Completed Saga Runs

Seems like a fun discussion. many full saga runs have you completed? I'll go first.
(1) Durak - dwarven defender
This was before my ill fated solo attempt. Runehammer in one hand, defender of easthaven in the other and the Roranarch's Horn atop his head, he was a tank like no other. He walked up and got the enemy's attention, and then Korgan (axe of the unyielding and crom faeyr) flanked. It worked quite well.
I envisioned him attaining godhood and becoming a (very) minor dwarven deity, with the portfolio of being a god for dwarves raised by non-dwarves who still try to stick to their heritage.
(2) Kadrin - dwarven fighter/thief
Carsomyr when fighting, Yamato for backstabbing, wearing white dragon scale armor and has the headband of the devout on his head. Backstabbing with a guaranteed max damage at 25 strength? Followed up by 10 whirlwind attacks with Carsomyr? He was a whirlwind of destruction. And the traps...oh the traps.
I envisioned him retiring to the Deepstone Clanhold where he would spend the rest of his days, protecting it from any future attack. And experimenting with the unique ore found there to make truly deadly traps for any unwanted guests.
(3) Lother - Human Fighter/Shadowdancer
Dual classed him at lvl 13 so he would have max backstabbery. Belm in his offhand, spectral brand in his main. Quite a force to be reckoned with.
I envisioned him taking godhood and changing his name to Bhaal, becoming what his father once was.
(4) Aethandir- Elven Fighter/Mage
Not my favorite run, too much micro managing. But a surprisingly good tank. Even though there were better options out there, he kept Aslyferund, the best elven chain in the world, because it just looked that damned good. A weird bug meant that I couldn't actually get out of the pocket plane after beating the last trial, but because there was nothing I could do about it I still count the run complete.
I envisioned him returning to Suldanessar after the saga.
(5) Brynhild - Human Inquisitor
Damn those stats. I mean...damn. S20 D18 C20 I14 W18 Cha21. That was some good rolling. Purifier in one hand, Hindo's Doom in the other (for the magic resistance), she did fairly well for herself. Kinda redundant to have her and Keldorn, but this was the holy warrior run.
She ran away with Anomen as per their epilogue.
(6) Weilan - Human Monk
More crazy stats. When a monk has S25, hits for max damage (ie: 43 damage per hit) and has 10 attacks per round? Combine that with -16 THACO and -19AC, and you have something completely broken. Combine that with 100% magic resistance and enemies just cry. Then again, beating BG1 with a monk charname and with Raasad in the same party...that was so damned painful. So I feel like I earned that power spike at the end.
She took godhood, for one reason only: She feared getting old and withering away. A strange thought that hit me when making that final choice, but I ran with it.
So 6 completed saga runs thus far. I've got a ranger/cleric currently in the underdark who might well join their number eventually, and I'm toying with a fighter/druid run which has just started in BG1.
And this isn't counting how I beat the saga twice in my youth, before EE. Once as a paladin and another with a dwarven berserker.
Anyone else want to share how obsessed they are with this game?
(1) Durak - dwarven defender
This was before my ill fated solo attempt. Runehammer in one hand, defender of easthaven in the other and the Roranarch's Horn atop his head, he was a tank like no other. He walked up and got the enemy's attention, and then Korgan (axe of the unyielding and crom faeyr) flanked. It worked quite well.
I envisioned him attaining godhood and becoming a (very) minor dwarven deity, with the portfolio of being a god for dwarves raised by non-dwarves who still try to stick to their heritage.
(2) Kadrin - dwarven fighter/thief
Carsomyr when fighting, Yamato for backstabbing, wearing white dragon scale armor and has the headband of the devout on his head. Backstabbing with a guaranteed max damage at 25 strength? Followed up by 10 whirlwind attacks with Carsomyr? He was a whirlwind of destruction. And the traps...oh the traps.
I envisioned him retiring to the Deepstone Clanhold where he would spend the rest of his days, protecting it from any future attack. And experimenting with the unique ore found there to make truly deadly traps for any unwanted guests.
(3) Lother - Human Fighter/Shadowdancer
Dual classed him at lvl 13 so he would have max backstabbery. Belm in his offhand, spectral brand in his main. Quite a force to be reckoned with.
I envisioned him taking godhood and changing his name to Bhaal, becoming what his father once was.
(4) Aethandir- Elven Fighter/Mage
Not my favorite run, too much micro managing. But a surprisingly good tank. Even though there were better options out there, he kept Aslyferund, the best elven chain in the world, because it just looked that damned good. A weird bug meant that I couldn't actually get out of the pocket plane after beating the last trial, but because there was nothing I could do about it I still count the run complete.
I envisioned him returning to Suldanessar after the saga.
(5) Brynhild - Human Inquisitor
Damn those stats. I mean...damn. S20 D18 C20 I14 W18 Cha21. That was some good rolling. Purifier in one hand, Hindo's Doom in the other (for the magic resistance), she did fairly well for herself. Kinda redundant to have her and Keldorn, but this was the holy warrior run.
She ran away with Anomen as per their epilogue.
(6) Weilan - Human Monk
More crazy stats. When a monk has S25, hits for max damage (ie: 43 damage per hit) and has 10 attacks per round? Combine that with -16 THACO and -19AC, and you have something completely broken. Combine that with 100% magic resistance and enemies just cry. Then again, beating BG1 with a monk charname and with Raasad in the same party...that was so damned painful. So I feel like I earned that power spike at the end.
She took godhood, for one reason only: She feared getting old and withering away. A strange thought that hit me when making that final choice, but I ran with it.
So 6 completed saga runs thus far. I've got a ranger/cleric currently in the underdark who might well join their number eventually, and I'm toying with a fighter/druid run which has just started in BG1.
And this isn't counting how I beat the saga twice in my youth, before EE. Once as a paladin and another with a dwarven berserker.
Anyone else want to share how obsessed they are with this game?
I never bought ToB back in the day, so all my runs were only BG/TotC/SoA and later Tutu and BGT. I only bought the EE's a few months ago and I went through IWD first, since I'd never played that one before.
My first Charname of the Modern Era just completed the first Cloakwood map.
The party, lead by a half-orc berserker, is so close to the end that I can taste it - but unfortunately I've stalled on the brink of victory so badly that it's making my teeth hurt.
As a matter of interest, were the characters you mentioned leading a full party of six or leaner, trimmed down parties?
Edit: On that point I've just had a brain fart - more later if it works.
Edit 2: Yes! I've just worked out how to use the pocket plane to get around those scenarios where the entire party is moved/teleported to a position right in front of the enemy and instantly blasted to pieces.
True neutral berserker who went from BG to ToB ... twice.
Currently running a couple of folks through early SoA to see who works best. Blade and Archer seem to be ahead of the others (Sun Soul Monk and Swashbuckler are the next runners-up).
I started them all in SoA, since I didn't have the patience to go through all that low level nonsense in Baldur's gate again. One pass through those damned mines was enough.
My memory is failing, because that run was quite a lot of years ago. The BG1 part especially, I don't remember the party composition. Probably something along the lines of: Montaron, Ajantis, Kivan, Minsc and Branwen - at that time that was my most frequent party. Yes, I went through the game without a mage, very figher oriented composition.
My human fighter Charname was using flails/hammers and the same was for BG2. I found it difficult to decide, who should I have with me in the sequel. No useful thieves, silly romances and annoying NPCs made me go for something like this: Anomen, Nalia, Edwin, Keldorn and Valygar + Sarevok replacing Edwin for ToB. Again, focus on melee characters. In that run my Charname refused the godhood, he wanted to remain hidden and wandered off somewhere unknown.
The character I -did- manage to complete the series with, running through both EE versions was an Inquisitor named Faust.
Inqusitors absolutely break BG1 where nothing has any hope of resisting it's dispel so he kinda facerolled most of the mage enemies. During late SoA and ToB his usefulness as an Anti-Magic Nuke dropped off, but by then he was running around with Carsomyr and HLAs and chunking things anyway, with only Sarevok able to keep up in terms of raw damage.
I've finished BG1 countless times, and I usually take those characters into BG2 with good intentions. But I almost always lose interest and get distracted with either another new BG1 run, or another game completely, and most of my Charnames are in long-abandoned save files, or erased.
I have exactly the opposite reaction. I find getting CharName through those early levels tedious and not particularly much fun. I feel that SoA with it's potload of side quests and greater choice of spells, weapons and equipment is far more entertaining. I have TRIED to get interested in another BG run but get bored after a couple of hours.
2. Next closest is my dwarven wizard slayer halfway through tob
I've had countless get through Shadows of Amn and BG1 though. I lose interest at Throne of Bhaal.
Before I could attempt a full saga run, I learned of the NO-RELOAD concept...
I have yet to finish both games with one charname.
(Though my current Dragon Disciple is going strong all the way to Underdark.)
I have finished BG1EE with alot of charnames, planning to take them through SoA/ToB but before I'm done (usually in the middle of all the companion quests) I start anew instead.
I am planning to do my first full saga run including the Siege of Dragonspear, with a Fighter/Mage which I haven't started yet.
SOA until the underdark dozens of time
TOB, probably less than 5 times. The ones I remember :
- 1 with a cheesy solo sorc (abusing project image to cast multiple planetars)
- 1 with a solo inquisitor
- 1 with a FT and evil group (Viconia, Edwin, Korgan)
- 1 with a solo sorc, no reload run
I have completed BG:EE four times now (a Bard, a Cleric, a Mage and a Dwarven Defender). Of those, only the Bard and the DD made it to the end of ToB.
The Cleric run started because I wanted to use all new NPCs at once. It worked well enough for the BG1 part (took Dorn, Neera, Rasaad, Baeloth and Imoen rounding out the group), but after a few hours into BG2, I ended up losing interest.
So not really that hard:
- early game you reload when you fail a save or die to 1 trap
- once you get carsomyr, you can get more or less immune to magic so it's really not hard at all
- at HLA levels, paladins have access to summon deva
The former run was a bit more than 3 years ago, when I had just begun playing again after circa ten years without playing. My setup had lots of mods (including full SCS and Ascension), which was not necessarily a great idea. I remember it took me a full afternoon for the party to beat Melissan.
Instead of accepting godhood with all its ensuing responsibilities Lenne chose to live with her partner Valygar in his cabin in the Umar Hills (in my imagination).
I remember little of the Fighter/Illusionist even though that playthrough was more recent. What I do recall is that the setup was a lot simpler, closer to vanilla, and that the character and his friends had much less difficulty with Mel.
In the old days (somewhere in 2002) I would have completed a trilogy run with an Elven or Halfling Swashbuckler - I'm pretty sure I played both since Swashie was my favorite kit at the time. However a scratch on my CD caused the game to crash in the Yaga-Shura's lair.
I have yet to complete a trilogy run in the EEs. Odds are I won't though, as I really only play no-reload these days, and I've found that I'm a rather slipshod player.
I feel guilty ...
And I really, really need to complete the saga at least once.
I do not miss scratched CDs. I bought multiple copies of BG, BG2, IWD and IWD2 cause of that. I finally at one point just made ISO's of each of them to avoid it. Thankfully, I only had to pay 1 last time for each EE. Never will I uninstall them again ^_^