if you were Gorion...

what strategy and spells would you use in preparation of the inevitable battle against Sarevok and gang to ensure your and CHARNAME's survival, considering Gorion is a level 9 mage?
Followed up by more Chaos', and probably Webs if you run out of Chaos'.
Actually, he could also cheeseball and sequence 2 Webs, which is devilishly hard to avoid. Follow up with a Greater Malison. Totally mean. THEN Chaos to oblivion while running away. Buffing is fine, but blitzkrieg has better odds.
Also, with no one to stop Amelyssan, Bhaal would be resurrected.
In other words, Forgotten Realms would suddenly skip all the way to 5th edition and we would get an Icewind Dale 3 instead of Baldur's Gate 2.
(2) Invisibility 10'' radius
(3) A brisk walk towards safety
And Arnaeus, ok. Cast no detection twice. Though I agree with Deltago on having haste ready.
"Hand over your ward and nobody will be hurt."
"You are a fool if you think that-HASTE!"
Sarevok: "$&@%#!!!!"
"This is not the ward you're looking for"
He looks a lot like Ben Kenobi anyway.
A 9th level wizard has 4 spells of the 1st level, 3 spells of the 2nd level, 3 spells of the 3rd level, 2 spells of the 4th level and 1 spell of the 5th level. A specialist mage has 1 additional spell at each level.
I would go for:
Protection from Evil
Chromatic Orb
Chromatic Orb
(another Chromatic Orb if a specialist)
Mirror Image
Resist Fear
(another Mirror Image if a specialist)
Melf's Minute Meteors
Melf's Minute Meteors
(another Slow if a specialist)
Improved Invisibility
Greater Malison
Animate Dead
enemy sighted
Gorion casts Improved Invisibility
walks a little bit away from the enemies
Gorion casts Animate Dead
Gorion casts Resist Fear
Gorion casts Shield
Gorion casts Protection from Evil
Gorion's Skeleton approaches Sarevok and Co
Gorion casts Greater Malison on the group of enemies, including Tamoko and Sarevok
Gorion casts Slow on the group of enemies, including Tamoko and Sarevok
Gorion casts Melf's Minute Meteors
Gorion attacks Sarevok and casts Chromatic Orb every round in an attempt "what if?"
Gorion uses all his wands available: wands of paralyzation, of monster summoning, of fire and recasts Melf's Minute Meteors and Slow
Sarevok: Save against Flesh to Stone
Sarevok: Save against Flesh to Stone
... wait... what do you mean Gorion can't reload?...
CHARNAME: "Noooo."
Anyway, since I would be a GOOD mage, I would cast Invisibility on CHARNAME and tell him to get away.
After the Contigency fired off, I would cast Haste and throw everything I had on him.
Then if I had the chance, Invisibility on myself or drink a potion and run away.
*sigh* I'm disappointed.
Also, a single death spell in a contingency could have cleared off all of the ogres and archer bandits nicely. Tamoko may not fall to it, though.
Obviously you use the sequencer first because those two saves at -2 BOTH have to be made for any enemy to be able to threaten him or even move. Not superb odds given Sarevok's pretty good saves, but everyone else is going to be webbed first shot likely, and if they are held at all, Greater Malison ends the fight effectively. Gorion can then leave, or dump another Web even. With a 3rd Web, he can start considering trying to actually kill Sarevok, which is otherwise not possible for him.
In case Sarevok gets stuck in the web after a sequencer with two webs and Great Malison, I'd cast cloudkill. Then drop one more web just to be sure. And proceed to unload a fully charged staff of fire as fireballs. Or, as an alternative, I'd have fireballs or skull traps memorized and would follow them up with Chromatic Orbs. I don't believe Gorion could win this fight however.
Sarevoks HPs are mindboggling. His saves are spectacular, and he hits almost every time he swings his weapon. He is able to kill a buffed lvl 9 fighter with 120 HP and a nice, negative AC in a very short time (judging by the fight in Bhaals temple). I don't think Gorion stands a chance, no matter what spells he memorized. Unless he has scrolls of much higher level spells (like Time Stop) and staffs with him, he is doomed.