I have another suspicion... you have Minsc, Dynaheir and Glint in your party. Who's your other party member? Try kicking them out and see what happens.
The last party member is another player created character( via create party), kicking her out of the party didn't change anything. I like having 2 characters (Grim and Mirg ), let me try more kits etc.
I'm replaying through the beginning of the chapter, memory comes back as well, I had a bug where the wounded zealot's dialog played twice(not a Sirene bug, probably just due to fast clicking at the wrong time), could this have messed up the Sirene variables? The stutter didn't happen until long afterwards though.
I'm still trying to figure it out but I can't test it myself without a save game... but the problem might be in the local variables rather than global. Could you provide a screenshot of Sirene's locals?
I think I've found the issue and fixed them (romance auto-kill was broken... for some reason). Before I put out an update could you reinstall with the below files to ensure this works?
I can't reinstall, it's in EET and there's dozens of mods above, any chance you could tell me which script/file to change so I can do it via NI?
As I have tried to reproduce the bug, i now have a save (EET though) and I can tell you it starts just after the dialog that starts with "What will you do once we have defeated the crusade, ?".
The problem is in c02siren.baf. Replace the whole chunk at the very bottom:
// Auto-kill all other romances if SireneRomance=2
with this:
// Auto-kill all other romances if SireneRomance=2
I managed to reproduce the issue and this seemingly fixed it for me.
You should! @Artemius_I came up with some great content. I was happy to support him with my areas. It's been a while since I made some, but I think you'll enjoy their atmosphere, even though they're not very big. So give Artemius some time and I bet he'll provide you a really nice continuation of his unique companion.
Are you planning on integrating it to EET? For example, you could use previously set variables to know what choices were made in the first part. It could prove difficult but you could even try to integrate Sirene to the transition. After SoD you could tell her to leave while she can or to wait patiently while you find a way to escape and she'd come with the party for a short sequence before being captured with the others ?
@GrimLefourbe I'm on phone rn so I can't give a long answer. Right now that's not on the to do list. After BG2 content is done? Maybe. But I don't use EET and I'm not sure how installing that will mess with my game, so testing it will be difficult
Updated to v2.06, which fixes a few glitches with items and an annoying bug which duplicates the martyr's innate abilities whenever kicked out. Because this update changes the name of certain innate spells Sirene's abilities will vanish from an existing game. They can be safely added back in via EEKeeper.
I've also added v1.5 to the available downloads for non-2.0 players.
Thanks,, everything seems to be working.. It'll be a while before I get back to SoD, but looking forward to it. Torm willing, I'll finish it this time.
Hey guys. Unfortunately there's no changes this time around, rather I think it's high time for a progress report. I'm not sure how many people frequent this particular thread, but let it be known that I appreciate all attention I get.
I'm aware I've been rather quiet regarding this project as of late. I'm making progress, but it's been rather slow as I've had a hard time coming up with decently written material. I can't make any statements on an initial release, but I definitely intend to see this mod done eventually.
Coding, epilogues, PID, banters, encounters are done... mostly. There's just a huge chunk of writing left to complete, and how soon it'll be done depends on how inspired I can get.
Banters: This is the banter count so far, there may be more in the future but so far what I've done is enough to satisfy:
All party members from BG1, with the exception of EE NPCs, as well as Keldorn, also get an extra banter if the PC knew Sirene from BG1.
There is one banter with each NPC in ToB, with the exception of CN-Anomen, who has none.
Epilogues: There are five epilogues in total. Three are romance-related (one for each gender + one for an ascended PC), and two for non-romance.
Suffice to say the BG2 version of the mod is a lot bigger than my previous work.
Below are previews of some magical items that the party may discover. There are about a dozen usable items in total, with two weapons that can be upgraded.
Harbinger of Pain +4 - flail
A nasty weapon. Dangerous but incredibly powerful, and very fun to use.
Hair Shirt of Ilmater - hide armor
Perhaps not the most exciting or pleasant item, but quite functional.
(Spoiler Item)
Some of you might recognize this sword from somewhere else... very powerful, but only those purest of heart (aka Lawful Good) may wield it, as taken from its origin. It is a bastard sword.
Thanks for update information and news. I must confess , that I check this thread for almost every single day, just for sure I don´t miss release Now I know, that it will take a little longer and more time, so I will shift to once a week checking Anyway, new content looks great and I am still looking forward as hell I am crossing fingers for early release and once more - thanks for your amazing work!
Three new spells adapted from Faiths and Avatars, with differences. All quite powerful, so they'll be only be available during mid-ToB. Any non-evil cleric may learn them from a certain item. Paladins may learn them as well - although it's obviously less optimal (Blast of Pain won't be usable as it's a 5th level spell)
What's that? Friendship talks for SoA and ToB are complete? Romance for ToB is fully written? Whaaat? Is a beta release on the horizon? Hmm, I wonder...
Sirene now has 4 romanced epilogues (bringing the total to 7), though the difference between them are very minor. This is just to address one particular moment of the romance.
During the very last talk, she will ask to marry you. If you accept, you get the married epilogue. If not, you just get the same epilogue without the mention of marriage. Simple stuff.
I have another suspicion... you have Minsc, Dynaheir and Glint in your party. Who's your other party member? Try kicking them out and see what happens.
I'm replaying through the beginning of the chapter, memory comes back as well, I had a bug where the wounded zealot's dialog played twice(not a Sirene bug, probably just due to fast clicking at the wrong time), could this have messed up the Sirene variables? The stutter didn't happen until long afterwards though.
I'm still trying to figure it out but I can't test it myself without a save game... but the problem might be in the local variables rather than global. Could you provide a screenshot of Sirene's locals?
Sorry about the save, it's on EET anyway, I have asked on the EET forums too, i'll try a suggestion made on the EET forum soon.
Hmm. What 'chapter' (as in, the global variable CHAPTER) are you in?
Thank you for the continued support by the way
I think I've found the issue and fixed them (romance auto-kill was broken... for some reason). Before I put out an update could you reinstall with the below files to ensure this works?
As I have tried to reproduce the bug, i now have a save (EET though) and I can tell you it starts just after the dialog that starts with "What will you do once we have defeated the crusade, ?".
The problem is in c02siren.baf. Replace the whole chunk at the very bottom:
// Auto-kill all other romances if SireneRomance=2 IF Global("C02SireneRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("bd_neera_romanceactive","global",3) SetGlobal("bd_safana_romanceactive","global",3) SetGlobal("bd_corwin_romanceactive","global",3) SetGlobal("bd_rasaad_romanceactive","global",3) SetGlobal("bd_glint_romanceactive","global",3) SetGlobal("bd_viconia_romanceactive","global",3) SetGlobal("bd_voghiln_romanceactive","global",3) SetGlobal("bd_dorn_romanceactive","global",3) END
with this:
// Auto-kill all other romances if SireneRomance=2 IF Global("C02SireneRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("bd_neera_romanceactive","global",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("bd_neera_romanceactive","global",3) END IF Global("C02SireneRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("bd_rasaad_romanceactive","global",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("bd_rasaad_romanceactive","global",3) END IF Global("C02SireneRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("bd_dorn_romanceactive","global",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("bd_dorn_romanceactive","global",3) END IF Global("C02SireneRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("bd_corwin_romanceactive","global",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("bd_corwin_romanceactive","global",3) END IF Global("C02SireneRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("bd_glint_romanceactive","global",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("bd_glint_romanceactive","global",3) END IF Global("C02SireneRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("bd_voghiln_romanceactive","global",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("bd_voghiln_romanceactive","global",3) END IF Global("C02SireneRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("bd_viconia_romanceactive","global",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("bd_viconia_romanceactive","global",3) END IF Global("C02SireneRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("bd_safana_romanceactive","global",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("bd_safana_romanceactive","global",3) END
I managed to reproduce the issue and this seemingly fixed it for me.
Thanks again for the help and grats again for the character.
All credit goes to Lava Del'Vortel for creating these.
So give Artemius some time and I bet he'll provide you a really nice continuation of his unique companion.
I've also added v1.5 to the available downloads for non-2.0 players.
I'm aware I've been rather quiet regarding this project as of late. I'm making progress, but it's been rather slow as I've had a hard time coming up with decently written material. I can't make any statements on an initial release, but I definitely intend to see this mod done eventually.
Coding, epilogues, PID, banters, encounters are done... mostly. There's just a huge chunk of writing left to complete, and how soon it'll be done depends on how inspired I can get.
Banters: This is the banter count so far, there may be more in the future but so far what I've done is enough to satisfy:
Anomen: 3 + 1 (LG-Anomen) + 1 (CN-Anomen)
Cernd: 3
Edwin: 3
Haer'Dalis: 3
Imoen: 3
Jaheira: 4
Jan: 1
Keldorn: 5
Korgan: 1
Mazzy: 5
Minsc: 2
Nalia: 2
Neera: 3
Rasaad: 3
Valygar: 4
Viconia: 4
Yoshimo: 5
All party members from BG1, with the exception of EE NPCs, as well as Keldorn, also get an extra banter if the PC knew Sirene from BG1.
There is one banter with each NPC in ToB, with the exception of CN-Anomen, who has none.
Epilogues: There are five epilogues in total. Three are romance-related (one for each gender + one for an ascended PC), and two for non-romance.
Suffice to say the BG2 version of the mod is a lot bigger than my previous work.
Below are previews of some magical items that the party may discover. There are about a dozen usable items in total, with two weapons that can be upgraded.
Harbinger of Pain +4 - flail
A nasty weapon. Dangerous but incredibly powerful, and very fun to use.
Hair Shirt of Ilmater - hide armor
Perhaps not the most exciting or pleasant item, but quite functional.
(Spoiler Item)
Some of you might recognize this sword from somewhere else... very powerful, but only those purest of heart (aka Lawful Good) may wield it, as taken from its origin. It is a bastard sword.
I must confess
Anyway, new content looks great and I am still looking forward as hell