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if you were Gorion...

johntyljohntyl Member Posts: 400
what strategy and spells would you use in preparation of the inevitable battle against Sarevok and gang to ensure your and CHARNAME's survival, considering Gorion is a level 9 mage?


  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    ...Chaos? Followed by running the **** away, hoping SOMEBODY got distracted?

    Followed up by more Chaos', and probably Webs if you run out of Chaos'.

    Actually, he could also cheeseball and sequence 2 Webs, which is devilishly hard to avoid. Follow up with a Greater Malison. Totally mean. THEN Chaos to oblivion while running away. Buffing is fine, but blitzkrieg has better odds.
  • Fiendish_WarriorFiendish_Warrior Member Posts: 309
    edited April 2015
    I would throw a rock past Sarevok and his thugs, and, since it's dark, I'd presume they didn't see me do it, at which point I'd yell, "Holy son of Cyric!!! What is THAT?!??" As soon as they turned to see what spooked me, I'd strip off all of my clothes and run away, hoping they'd think I had spontaneously combusted, or, if they had managed to see me fleeing in the buff, hoping instead they'd leave me be, believing I had simply gone mad and am not worth the effort (because the only thing more unpredictable than a wild mage is a mad one).
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    Grum said:

    (1) Nondetection
    (2) Invisibility 10'' radius
    (3) A brisk walk towards safety

    Is non-detection AoE?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    If Gorion were level 9? He has at least one level 6 spell which he uses in the fight. I would have casted Flesh to Stone on Sarevok rather than the stupid ogre to start with.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    edited April 2015
    DreadKhan said:

    Grum said:

    (1) Nondetection
    (2) Invisibility 10'' radius
    (3) A brisk walk towards safety

    You forgot spell immunity... Dispel might ruin your day!
    You need to know someone is there to cast dispel. As long as true sight won't pick you up...just walk on your merry way. Hop on a ship, sail away, sip on a nice drink and change your name to Noirog.

    And Arnaeus, ok. Cast no detection twice. Though I agree with Deltago on having haste ready.

    "Hand over your ward and nobody will be hurt."

    "You are a fool if you think that-HASTE!"

    Sarevok: "$&@%#!!!!"
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    DreadKhan said:

    ...Chaos? Followed by running the **** away, hoping SOMEBODY got distracted?

    Followed up by more Chaos', and probably Webs if you run out of Chaos'.

    Actually, he could also cheeseball and sequence 2 Webs, which is devilishly hard to avoid. Follow up with a Greater Malison. Totally mean. THEN Chaos to oblivion while running away. Buffing is fine, but blitzkrieg has better odds.

    I would cast Greater Malison and then 2 Webs, seems wiser to drop his saving throws before the web strikes.

  • FandraxxFandraxx Member Posts: 194
    Find the man with the miniature giant space hamster and have it go for the eyes.
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    Another thing I imagine Gorion could do is wave his hand and say:
    "This is not the ward you're looking for"
    He looks a lot like Ben Kenobi anyway.
  • MhamzaMhamza Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2015
    Not to mention that he fits the Kenobi archetype to a t. Wise and powerful old mentor/father figure, check. Dies early in the hero's journey, check. Their death playing an important role throughout the hero's travels, check.
    Post edited by Mhamza on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Let's see.

    A 9th level wizard has 4 spells of the 1st level, 3 spells of the 2nd level, 3 spells of the 3rd level, 2 spells of the 4th level and 1 spell of the 5th level. A specialist mage has 1 additional spell at each level.

    I would go for:

    Protection from Evil
    Chromatic Orb
    Chromatic Orb
    (another Chromatic Orb if a specialist)

    Mirror Image
    Resist Fear
    (another Mirror Image if a specialist)

    Melf's Minute Meteors
    Melf's Minute Meteors
    (another Slow if a specialist)

    Improved Invisibility
    Greater Malison
    Animate Dead

    enemy sighted
    Gorion casts Improved Invisibility

    walks a little bit away from the enemies
    Gorion casts Animate Dead
    Gorion casts Resist Fear
    Gorion casts Shield
    Gorion casts Protection from Evil

    Gorion's Skeleton approaches Sarevok and Co
    Gorion casts Greater Malison on the group of enemies, including Tamoko and Sarevok
    Gorion casts Slow on the group of enemies, including Tamoko and Sarevok
    Gorion casts Melf's Minute Meteors
    Gorion attacks Sarevok and casts Chromatic Orb every round in an attempt "what if?"

    Gorion uses all his wands available: wands of paralyzation, of monster summoning, of fire and recasts Melf's Minute Meteors and Slow
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356

    ... wait... what do you mean Gorion can't reload?...

    Uhh? Bondari is only a Level 1 Thief, and even he can reload, so surely Gorion must be able to reload!

  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    edited April 2015
    God said:

    Another thing I imagine Gorion could do is wave his hand and say:
    "This is not the ward you're looking for"
    He looks a lot like Ben Kenobi anyway.

    Sarevok: "...No, I am your brother."
    CHARNAME: "Noooo."

    Anyway, since I would be a GOOD mage, I would cast Invisibility on CHARNAME and tell him to get away.
    After the Contigency fired off, I would cast Haste and throw everything I had on him.

    Then if I had the chance, Invisibility on myself or drink a potion and run away.
    Post edited by Archaos on
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    No one let's their Gorion cast Summon Cow? Or Dimension Door? Or Polymorph Self: Ochre Jelly...?
    *sigh* I'm disappointed.
  • Fiendish_WarriorFiendish_Warrior Member Posts: 309
    For those of you adopting the "Gorion runs away" strategy, how many of you would also have him giggle as he runs away?
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited April 2015
    Gorion is already protected from the ogres and initial assault of S by his contingencies. He should have spammed the cleric (Tamoko) with magic missile, minor-sequencered acid arrows to disrupt her casting, and even try his flesh to stone on Tamoko:clerics have sucky save vs spells and have no way to protect themselves from petrification, other than a rare green scroll which I know Tamoko does not have. Once Tamoko is out, ogres can be dealt with, and as long as he does not get dispelled and protection from magic weapons last, he can run from S.
    Also, a single death spell in a contingency could have cleared off all of the ogres and archer bandits nicely. Tamoko may not fall to it, though.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    The problem with assuming optimal tactics is that Sarevok's Intelligence is between 14 and 17, depending on which version we assume is canon, and he's filthy rich and lives in Baldur's Gate, which has some good shops. It'd be trivial for him to buy a couple potions of magic protection, a potion of speed, and a scroll of Invisibility Purge for Tomoko. So while it's interesting to think about what Gorion could have done better, the simple truth is the only way he wins is if we arbitrarily stack the odds in his favor. If we're seriously comparing two high-Int characters, either neither of them get to be smart or they both do.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Well, a sequencer of two webs would probably give him his best shot, math-wise, and he can try following it up with Great Malison to keep anyone stuck that got stuck.

    Obviously you use the sequencer first because those two saves at -2 BOTH have to be made for any enemy to be able to threaten him or even move. Not superb odds given Sarevok's pretty good saves, but everyone else is going to be webbed first shot likely, and if they are held at all, Greater Malison ends the fight effectively. Gorion can then leave, or dump another Web even. With a 3rd Web, he can start considering trying to actually kill Sarevok, which is otherwise not possible for him.
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    Gorion cannot cast invisibility on himself in this fight, because he would then risk Sarevok going for CHARNAME. He has to buy CHARNAME some time, as well as distract everyone, so that no one knows the direction CHARNAME is fleeing. So only casting agressive spells without buffing actually makes sense. He has to draw the attention to himself.

    In case Sarevok gets stuck in the web after a sequencer with two webs and Great Malison, I'd cast cloudkill. Then drop one more web just to be sure. And proceed to unload a fully charged staff of fire as fireballs. Or, as an alternative, I'd have fireballs or skull traps memorized and would follow them up with Chromatic Orbs. I don't believe Gorion could win this fight however.

    Sarevoks HPs are mindboggling. His saves are spectacular, and he hits almost every time he swings his weapon. He is able to kill a buffed lvl 9 fighter with 120 HP and a nice, negative AC in a very short time (judging by the fight in Bhaals temple). I don't think Gorion stands a chance, no matter what spells he memorized. Unless he has scrolls of much higher level spells (like Time Stop) and staffs with him, he is doomed.
  • johntyljohntyl Member Posts: 400
    cyberhawk said:

    Sarevoks HPs are mindboggling. His saves are spectacular, and he hits almost every time he swings his weapon. He is able to kill a buffed lvl 9 fighter with 120 HP and a nice, negative AC in a very short time (judging by the fight in Bhaals temple)

    From where are you quoting this from i.e. source?
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    As far as I know, Sarevok has 135 HP and saves of 1 everywhere. I don't know how low is his AC though.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    edited April 2015
    Most of you miss one important thing: Gorian is of course prepared for a long journey, meaning he will have memorized a variety of spells to be able to deal with a variety of situations. He cannot possibly, no matter the intelligence, be prepared for everything. So IMHO, Gorion wouldn't have specialized spells stacked for special situations. Sarevok, on the other hand, is hunting a youngling and his warden, a decent level mage. So I'm with @Jarrakul on this one.
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