Where would you want the Forgotten Realm game to be? (Also my argument for why Thay is Perfect)

As we well know Neera's, Edwin's stories all tie into Red Wizards of Thay him being one, and her escaping them. My argument for why Thay be perfect is two-fold, one it been set up just as well as Neverwinter was with all the references to the places in Icewind Dale and later Neverwinter. Two, we already know the Red Wizards are immensely powerful organization who machinations few know and could imagine. We could easily go down the route of Neera story being wild mage, perhaps they crack it and are able to utilize chaos or perhaps with problems on Sword Coast they start causing problems in Thay.
Another reason we have had most biomes, snowy tundras and temperate areas even more hotter climes, but not actual desert places and Thay would be massively intriguing since different Sword Coast and Athlakata we know Red Wizards are both political and powerful, who knows perhaps they even hire the hero or heroine, perhaps they could be the ones in danger from even greater power.
Now for details I found on this site:
Best known for the crimson-robed Red Wizards who rule the land with an iron fist; Thay is a realm shrouded in mystery. Few outsiders have traveled extensively within its borders unless abducted and sold into a short life of slavery there: The Thayans who do talk about their homeland speak of it with such pride as to make most listeners doubt their amazing claims - were it not for the fact that these same rumors surface again and again from a dozen different sources.
The Thayans have endeavored constantly to expand their borders since they won their independence from Mulhorand in 922 DR. In fact, it was only twelve years after that momentous date that the Thayans launched their first invasion of Rashemen. The Thayans have been beaten back numerous times from both Aglarond and Rashemen, but though their armies failed to subjugate these realms, they still brought the Alaor, the Priador, the Sur and Umber vales, and the cities of the Wizards' Reach under Thay's control.
The borders of Thay have changed little since the conquest of the Wizards' Reach fifteen years ago. The Red Wizards keep their armies at home these days, while their merchants have spread throughout the lands of the Inner Sea, selling valuable magic items in well protected concessions and Thayan enclaves. Rivers of gold, goods, and slaves pour into the zulkirs' coffers from this expansion of Thayan trade. Szass Tam and his colleagues have come to understand that gold can conquer lands that resist swords and spells, and Thay's monopoly on the manufacture and sale of magic items might be the weapon that brings the Red Wizards dominion over all Faerûn.
Another reason we have had most biomes, snowy tundras and temperate areas even more hotter climes, but not actual desert places and Thay would be massively intriguing since different Sword Coast and Athlakata we know Red Wizards are both political and powerful, who knows perhaps they even hire the hero or heroine, perhaps they could be the ones in danger from even greater power.
Now for details I found on this site:
Best known for the crimson-robed Red Wizards who rule the land with an iron fist; Thay is a realm shrouded in mystery. Few outsiders have traveled extensively within its borders unless abducted and sold into a short life of slavery there: The Thayans who do talk about their homeland speak of it with such pride as to make most listeners doubt their amazing claims - were it not for the fact that these same rumors surface again and again from a dozen different sources.
The Thayans have endeavored constantly to expand their borders since they won their independence from Mulhorand in 922 DR. In fact, it was only twelve years after that momentous date that the Thayans launched their first invasion of Rashemen. The Thayans have been beaten back numerous times from both Aglarond and Rashemen, but though their armies failed to subjugate these realms, they still brought the Alaor, the Priador, the Sur and Umber vales, and the cities of the Wizards' Reach under Thay's control.
The borders of Thay have changed little since the conquest of the Wizards' Reach fifteen years ago. The Red Wizards keep their armies at home these days, while their merchants have spread throughout the lands of the Inner Sea, selling valuable magic items in well protected concessions and Thayan enclaves. Rivers of gold, goods, and slaves pour into the zulkirs' coffers from this expansion of Thayan trade. Szass Tam and his colleagues have come to understand that gold can conquer lands that resist swords and spells, and Thay's monopoly on the manufacture and sale of magic items might be the weapon that brings the Red Wizards dominion over all Faerûn.
If give a choice, I'd be more in favour of Unther and Mulhorand. Both great Old Empires with most interesting history to them and completely untouched by any of the previous AD&D/D&D cRPG's. Then again, there are many other regions which tickle my fancy as well; The Sea of Moving Ice, the Great Glacier, and the Hordelands are but a few I'd love to be able to visit in an Forgotten Realms cRPG.
There is enough tie ins with Amn and the Flaming Fist having strongholds there. It is close to califlower and it has dinosaurs. DINOSAURS! That should be enough
I couldn't resist, sorry
Anyways I would like to see something like Dambrath covered. With maybe the possibility (given this would be happening in 5th edition) of visiting the remnants of Halruaa.
There is a series of books called the Sundering that cover what is so far known about the lore of 5th edition. But there is also the players handbook and dungeon master's guide for 5th edition and they would cover some of the lore as well. But the cheapest way to learn would be to look up the sundering and the forgotten realms wiki.
and basically just poke around there and read up on a lot of stuff.
Personally I think doing something in Thay comes with a lot of lore to have to follow. I'd rather see a game set in an area otherwise poorly covered by existing lore.
NwN2's Mask of the Betrayer takes place in Rashemen/Thay (could be wrong on the latter) and you have a Red Wizard as a companion.
Also, could we just get away from Faerun? There are other continents in the Realms and would love a Kara-tur game.
We have games in the Realms, Sword Coast (BG, NWN), Icewind Dale, Rashemen (MotB), Chult (SoZ), Waterdeep (part of NwN1 Hordes of the Underdark), Planescape, Greyhawk (Temple of Elemental Evil) etc.
Yet none in Kara-tur. And there's always some NPC that references Kara-tur in many DnD games (Yoshimo, Tamoko etc).
Also Edwin was also a Red Wizard companion, it's not that I care about, it's the actual location being utlized.
Spec Ops: The Line made you kill American soldiers and critics loved it. Papers, Please had nothing going for it but its dire setting and critics loved it.
They even turned goddamn Wolfenstein - a game about Nazis on the Moon - into some kind of emo story. And guess what critics had to say about it...
The game was set to take place in the fictional Forgotten Realms continent of Faerûn. It would have taken in the Dalelands and allowed players to travel mostly in the area of Archendale. Players would have also been able to travel to key areas in Archendale such as the White Ford, the Church of Lathander and bases of the Red Wizards of Thay. Other areas in the Dalelands featured would have been Battledale, Deepingdale as well as an area of North Sembia. Though it is possible that Baldur's Gate would have appeared in the game as well in a cameo appearance, this remains unconfirmed and highly unlikely.
Rather than retread old ground, I'd like to see something like Kara-Tur or Maztica, places that were never featured in D&D games.
Personally, I'm all for a game which mostly takes place outside of Faerûn. Be it Anchorome, Maztica, Katashaka, Zakhara, or Kara-Tur. Personally, I feel that the almost unknown continent of Osse has so much untapped potential as a setting. Beamdog could easily further develope its history without fearing of contradicting the scarce source material on that place, for example.
Heck, almost every "good" aligned IWD party I run, I give affiliation towards Cormyr for them.