Current State of Beamdog Contract for Baldur's Gate?

It seems that Atari is out of the picture. What is the current state of the Beamdog Contract for Baldur's Gate? Will there ever be a point where Beamdog can "change existing content"? Did that specification come from Hasbro or Atari?
Fan mods are a different story. I feel that modders should feel free to mod in optional content in any way that pleases them and those that they choose to share it with. But asking Beamdog to make changes to that content is a slippery slope. You might like some of the choices they make, but suppose you didn’t like others? You can’t just remove content that you find you don’t like from the EE editions like you can a mod.
A more frequently request is to better support Neutral-aligned PCs in the trials at the end of SoA. You may be playing CN, but the only way to preserve your sanity and alignment at that stage of the game is to play LG, or else!
There are doubtless other parts of the game that could use a little clean-up to really complete the game experience, without taking away from what current players enjoy. Legal issues aside though, I'm not sure what the financial incentives to support such work would be. Many would expect the changes for free, as bug fixes. I might be happy to throw in a couple of bucks, but (assuming enough customers) would that cover the cost of development and QA? Or are BeamDog's resources better focussed on new projects like SoD, and the more visible bug fixes and engine enhancements that can flow from that into the existing games? I suspect the latter, as much as I would like the former.
Also, I'm not sure how many folks with real knowledge of the situation would want to comment in a thread with the word 'contract' in the title, that is just asking for trouble with lawyers
However I assume that at this point it's pretty much done regardless of contracts. SoD is the current project. Apart from maybe(/hopefully) more sharing of EE engine features between the individual EEs, I expect they will move on to new games or EEing a couple of others.
edit @Ravenslight - like @GreenWarlock said, there's also quite a lot of changes that I think are totally uncontroversial such as better handling of neutral alignments in the Hell Trials, or having neutral/evil/your BG1 NPCs in Irenicus's dungeon for better continuity. One of the things that people seem to like about EE is not needing to install mods for stuff that should be already there.
For instance, your suggestion about adding different NPCs to Irenicus dungeon really does not appeal to me, personally. It would require changes to the cannon story. Do they bring all of the possible NPCs into the dungeon? If not, who do they leave behind? What if the ones they didn’t bring forward were the ones that you had wanted them to? Though I might love certain NPCs to be included, not everyone likes the same ones that I do.
It’s a neat idea to be able to just bring your whole party forward, but I would find them a boring party in BGII if they didn’t have banter written for them once they got there. That would require that Beamdog devote resources to that as well. I doubt they would bother.
The things that I personally love most about the EE Editions are the many bug fixes and modifications that make the game run better on newer PCs. I really would prefer that they don’t modify the cannon content. I feel that what they are doing with inserting an adventure between BGI and BGII is a much better way to add content than by making any real changes to the original story.
Please let changes to cannon content remain in the hands of the modders so that I may continue to choose what modifications I do and don’t want to my game.
However, my understanding as an outsider is that the creative rights to the original content belong to Hasbro, and Atari's involvement was only with the distribution rights. If that's so, then any issues about the original content would be a matter for negotiation with Hasbro ... who are, of course, very much still in the picture, regardless of Atari's fate.
Not to mention that a lot of the BG1 companions could go with the BG2 treatment. I love the NPC project, but not all of it's content holds up the the set standards.
Also, how about restoring cut content such as Haer'Dalis' romance and the likes?
Yes, there are mods, but I don't think I am alone in hoping for something "official".
That plus the cut content would make the game so much better.
Beamdog has probably already sold as many units as they will likely be able to (there will be some more sales, but probably not anything significant), so spending time and resources on it does not seem feasible to me, as it will not generate any revenue to speak of.
"Atari and the Atari logo are trademarks owned by Atari Interactive, Inc."
Wouldn't it be about time to remove this now unnecessary part @Dee? Or is it there because the stand alone launchers of BGEE/BGIIEE are still ornamented with the Atari logo?
I wish people would provide their OP's with links instead of posting things like everyone knows what they're talking about. It's a very annoying internet habit to act like everyone already knows what you know about what you're posting.
Some information about what happened to Atari:
My speculation about what happened: I don't think Beamdog gained anything (in terms of what content they can change) in the new contract. I say this because Atari did not own the "story" part of the IP, they only owned the "distribution and publishing" rights. AFAIK BioWare owns the actual "story" and Hasbro/WotC owns the "setting." So it is likely BioWare was the company that said the original content could not be changed.
BG2UB and BG1UB are more complicated. They are the work of many modders, some of whom have left the modding scene, so incorporating their work into the EEs is problematic from a legal standpoint. However, that doesn't mean they are completely off-limits. Parts of BG1UB are in BGEE (those parts that Beamdog has secured rights to).