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How feasible is a solo no re-load IWDEE run? *SPOILERS*



  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Maybe you should do a reload run first to test out different strategies.
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    Part of a total re-start is about those random treasures.
    They could be a blessing or drive you nuts if it is useless
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Bubbles said:

    @Wowo just made a silly mistake now back to start ...

    This is testing my patience a hell lot ... well maybe i should start re-rolling another F/M/T this time with INT 10 o_o

    The problem with solo is usage of healing potions is very heavy and drain gold .. got to do a lot of maths ...
    + there are limited amount of useful potions to buy ... all a test of the extreme I guess

    Why not try FMC?

    FMT is much more about traps and invisibility. I mean, from level 1 I'd put all points into Set Trap for 2 or 3 levels.
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    edited June 2015
    @Wowo, I am not a very "blunt" person. :tongue:
    FMC do not possess "rapid long range" and "cutting edge" technologies which I have come to like in most games :tongue:

    Moreover, regenerating creatures have always been very irritating in D&D games so much so that I always feel a little safer if I posses a weapon of consistent flame.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Once you get mislead, the FMT will be totally worth it.
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    @FinneousPJ if I don't fail copying the scroll...
    After a few tries with FMT @ core rules, I guess no one can safely do a no re-load run when it comes to just copying spells alone.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Bubbles said:

    @FinneousPJ if I don't fail copying the scroll...
    After a few tries with FMT @ core rules, I guess no one can safely do a no re-load run when it comes to just copying spells alone.

    Can drink multiple genius potions to get 20 to 25 intelligence to raise your chances.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    edited June 2015
    Are you investing enough in Pick Pockets to no fail rob everyone in Kuldahar?
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    edited June 2015
    @Wowo it is now at 100%. Is that enough?
    Potion effects are stackable? didn't realise that. There ain't that many potions around though that's the sad part.

    It would seemed that only the Archdruid, the mage and that gnome has some useful items.
    Post edited by Bubbles on
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Bubbles said:

    @Wowo it is now at 100%. Is that enough?
    Potion effects are stackable? didn't realise that. There ain't that many potions around though that's the sad part.

    [spoiler] It would seemed that only the Archdruid, the mage and that gnome has some useful items.

    This is true but those items are very very useful. You're entire game experience will change when you can web enemies and attack them in melee with FoM.

    I don't know how much is enough but I'd try to figure it out. Don't need to rob the archdruid unless you want a duplicate fom ring to sell.
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    @Wowo I grab all and cash in for those extras ^_^

    For some strange reason my web could never effectively hold much of any enemies..
    Spells like grease and webs don't seemed to work as well with most mobs in Dragon's Eye.
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    edited June 2015

    I think PP @ 110% should be no fail.
    Post edited by Bubbles on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    In BG there's always a chance of 1% of a failed pickpocket attempt, no matter what your score is.

    But in IWDEE for some reason (I guess it's a buggish behavior) you don't benefit from putting much of anything to it.
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    @bengoshi I tested that PP thingy i guess 110 is a safer mark since I am doing no re-load and don't wanna restart for failed PP on a merchant.
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    edited June 2015
    How good is 2 weapons at the cost of poorer defense?
    For some strange reason, I seemed to have more successful hits when using 2 weapons :confused:
    Post edited by Bubbles on
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    You might want to disable cosmetic attacks in the options. That can throw you off.
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589

    You might want to disable cosmetic attacks in the options. That can throw you off.

    Thank you, those feint attacks are irritating ^^
    I was looking at over to hit rolls read out and found that 2-weapons tend to have higher successful hits on the average is 60-70% compare to 30-40% with single melee weapon.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Bubbles said:

    You might want to disable cosmetic attacks in the options. That can throw you off.

    Thank you, those feint attacks are irritating ^^
    I was looking at over to hit rolls read out and found that 2-weapons tend to have higher successful hits on the average is 60-70% compare to 30-40% with single melee weapon.
    2 weapons gives penalties based your two weapon fighting proficiencies. I usually only put 2 pips as that gives 0 mainhand penalties which is where most of your attacks come from.

    You'll hit just as often with your mainhand while dual wielding if you have 2+ pips, just you'll hit the enemy more often due to extra attacks with the offhand.
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    @Wowo, is the friend spell stackable with each other?
    It seemed merchant prices do not change anymore beyong charisma 20 just like BG ... oh crap. :disappointed:
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    EEEkkks just found out they don't stack ....
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    edited June 2015
    Many thanks to those who have given many precious advice, and various forum threads that provided much needed in sights.
    Special thanks to @Wowo @bengoshi @FinneousPJ , you guys are GREAT~!!
    At least I basically ironed out the start-up part ... I pray i get through this time :tongue:

    For all those curious:
    I would recommend these stats if you can roll them out for start out solo (especially no re-load) play :

    Elf FMT

    Str 18/51 or higher (mainly for THAC0)
    Dex 19 (for range weapon)
    Con 17
    Int 18
    Wis 3 <-- have to sacrifice lore since max I could roll is total 90/91
    Cha 15 <-- + Friend spell = 20 max discount for merchant)

    Alignment: Highly recommended to keep to good
    Initial thieving start OL around 40% and throw everything into PP till you hit 110% (the PP part is for no re-load, otherwise you only need around 60-80%)
    My starting spells are Friends and Identify.
    Starting Proficiencies: longsword ++ and 2-weapon style ++

    Post edited by Bubbles on
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Bubbles said:

    For all those curious:

    [spoiler] I would recommend these stats if you can roll them out for start out solo (especially no re-load) play :

    Elf FMT

    Str 18/51 or higher (mainly for THAC0)
    Dex 19 (for range weapon)
    Con 17
    Int 18
    Wis 3

    Don't need identify as there's no cursed or activatable items until you can access an identify scroll in Kuldahar. I'd recommend Find Familiar as an initial spell, it can make a good distraction and combatant for the good alignments in the initial quests and the HP is a godsend.

    Stats are spot on.

    I'd put all initial points into Set Trap and probably get 80-100 before switching to pick pocket (110 is a good insight so thanks).

    I'd think Longbow **, Longsword** would be first pips? If you wanted 2 weapon fighting straight up then I'd go with axe or dagger instead of long sword to have a ranged option.
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    edited June 2015
    @Wowo the longbow++ and longsword++ was my very first start-ups, but I soon realized time taken to do re-runs are shorter with 2 weapons at the very start and I PP that old warhorse of Tempus before I go to orc cave (he has 2x healing potions). (Guess what? that sly calimshite happened to have 2x longsword for sale but not bastard sword ^^ ).

    I learned to lure archers to go round corners where I will wait for them in melee rather than trying volley exchanges. Having said that, with 2-weapons I will try as much as possible to reduce my A.C.

    A bad D%D habit of mine is that i don't like to leave an item unidentified hahaha even though by now I already know what are all the items that could appear up to Vale of Shadows.
    I just use find familiar scroll directly without scribing it.

    Oh before leaving for the orc cave I thnk my hp already hit around 21 or 25 can't remember off hand, Which makes it easier to tank that over-size relative of an orc ^^.

    PP110 allowed greater safety for my case so I can have 2x FoM (they are worth 8k) and very soon after I could sell 1 away to buy that ecco-friendly bag (Its like having your garage everywhere with you, always ^^)
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    Darn, can you guys imagine this? I got a flaming short sword from Kresselack then a flaming bastard sword from the Temple but no "flaming longsword" arrggghh
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    This game is so buggy ... in the middle of a fight I can see my A.C. value increased as it somehow failed to read my other protective items.
    It gets worse with that longbow defender ...
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Maybe you got hit with a debuff spell or effect.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    The defender longbow is bugged, I raised a bug report many months ago with that.

    Don't worry about having the wrong flaming weapon type. Just down the troll with your preferred weapon then smack it with the flaming version when it is prone.
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    @FinneousPJ, even normal non-combat, that longbow defender if u pick up and put it back in the quick slot it will increase your AC value, only when you re-load it reads right. Subsequently, I would try not to move that bow.

    @decado, it is very hard to see if that troll is downed if a swarm of them+talonites are craving for your autograph. X_X
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    You can obviously use the vast supply of flammable oil... I always saved them, but a solo shouldn't. Also, how do you miss collapsing troll noise?
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    @DreadKhan, it is not the sound, it is the word "near death" + many stacks of other trolls + talonites crowding in that narrow walkway for your autograph, I do burn them but at the expense of my own HP as well since it is a "autograph" signing session ...
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