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[MOD] -Might and Guile- a tweak mod and kit pack for warriors and rogues.



  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    @subtledoctor yeah, I Wanted to play it in my campaign without mages even if I got SCS installed. I want just the essential spells on my barbarian so I can demolish every mage, but I also need the mechanics (like hp loss when casting) whom I'm unable to replicate alone :(
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Arthas said:

    any chance for a Runescarred Berserker kit?

    I would be really really interested.

    Already exists.
  • UOLegacyUOLegacy Member Posts: 153
    Don't wish to get too off the topic from the thread, but the Runescarred Berserker is a really nice albeit older kit. The text may need a little updating but it's still pretty functional if you can navigate through the spells.
  • SteelReserveSteelReserve Member Posts: 10
    First off, love your mods @subtledoctor ! I use a huge amount of them! Thanks for sharing all that hard work with us!

    I'm having just a few quick issues. I can't for the life of me get the Bladesinger to have a Bladesong. At first I thought it was due to a mod incompatibility, so, to experiment, I tried the mod with just EET and it still does not work. I'm unsure what to look for but I assumed it would be an innate skill but I can't find anything like it.

    I'm also curious if there is a way to manually add feats every 3-4 levels to a multiclass kitted char? It just seems like a shame to not get to use your sweet feats on a multiclass char.

    Thanks for any help in advance!
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  • SteelReserveSteelReserve Member Posts: 10
    Thanks for the quick response and taking a look!

    Ah, that makes a lot of sense about multiclass kits. I'm definitely not trying to get you to take even more work on! I was just hopeful there was a way I could circumvent the system not working for multi-class kits by adding the points myself. =)

    Again, thanks for all the rad mods!
  • UOLegacyUOLegacy Member Posts: 153
    What is the kit name for the Bladesinger? I know there is another Bladesinger mod (installed singularly) by another dev.
  • SteelReserveSteelReserve Member Posts: 10
    Bladesinger I believe is the name of the kit. I only know the Might & Guile version of it. All the features besides Bladesong work (the weapon profs and such).
  • UOLegacyUOLegacy Member Posts: 153
    edited August 2018
    This is the other Bladesinger kit:

    Personally, I'm now enjoying both. They don't seem to conflict and they both offer fascinating approaches to how to play the class.
    Post edited by UOLegacy on
  • SizzSizz Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2018
    Hello. In my swashbuckler description it says that she gets at level 1 the rogue feat, Combat Skill - Trip, but its nowhere to be found...

    EDIT : Also the skill Swashbuckling is nowhere to be found. (I've not installed rogue rebalance kit revisions.)
  • bearcattonybearcattony Member Posts: 32
    Can't install the feat system on the EET. Using BWS. Debug file:

    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    ERROR: cannot convert al_code or %al_code% to an integer
    ERROR: [might_and_guile/feats/d5_rfc1.spl] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Feat System], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 111 files for [MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2] component 200.
    Uninstalled 111 files for [MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2] component 200.
    ERROR: Not_found
    Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-MIGHT_AND_GUILE.DEBUG and look for support at: SubtleD
    Automatically Skipping [Feat System] because of error.
    Using Language [English]

  • ReddbaneReddbane Member Posts: 222
    Hey Subtle, I've been trying to replicate the effect of creating an ability which activates a script (in this case a dialogue), and thus I've been using your Kensai Revision from M&G as a model; specifically D5_KENF1. Now I understand that the conventional wisdom with this among modders is to have said ability temporarily summon an invisible, neutral, invincible, and otherwise non-interactive--creature, which then triggers the script, and thus in this case the dialogue and dialogue options, before it disappears. Now the problem I have at the moment in examining "D5_KENF1" with nearinfinity is that I can't find the area in the spl file where the cre file is referenced. The answer might seem obvious, but given I'd had limited in edited and creating spl files, this can be quite opaque to me; and your spl doesn't seem the match the structure of normal spl files for creature summons.
    Could you offer some guidance? As always, in advance, thank you for your effort and patience.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    edited September 2018
    Sorry, wrong thread.....
  • AnprionsaAnprionsa Member Posts: 106
    Getting this error.

    ERROR: cannot convert al_code or %al_code% to an integer
    ERROR: [might_and_guile/feats/d5_rfc1.spl] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)

    WeiDu log:
    Installation log:

    This was part of a large install. You can check the discussion of the issue I had with this install:
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2018
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    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • AnprionsaAnprionsa Member Posts: 106

    Awesome, I'll try it out on my next install when Shadow Magic and Foundling are updated as well.
  • ReddbaneReddbane Member Posts: 222

    Reddbane said:

    I've been trying to replicate the effect of creating an ability which activates a script (in this case a dialogue), and thus I've been using your Kensai Revision from M&G as a model; specifically D5_KENF1. Now I understand that the conventional wisdom with this among modders is to have said ability temporarily summon an invisible, neutral, invincible, and otherwise non-interactive--creature, which then triggers the script, and thus in this case the dialogue and dialogue options, before it disappears. Now the problem I have at the moment in examining "D5_KENF1" with nearinfinity is that I can't find the area in the spl file where the cre file is referenced.

    Honestly I don't remember - the kensai stuff is the oldest code in the mod. But the short answer is, you cast a spell, which summons an invisible creature, and you set the override script of the invisible creature to a script which uses ActionOverride to have LastSummonerOf(me) start a dialogue. Now you have a dialogue which considers the summoner to be "Myself" and you can do whatever you want.
    Could you tell me which file is the cre that is summoned and/or which file is the script it activates? That way I could examine them.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2018
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  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868

    EDIT 2 - ugh, the new way the forum automatically adds extra spaces between paragraphs is extremely annoying. I have to edit Every. Single. Post. to remove them...

    Same here. :(
  • AnprionsaAnprionsa Member Posts: 106

    The update has fixed my install error, thanks!
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Anprionsa said:


    The update has fixed my install error, thanks!

  • MasterChefMasterChef Member Posts: 43
    Quick question regarding the Bladesinger kit - what exactly does the Bladesong provide a character? I have a BG2 install and it looks like it is providing an extra half-attack and additional point in THAC0, beyond what the class description describes.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2018
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  • UOLegacyUOLegacy Member Posts: 153
    Definitely go for it. I would love to see you back on the modding scene delivering packages that makes me want to come back and play it again.
  • TyrionBeanTyrionBean Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2018
    Hi there,

    I just got into modding a few days ago and I found your mod. It looks mighty fun and interesting, but I have a question about archers:

    Does the +1 to hit and damage every few levels apply in the same way that some creatures cannot be hit by something less than +4 or +5 weapons? I'm curious because I've tried playing an archer before and since there are just so few arrows above +2, it makes it really kind of nerfed playing one against high level creatures (think Kangaxx etc...) So I'm basically looking for a mod which lets archers be archers, and not have to rely on very scant ammo to even start making a dent in really big fights.

    Thanks for any info! Much appreciated.

    EDIT: Yes, I am aware that the bow from Trademeet fires +3 arrows and Gesen fires +4, but you get Gesen really late in the game and I'm looking to hit stuff with +4 or +5 *before* I have to finish the whole "rescue Imoen for a week" phase. Thanks. :)
  • GawainBSGawainBS Member Posts: 523
    edited September 2018
    @subtledoctor Your Bladesinger idea above looks pretty solid. I assume you'd also allow full Mastery of the Weapon of Choice and limit the armour to Studded Leather and Elven Chainmail?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @TyrionBean There is good ammo to be found in Watchers' Keep.
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