How do you pronounce "THAC0"?

The idea comes from a question by @haniatri72 here
So, how do you pronounce THAC0?
So, how do you pronounce THAC0?
- How do you pronounce "THAC0"?110 votes
- slay-co  0.00%
- attack-oh  0.91%
- taco28.18%
- thay-co10.00%
- thack-zero  0.00%
- Soft th sound, short a, k sound, long o; /ˈθæʔ.ko/ You know, English grammar rules19.09%
- whacko, except starting with a "th"28.18%
- just roll already!  0.91%
- Pronounce it? I don't even want to think about it...  2.73%
- Another option10.00%
The majority seem to be hungry here!
I may start calling it taco. I like the idea that everyone starts with 10 tacos, and are kind of mediocre, but as they reduce their tacos ( by eating them presumably) they become more and more capable of butt-kickery.
But honestly, apart from my circle of gamers I'm not sure how it was usually pronounced.
I rarely did play it on german, the voice acting is simply not on par (anyone with morbid curiosity should just listen to the male3 soundest in BG1). The fun-run with this voice ended way sooner than my attempt on maxed out difficulty.
- So sayeth the wise Alaundo... why, never heard this one? -
I do pronounce thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura regularly though. That's got lots of th's and o's in it, too.
I rest my case.
English is not my native tongue, but I've always pronounced it "Thaco" where "Th" is pronounced the same way as in "Margeret Thatcher".
At some point acronyms become a burden to ignore.