Better class for ToB

So I have recently finished now my 3rd run of BG1 with an Undead Hunter and I am halfway the game with an evil mage/thief. Now I want to go further in the BG2 game and later to ToB, however, since the game takes around 150 hours to complete I would want to choose the better class of these two. I like both classes, but I have read that Undead Hunter loses its many bonuses in ToB whereas Mage/Thief only starts to really shine around the time you enter ToB. On the other hand, all the undead that are present in BG2 should make it a cakewalk for my UH. I hate mindflyers.. on the side note, I usually like to travel around with a party of 4-5 people. I find it the easiest micromanaging and slightly more xp than for a party of 6.
Basically, I would want to hear your thoughts on which class would be easier to play with in the late game. I really can't decide, but I have to :P
Thanks for any input.
So I have recently finished now my 3rd run of BG1 with an Undead Hunter and I am halfway the game with an evil mage/thief. Now I want to go further in the BG2 game and later to ToB, however, since the game takes around 150 hours to complete I would want to choose the better class of these two. I like both classes, but I have read that Undead Hunter loses its many bonuses in ToB whereas Mage/Thief only starts to really shine around the time you enter ToB. On the other hand, all the undead that are present in BG2 should make it a cakewalk for my UH. I hate mindflyers.. on the side note, I usually like to travel around with a party of 4-5 people. I find it the easiest micromanaging and slightly more xp than for a party of 6.
Basically, I would want to hear your thoughts on which class would be easier to play with in the late game. I really can't decide, but I have to :P
Thanks for any input.
Mind flayers aren't undead, btw.
One thing to consider is that a Paladin will almost certainly end up with a M/T NPC in the party (there are three), but your Evil M/T probably won't be compatible with the only Paladin NPC (unless you count Dorn, who can't use Paladin equipment).
Overall I'd go with your Undead Hunter as Jan is a unique and powerful NPC Illusionist/Thief with some unique items which are incredibly powerful if leveraged correctly (see @semiticgod 's thread "The Party of Spiders to learn about your options).
...Just some shower thoughts about my game...
I have zero experience with undead hunter, so cannot comment extensively. It seems sound, just by reading the kit description. There are potloads of undead in both SoA and Tob. On the other hand, playing something like a cavalier or inquisitor kit, you could always get a cleric to cast negative plane protection on you when fighting such foes. The undead hunter, obviously, would not need such outside help. Which means that if your cleric gets waxed, you can still fight on.
Any paladin kit gets a lot stronger once you get Carsomyr.
Edit: I accidentally said Planetar before.
Spirit casters get Deva, arcane casters get Planetar.
By the end of ToB, I had (for the good guys) Anomen and Jaheira both carrying several summon Deva spells, and Imoen and Neera packing summon Planetar. Bad guys with these were Edwin and Viconia.
If Assuming I would reach around 6.6mil xp throughout the game my UH would be at 30th level whereas my M/T would be only at ~19/25. So which combo would be more powerful? I'm now trying to learn backstabbing with my M/T but it's not as easy as it sounds, I usually score rather low damage, it does not even compare to the damage output of my cleric.
THACO on thieves progresses slowly so you need to buff them up if you want them to hit consistently on a backstab. Giant strength, +4 weapon (or better) ... preferably a weapon with extra swings. I think the Scarlet Ninja-to works that way, although I'd have to look it up to be certain. Belm does, but it's only a +2 weapon, which doesn't work well in the end game. And, since he is also a mage, he'll have improved haste for even more swings; also you might consider Tenser's transformation. At highest level, black blade of disaster spell sounds mean for backstabbing, although I never tried it myself. Note that the cloak of non-detection protects hidden (but not invisible) thieves against true sight; the spell does not.
And level 25 thief means a fair number of snares available; those spike traps especially can be mean. Lay a minefield and then get critters to chase you into it. BOOM! Also, you won't have to drag another thief type around to deal with locks and traps.
You might want to have another mage type in your party in order to get extra HLA/high level spells. Heck, I had two mages who weren't even multis, and was thankful for them; you can never have enough arcane spells. At 18, Sarevok only got 1 level 9 spell, although he also had chain contingency active, bur Edwin made up for it.
You can maximize your own character's experience total by running two parties side by side, one good and one evil. That way you can also complete all the evil NPC quests. (You really can't have Anomen and Keldorn in the same party as Dorn and Hexxat.) You can also increase experience total by running fewer NPCs in your party, although that makes things harder.
Also I believe I will run with a party size of 4-5 to actually get as high levels as possible.
One more thing, if I want to UAI on my thief, could I use carsomyr without any penalties or how does that work? I mean nor thieves nor mages can get proficient in two handed weapons.
I had two differently composed parties; I was able to create two groups since MyChar was true neutral. He didn't care about alignment. Good party was me, Imoen, Neera, Keldorn, Jaheira and Anomen. Evil was me, Dorn, Edwin, Hexxat, Viconia and Sarevok as a F->M conversion. So yes, I did all the NPC quests. I could have kept Jaheira and Imoen in both, but I wanted an all evil group for RP purposes and also to see how the various NPCs worked. I did the final battles using each group, and the evil guys worked out fine.
No, you cannot have Keldorn/Anomen in the same party as a vampire and a Blackguard. I doubt if Keldorn would cotton to Viconia because of her deity choice, but not sure if it would lead to open conflict. I'm pretty sure those two can tolerate other evil aligned characters as long as you manage to keep the party rep decent. A high charisma should help.
Your Undead Hunter is a Paladin kit. I have no idea how that would work. Can he tolerate Dorn? Will Dorn attack him on sight? Will he become fallen if he particiates in Dorn's quests? I have no clue.
You might try running each of the two characters through the early parts of SoA, just to see how they function. Or create throw away clones in the first chapter of ToB to see what abilities they would get at higher levels. I did that with a couple of kits to see which might be preferable for my next run through.
You might also consider fighter/thief, or fighter/mage (which seems to be quite popular in terms of power gaming).
I also tried calling up various NPCs. Strangely enough, Keldorn didn't react at all to either Hexxat or Dorn. I have no clue why; in SoA they can't stand each other. I suspect it's because we were still in the pocket plane; things might change when we returned to Faerun.
I rolled up a M/T multi in SoA also; full elf this time ... better abilities and immunities. He was level 6/7. Not nearly as impressive, and since I knew Imoen was going to be unavailable for a while, I put 100% into finding traps and picking locks, leaving only a small skill % available for hiding/silent move. Won't be doing any backstabbing with that one any time soon. It should still be sound.
When you get out of Irenicus prison, you will lose Imoen and be left with Minsc, Jaheira and Yoshimo. Dump Yoshi and grab Anomen, Nalia and Aerie. That should serve for a while. Minsc and Anomen should be able to do front line duty, and you'll have plenty of spiritual and arcane spell power.
I'd say the only exception to this, is if you have built your paladin as a more tanky type character (or fighter). But even then, I'd suggest splitting the battlefield between them and your cleric. Globe of Blades is just plain lovely for the damages
Sorry; I'm not quite clear with what you are disagreeing. My comment was in reference to a single class cleric, not a F/C or F/M multi. Clearly any character class with "fighter" in it's description is expected to take part in melee. And yes, clerics can do things like plug a gap or block a doorway defensively, since they can wear heavy armor and get good HP. But offensively, they come out rather behind a fighter kit in the end run.
You will also notice the phrase "early on" in my sentence. I consider all of SoA to be "early on". Clerics can still do front line combat duty there. "Later on" refers to ToB beyond the mid point, when fighters start getting HLAs. Greater Whirlwind lets a Fighter far outdo a plain cleric in damage output.
A high level cleric's best offensive weapon/spell at later stages is likely energy blade, a high powered Melf's Meteors capable of doing huge damage in a short time. This is a distance weapon and doesn't require he cleric to be in the front line. Blade barrier is semi OK, provided the cleric is off all alone somewhere. Aside from the fact that enemies get a saving throw, remember that this spell is NOT group friendly; you will also clobber party members who are standing near you. Being attacked in this manner will turn summoned creatures and (non-party) allies hostile. I rarely used it for that reason.
A fighter kit who gets 10 APR from greater whirlwind and uses a vorpal weapon like the silver sword or Ravager can kill 2-3 foes PER ROUND. I had Ravager+6, a THAC0 of -12 (-14 when berserking) and would end pretty much any normal melee within one turn using GWW.
A single-class cleric will lag behind, but they'll have enough summoning spells to still be equally threatening.
Even then, I prefer them on the front line, because you can psuedo aggro juggle in BG. Watching them trying to punch through my cleric or arcane caster, while eating globe of blades and aura of immolation, makes me happy.
Yes they won't keep up with the Ravers and GWWs of the world etc. But they'll still do respectable amounts of damage when they hit, on top of all their buffs etc.
And you're right, things like Globe of Blades aren't party friendly, but you can plan combat around the cleric and those buffs, so taht you're party isn't a part of the clerical booze and blood blender bender, happening inside.