
What gives with Sirines? Silence 15' radius doesn't stop their song, so their dire charms generally wreck me. Magic missile doesn't disrupt them, neither do fireballs, skull traps and other dastardly attacks. Invisibility, I can deal with; my tanks going dire on me is a lot harder. Only Minsc's berserk state keeps me from critical failure against them.
Sirines are known to be one of the most dangerous enemies in BG1. We've all been there.
Keep everyone else back and sneak up on the sirine or group of sirines. Engage them in melee combat with the invisible tank. They'll attempt to charm. If the tank does get charmed, they will stop attacking since no other target is in range. Wait for the spell to wear off and repeat the process.
Each sirine usually has two charm attempts, after that, they attack. Once they start trying to kiss your tank, move everyone else in for the take down.
Evil, meet my sword. Sword, meet evil!!!
Never tried, may or maynot work.
Elves are also highly charm resistant
Potion of invulnerability gives +5 to saves, potion of stone form adds +3, with the two, a dwarf fighter like Kagain will success at most saves.
Potion of magic protection adds %50 mr, gulp two and have %100
Potion of magic protection makes your saves succesful
Protection from poison scroll will make you immune to their poison arrows
Potion of clarity protects from all mind effects, including charm and confusion
Animate dead some sleletons they are immune to charm and poison and resistant to arrow damage
Summon some low lvl critters via monster summoning and let sirines waste their spells on them
Sirines have low base HP and a volley of assorted missiles from 6 party members with normally instagib one.
So kill one, then split attacks on the others, to disrupt their casting.
That or just aggro them with a undead summon, then hack them up while they waste their spells.
Never forget vanilla bg AI is really really dumb.
Feeblemind means a gameover for a solo character.
So, everyone who fights with the Sirens should think not only about Charm but also about Feeblemind.
As per my last post, napalm the bitches!
Wait wasn't it you who started a topic along how better to kill these wenches?!
That stupify is my biggest issue with them.