I fondly recall while playing vanilla BG, the opportunities to fight an Ogre in the woods above the Nash carnival grounds. 98% of the time it was Kobolds, but on rare occasion an Ogre would spawn.
Alas, during my multiple play-throughs of BG EE, no Ogres would spawn ( though I certainly kept looking1) and I figured the spawn had been removed.
Well, imagine my excitement when during a recent trip to the fair to sell some newly acquired loot, on a dark and stormy night, I check once more and THERE in front of my party stood 3 Ogre Berserkers!!!
My Dwarven Defender couldn't believe his good fortune. He snidely turned and looked at his party and quipped, "I've got this guys, take a smoke break", and proceeded forward to lay the hurt down.
Ashideena at the ready, he activated battle stance...
And promptly died in about 4 hits, took about 5 seconds.
WHAT !!!!
I stared at the death cinematic in disbelief.
What just happened?
I collected my thoughts, chugged a beer, lit a smoke and reloaded.
There my party stood, at the edge of the map, all ready to go. Far distant from where the Ogres had spawned.
I opened by DD's inventory screen and....
- No armour on him
- No shield in hand
- No helmet on head
- No girdle on waist...
Oh my gawd, I didn't just...
Well just before returning from the Cloudpeaks, I had been playing around with armour swaps betwixt my DD, Minsc and Viccy. Just neglected that little issue of putting the damn armour back on.
I have never seen my precious little ogres since.
I'm still looking though, every time I visit the fair. I think two more visits and Kobolds will become extinct in my game. sigh....
Alas, during my multiple play-throughs of BG EE, no Ogres would spawn ( though I certainly kept looking1) and I figured the spawn had been removed.
Well, imagine my excitement when during a recent trip to the fair to sell some newly acquired loot, on a dark and stormy night, I check once more and THERE in front of my party stood 3 Ogre Berserkers!!!
My Dwarven Defender couldn't believe his good fortune. He snidely turned and looked at his party and quipped, "I've got this guys, take a smoke break", and proceeded forward to lay the hurt down.
Ashideena at the ready, he activated battle stance...
And promptly died in about 4 hits, took about 5 seconds.
WHAT !!!!
I stared at the death cinematic in disbelief.
What just happened?
I collected my thoughts, chugged a beer, lit a smoke and reloaded.
There my party stood, at the edge of the map, all ready to go. Far distant from where the Ogres had spawned.
I opened by DD's inventory screen and....
- No armour on him
- No shield in hand
- No helmet on head
- No girdle on waist...
Oh my gawd, I didn't just...
Well just before returning from the Cloudpeaks, I had been playing around with armour swaps betwixt my DD, Minsc and Viccy. Just neglected that little issue of putting the damn armour back on.
I have never seen my precious little ogres since.
I'm still looking though, every time I visit the fair. I think two more visits and Kobolds will become extinct in my game. sigh....
"It seems you're correct, Richard. What do you think, Harold?"
"I think we need to crush him, crush him to goo. Do you concur?"
"Oh, yes!" "Just so!"
Nowadays I never drop anything which isn't worth forgetting
What the hell was I thinking?
(I'm having too much fun with this Aerie avatar, I know.)
Accidentally gave him ** in single weapon fighting.
Used two weapons until lvl 4, when I finally realized 'oh, so that's why he sucks...'
(actually, it was pretty funny.
(I think the main-hand was Frostreaver... the blue and gold looked ace to me!)
Well OF COURSE I was wearing Gorions belt for the ice protection, duh!
So where to now I wondered?
Well I'm on a roll, might as well continue with arrow collecting, so back to Firewine dungeon for some sweet Fire arrows off those stupid Kobolds! Fish in a barrel ya know!
Immy and I start running the gauntlet, damn, my DD is taking serious hits here. Bad luck. Holy hanna, he just about... what? Dead? from Kobolds? KOBOLDS?
empty my ale, switch to scotch...
Where is my save? LARSWOOD????
What am I wearing? Gorions belt?
Reads fine print "doubles damage from fire...."
Not sure what I was thinking that I was quite that inept with the game. It's not like I was 7 (was more like 18) or that I had no experience with RPGs (had been playing adventure RPGs for years) or something.
I actually made it through most of the game, up until we're framed and the Flaming Fist in the city turn hostile. And what does party AI do with hostile characters?
"I serve the Flami-" *twang*
Before anyone else can react, Imoen one-shots the poor guy with her shortbow. Our reputation plummets, the surrounding bystanders all turn hostile, my party goes into full killing spree mode. While I'm still trying to wrap my head around what's going on, Imoen turns blue, walks up to Charname and says something like: "How could you do such a thing, I don't even know you anymore." Then she walks off, leaving me to be blamed for the disaster she caused.
Reload, turn off party AI, and decades later, I've never turned it back on.
"The upper floors of this tower are rather easy. Oh, look, I can go to the roof."-Petrified
"Another ambush. What is it this time, bandits?"-Petrified
"I'm just gonna go pick up this NPC."-Petrified
"Hey, I'm almost through the catacombs!"-Petrified
"Good to see that someone placed this door over the sewer water so I can cross."-Petrified
I've done all of these at least once. Then:
"Whew, finally made it inside the asylum. Now to break free and take my vengeance!"-Crushed by a wall trap
"I have come to slay you at long last, Irenicus!"-Instakilled by plot spell
Sail, say goodbye to wind.
What's even sadder is that this has happened to me multiple times.
hey, it seemed perfectly logical at the time.
I started my first ever no reload/no rez campaign and at the same time I am trying to use each of the NPCs. To that end, I am not trying too hard to keep some of them alive, so that I can rotate them around. Well, Rasaad bites it, and I need a new warrior to replace him. I figured I'd pick up Dorn and run through his quest, as I've never used him before. The party is roughly level two and I wanted to keep him around for a while, so I give him the Ankheg Plate and some other good gear and, immediately after recruiting him, I set off to the map east of Nashkel Mines. About 5 seconds into that map, we run into a group of three skeletons. Another 5 seconds later and Dorn is a pincushion, I'm running from skeletons, and I now need to find a new warrior ro replace the dead blackguard.
I guess I'll get to his quest on the next playthrough.....