Well if tomorrow the Black hole in the center of our galaxy releases powerful gamma rays that ignite our sun with massively powerful solar flares that hit a weakened electromagnetic field on our small little blue planet than we will not have had a chance to play BGEE... lonnnng run-on lol
I really hope the Mac version comes out soon. A buddy of mine has a Mac and we have been wanting to hop online and play this game since hearing about it. Its a giant tease that I've been sitting on this game waiting for him to get his version released :-(
dude, how long can it take to release this game on the mac? I am tempted to purchase on the ipad but have a feeling its not going to be anywhere near as fun and quite frankly I don't feel like paying for a game three time over. Once back in 99 or whatever, then again for an ipad, and lastly for my mac. And idea of eta?
dude, how long can it take to release this game on the mac? I am tempted to purchase on the ipad but have a feeling its not going to be anywhere near as fun and quite frankly I don't feel like paying for a game three time over. Once back in 99 or whatever, then again for an ipad, and lastly for my mac. And idea of eta?
... You only played it *once* back in the day? Hmm.
Here are two reasons why I'm holding the line for BGEE on the Mac.
1) Overhaul/Beamdog are not a big gaming mega-corp. At best I'd call them mid-sized, but in reality they're a pretty small studio. On principle I support the efforts they're putting into bringing us a great, classic game -- and the fact that they've added new content to keep it fresh is commendable. In short: we need more companies like this, who aren't owned outright by behemoths like EA or Activision.
2) They're committed to producing this and future games on the Mac platform. Anyone who loves the Mac platform, who uses Macs on a day-to-day basis, and who has lived with the frustration of waiting in vain for games you love to come over to the Mac side should understand why this is a critical reason for supporting these guys.
I would have had a third reason to add to this, but the only thing I could think to add is somewhat redundant on these forums: I want to play Baldur's Gate. As recently as a few years ago I finished a playthrough of BG2+BG2x, and I remember remarking that I wish I could start a full BG experience over from the very beginning, with all of BG2's options (kits, half-orcs, sorcerers, monks, barbarians) at my disposal. These guys, entirely on their own initiative, are answering the silent prayers of an aging multitude of gamers. Surely, in return for all of their hard work (and, seeing the trouble they're having now, one could call it nothing but hard work), I can spare them a modicum of patience I think.
@Sixheadeddog Couldn't agree more. They are doing something no one figured would be done and doing a wonderful job. The issue here is Apple and i'm not saying that to blame them either but they have their own staff of game testers that make the "quality control" checks. Thats not to say that Overhaul is bad, hardly but like anyone who knows how games evolve this is just part of the launch. By providing their PC users with a basically beta tested version is just status quo.
The reason we all love Apple is that they require a much more polished product in order to be sold on their site and for that we should be thankful.
They've submitted a build for Apple approval, but Apple has shut down until the 28th. Overhaul is done - we are waiting for Apple.
Are you sure?
The last tweet from Trent on OS X I see is this one: "We are currently iterating on build 1.0.2012 once it passes testing we will submit it for iPad. OSX will get some extra testing to be sure."
dude, how long can it take to release this game on the mac? I am tempted to purchase on the ipad but have a feeling its not going to be anywhere near as fun and quite frankly I don't feel like paying for a game three time over. Once back in 99 or whatever, then again for an ipad, and lastly for my mac. And idea of eta?
... You only played it *once* back in the day? Hmm.
dude, how long can it take to release this game on the mac? I am tempted to purchase on the ipad but have a feeling its not going to be anywhere near as fun and quite frankly I don't feel like paying for a game three time over. Once back in 99 or whatever, then again for an ipad, and lastly for my mac. And idea of eta?
... You only played it *once* back in the day? Hmm.
...until you start getting flamed for your buggy launcher. At least now Apple is getting all the hate!
Seems like that isn't the only two possibilities. They could have tried to write code to create a good launcher, eh? Or are you saying you don't think they could do that?
And Apple may be getting the hate ... but they already have my money. These guys, Beamdog, et al, don't have any of my money. And they can blame Apple all day and still end up with none of my money.
Sarcasm aside, here are the realities: 1) Trent Oster tweeted they didn't do a Beamdog release of BG:EE because the didn't have the budget to develop a Mac launcher. The contract to develop the game also stipulated release in the App store, but this is probably due to the same reason: you not only have to develop a new launcher/downloader, but also a DRM system for Mac. To say they had any other motivation is silly, because Beamdog direct sales would mean a much higher profit margin.
3) It is easy to second guess them in retrospect, but up front the App store has 3 major benefits that can arguably justify the 30% cut: exposure, off the shelf DRM, and a content delivery network.
4) The iPad version was a major part of the plan for this product, so the code had to be App store clean anyway.
Everyone is disappointed that the Mac version isn't out yet, including Beamdog/Overhaul. The reality is that if Beamdog tried to shoehorn a Mac delivery system into the schedule it would have likely made things worse, not better.
3) It is easy to second guess them in retrospect, but up front the App store has 3 major benefits that can arguably justify the 30% cut: exposure, off the shelf DRM, and a content delivery network.
Steam has all of that as well as SteamPlay, minus Apple's arduous review process...but that's a separate argument.
Seems like that isn't the only two possibilities. They could have tried to write code to create a good launcher, eh? Or are you saying you don't think they could do that?
And Apple may be getting the hate ... but they already have my money. These guys, Beamdog, et al, don't have any of my money. And they can blame Apple all day and still end up with none of my money.
Downright painful attitude, I won't lie. "They are the big guys, they have been around forever so I trust them." When in fact, when companies get bigger, you should be getting more wary and suspicious, not less.
(Then of course you have on the far other side of things, "they are the big guys, so they MUST SUCK, just because they are the big guys." Buuuut that's another story entirely. All things in balance, people.)
Steam has all of that as well as SteamPlay, minus Apple's arduous review process...but that's a separate argument.
I guess it is easy to miss if you aren't paying close attention, but take a look at the row of icons across the bottom of this page. See the first one? For Overhaul Games? Take a look at the fine print. "A division of Beamdog". Beamdog is set up to be a direct competitor to Steam. I think it is safe to say that you aren't going to see anything from Overhaul on Steam for the foreseeable future.
Yes I am new to the forum. However, I have been lurking for quite a while. I am getting very frustrated with the Mac release (or lack there of). I can't find any official communication on this site (their site) on how the Mac release is progressing. One would think that there would be regular official communication (say weekly) with their customer base since they missed their deadline months ago and then the new baseline a last month.
Being in the software field, I understand that things happen, deadlines slip. But to mitigate frustrated customers, communication is the key.
I have now lost that chance to get dedicated play time over the Thanksgiving break, and now the Christmas break. The next time I can now dedicate an extended amount of time will be the Memorial break.
How about some official communication. It should be on this forum news feed. An additional step that would "calm the masses" would be to send out the same communication to everyone who has asked for an email update when the Mac release occurs. They have the email list of a bunch of customers "chomping at the bit" for their product. Wouldn't it be prudent to keep "stringing them along" with the latest information?
On the contrary, wolfpac53, Trent Oster has been very forthcoming about the progress of the Mac Version on his Twitter page (though some could say a bit too forthcoming). I too am frustrated, but I am confident that we'll see Baldur's Gate on our Macs within the next two weeks.
@wolfpac53 your frustration is noted and sympathy is handed out freely on this site. however the development desk certainly did send out a product to be installed to the Mac App Store. It was rejected. You said you know this buisness therefore you also understand that they did the best they could and it wasn't enough. The day will come when we can all enjoy BGEE, but for now alas we must read the forums... Hopefully you will still get the game upon release as it will be a wonderful investment of time.
I've always felt like someone asking why this game won't run on a Mac is like asking why this shoe isn't cooking my waffle.
If I want to make a waffle I'm going to use a waffle maker and not a shoe. If I want to play a game I'm going to use a PC.
When they get BG:EE on Macs, who cares if it took an extra month, just be impressed that they poured waffle mix on to a shoe and produced a waffle.
First of all, the original BG was on Mac back in the day.
Second of all, your analogy really isn't very appropriate. The setup implies that Macs are incapable of playing games, when the reality doesn't hold to that. Macs do play games, and have always played games. It is either ignorance or rhetoric that causes you to claim otherwise.
Third, and finally, this probably isn't the best audience to appeal to with your point. I think you will find very few agrees or likes coming from this lot.
Hi all! I love the original Baldur's Gate games which I remember playing on my Toshiba laptop back in the 90s and have been looking forward to these Enhanced Editions. I've recently switched from a PC to a Macbook Air so am having to wait for the OSX version - but I can handle it!
One question I have from browsing this thread: some people have said this game is not being released on Steam because it is a competitor to Beamdog which owns Overhaul Games, but doesn't the Mac App store count as a competitor? And if the Windows version is being released on Beamdog why not a Mac version? Looking at other games they are available from multiple digital download stores.
I was hopeful the game would drop by January 2013 but checking Trent Orster's twitter feed someone asks him "We will be able to play/ give BG as a present for tomorrow( (Christmas)? Please answer Trent, is quite tough answer " and Trent replies "on PC, yes, on iPad, yes. Mac, Android and Linux are still in development." The most obvious interpretation of his words is that they are still making the games! Surely not?
From what I have heard on Twitter and this thread they have submitted two builds to Apple and they have been rejected based on some bugs.
Regarding the Mac App store: they have the logistic system all up and running, nearly every Mac user can access it, setting up a new distribution system would probably cost more than the 30% Apple keeps, I guess.
But I'm staying optimistic...
1) Overhaul/Beamdog are not a big gaming mega-corp. At best I'd call them mid-sized, but in reality they're a pretty small studio. On principle I support the efforts they're putting into bringing us a great, classic game -- and the fact that they've added new content to keep it fresh is commendable. In short: we need more companies like this, who aren't owned outright by behemoths like EA or Activision.
2) They're committed to producing this and future games on the Mac platform. Anyone who loves the Mac platform, who uses Macs on a day-to-day basis, and who has lived with the frustration of waiting in vain for games you love to come over to the Mac side should understand why this is a critical reason for supporting these guys.
I would have had a third reason to add to this, but the only thing I could think to add is somewhat redundant on these forums: I want to play Baldur's Gate. As recently as a few years ago I finished a playthrough of BG2+BG2x, and I remember remarking that I wish I could start a full BG experience over from the very beginning, with all of BG2's options (kits, half-orcs, sorcerers, monks, barbarians) at my disposal. These guys, entirely on their own initiative, are answering the silent prayers of an aging multitude of gamers. Surely, in return for all of their hard work (and, seeing the trouble they're having now, one could call it nothing but hard work), I can spare them a modicum of patience I think.
The reason we all love Apple is that they require a much more polished product in order to be sold on their site and for that we should be thankful.
The last tweet from Trent on OS X I see is this one:
"We are currently iterating on build 1.0.2012 once it passes testing we will submit it for iPad. OSX will get some extra testing to be sure."
Seems to me they are still testing.
Not played, paid "once".
And Apple may be getting the hate ... but they already have my money. These guys, Beamdog, et al, don't have any of my money. And they can blame Apple all day and still end up with none of my money.
1) Trent Oster tweeted they didn't do a Beamdog release of BG:EE because the didn't have the budget to develop a Mac launcher. The contract to develop the game also stipulated release in the App store, but this is probably due to the same reason: you not only have to develop a new launcher/downloader, but also a DRM system for Mac. To say they had any other motivation is silly, because Beamdog direct sales would mean a much higher profit margin.
2) It is nothing short of amazing that they have accomplished what they have, and I think I've flogged this point to death in this thread:
3) It is easy to second guess them in retrospect, but up front the App store has 3 major benefits that can arguably justify the 30% cut: exposure, off the shelf DRM, and a content delivery network.
4) The iPad version was a major part of the plan for this product, so the code had to be App store clean anyway.
Everyone is disappointed that the Mac version isn't out yet, including Beamdog/Overhaul. The reality is that if Beamdog tried to shoehorn a Mac delivery system into the schedule it would have likely made things worse, not better.
If I want to make a waffle I'm going to use a waffle maker and not a shoe. If I want to play a game I'm going to use a PC.
When they get BG:EE on Macs, who cares if it took an extra month, just be impressed that they poured waffle mix on to a shoe and produced a waffle.
(Then of course you have on the far other side of things, "they are the big guys, so they MUST SUCK, just because they are the big guys." Buuuut that's another story entirely. All things in balance, people.)
Being in the software field, I understand that things happen, deadlines slip. But to mitigate frustrated customers, communication is the key.
I have now lost that chance to get dedicated play time over the Thanksgiving break, and now the Christmas break. The next time I can now dedicate an extended amount of time will be the Memorial break.
How about some official communication. It should be on this forum news feed. An additional step that would "calm the masses" would be to send out the same communication to everyone who has asked for an email update when the Mac release occurs. They have the email list of a bunch of customers "chomping at the bit" for their product. Wouldn't it be prudent to keep "stringing them along" with the latest information?
Second of all, your analogy really isn't very appropriate. The setup implies that Macs are incapable of playing games, when the reality doesn't hold to that. Macs do play games, and have always played games. It is either ignorance or rhetoric that causes you to claim otherwise.
Third, and finally, this probably isn't the best audience to appeal to with your point. I think you will find very few agrees or likes coming from this lot.
One question I have from browsing this thread: some people have said this game is not being released on Steam because it is a competitor to Beamdog which owns Overhaul Games, but doesn't the Mac App store count as a competitor? And if the Windows version is being released on Beamdog why not a Mac version? Looking at other games they are available from multiple digital download stores.
I was hopeful the game would drop by January 2013 but checking Trent Orster's twitter feed someone asks him "We will be able to play/ give BG as a present for tomorrow( (Christmas)? Please answer Trent, is quite tough answer
Regarding the Mac App store: they have the logistic system all up and running, nearly every Mac user can access it, setting up a new distribution system would probably cost more than the 30% Apple keeps, I guess.