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Your favorite EE NPC

SmilingSwordSmilingSword Member Posts: 827
I see a lot of hate for these guys, well mostly for Dorn and Hexxat, so I was wondering if there was any love for the rest of them? So just pick your favorite.

Ooh also if you comment, please list your least favorite as well.
  1. Your favorite EE NPC101 votes
    1. Rasaad yn Bashir: A really nice guy, for a religious extremist.
    2. Neera: Our most lovely, kind of bubbly, completely unreliable hamster cheeked wild mage.
    3. Dorn Il-Khan: The stupidly evil, bi curious half orc of DOOM and also cheese.
    4. Baeloth Barrityl: As flamboyant as he is evil, As powerful as he is flamboyant.
    5. Hexxat: The sneaky vamp, everybody seems to love to hate.
    6. Wilson: Truly the bear minimum needed for a bonus NPC.


  • SmilingSwordSmilingSword Member Posts: 827
    I picked the drow, because well a sorc NPC was something I always wanted. Also I like his over the top personalty. Wish he had more banters, also that he showed up in BG2.

    I can't use Neera without EEing her to not wild and even then I don't like her much, but Rasaad broke my game once and made me have to replay like 8 hrs of gameplay, so yeah I kinda hate the monk most.
  • FrancoisFrancois Member Posts: 452
    My favorite is Neera. I like her personnality, romance, her little secret camp and quest.

    I really like Hexxat; I'd say she's my 2nd favorite. Her special abilities are cool and she has some sexy banter with other NPC. I didn't feel that Korgan was afraid of her; just that he was speechless for once and had some ambivalent feelings about vampire bites. The quest to get her is fun, but the following are a bit boring (I did not do her ToB quest yet)

    Dorn is a fun character with some interesting quests. I just don't really like totally evil characters. Hexxat you feel she is reluctantly evil and even Korgan has a few redeeming values (he doesn't like slavers or people who harm children).

    I don't like Rasaad much. He's useless in BG1 and just when I was getting to like him in BG2, he left my party to stay with the temple at the end of his quest.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    edited June 2015
    Rasaad has the fullest new content and seems to me quite well-integrated into the pre-existing game. I'm not hugely fond of the guy myself, but I reckon he has a well-thought-out story and a credible place in the game ... a creative success, good work.

    My least favourite is Hexxat, I reckon she's a serious fail. A jarringly inappropriate character concept with little story, and with new content which (after the first quest, which is fine) is both unimaginatively repetitive and completely disconnected from the rest of the game, and an absurdly contradictory finale.

    As for the others ...

    Neera has a decent story and fits into the game quite well, and I think they did a good job with her in BG2ee, but in BG1ee I think her new area is a weak design. Overall a creative success, but not quite as well-done as Rasaad. Might have been better if she had been BG2ee-only.

    Dorn had a good story and credible questline in BG1ee, and fitted into the game well, but then in BG2ee I found him becoming less and less plausible as the game progressed. A good concept and a good start, but poorer work later. Not a fail, but not a total success either. Would have been a definite success if he had been BG1ee-only, but the game needed another Evil warrior for BG2ee:SoA, so they continued him even though they were clearly struggling for credible ideas.

    Baeloth is a surprisingly full character for an Easter Egg, with some story and interaction. He's a rather over-powered addition to the party, but fits the game tolerably well, and conveniently links the main story to the Black Pits. They were probably correct in deciding that they couldn't give him a satisfactory continuation into BG2ee. Pretty good work.

    Wilson is a lovable concept, but much more of a bare-bones Easter Egg. He can fight in melee, but he's rather squishy for a front-liner and can't do anything else at all, so he's not very useful. Nice work as an amusing Easter Egg, but there's not enough to him to be more than that.
    Post edited by Gallowglass on
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356

    I can't use Neera without EEing her to not wild and even then I don't like her much ...

    I sympathise with finding the unreliability of wild magic (at least in BG1ee and early BG2ee) pretty frustrating, but 'keepering her to "not wild" surely makes complete nonsense of both her back-story and her quest-line. I can't see the point of ever taking her at all, unless you go along with her being wild - just take some other Mage instead!
  • xscott71xxscott71x Member Posts: 63
    edited June 2015
    I've not found any use for the BG2EE NPCs:
    Dorn: Already have 2 evil front-liners ingame
    Neera: Her wild surges have wiped out party gold more than a few times, which has earned a quick assassination each time
    Rasaad: I never could get into his (back)story, and I always seem to end up babysitting him because of low damage and terrible AC
    Hexxat: Never had any use for a single classed thief.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164

    Rasaad has the fullest new content and seems to me quite well-integrated into the pre-existing game. I'm not hugely fond of the guy myself, but I reckon he has a well-thought-out story and a credible place in the game ... a creative success, good work.

    Pretty much this, but I am actually kinda fond of him.

    To be honest I agree with @Gallowglass 's assessment of all the characters. I guess we have very similar taste. If this was just for Baldur's Gate 1 EE then I'd go with Dorn, while I think Neera is consistently decent as well.
  • doggydoggy Member Posts: 313
    I do like rasaad. He is just the cutest thing in faerun. Charname spent 20 years in candlekeep protected by steep walls and gorion. And still knows more about the world than this naive monk. I also like both his quests and his romance. Even though I had to google where to bring him to trigger it (no one goes to that area more than once I guess).

    Dorn is a close second. He is shallow and evil. You get to fill out the holes yourself only to figure out there is nothing there. That said I could never romance him with a female charname. He came out so hard and abusive with my male blade I would never expose a woman to that even a very evil bhaalspawn.

    And with hexxat I finally got an entire evil party where I didn't have to be a thief. Brilliant. Though I have never romanced her. I'm thinking the following scenario: Charname - I love it when you kiss my neck...hey wait a second...

    So is her romance worth it? As in should I give it a try?
  • FandraxxFandraxx Member Posts: 194
    Chance to become boo's hamster friend at random... need i say more?
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Pink hair.

    Let me repeat that.



    Why is this even an argument, I mean COME ON.
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    He and Minsc form the bald man clan, scourge of hairy evil everywhere!
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Rasaad has the most consistant story without being annoying or limiting. He's a drag in BG1, but that's just how monks are on low levels. He doesn't clash with evil NPCs - I like the option of having mixed parties for the banter or RP. His quest also has a beholder I can wear on my center eyestalk, so there's that. I also like that he's just a plain old human with a plain old legal class.

    Baeloth is 2nd place; great voice/personality... but so little of it. No banters, no mini quest, no return in BG2, no nothing. Sure, there's Black Pits, but that is a different game. I like having a sorcerer NPC, I'm fine with another drow, but in the end, he feels very tacked on (not too surprising, being an easter egg addition).

    Never took Wilson. Can't say anything about him.

    Dorn. Well. Well, well, well. It all started really good in BG1; good voice, nice quest (except for hogging items unrelated to his class), enough weakness in his stats to be ok with the illegal class/race. In BG2, he shows his true colors of being a rather flat, stereotype RAAAAAAAAAH MURDER character with a cringeworthy "romance". It doesn't help that he is the only m/m romance and not even gay. It's fine to have a bi character/romance, but it just seems unfair that lesbians get an "exclusive" romance and guys don't. Or that Dorn is the fantasy counterpart to a leather biker daddy stereotype. That aside, party conflicts left and right, too many hoops to jump through for mixed parties.

    Hexxat. Points for not being a stereotype/butch dyke, points for being exclusively lesbian and not lazy writing one size fits all romance. No points for being a freaking vampire. Non-playable races are fine if all others are covered. That is not the case in BG2. No male elves or halflings, no female gnomes, dwarves or half orcs. There certainly were enough options for NPCs, yet she has to be a non-playable race. I do like her voice and personality, her quest is... well, nothing to write home about, but alright. Mechanically, the switching items is annoying. Can't the lady get dressed for daylight on her own? I'd still put her 3rd place.

    Neera. I hate Neera. I hated Neera in BG1, I still hate the krazy penguin of d00m in BG2. She rivals Aerie's immaturity, just brattier. The quest is just as quirky and I can't stand "quirky" people or things. Her grating voice just tops of her annoying personality. Shame, because I like the kit and that she is neutral (yet still clashes with NPCs, which is another negative on a long list).
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    All of the new NPCs feel like (bad) fan fiction. Rasaad is the closest to fitting in with the previous NPCs. I picked Baeloth because his existence is the least jarring to me.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Quartz said:

    All of the new NPCs feel like (bad) fan fiction. Rasaad is the closest to fitting in with the previous NPCs. I picked Baeloth because his existence is the least jarring to me.

    You have a point; Baeloth is the easiest to ignore or overlook. For that, I also give Rasaad points, and to a lesser degree, Dorn and Hexxat.

    Rasaad - stands around and spin kicks, will not interact (unless you leave him where he is and return from the mines; he'll help kill Nimbul, but still not approach you). This is in line with the original NPCs - standing around and waiting for you to approach, with a few exceptions (Viconia, Yeslick, Imoen).

    Dorn - shows up after cutscene, helps you fight, after that he at least takes no for an answer. Still a lot harder to ignore this event compared to Rasaad quietly kicking Nimbul and not talking to you.

    Hexxat - approaches, but it doesn't feel out of place because Nalia does as well. I'm not really a fan of how packed the Copper Coronet is - these two, Anomen and Korgan? Did Hexxat really have to be there from the start, too? I find it a bit much to have not one, but two NPCs talk without prompt. Nalia has the older rights AND the stronghold for fighter classes. Hexxat could have been elsewhere.

    Neera - ugh. Drags you into her fight no matter what you say or do; you actively have to avoid her line of sight to ignore her. That's not even 'ignoring', that's 'jumping through hoops to escape her'.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I agree it depends on what charname is when it comes to romancing or just justifying to travel together. Even without romance, Dorn hardly fits in anything but a murder crazed band of lunatics. There are several evil NPCs I can see noping out on him - Edwin and Viconia, who are both hunted and would not want an axe crazy madman to draw unneccessary attention. Hexxat maybe and Korgan easily would probably get along, but that still doesn't make the famed "all evil party" a viable roleplay option.
    Romance is even more restricted to "raging lunatic". I tried the romance with Eldoth as charname... Yeah, no. It's comedy, but not good comedy.
    Other evil NPCs have qualities that make neutral and sometimes even good NPCs get along with them - let's say, Keldorn and Korgan respecting each other. Dorn, not a single one would just shrug off such an extreme bloodthirst.

    Rasaad's personality gives more options to relate, across alignments, and more types of charnames that get along enough to travel with or romance him. I haven't played his romance, I just conclude from his normal banters. There's nothing that would make think only a very specific kind of person would romance that guy.
  • killerrabbitkillerrabbit Member Posts: 402

    Neera - The reason to buy the EEs. Funny, engaging story, challenging BG2 battle. ToB quest wasn't as good but still fun.

    Rasaad - Rasaad is a meh. Kinda like Cernd: not terrible, not great, kinda dull. Good loot in BG2 but I still haven't tried his ToB quest. I liked that it was easy to get rid of him once you had the loot -- good decision on the part of the devs.

    Dorn - Never played his BG2 content and never will. Wish I could get points for killing him and saving the radiant heart.

    Baeloth - Never played.

    Wilson -- Bearly qualifies as an NPC. Took him once and had a good time.

    Hexxat - Uggh. Her quests were fun but I couldn't finish the romance. No.

    Clara -- Gief Clara!
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Looking back and considering everything, my answer is still Dorn. Rasaad's written better, Baeloth is more entertaining, but Dorn was the character I wish I'd had the first time I played BG2, when I couldn't find a second Evil warrior to work with Korgan and had to settle for Jaheira for the whole of SoA. Now Evil parties finally have their Keldorn, and that's worth a lot in my book.
  • HudzyHudzy Member Posts: 300
    I particularly enjoyed Rasaad's voice acting, and hadn't ever played a monk in either game so he was entirely new stuff to me.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    she's the most ambitious addition and i like the tomb locations. rather flawed but still pretty substantial. i also like how she works mechanically as a pure thief
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Baeloth! He's like, the only sorcerer that can get Wrathform. Also, the guy is pretty funny, its a shame that he's only an easter egg.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Ardanis said:

    I cannot bear to see Wilson having received only two votes :(

    Er ... then why haven't you voted, @Ardanis? :smile:

  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356

    ... a little one-dimensional in what it does.

    The new Lilarcor: "As a bear, I'm a little one-dimensional in what I do!" (Or rather, "Snuffle, snuffle grunt GROWL!" "Good point, Wilson ... erm, is your brother a +12 Hugmaster, by any chance?")

    Seriously, I can't imagine many people voting for Wilson. I get the impression that most of us like him, but there's just not enough substance for him to be many people's favourite.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    He would be way cooler as a 7th unofficial party member, sort of like, he just decided to follow you around like it or not and how about that.
  • NeverusedNeverused Member Posts: 803
    As requested, least favorite is Dorn; I can't bring myself to play a hardcore evil runthrough and there's absolutely no other reason why you would help a guy who introduces himself by attempting to attack an order of paladins.

    I think I agree on almost all points on Neera on Nonnah's analysis of her. I even gave her a second chance when she decided to wild-surge and end a no-reload by script, but... I dunno, I couldn't form a persona in my head that would react to Neera well. Another no-reload was put on hold precisely for this reason, as I've lost any personal sympathy for my characters, and once that happens, death comes swiftly.

    Again, I don't play Evil often, and we meet Hexxat as she flat-out murders the woman she dominated to help her. After she begs for mercy. What's a Good or even Neutral party supposed to do? Is there any reasonable way to let her live? All the other Vampires in the story end up as mortal (... Wait, they're undead. So... Non-mortal?) enemies, so if you've met any of them I can't think of a good non-meta reason to even consider her joining your side.

    Baeloth and Wilson I have no opinions on; I haven't played through with either.

    Rasaad is the last one, and even without romancing him he's pretty good to have around. His quest in SoA isn't bad at all, though there are several plotholes in it. Combat-wise, he's probably second best since y'know, Mage, but 84% MR by itself is nothing to sneeze at for a mundane, and by endgame is probably one of the strongest warriors anyways.
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    edited June 2015
    Baeloth - My fav... would be my place filler if Xzar wasn't around and having a sorcerer is plus.

    Dorn - Having a blackguard is cool... but he's not the sharpiest tool in the shed and i don't like to draw attention unless it warranted. Besides... why settle for him when the PC makes a better Blackguard.

    Neera - Like so many... i wanted to like her. But she is so annoying... she makes Imoen very likable.

    Raasad - I would say he's my second fav to Baeloth. If he wasn't such a wimp. I might have kept him around.

    Hexxat - Despite being a bitch, i would trust her over Safana anyday. I just didn't care to be her errand boy. So i ditch her...

    Clara - She had potential...

    Wilson - Never recruited him... but im pretty sure he was boring and was only good as a tank
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