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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    @Grond0 - In my runs, I often turn on scripts in ToB. It can be helpful to be less click intensive in areas with large number of enemies (pocket plane challenge #1, Oasis, Sendai dwarven slave ambush, etc.). You do have to be mindful of them though, and turn them off when it would be bad to use them (I find it mandatory to use no scripts against Melissan, regardless of party composition). You are solo though, and a caster at that, so naturally scripts would be pretty useless for you, though as explained not for me.
  • AasimAasim Member Posts: 591

    @Grond0 - In my runs, I often turn on scripts in ToB. It can be helpful to be less click intensive in areas with large number of enemies (pocket plane challenge #1, Oasis, Sendai dwarven slave ambush, etc.)..

    Same here. I generally always have AI script on, but not "default one" for one reason alone - characters who are invisible will break invisibility to autoattack. SCS has custom scripts which don't do that, yet attack anyone on sight and don't change orders, so I use those.
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    @Wise_Grimwald Korgan/Aerie do have interesting interaction, though probably Aerie wouldn't agree with that...and to be fair, in order to get Aerie to the point where she just jumps into bed with you, BEFORE that you had to (via dialogue) give definite signs you found her beautiful, you're attracted to her, etc. I would say you were leading her on if you gave her all these cues but then refused to bed her.
  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203
    Lots of good action here! Grond0, I can't believe how fast your progress is.... good luck to all on their way to the throne!

    Cavan is taking a break for the week at the siege camp (while I deal with some RL). When he's rested up, he will be looking for the entrance to a cavern rumored to pass beneath Dragonspear Castle.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited September 2016

    @Wise_Grimwald Korgan/Aerie do have interesting interaction, though probably Aerie wouldn't agree with that...and to be fair, in order to get Aerie to the point where she just jumps into bed with you, BEFORE that you had to (via dialogue) give definite signs you found her beautiful, you're attracted to her, etc. I would say you were leading her on if you gave her all these cues but then refused to bed her.

    I was role-playing a very righteous paladin who wouldn't have bedded her until he'd married her. That used to be the norm and was how I was brought up.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    arnt you not supposed to have sex with her when she asks to go through the romance the correct way?
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    @megamike15 The bedding @Wise_Grimwald is talking about happens later - and yes you refuse the 1st time.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    alright i thought he was talking about the first one.
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057

    @Wise_Grimwald Korgan/Aerie do have interesting interaction, though probably Aerie wouldn't agree with that...and to be fair, in order to get Aerie to the point where she just jumps into bed with you, BEFORE that you had to (via dialogue) give definite signs you found her beautiful, you're attracted to her, etc. I would say you were leading her on if you gave her all these cues but then refused to bed her.

    I was role-playing a very righteous paladin who wouldn't have bedded her until he'd married her. That used to be the norm and was how I was brought up.
    That is how I was brought up as well. In that case, though, you should not have encouraged Aerie to think that way about you (e.g. wanting to bed you) until you were actually ready to court her and marry her. Granted, that option is not given in the game, in which case you should have been neutral about her (in which case the incident you talked about would never had happened.)
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    edited September 2016
    Aasim said...
    It took 3 Wand hits to kill him. Unfortunately, it seems in EEs cold damage destroys loot. I didn't know that - Stoneskin scroll lost forever. Bleh... :/

    @Aasim - you should be aware that in 2nd ed. rules, if a creature is killed by cold damage then they become a statue. And just like a stone statue, if it takes any damage it disintegrates. This is vanilla behavior and can be verified 2nd ed. rule in this rule document:
    (page 86, 1st column where talks about cone of cold effects)

    Thus you should not use cold damage to kill unless you don't care about loot, because you don't get loot you just get a statue...
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited September 2016
    @Corey_Russell Aasim is right. However, if you don't want cold damage to destroy loot, I am pretty sure that there is a mod that stops it doing that. I'll see if I can find it.


    Couldn't find it. :(
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    @Aasim - you always lose the loot if a stone statue is destroyed, but cold damage won't necessarily destroy it in the EE (or BGT) - I think it depends whether the cold is simply killing the enemy or chunking them. I just quickly opened up my game to demonstrate that - a group of soldiers all died to cold damage and equipment was only destroyed on one of them.
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    edited September 2016
    @Grond0 - you often play with ToBex. According this web site, ToBex PREVENTS loss of loot by cold damage (what I described is vanilla, you aren't playing vanilla).

    Per thread above, ToBex has these features:

    -Drop Inventory on Disintegrate/Frozen Death/Stone Death
    In three separate components, whenever a creature dies by disintegration, shattering cold, or shattering petrification, all inventory is dropped just like dying normally.

    Revised assessment:
    I can see Grond0's screen is EE, so probably not ToBeX. So I think his conclusion about EE is right (cold only destroys if greater than -10 damage, just like any other chunking damage) - but I think he is wrong about BGT if that BGT has ToBeX. And vanilla (which is what I play) is always statue.
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    edited September 2016

    @Corey_Russell Aasim is right. However, if you don't want cold damage to destroy loot, I am pretty sure that there is a mod that stops it doing that. I'll see if I can find it.


    Couldn't find it. :(
    I think it is called "Options -> Gameplay -> Gore: Disable"
  • AasimAasim Member Posts: 591
    I like Gore, I never turn this off. As Corey said, ToBex had this feature and one could enable it (ditto for petrification), so cold damage was viable. I tought EE enabled it as well....I might do something about it perhaps....I don't like loot crashing to oblivion.
    Or, never use cold damage greater than 11 per tick.
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    I like Gore as well - the fact party members can suddenly be killed without any way to bring them back adds a layer of forced adaptation you don't otherwise get. In Hax's run so far, one of my love interests Jaheira was chunked and it forced me to adapt - I like that.
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    edited September 2016
    To be sure, I'd like to keep Gore as an option as well, but I'm not aware of a stable solution for my EE/SCS install. Would be very interested if someone knows one. (If chunking was not so arbitrary currently for Ice/Stone, I'd keep it.)
  • AasimAasim Member Posts: 591
    That's homework if I've ever seen one!
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited September 2016
    As mentioned earlier the myconids were quite a problem.
    Without mods that add interest, they are not worth bothering with.

    Selûna had no problem with the first slavers under the Copper Coronet. Nalia's web/cloud kill combination was very effective and whilst that put most of the enemy out of action, the party killed the other slavers before switching to ranged weapons to kill those in the cloud of cloudkill.

    A change in positioning of the slavers meant that the wizards knew we were there before expected. Selûna and party fled to the sewers followed by some slavers and a wizard. The wizard held Starlight, but chaos from Nalia effectively won the battle as the wizard and another slaver were affected.

    They returned and found the enemy scattered which made the rest of the battles easy.

    They then went looking for containers. Theey found a quiver but not a potion case. Selûna therefore if I knew where to find one. I didn't know, so I consulted with a scrier in Beamdog whereupon I discovered that we will have to go outside the city.

    An ambush supplied some decent armour, but it wasn't really needed. What was needed was some good quality splintmail as Selûna is a barbarian. Selûna couldn't find any. :( It is possibly time to leave the city before Nalia starts complaining.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @Grond0 Are we nearly there yet? Yes we are! :) At least, you are.
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    Grond0 said:

    @Grond0 - you often play with ToBex. According this web site, ToBex PREVENTS loss of loot by cold damage (what I described is vanilla, you aren't playing vanilla).

    Revised assessment:
    I can see Grond0's screen is EE, so probably not ToBeX. So I think his conclusion about EE is right (cold only destroys if greater than -10 damage, just like any other chunking damage) - but I think he is wrong about BGT if that BGT has ToBeX. And vanilla (which is what I play) is always statue.

    I'm pretty sure that death by cold is treated in the same way across all versions of BG2 I've played - I don't know about vanilla BG1 though as it's a long time since I've played that. Just to test I started a game of vanilla BG2 and told Imoen to go and use a wand of frost on a group of goblins. Not surprisingly most of those were chunked by the effect, but you can see in the screenshot that one of them got 'lucky'.
    Thanks for your test Grond0 - I've done test of my own - I have confirmed that the BG 2 engine DOES allow loot - which means the behavior I am thinking of is vanilla BG 1 only, which not many people play (though I will on occasion). Perhaps BG 1 EE mimics vanilla BG 1 behavior. Although Aasim may have just done the normal chunking (since wand of frost is pretty high damage).
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