing an actual blind run in SoD, progress is slow.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Iroumen: The apparent speed is a relic of my posting pattern, not the actual gameplay. I did these fights over a period of time, but only posted on them much later, putting many days' progress into a few posts very close together. If I posted on my runs as I was playing them, as I used to, then I'd be flooding the thread with runs that ended in Chateau Irenicus.
  • TheMetaphysicianTheMetaphysician Member Posts: 76
    Your no-reload runs are the highlight of these forums; I almost prefer reading them to playing myself. I learn a ton, and they are really entertaining.

    I also hope that Blackraven can enlighten us about where those extra feedback lines are coming from. They look really useful.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @TheMetaPhysician: Aww... Thanks. That's really sweet. I'll keep them coming!
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @sluckers: Awesome.

    RED SHIRT RICKY: "All right, all right. I'm leaving. No need to get violent."
    COPPER CORONET GUARD: Redshirt Ricky does 16 damage to Copper Coronet Guard
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Indeed I am immensely impressed by how often you get through to the end. I have managed that only a handful of times over the last 15 years, only one really finishing tob with scs (though my highlight was noreload soa with improved anvil).

    With your posts I always feel dwarfed in tactical insight hehehe.
  • Serg_BlackStriderSerg_BlackStrider Member Posts: 211
    lroumen said:

    Which mod adds all those spell timer feedbacks? I would love to know when pfmw and such run out.

    This is from precious Jimfix by GrimJim from Bioware forums. Look it here.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @semiticgod Which Hell bonuses do you think are the best? Which options in the Hell trials do you usually take?

    Also, was it a normal SCS Irenicus battle in the end? I remember @Musigny said that he restored the Improved Irenicus fight (available in SCS 21 ver) as a part of his Tactics beta.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    edited June 2016
    Hell bonuses depends on the main character and the trial itself. These are my choices unless I roleplay.
    - Test of pride good because the resistances are nicer than the XP.
    - Test of fear good for mage/bard for the immunity to normal weapons, because that stacks nicely with pfmw. For warrior classes I resolve it more often to evil for the +2 con.
    - Test of selfishness good for magic resist. I have done it once or twice the evil way for the AC, but then on classes/kits that truely benefit (like swashbuckler or even monk since s/he probably topped over 100% anyway).
    - Test of greed, 50/50. Blackrazor and HP for thieves often. +saves is really good on most characters.
    - Test of wrath, strength for warriors, wisdom/charisma for clerics, paladins.

    Curious what others would pick.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @JuliusBorisov: I tweaked my normal selection a bit for Poppy. I got:

    Pride: +20% resistance to the elements (XP unnecessary)
    Fear: +2 CON (immunity to normal weapons unnecessary)
    Selfishness: +10% MR (AC unnecessary given Poppy's resistances)
    Greed: Blackrazor and HP (saving throws unnecessary given Poppy's subzero saves)
    Wrath: +2 STR (no need for WIS or CHA)

    Normally I get the immunity to normal weapons instead of CON, extra saving throws instead of HP, and WIS instead of STR, because I play casters. Poppy is one of the very, very, very few fighter-types I've ever played.

    If @Musigny restored the original Tactics fight with Irenicus in Hell, I would very much like to try it next time around. However, using any WeiDu stuff will automatically uninstall SCS in my game (no one knows why). To get any new mods installed, I'd need a transplant from @Blackraven or whoever is willing to send me their override folder and dialog.tlk file.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Killed by mummy? I know that feel bro.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    edited June 2016
    Sod continuation by Melissa.

    Rolling through the areas now. The enemies are not too tough, but they have a bit smarter AI than I am used to from vanilla. They actually switch targets and run into the party and such. Not stupid, but not as smart as SCS makes them.

    We see a Gauth with the Spectacles of Spectacle but he attacks the party. It gives a ring of fire resistance which will make our fireball spam less annoying on healing.

    Then we meet a goblin who joins our party (I booted Safana because she was useless next to Glint). Why the reputation decrease..... strange. After some play time I find the Shaman a very interesting class with some good spells. Writhing frog is just painful to any enemy.

    We explore a bit and between areas we are ambushed. The fun part is that the ambush sites seem to have sub-areas to go to. Here we are fighting against trolls and carrion crawlers in a cave. I like this very much.
    Btw, you can still see the alteration spell in action that Melissa uses a lot. Teleportation field.

    Of course she also uses other spells like Polymorph Other which in this example sticks to the Ogre Mage taking him out of the battle quite nicely. (This is troll forest already).

    Also other things happen that add some fun to SoD. There is a dagger called a gemblade which upon striking has some chance to create a gem in your pocket. Here after around 15 fails, Melissa finally gets a reward for fighting in melee.

    And other things happen like the usage of infravision. Wow!

    We pressed on beyond the first camp site and we are now going to explore a temple of Bhaal around the second camp site just before we get to Bridgefort. But first another ambush site.... for the next time I play (which will be some time, I have to go abroad for work for a week).

    Melissa is doing well. Helping out mostly by attacking stuff left and right. Burning hands is growing in power and her dagger skills when using the strength spell is improving. What I also like is I found some trollblood ioun stone which regenerates 1HP per round. With the low HP (16 currently at level 8), she regenerates to full health quite rapidly, especially with a casting of haste. I still need to worry about not dying in one hit when hit, but now the ioun stone relieves some of the pressure of optimal kiting performance and Melissa can get back into the fray quite soon.
    I am amazed at the leveling speed. She started with 48k at level 5 and now she has 133k already. At this speed she will max before the end of SoD and she did not even have the vanilla BG1-no-TotsC XP cap when she started SoD.

    Btw how do I remove the pictures from below the post? If I delete them they are gone from the post as well. This was not the case when I posted the Cuwaert updates.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Iroumen: All pictures will appear temporarily at the bottom of the comment once you post it. If you refresh, however, the only remaining pictures at the bottom will be those you uploaded, but did not actually insert into the post. Those are leftover pictures. If you still see them now, take note of the file names, go to "Edit," and delete only those file names. All the pictures in your post should remain, while the extra ones will vanish.

    If ALL of your pictures, even the ones you did include in the text of your post, appear as tiny boxes at the bottom of the post, then I don't know how to remove the little boxes. Currently, I myself see none of them.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    I too wonder how did the planetar's fire resistance get lower? Does Karun have the Red Soul kit? Your kit lowers enemy elemental resistances at the cost of half duration on all spells? How do you code this? Very impressive.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Ah that's how it works.
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