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Faiths and Powers: Gods of the Realms (Kitpack and divine caster/spell tweaks)



  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited January 2020
    @shylaman subtledoctor is right about having to use EEKeeper to assign kits that are not among your initial options. A word of warning. When choosing the kits, you will often have a choice of kits with the same name. Do NOT assume that they are identical. I have the choice of three differnt Battleguards of Tempus from three different mods.

    Second: As well as selecting the kit on the Charactaristics Tab, you also need to select it on the innate spells tab and select from level one to level 2 or you won't get the innate spells that you should have.

    Three: You may have read that it is only possible to have one kit at a time. That is a half-truth. The game may only say that you have one kit, but it is possible to have Quayle as an Illusionist/Hoodwinker of Baravar or whatever cleric kit you think is appropriate. I can explain how to do so if you want. You have to use EE Keeper and it is a bit time-consuming but I think it is worth the effort.

    It shouldn't really be on this thread so here is a link to a new thread that I have created on the subject:
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
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  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Ah, you mean give them the spell to choose a kit! Much easier!
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited January 2020
    Hoping to get some clarity on Mystics when they are spontaneous casters. Here are my questions:
    1) It looks to me that the Mystic gets a Shaman (Sorcerer) spell progression (ends up with 6 castings per day per level max). Is this correct? If no, do they get the cleric progression?
    2) Wisdom does not provide bonus spells (no stat provides bonus spells), correct? If yes, which stat?
    3) The kit description says they get a bonus spell per level, but this does not seem to be the case. Do they get a bonus spell?

    EDIT: One more question.
    It doesn't seem that they learn their focus element sphere spells a level earlier judging by their placement in the spellbook. Should they?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2020
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  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited February 2020
    I have an opinion of Shamans. I feel they get shafted.
    A sorcerers claim to fame is he gets to cast more spells then a mage per level per day and does not need to memorize. The Shaman gets less spell castings per day compared to druids as they get into higher levels (not even counting the WIS bonus spells). They start with more and then taper off and fall behind. So in my opinion, whoever came up with the Shaman as implemented was lazy and just copied the sorcerer. I would think the Priestly spontaneous casters should follow the theme of being better casters (more prolific) like the sorcerers are compared to mages.
    Just my opinion.
    Now I need to reinstall to set back to non-spontaneous as I can't bring myself to like Shamans and kits like it.
    Note that I think it is great you have Mystics use cleric leveling instead of mage or druid, but this brings the lower casting per level cap into focus more as they cap out at 20th level while Priests and Druids keep adding spell slots.

    EDIT: I like what FnP has done. Just venting a bit on the poor Shaman as implemented.
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited February 2020
    The latest FnP version breaks IWD:EE for me (on Linux).
    The mod installs without errors, but then when I try to run the game afterwards, the game writes the following error message to the terminal and crashes:
    INFO: LUA ERROR: attempt to call a nil value

    This is with FnP version "SD v0.79.6", with all components installed (and with option "1] FnP: the Faiths & Powers original sphere system" for the first component).
    No other mods installed.

    EDIT: False alarm, I hadn't applied the necessary work-arounds for making the game work on Linux with mods that change chitin.key.
    Post edited by ineth on
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Necromanx2 wrote: »
    I have an opinion of Shamans. I feel they get shafted.
    A sorcerers claim to fame is he gets to cast more spells then a mage per level per day and does not need to memorize. The Shaman gets less spell castings per day compared to druids as they get into higher levels (not even counting the WIS bonus spells). They start with more and then taper off and fall behind. So in my opinion, whoever came up with the Shaman as implemented was lazy and just copied the sorcerer. I would think the Priestly spontaneous casters should follow the theme of being better casters (more prolific) like the sorcerers are compared to mages.
    Just my opinion.
    Now I need to reinstall to set back to non-spontaneous as I can't bring myself to like Shamans and kits like it.
    Note that I think it is great you have Mystics use cleric leveling instead of mage or druid, but this brings the lower casting per level cap into focus more as they cap out at 20th level while Priests and Druids keep adding spell slots.

    EDIT: I like what FnP has done. Just venting a bit on the poor Shaman as implemented.

    At the very least, we can increase the number of spells per day a shaman can cast.

    Lol, one thing that is taking me so long to do the readme is that I'm not caught up on all of the details of this mod (plus distracted and lazy). Do we touch the shaman at all?
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Hi @Grammarsalad, in this mod the spontaneous Mystic kits use the Shaman spell system.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Necromanx2 wrote: »
    Hi @Grammarsalad, in this mod the spontaneous Mystic kits use the Shaman spell system.

    No, I know about the spon casting system. I was wondering if we touched the actual shaman class. Eh, I can figure it out, obviously.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 2020
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  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I feel like Shamans' big problem here is that they don't get enough spells to choose from. They could use another sphere or two. Increasing their slots wouldn't mean much with their limited choices.
  • DualcastDuctapeDualcastDuctape Member Posts: 4
    I recently installed FnP, super excited to play it, but I've run into a bit of a snag with Jaheira. She only has a handful of the universal spells (I have the sphere system installed, along with all the multiclass components), and no amount of tweaking in EE Keeper will fix it. Even giving her just straight Druid didn't seem to change anything.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Have you gone to innate spells and selected druid of Silvanus?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    You don't actually have to make her a druid of Silvanus. Other kits are available, but would be incongruous.
  • DualcastDuctapeDualcastDuctape Member Posts: 4
    The only thing available in her innate spells was a "memorize spells" button.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited February 2020
    I would therefore go into EE keeper and on the innate spell tab use the filter to only have level 1 innate spells. Then select the spell "Choose a kit" There are two options D5_SCKT and D5MCKT. I'm not sure which is the correct one, so add both. Then in-game cast the spell and choose Druid of Silvanus. Only one of the spells will work. The other does nothing. You might have to go on the Memorisation tab in order to get enough innate spells.

  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    The only thing available in her innate spells was a "memorize spells" button.


    A bug?
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  • DualcastDuctapeDualcastDuctape Member Posts: 4
    Thank you all for the responses! So, I tried to add the innate ability to Jaheira, aaand both versions of "Choose a kit" are missing from the list.

    More likely he simply didn’t install the “apply FnP spheres to NPCs” component.

    Not to nitpick, but I'm a she. :P And I don't believe I had that option when I was installing FnP. If it makes any difference, I originally installed it via the EET Install Tool, so it's possible I'm working from an out of date version.
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  • DualcastDuctapeDualcastDuctape Member Posts: 4
    I did just that, and it worked! Jaheira has spells now! Thank you very much!
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited February 2020
    Posted this a week ago on G3, but never heard back so will post here:

    I am in BG2EE (FnP v79.5) and notice the following:
    1) My Northern Druid, some forms do not provide listed abilities/resistances:
    - Remorhaz says I should get -4 AC bonus to slashing, crushing, missile and 50% resistance to physical damage. Don't see these bonuses in character sheet (Beetle shows all the listed bonuses).
    - The winter wolf does not seem to get its breath weapon (could not find an ability or anything to use it).
    - Class descriptions says North Druid should have a fire beetle form, but As of 14th level, I do not see it available.

    2) Spell icons not displaying:
    - In druid spellbook, the 2nd level spell Stone Fist has no icon as well as no icon in quick cast.
    - In druid spellbook, the 2nd level spell Watery Fist, does have an icon in spellbook but not in quick cast.
  • ThrawnThrawn Member Posts: 8
    I seem to be having the same issue as DualcastDuctape. Jaheira has no spells. tried the NPC_EE fix suggested, but no change. any other suggestions?

    Thank you
  • marcosmarcos Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2020
    Never mind: I fixed it. Just had to rename the tp2 and the setup and they recognized each other.

    //Hi! I installed your mod tonight--very interesting, I wanted to check a few things out. After I uninstalled it, I went to work on a mod I'd been working on successfully all day. Suddenly, I'm getting an error message: "ERROR: This Mod is too old (or too new) to uninstall that component for you. Upgrade to the newest versions of this mod and that one and try again." Help!
  • @subtledoctor Thinking of adding this to my new install. A couple of questions, three actually, that I can't tell from the read me.

    1) First, is the link on the first page of this thread the most up to date version?

    2) Is the sphere system required for all other components?

    3) Does this mod include paladin kits? I seem to remember using it in Tutu and it did, but the read me (unless I missed it) doesn't have any. I've always thought with the proliferation of Cleric related kits, that the same should be for paladin's since they are technically a deities warriors.

    Thanks. Hope these aren't dumb questions. I admit I haven't gone through all 122 pages to find the answers. CT
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  • Short answers: yes, no, yes.

    See over here for the most recent information about the mod. Grammarsalad has been working hard on what is a fairly monstrous Readme. But the G3 thread has brief notes about what I hope is all the relevant information.

    Thank so much for the link and the quick response. CT
  • @subtledoctor : One last question. I'm pretty sure I've read that you use all three - DoF, DR and F&P - in your massive install. What's the best order to do them in?
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited February 2020
    You can also see here for a more detailed readme like thing:

    @subtledoctor : One last question. I'm pretty sure I've read that you use all three - DoF, DR and F&P - in your massive install. What's the best order to do them in?

    DR before fnp. DoF is not really compatible with fnp...
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