Anomen, still charging, lets his spear drop, hits the path, and tumbles head over heels, landing hard on his fundament (Rear end). Luckily, he can hit from where he is next turn.
Bullywugs strike back. One keeps his attack on Aerie (No armor, of course he does!), while the second strikes at... Alora!
Minion, roll 1d20 for Bullywug attack on Aerie Minion, roll 1d20 for Bullywug attack on Alora
Each Bullywug, like the one she found earlier, wears self-made jewelry worth about 10gp. Their spears are nearly falling apart. The barrier can easily be climbed over or pushed to one side. From here, you can see some hillier terrain to the south that might afford you a better position to see over the grasses, or, to the north, a path leading deeper into the mire.
Going deeper into the mire doesn't sound like Alora's idea of a good time. "I think we should go to those hills in the south. If we climb to the top of one we might be able to see where we are."
While Alora waits to see if the party agrees with her she sidles over to Ajantis, looking a bit shamefaced: "Ajantis, I'm sorry I'm not going to be a paladin anymore, it's something I might come back to in the future, but I think I have found my calling and it is being a ranger and slayer of evil frogs. Being a paladin is super fun, and I can see why you like doing it, but I don't think it is really for me."
As you head south, the ground becomes less marshy and more rocky. The ground has a definite upwards slope, and is no longer muddy. By degrees, the dense vegetation gives way to a rocky hillside topped by a stubby tower of unmortared stones. There is a sudden movement on the battlements, and an arrow whistles towards you, only to flash harmlessly by into the bushes.
A garging voice calls out in common. "Leave us, or be destroyed!"
OOC: Alora seems to have got the party into some serious trouble here (just for a change). Her inclination is to charge the tower and take the fight to the occupiers (are they more Bullywugs?). However, I think it would be best to wait until there is some input from the rest of the party to see if cooler heads prevail.
"Ouch" grunts Arkanis as the arrow hit him. Then he yells, while he tries to dodge the arrows with his shield. "Stop shooting you nib-chewing stalactites! We just want to ask directions!"
Bullywugs strike back. One keeps his attack on Aerie (No armor, of course he does!), while the second strikes at... Alora!
Minion, roll 1d20 for Bullywug attack on Aerie
Minion, roll 1d20 for Bullywug attack on Alora
Minion, roll 1d10 for party initiative
Minion, roll 110 for Bullywug initiative
Minion, roll 1d20 for Jaheria's attack
Minion, roll 1d20 for Ajantis's attack
Minion, roll 1d20 for Aerie's attack
Minion, roll 1d8 for Ajantis Damage
Minion, roll 1d20 for Alora the Frog Slayer's attack
The party has defeated the froggy monsters.
Once Alora has finished congratulating everyone (and congratulating herself twice as much) she will have a look round for treasure.
While Alora waits to see if the party agrees with her she sidles over to Ajantis, looking a bit shamefaced: "Ajantis, I'm sorry I'm not going to be a paladin anymore, it's something I might come back to in the future, but I think I have found my calling and it is being a ranger and slayer of evil frogs. Being a paladin is super fun, and I can see why you like doing it, but I don't think it is really for me."
A garging voice calls out in common. "Leave us, or be destroyed!"
Suddenly an arrow whistles past. Alora answers the challenge of the guard in the tower:
"I am Alora the Frog Slayer!" Lay down your weapons and I will show mercy!" she shouts.
And then she hides behind Anomen.
Minion roll 1d20 for arrow attack #1
Minion roll 1d20 for arrow attack #2
Minion roll 1d20 for arrow attack #3
Minion roll 1d20 for arrow attack #4
Minion, roll 1d6 for Arrow Damage
Minion, roll 1d100 for Crit
Minion, roll 1d20 for arrow #1
Minion, roll 1d20 for arrow #2
Minion, roll 1d20 for arrow #3