What does the Charname say?

We've all roleplayed characters at least once, so what are so of the things/remarks/comments your personal Charname made to specifc events in the BG saga? Obviously I'm referring to comments that aren't actually in the game.
Hi'keem the Dragonborn at the final battle with Irenicus.
" I'm tired of this *beep* elf! You kidnapped us, killed Khalid, killed Dynahier, tortured Imoen, tortured Mincs, tortured Jaheira, and caused Viconia to be turned into a vampire...
Now elf, there is no more running, and you have no sister left to hide behind. There is just you, me, and so much pint up anger; that I'm about to pound you so hard, Viconia is going to be jealous."
Finding Imeon on spellhold .
"Heya! It's me, Hi'keem!"
Hi'keem the Dragonborn at the final battle with Irenicus.
" I'm tired of this *beep* elf! You kidnapped us, killed Khalid, killed Dynahier, tortured Imoen, tortured Mincs, tortured Jaheira, and caused Viconia to be turned into a vampire...
Now elf, there is no more running, and you have no sister left to hide behind. There is just you, me, and so much pint up anger; that I'm about to pound you so hard, Viconia is going to be jealous."
Finding Imeon on spellhold .
"Heya! It's me, Hi'keem!"
For instance, when Syrin (moon elf ranger) finally stakes Bodhi, she sort of leans in and says "You stole my sister's soul, trapped me in a maze for your own amusement, tried to take Rasaad from me, and those are the least of your crimes. How did you think this was going to end, saurot tel'ahnvae?"
When she discovers the Pocket Plane, she looks around and says "Am I allowed to redecorate or am I stuck with the *bleep*ing creepy eyeballs and stuff?"
"Missiles on the mage! Immy fire! Khalid acid! Neera, gimme a fireball!"
The party has even worked out their own slang. Wulf went charging into the Xvart village bellowing "Neera, Garrick, lullaby!"
You had to have the corporate goodbye for the npc lol.
-After Gorion's death-
"I...I... What... Why... Argh!"
-First time meeting Viconia... Internal monologue-
Ok, Hi'keem, she is thhe most beautiful beautiful thing you've thing that you've ever seen. You just beat up a flaming fist guard for her, so you better make your next words count!
"So, you're a Drow huh? That's cool, I'm um... I'm something that starts with a D! Damn it, what is that word? This went better in my head..."
And when encountering Imoen outside of Candlekeep
'Heya, it's me Imoen'
"Oh thank goodness for saying your name, because there would be no way I would have recognized you otherwise!"
"So, if I kill a ghost...do you think he'll come back as the ghost of a ghost?"
"Sorry, Sarevok, but you're gonna end up a failure, just like Dad!"
"Why must I talk to such a pissant mage?"
"Priestess of Bhaal? More like priestess of my balls, amiright? What do you mean, she's my mother?"
*picks up rusty halberd* "The denizens of the nine hells may not want to do something like this, but they're not me, are they?"
"You know what I always say? Always kill the mouthy one first. That's what I always say. Right, Drasus?"
Hand puppet Drasus: "That's right, boss!"
"Amen, brother, preach on, spread the WORD!"
Rasaad: "You think this is funny?"
"You told me to blend in! This is your fault, not mine!"
To Dorn: "Looks like I really saved your bacon back there-oh, right, half-bacon..."
"Shut up, Khalid."
'Hey Jaheira, if things don't work out between you Khalid; hit me up.
-geta hit on the head by Jaheira.-