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Unpopular opinions



  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Arvia wrote: »
    Unpopular opinion: there are very,very few truly unpopular opinions in this thread.
    Unpopular opinion: That's not an unpopular opinion.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I can well imagine a fighter/mage when his defensive spells wear out or have been dispelled running away to a safe location whilst his comrades continue to fight, so that he can put on some armour. No mage in their right mind would continue to fight without at least some protection.

    Well, it takes quite some time to put armor on, from at least 10 minutes for (studded) leather to 1 hour or more in case of full plate, so its more likely that your fighter/mage would realistically put on some armor for the next battle instead of one in progress.
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    Here's my unpopular opinion: The Rise of Skywalker didn't ruin Star Wars. Star Wars when never "a thing", because they had like 1 good movie. There was nothing to ruin, because it was all just stroke of luck. Prequels showed that there is nowhere to go, and if Thrawn Trilogy is the best EU can offer, then entire franchise was basically born dead.
    Thus I have spoken.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Artona wrote: »
    Here's my unpopular opinion: The Rise of Skywalker didn't ruin Star Wars. Star Wars when never "a thing", because they had like 1 good movie. There was nothing to ruin, because it was all just stroke of luck. Prequels showed that there is nowhere to go, and if Thrawn Trilogy is the best EU can offer, then entire franchise was basically born dead.
    Thus I have spoken.

    Hey now, this is "unpopular opinons" not "objectively wrong" opinions ;)
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Only the original trilogy was spot on. The rest was more in the can-be-entertaining category.
    But I'd watch it anyway.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    Artona wrote: »

  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    Getting back to the armor thing: BG1 had quick weapon slots for that precise reason.

    All we have to do is extend "can't change armor during combat" to all equipment - you can pass loot around, but you can't ready any of it. Including potions and arrows.
  • BlackbɨrdBlackbɨrd Member Posts: 293
    My unpopular opinion is that custom NPC mods for the BG Series are terrible. The majority of joinable NPC mods (for me) are either poorly written, have poor quality voicing or are not voiced at all, are full of bugs, are overpowered with high stats or special items/abilities and finally are just boring in comparison to the real NPC's (even the most boring or annoying of them such as Nalia or Valygar).

  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    it's ok isra, sirene, aura, and drake i still love you.
  • AerieAerie Member Posts: 226
    NPC mods are silly. You should always use me instead.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited January 2020
    Aerie wrote: »
    NPC mods are silly. You should always use me instead.
    In BG1 you ARE a mod and a very good one too, even if you are on the small side. I suppose that is to be expected considering your race. :D
    For those who haven't met you at the carnival. Here is the link.
  • AerieAerie Member Posts: 226
    Aerie wrote: »
    NPC mods are silly. You should always use me instead.
    In BG1 you ARE a mod and a very good one too, even if you are on the small side. I suppose that is to be expected considering your race. :D
    For those who haven't met you at the carnival. Here is the link.

    Oh I had forgotten about my appearance there, how absent minded of me. Still any non-Aerie related mods are lacklustre as they don't feature the best NPC in the entire series (me o:) ).

  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Aerie wrote: »
    NPC mods are silly. You should always use me instead.
    In BG1 you ARE a mod and a very good one too, even if you are on the small side. I suppose that is to be expected considering your race. :D
    For those who haven't met you at the carnival. Here is the link.

    It's a shame that mod doesn't make her a companion, though I can't fathom how ridiculously OP she would be after leveling up through BG1 and BG2. The end battle in ToB would more or less be the rest of the party kicking back with brewskis watching Aerie do all the work!
  • AerieAerie Member Posts: 226
    Irenicus is lit
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @Aerie By that, do you mean: set on fire, intoxicated, exciting, or excellent?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I actually like the Ajantis romance.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    I actually like the Ajantis romance.

    Did you mean "Anomen"? :) Because there will be no takers disagreeing that mod "Ajantis" is good.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I thought Ajantis was unpopular too. I'm clearly wrong.
  • AerieAerie Member Posts: 226
    @Aerie By that, do you mean: set on fire, intoxicated, exciting, or excellent?

    Intoxicated, so basically I'm saying he's a cool guy who parties/drinks/get high.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    I thought Ajantis was unpopular too. I'm clearly wrong.

    I'd say every extended companion is a loved one (especially when extension includes romance). (Even additional NPCs (yes, even Sandrah) have their faithful fanbase.) And Ajantis-mod is objectively good one.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    Mirandel wrote: »
    I thought Ajantis was unpopular too. I'm clearly wrong.

    I'd say every extended companion is a loved one (especially when extension includes romance). (Even additional NPCs (yes, even Sandrah) have their faithful fanbase.) And Ajantis-mod is objectively good one.

    i never hear anyone that hates the ajantis romance. people are just happy there is someone else thats not anomen.

    thats why most romances are for female charnames more so they male ones [ altho this has changed in recent years it's now more balanced] they did not like the fact anomen is the only option so they made their own.

  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I like Anomen's development, but my major problem is that metagaming is required to justify taking him. Otherwise, for all charname knows, he is just an arrogant and self righteous jerk.
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