'Legitimate' and unorthodox uses of EEkeeper (e.g. changing from multiclass to dualclass)

I imagine that many people use EEkeeper habitually now, sometimes to the tune of Great Cheese and sometimes to seemingly harmless ends.
*** Changing from Multi-class to Dual-class ***
In my current no-reload game Dynaheir is a multiclass M/T from lvl 1 onward. (Part dynamics and all that.) When she got to 5/5 I changed her to dual class so that her Thief level stays at 5 and she only gains Mage levels. There is still a downtime: but instead of spending half the game locked out of her Thief levels, she only has to wait till she gets from Mage 5 -> Mage 7.
I hate the down-time of dual-classing and and I prefer to develop both classes, up till the point I continue with one class alone. Same trick can be made for the famously cheesy Kensai/Mage: you can play as a multiclass through 100+ hours across BG1 and the opening of BG2 and then dual-class-continue as Mage alone with only a short down time.
Thank you EEkeeper!
Please share your own unorthodox tips and tricks.
*** Changing from Multi-class to Dual-class ***
In my current no-reload game Dynaheir is a multiclass M/T from lvl 1 onward. (Part dynamics and all that.) When she got to 5/5 I changed her to dual class so that her Thief level stays at 5 and she only gains Mage levels. There is still a downtime: but instead of spending half the game locked out of her Thief levels, she only has to wait till she gets from Mage 5 -> Mage 7.
I hate the down-time of dual-classing and and I prefer to develop both classes, up till the point I continue with one class alone. Same trick can be made for the famously cheesy Kensai/Mage: you can play as a multiclass through 100+ hours across BG1 and the opening of BG2 and then dual-class-continue as Mage alone with only a short down time.
Thank you EEkeeper!
Please share your own unorthodox tips and tricks.
I also use it to randomize my characters' stats, or give 90 stat rolls by default.
BG1: Khalid, Jaheria, Dynaheir, Minsc, Imoen
For BG2: I view it as Minsc, Jaheria, Imoen/Yoshimo, Aerie (Minsc needs a witch) and then running around with every NPC until ToB. Then Mr TOB fills up the last slot.
So since I'm playing full (eventually "fallen") blade, who falls over teh course of the trilogy with what befalls him, I gave him a true godlike roll of 18, 18, 16, 18, 10, 18 (before tomes).
My paladin and blackguard later I'm going to be a bit more stringent on.
(Arguably, I could make my blade an Elf for additional flavor, but I've finally come to terms with a human blade..........I think).
I now use it occasionally when I want to make new multiclass combos with a specialist kit, say Assassin/Mage or in the current case Abjurer/Cleric.
It can also be handy for various effects and variable editing. Not to mention gifting oneself a bloody bag of holding.
Another legitimate use of the EE-Keeper is to give your character unique colours, until we get the new SoD system for choosing colours in the character creation process.
I'll also use it to make him a Necromancer specialist as Drow are allowed to specialize in Necromancy as according to the 2e Complete book of Necromancers.
- Dualclassing to specialist mage (mostly from an unkitted other class)
- I recently started altering NPC classes to add to replayability (jahiera as avenger, minsc as barbarian, imoen as a more trickster oriented multiclassed bountyhunter/mage etc.)
- Allowing different race/class combinations (halfling thief-mage is just awesome)
- Making minor adjustments to a character or item (special abilities, lowering stats in one place to up them in another, allowing a dwarven ranger/cleric to use the dwarven thrower etc.)
I mostly try to use EEkeeper to make the game more fun.