Sequence recognition tests crack me up. The answer to the first question is obviously 42, because the numbers given are the first five zeros of the polynomial x^6-82x^5+2244x^4-27110x^3+152231x^2-362904x+235620.
I've just burned another point of my intelligence trying to comprehend that... oh well need more strength to compensate
STR 10 - I weigh 250 pounds, yet I am different as every joint in my arms and hands are "double jointed", I am not supposed to be able to do one pushup, but can do 40 in a row. Most of my strength is in my lower body. Using my legs I am able to push a truck uphill. DEX 12 - At 250 lbs, that is great considering I can sometimes be a klutz, just sometimes though, I rarely if ever break anything unless I am purposely messing with it. CON 15 - I once had a banana seat bike and was at one point a daredevil. I decided to go down the steepest trail I could find. A two part hill where one half was a quad trail at ~75 degrees and a road at ~55-60. So generally 30 to 40 km per hour downhill(I was able to pass a moving car with a 40km/h speed limit). They had laid fresh gravel on the road since the previous day when I had scouted it. My bike flipped over me and I slid 30 ft down the gravel road on my elbow and was stopped by a thick bush of thistles. At that young age I picked myself up and dragged myself a km home. I was of course crying at that age, but when I reached home my mother nearly had a panic attack due to the blood that was flowing from my arm and she never panics. INT 16 - The test did pretty well. WIS 16 - I do not say much, but when I have an opinion something, it is apparent I have put thought into it. CHA 19 - I really do not know why.
This D&D stat test actually tests your intelligence rather than letting you self-report it. It divides your intelligence score into two kinds of intelligence. When last I took it, I got 14/15.
It doesn't do as good a job with the other stats, as it relies on the usual self-reporting, but it tries really hard to be as objective as possible.
I'd recommend that those who think they have high intelligence take the test for that though, just to sort of "put your money where you mouth is."
Cheers for this link Belgarath. I did the test honestly and got the following:
Str 15 Dex 17 Con 15 Int 12 Wis 11 Cha 9
Bit gutted as Rangers need 14 wisdom iirc, though the rest of the stats seem fairly accurate to my first guess! I did feel some of the int test relied on education over raw intelligence, whilst a couple of the wisdom tests also seemed reliant on local knowledge of a sort, but otherwise the test was pretty enjoyable. Incidentally the 3d questions and iirc (it was many years ago) some of the others are used by British armed forced in their entry tests.
The baldurs gate forum has a higher average intelligence score because the game baldurs gate attracts the attention of intilligent people int the first place, and the forum has a tendency to keep them here. Probably cause the older game is play mostly by adults rather than mean teenagers and dumb 8 year olds.
I like the bell curve distribution best for determining stats. I would stay away from turning to the players handbook because it runs it into a semantic debate(Ick). If theirs a .5% chance you roll and 18 then it's the top .5% of the population. (I equivilate intelligence score wit IQ. perhaps there's a good argument for equivilating wisdom to education.)
I would not use grades as any kind of matrix for intelligence. It's been shown there's little correlation between grades and IQ. I know some very stupid people with 4.5gpa, and some very intelligent people with very low grades. The same findings go for socioeconomic status. I have a IQ of about 128. I missed being "gifted" by a 2 or the points, but I don't have great grades. I have little patience for busywork and I don't like having to relearn stuff I already know. I prefer to do my own thing anyway. On the other hand, I know some people who.... Really don't make any sense. One girl in my math class asked what a function was after we had been doing functions for two weeks, and got the highest test grade (102%) for that unit. So yeah. Edimucations system. But that's a different thread.
Oh and btw people like Einstein, Newton, and hawking are 19-20. Also IQ is an imperfect tool and turns kinda silly and rather inaccurate after about 150.
I use the same distribution technique for all stats, but IQ is a very convenient parallel so the debate usually starts with that.
As for me I usually say I'm about: Str9 (I weigh 120lbs )
Dex14( I weigh 120lbs )
Con10(I work with knives and fire and get hurt a lot, so I have a very high pain tolerance. But I also have allergies, anemia caused by chronic nose bleeds, and I'm sick 50% of the time. I figure they balance out.)
Int16 (see discussion of iq)
Wis14 this is tricky. For my age I seem to know what I'm doing pretty well. I don't go around smoking and smashing windows or anything. And if wisdom is book learning I'm probably higher(for my age) I love me some book learning(though not homework. I suppose this could be an argument for a lower score)
Cha14-15 (not sure. I'm kinda a "class clown," and most people seem to think I'm funny though I have a knack for rubbing people the wrong way. I'm not "popular" but that's cause I'd rather not be, not cause I'm a bumbling idiot. Also I'm a weird nerd who makes guns and swords in his backyard. Though people seem to like me before they find that out.)
Sorcerer, obviously. I'm quite the "special snowflake"
Chaotic good. I never cared for rules but I have liitle patience for evil, and I'm ok with taking stuff into my own hands. Vigilante justice! Woo! (Not really though. That's not a career recommendation And you are not batman)
I haven't taken one of those tests in like a year. I'll prolly goy take the angelfire one and compare.
I should say when I made my own D&D system for Tabletop(shameless plug,) I added 2 stats: comeliness, which was in 1E, and athletics, which split dexterity into fine motor skills and large motor skills.
I could say more, but I've already amassed a pretty good wall of text.
As for Strength: These are taken from my Physical Education Scores.
I have done: -80+ push ups in one minute. (I forget my record but It can be done) -121 Curl Ups and then pulled a muscle [the test only goes to 99 D-:] (This was with a week long rest before hand) -285 lbs Bench Press and 1000 lbs Leg Press.
Basically I am stocky person with muscle 'smooshed' more tightly than most people.
I think the test is bull crap so -2 every attribute for a more better result:
Race: Dwarf. (I am quite stocky) Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Good. ('MARY SUE!!!' -Fine: Chaotic Good, For One Cannot Simply Loose Insanity.) Class: This One! ('Dude Mary Sue' -Fine Sorcerer / Ranger. 'MARY SUE!!!' -FINE JEEZ! [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] -Bard. 'MARY SUE!!!' *Pulls Out Gun* -WHO THE F*CK IS A MARY SUE NOW!?!?! 'Meep O.O It it it is is is a just *gulp* in the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Second Edition Rules.. No Dwarf Bards See? *:v*. -HMMM *puts gun away* (Damn Rules..) -I Guess I am no longer a Dwarf eh? '¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ' -HMM well I guess I will role a Half-Elf Drow now. 'MARY SUE!!' -You know what..? 'wut?' -Just.. *silence* -You do realize I am literally typing this in a black room with a red light on so I don't loose my night vision right? 'lol wut?' -Exactly.. 'Lol Wut' is right! -Now dang-nammit write me into the damn game!)
Name: ('But what about your name?' -Umm Drizzt? heh heh.. '*GLARES*' -Okay, okay fine.. Matthew The Great! 'I will literally burn your character sheet with or without a gun.' -Okay fine.. Matthew.)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Portrait: Name: Matthew Race: Half-Elf (Drow / Human) Alignment: Chaotic Good Class: Bard Attributes: -Strength: 15 -Dexterity: 13 -Constitution: 14 -Intellect: 15 -Wisdom: 15 -Charisma: 14
Inventory: 60 Feet Of Rope. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Well, I guess I'll go with what Wizards said I was a few years ago for class. Character Portrait: This Baldurization was made by @Isandir Name: Ty Race: Half-Elf (Human/Sun Elf) Alignment: True Neutral Class: Ranger - 2 Levels at the start
One thought. Determining stats with 3d6 goes for player characters. The character, what you makes will have 6 more stat points than an average person (in case of the bhaalspawn this number is more than 18 because of the 75 minimum stat rolls). So, average person has a stat total of: 6*9,5=57 (if 9-10 is average stat value). An average adventurer (player character) have a(n average) stat total of: 6*3d6=6*3*3,5=63. An average CharName has: (Now this is harder to calculate, than i thought, but let's say, that with an average 77 we underestimated that so:) 77. => 20 points more, than average person!
So i think, that seeing a 18 stat value, as a 1/216 percent of the population is a mistake. This value is only true for the adventurers, who are just a minor part of the population.
If you just throw out all 18d6 rolls under 75, then 55% of the remaining rolls will be 77 or more. So you're right on the money, @lolien. Of course, class-specific minimums make things more complicated.
I think I read somewhere (probably on these forums) something like "Out of every 1000 people, only __ are adventurers. Of those, __ are warriors, __ are rogues, __ are priests, and __ are wizards." I can't find it now. Are there generally accepted numbers to fill in those blanks?
"The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein relatively unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate. The bias was first experimentally observed by David Dunning and Justin Kruger of Cornell University in 1999. Dunning and Kruger attributed the bias to the metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their own ineptitude and evaluate their own ability accurately. Their research also suggests that conversely, highly skilled individuals may underestimate their relative competence, erroneously assuming that tasks that are easy for them also are easy for others.[1]
Dunning and Kruger have postulated that the effect is the result of internal illusion in the unskilled, and external misperception in the skilled: "The miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others.""
Strength 12 - I'm 6'5" and 275 pounds and can apply it well but I'm also closer to 40 than not and I've never been a weight lifter
Dexterity 12 - I've always had quick reflexes and can still beat athletic guys half my age in a foot race (recently raced a 17 year old football star down an alley, I was barefoot he wasn't and I won by a good ten yard) but the manual dexterity isn't what I would like and again, I'm old
Constitution 14 - I can take a beating, always had high pain tolerance. It's not where it used to be in terms of athletic endurance though
Intelligence 16 - I've had college professors call me "brilliant" in class, I've tested in the top 4% on standardized tests and tested out of college math requirements, which is actually my worst subject. I master new systems easily and see patterns and relationships
Wisdom 16 - Mental toughness, will power and common sense. I've been an investigator of child abuse for years. I see shit daily that makes normal people break down and cry. I can handle emotional trauma and make sound decisions under pressure. I've done it for years.
Charisma 14 : I'm funny looking, like a sad hound dog in pudgy human form but people respond to me. I've been elected to lead statewide organizations of over ten thousand people.
As for class I'm going Stalker kit Ranger ( my stats would have been good enough when I was in my twenties ). I've had to hunt down people in the urban environment routinely, judgement and perception are what has honest to God kept me alive dealing with drug dealers and the mentally unstable people I've worked with in the inner city for more than a decade. I fight for the weak and fir my beliefs daily. I think it's a solid fit.
Independently of any of the tests I've taken, my self-assessment would be:
Strength: 10 (In youth, it would have been around 14 while I was working out. Being middle-aged and having let myself get out of shape has diminished it markedly. I'm still at least of average strength for a male due to my sheer physical size of 6'4" and 280 pounds.
Dexterity: 8 (I'm very, very slow-moving, I have terrible eye-hand coordination, and my reflexes are sluggish. I definitely have a penalty here and always have. It's not worse because I'm good at typing and playing musical instruments, but that has nothing to do with dodging, catching, or shooting.)
Constitution: 15 (If defined as not getting sick very often, being able to hold my liquor, and having a fairly high tolerance for pain.)
Constitution: 6 (If defined as having high stamina and endurance, ability to run marathons, hold my breath, and keep mental acuity over long hours. I'm badly out of shape. This is probably the constitution that would matter for D&D.)
Intelligence: 15 (In youth only. I was labeled "gifted", learned everything easily, excelled at all academics, and earned two bachelor's degrees and a master's degree with high honors. Aging and lack of practice in solving abstract problems has diminished my intelligence considerably, though. I'm probably around 12 nowadays.)
Wisdom: 16 (This has always been my strongest ability, when defined as the ability to think wholistically, analyze things and see connections, ability to see "all sides" of issues and search for syntheses and common ground among conflicting points of view, and ability to see and accept reality for what it is, staying grounded and practical. Goes down markedly when I've been drinking, probably bottoming out around 6. Pretty much every serving of alcohol diminishes wisdom by 1-2 points per hour per drink.)
Charisma: 8 (I was very good-looking in youth, which may have let me get away with faking at least a 12, but I have trouble relating to people, I'm a loner, and I'm never going to be a leader. It's not lower because I am very understanding and polite most of the time. People often feel like they can talk to me without fear of judgment, but some of that comes from my wisdom rather than my charisma, defined as leadership ability.)
In D&D, I would definitely be a cleric. Only a god on my side would give me any chance of surviving in that world, and I'd be *very* grateful and worshipful to be accepted and protected by that god.
Note: These Stats represent an assessment of where I was in my late 30s. Only fair I should think.
Strength ~~~~ 14 ~ Several years living in a community of Olympic-level atheletes. A leading Whitewater rafting company which also offered Bouldering, Mountain Biking, World Class Canoe&Kayak Clinics, Adventure Travel. I enjoyed Trail-running on the North Carolina[US] Appalachian Trail with 5lb hand weights. Would be higher but I am not that large 5'9~165lbs
Dexterity ~~~~ 12 ~ I do not consider myself all that coordinated. Hand-eye is good and I am very quick but my overall Body Sense is not above average.
Constitution ~~ 13 ~Health is good digestion strong but no more than 14 because if I do catch a heavy cold it has a tendency to linger.
@Onestep: Intelligence is not equal to IQ times 10. Intelligence, the 3-18 value that's standard in D&D, is generated by a 3d6 dice roll, which results in a bell curve (the middle values are very common; higher values get increasingly uncommon as you go up). IQ is also graded on a bell curve. People in the top ~2% of the population in terms of IQ have an IQ of about 130; people in the top ~0.5% of the population have an IQ of about 140. On a 3d6 dice roll, you've got a ~2% chance of rolling a 17 and a ~0.5% chance of rolling an 18.
So, if somebody's claiming to have an Intelligence of 16, that amounts to an IQ in the 120s, assuming we deem IQ and Intelligence to be measuring the same thing. Claiming a 16 Intelligence value is not claiming an IQ of 160... which is indeed extremely uncommon.
And for what it's worth, I know several people with IQs in the 120s, 130s, and 140s. A 120 is pretty common for a college grad; a 130 is pretty common for a professor or doctor.
Wisdom ~~~~~ 16 ~ Presbyterian Missionary Grandparents and in my 20s I played a prominent role in the American family of followers of one of the most well-known Spiritual figures from India that became cultural phenomena with the Woodstock generation. In the 1990s I moved on to Mahayana Buddhism as a connection with Japan [where my Mother grew up] has always been a part of my life experience. For example, I made a clay figurine of Buddha in my High School art Class. My residence is actually set up as a Tantric temple.
Charisma ~~~~ 12 ~ It may actually be somewhat higher as I feel very comfortable on Stage [having played leading roles in several amateur theatricals] and I also enjoy preparing and serving really good food for guests and family gatherings. But as the Tantric side of my nature unfolded that brought about an imperative demand for privacy in which one starts to lose track of the thread of most social gatherings and interactions. I do well interacting with groups but find one-on-one encounters generally unsatisfying.
I'm not sure I trust the second part of the Intelligence test, considering "having no friends" and "hating working with others" are clearly signs of my crippling misanthropy and social phobias as a result of being neurally atypical, but whatevs.
That said... I think I'd be pretty okay running that as a Half-Elf Mage/Cleric, actually. Too bad I trip over my own feet too often to be a gnome.
I love the high int scores so I am also going to contribute.
STR: 14-16 Goes to the gym 5 times a week and have been doing that for the past 15 years (am 34). I do 6 reps at 100 kilos at the benchpress. I weigh about 80 kilos at 184 cm. DEX: 8-14 Hard to tell. I am a really fast runner, I shoot well with a puck or ball, any sport really. Was a decent shot with a rifle when doing military service. Balance and reflexes are ok but generally I "feel" kinda clumsy.. CON: 10 I run 10 km in about 42-45 minutes but I've never taken a beating and never really been seriously ill so I don't really know how to rate it. I suspect that if really got injured I would cry like a baby. INT: 16-18 I am a pediatrician. Got into medschool without trying and had the highest result on the final exam with less studying than most. Never done a real IQ test since I am not that interested. I have been very lucky. Should be 24 since I would never fail to learn a spell from a scroll, promise! WIS: 4-18 As a Child and adolescent I Think I should have scored a 4 or so. I would like to Think that it has improven with age. I work with very difficult situations and I tend to do ok. At least that is the feedback I get. I tend to support the losing side in arguments. Maybe an ego thing. I want to Believe it is because I want ppl to view matters from different angles. I am bored VERY easily and tend to never finish things I do not have to. That is the main reason I chose my profession, hard to get bored doing what I do. Restartitis is a disease I've suffered for as long as I can remember. CHA: 6-16 Since 20-22 I've had an easy time to get both friends and girlfriends. I am married to a Beautiful nurse who is very well liked by everyone. But I guess that might just be because I am a doctor. Also my mother says I am handsome!
Total Points: 75
RACE: Gnome I tend to seldom play them since I want to be intelligent and graceful like an elf or half/elf and have had trouble playing a shortie for more than a few hours. But I am clearly a gnome now that I Think about it. I do not like turnips though.
CLASS: F/M I've never been in a fight and i don't know any spells. But from the classes available I Think I might end up here anyway. Could have been a single class mage but I don't feel that vulnerable. Sorcerers are just strange.
Alignment: lawful or neutral good. My car might go a bit too fast at times, and at times I mean Always, which is a the sole reason I am not lawful. Aside from that I never break any laws. I've never even done any illegal downloading or streaming. I respect laws even if I do not agree with them. I give my fair share to Charity (to be fair it's mostly due to my wife). I get too nervous even thinking about breaking the law so I could never be a chaotic good vigilante. I try to Always be kind and I could never see myself voluntarily hurting Another human being.
Str - 14 Con - 15 Dex - 15 Int - 15 Wis - 16 Cha - 11
Race: Human (though being a longer-lived race would be cool)
Alignment: Probably Neutral Good
Class: Some type of Cleric probably, maybe even a dual/multi. The only MMO I've ever really played was Star Wars: The Old Republic, and my favorite characters were healers. Plus Clerics get sweet buffs on top of that. My lower Strength could be augmented either via magical items or by my god. Not sure which god I'd devote myself to though.
Strength: My fiancée and I work out a couple times per week, and we eat healthy. I'm no body builder, but I feel like I'm in good shape strength wise.
Constitution: I rarely ever get sick (once a year, maybe). Pain typically doesn't bother me. My fiancée and I also do Spartan races (hence the working out a couple times per week, gotta stay in shape for those). The last one we did was just the past weekend in Temecula. It was 50 outside, raining the whole time, with 15-20mph winds and gusts even higher. Did over 5 miles running around the mountains in Temecula, cold and wet, but I felt great (it only sucked when the wind blew hard). When I ran across the finish line I was feeling good enough that I was like, "I could go again."
Dexterity - I was never an athlete as a child; from age 12 onward I preferred videogames indoors. However, I am still fairly well coordinated, can catch things easily, and can bend and touch my hands flat to the floor.
Intelligence - Every IQ test I've ever taken has placed me in the 130-135 range, so I'm not sure how that translates into the Intelligence score. I'm happy with a 15 though. Grades aren't exactly an indicator of intelligence, but I've always maintained mostly A's with few B's.
Wisdom - I feel mature and wise for my age. My friends regularly seek my advice when they need help. I love having things planned out well in advance (except essays...screw that pre-writing brainstorming garbage, I work better when I just sit down and let it flow). I'm pretty careful with my money as well.
Charisma - This one doesn't surprise me. I make friends easily. My social circle is pretty small right now, but that's mostly due to time constraints more than anything. When we first started dating and would go places, my fiancée commented on how we always ran into people who knew and loved me, wherever we went. All that said, I prefer not to be the center of attention, and don't try to influence others unless they ask for my help.
Race - Tarrasque, obviously. (More seriously, Easydamus pegs me as elf)
Class - Mage, probably Wild Mage. In general, I solve problems through a combination of logical analysis and just flat out educated guessing. I'm normally right, but sometimes I screw up in ludicrous ways.
Strength - Let's see; I don't work out very much, I'm generally bad at physically intensive abilities and I'm skinny as a stick. Let's put this at 7.
Constitution - Oh god, here goes. This has improved a lot over the years, but still probably not very high. I'll say 8.
Dexterity - Confusing. I'm naturally very flexible and have fast reflexes. However, my balance and fine motor skills are terrible. Let's just say 10.
Intelligence - Here we go! The only IQ test I've taken gives me a huge disrepancy between verbal and performance IQ, but D&D intelligence is mostly verbal, so yay for me! My verbal IQ tested at 127, on a day when I was 10 years old and had the flu. It's thought to be somewhere around 135 in ideal conditions. Performance IQ is about 70, by the way. Hard to say, because I'm pretty sure I'm smarter than Neera, maybe even Edwin or Baeloth, but I think the BG mages have exxaggerated INT scores. I'm going with 17.
Wisdom - Wisdom meadures so many bloody things. I'm good at giving advice, bad at following advice, emotionally controlled and mature but occasionally volatile. My intuition and educated guesses are very on point, but I'm oblivious to my surroundings. I'm very philisophically skilled and self-aware. I guess my wisdom is high in theory but low in practice? Let's just put this at 12.
Charisma - Here we go again. I'm often called both funny and attractive. Then again, I've also heard Elvis is living on a moon made of cheese performing rock music for aliens, so who knows what people think? I have little social skills, but make up for it with a kind of magnetic, off the wall enthusiasm and humour. Essentially, you know that awkward nerd charm guy that no one thinks exists outside of a sitcom? I'm that guy in real life. I'll put this at 11.
Stats: Str - 13, Dex - 15, Con - 12, Int - 15/16, Wis - 12, Cha - 13 (But I would honestly reduce points from Wis and Charisma. Physical stats are probably alright, I train often and used to compete.)
Class: a monk I guess (I do boxing, martial arts and stuff in real life)
Race: Human (Maybe a half-orc)
Starting equipment: - clothing - gloves, helmet, very light armour - dagger - cooking implements, seasoning and stuff - blanket/towel - first aid kit - 2 small-ish books
STR 10 - I weigh 250 pounds, yet I am different as every joint in my arms and hands are "double jointed", I am not supposed to be able to do one pushup, but can do 40 in a row. Most of my strength is in my lower body. Using my legs I am able to push a truck uphill.
DEX 12 - At 250 lbs, that is great considering I can sometimes be a klutz, just sometimes though, I rarely if ever break anything unless I am purposely messing with it.
CON 15 - I once had a banana seat bike and was at one point a daredevil. I decided to go down the steepest trail I could find. A two part hill where one half was a quad trail at ~75 degrees and a road at ~55-60. So generally 30 to 40 km per hour downhill(I was able to pass a moving car with a 40km/h speed limit). They had laid fresh gravel on the road since the previous day when I had scouted it. My bike flipped over me and I slid 30 ft down the gravel road on my elbow and was stopped by a thick bush of thistles. At that young age I picked myself up and dragged myself a km home. I was of course crying at that age, but when I reached home my mother nearly had a panic attack due to the blood that was flowing from my arm and she never panics.
INT 16 - The test did pretty well.
WIS 16 - I do not say much, but when I have an opinion something, it is apparent I have put thought into it.
CHA 19 - I really do not know why.
I took the test honestly and those are my scores.
Edit: Added things that do not fit into the test.
Str 15
Dex 17
Con 15
Int 12
Wis 11
Cha 9
Bit gutted as Rangers need 14 wisdom iirc, though the rest of the stats seem fairly accurate to my first guess! I did feel some of the int test relied on education over raw intelligence, whilst a couple of the wisdom tests also seemed reliant on local knowledge of a sort, but otherwise the test was pretty enjoyable. Incidentally the 3d questions and iirc (it was many years ago) some of the others are used by British armed forced in their entry tests.
I like the bell curve distribution best for determining stats. I would stay away from turning to the players handbook because it runs it into a semantic debate(Ick). If theirs a .5% chance you roll and 18 then it's the top .5% of the population. (I equivilate intelligence score wit IQ. perhaps there's a good argument for equivilating wisdom to education.)
I would not use grades as any kind of matrix for intelligence. It's been shown there's little correlation between grades and IQ. I know some very stupid people with 4.5gpa, and some very intelligent people with very low grades. The same findings go for socioeconomic status. I have a IQ of about 128. I missed being "gifted" by a 2 or the points, but I don't have great grades. I have little patience for busywork and I don't like having to relearn stuff I already know. I prefer to do my own thing anyway. On the other hand, I know some people who.... Really don't make any sense. One girl in my math class asked what a function was after we had been doing functions for two weeks, and got the highest test grade (102%) for that unit. So yeah. Edimucations system. But that's a different thread.
Oh and btw people like Einstein, Newton, and hawking are 19-20. Also IQ is an imperfect tool and turns kinda silly and rather inaccurate after about 150.
I use the same distribution technique for all stats, but IQ is a very convenient parallel so the debate usually starts with that.
As for me I usually say I'm about:
Str9 (I weigh 120lbs
Dex14( I weigh 120lbs
Con10(I work with knives and fire and get hurt a lot, so I have a very high pain tolerance. But I also have allergies, anemia caused by chronic nose bleeds, and I'm sick 50% of the time. I figure they balance out.)
Int16 (see discussion of iq)
Wis14 this is tricky. For my age I seem to know what I'm doing pretty well. I don't go around smoking and smashing windows or anything. And if wisdom is book learning I'm probably higher(for my age) I love me some book learning(though not homework. I suppose this could be an argument for a lower score)
Cha14-15 (not sure. I'm kinda a "class clown," and most people seem to think I'm funny though I have a knack for rubbing people the wrong way. I'm not "popular" but that's cause I'd rather not be, not cause I'm a bumbling idiot. Also I'm a weird nerd who makes guns and swords in his backyard. Though people seem to like me before they find that out.)
Sorcerer, obviously. I'm quite the "special snowflake"
Chaotic good. I never cared for rules but I have liitle patience for evil, and I'm ok with taking stuff into my own hands. Vigilante justice! Woo!
(Not really though. That's not a career recommendation And you are not batman)
I haven't taken one of those tests in like a year. I'll prolly goy take the angelfire one and compare.
Just for completion here's a link to my pen and paper alignment test I made:
I should say when I made my own D&D system for Tabletop(shameless plug,) I added 2 stats: comeliness, which was in 1E, and athletics, which split dexterity into fine motor skills and large motor skills.
I could say more, but I've already amassed a pretty good wall of text.
Although This Is What I Tested:
As for Strength: These are taken from my Physical Education Scores.
I have done:
-80+ push ups in one minute. (I forget my record but It can be done)
-121 Curl Ups and then pulled a muscle [the test only goes to 99 D-:] (This was with a week long rest before hand)
-285 lbs Bench Press and 1000 lbs Leg Press.
Basically I am stocky person with muscle 'smooshed' more tightly than most people.
I think the test is bull crap so -2 every attribute for a more better result:
15 Strength.
13 Dexterity.
14 Constitution.
15 Intellect.
15 Wisdom.
14 Charisma.
Hmmm.. In-doubt-ably Indeed.
So Race, Alignment and Class Now?
Race: Dwarf. (I am quite stocky)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Good. ('MARY SUE!!!' -Fine: Chaotic Good, For One Cannot Simply Loose Insanity.)
Class: This One!
-Bard. 'MARY SUE!!!' *Pulls Out Gun* -WHO THE F*CK IS A MARY SUE NOW!?!?! 'Meep O.O It it it is is is a just *gulp* in the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Second Edition Rules.. No Dwarf Bards See? *:v*. -HMMM *puts gun away* (Damn Rules..) -I Guess I am no longer a Dwarf eh? '¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ' -HMM well I guess I will role a Half-Elf Drow now. 'MARY SUE!!' -You know what..? 'wut?' -Just.. *silence* -You do realize I am literally typing this in a black room with a red light on so I don't loose my night vision right? 'lol wut?' -Exactly.. 'Lol Wut' is right! -Now dang-nammit write me into the damn game!)
Name: ('But what about your name?' -Umm Drizzt? heh heh.. '*GLARES*' -Okay, okay fine.. Matthew The Great! 'I will literally burn your character sheet with or without a gun.' -Okay fine.. Matthew.)
Character Portrait:
Name: Matthew
Race: Half-Elf (Drow / Human)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Bard
-Strength: 15
-Dexterity: 13
-Constitution: 14
-Intellect: 15
-Wisdom: 15
-Charisma: 14
Inventory: 60 Feet Of Rope.
Character Portrait:
This Baldurization was made by @Isandir
Name: Ty
Race: Half-Elf (Human/Sun Elf)
Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Ranger - 2 Levels at the start
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 17
Charisma: 14
A short sword
A composite bow
A canteen
A backpack
A change of clothes
Determining stats with 3d6 goes for player characters. The character, what you makes will have 6 more stat points than an average person (in case of the bhaalspawn this number is more than 18 because of the 75 minimum stat rolls).
So, average person has a stat total of: 6*9,5=57 (if 9-10 is average stat value).
An average adventurer (player character) have a(n average) stat total of: 6*3d6=6*3*3,5=63.
An average CharName has: (Now this is harder to calculate, than i thought, but let's say, that with an average 77 we underestimated that so:) 77. => 20 points more, than average person!
So i think, that seeing a 18 stat value, as a 1/216 percent of the population is a mistake. This value is only true for the adventurers, who are just a minor part of the population.
I hope i was clear.
I think I read somewhere (probably on these forums) something like "Out of every 1000 people, only __ are adventurers. Of those, __ are warriors, __ are rogues, __ are priests, and __ are wizards." I can't find it now. Are there generally accepted numbers to fill in those blanks?
Dunning and Kruger have postulated that the effect is the result of internal illusion in the unskilled, and external misperception in the skilled: "The miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others.""
Sounds like a low WIS score to me
Strength 12 - I'm 6'5" and 275 pounds and can apply it well but I'm also closer to 40 than not and I've never been a weight lifter
Dexterity 12 - I've always had quick reflexes and can still beat athletic guys half my age in a foot race (recently raced a 17 year old football star down an alley, I was barefoot he wasn't and I won by a good ten yard) but the manual dexterity isn't what I would like and again, I'm old
Constitution 14 - I can take a beating, always had high pain tolerance. It's not where it used to be in terms of athletic endurance though
Intelligence 16 - I've had college professors call me "brilliant" in class, I've tested in the top 4% on standardized tests and tested out of college math requirements, which is actually my worst subject. I master new systems easily and see patterns and relationships
Wisdom 16 - Mental toughness, will power and common sense. I've been an investigator of child abuse for years. I see shit daily that makes normal people break down and cry. I can handle emotional trauma and make sound decisions under pressure. I've done it for years.
Charisma 14 : I'm funny looking, like a sad hound dog in pudgy human form but people respond to me. I've been elected to lead statewide organizations of over ten thousand people.
As for class I'm going Stalker kit Ranger ( my stats would have been good enough when I was in my twenties ). I've had to hunt down people in the urban environment routinely, judgement and perception are what has honest to God kept me alive dealing with drug dealers and the mentally unstable people I've worked with in the inner city for more than a decade. I fight for the weak and fir my beliefs daily. I think it's a solid fit.
Neutral Good
Dexterity: 12 (Decent reflexes. Can shoot fairly well. Qualified with a rifle held together with duck tape...seriously. But nothing special.)
Constitution: 10 (I get sick way too often. I have pnunomea right now. But I did bootcamp with mono, so I can be tough when I have to be)
Intelligence: 16 (im a lawyer so I hope my int is a 16. Either that or I just fake it well.)
Wisdom: 10 (nothing special as far as I can tell)
Charisma: Really high! I'm handsome! Shut up! My mom says so...
Strength: 10 (In youth, it would have been around 14 while I was working out. Being middle-aged and having let myself get out of shape has diminished it markedly. I'm still at least of average strength for a male due to my sheer physical size of 6'4" and 280 pounds.
Dexterity: 8 (I'm very, very slow-moving, I have terrible eye-hand coordination, and my reflexes are sluggish. I definitely have a penalty here and always have. It's not worse because I'm good at typing and playing musical instruments, but that has nothing to do with dodging, catching, or shooting.)
Constitution: 15 (If defined as not getting sick very often, being able to hold my liquor, and having a fairly high tolerance for pain.)
Constitution: 6 (If defined as having high stamina and endurance, ability to run marathons, hold my breath, and keep mental acuity over long hours. I'm badly out of shape. This is probably the constitution that would matter for D&D.)
Intelligence: 15 (In youth only. I was labeled "gifted", learned everything easily, excelled at all academics, and earned two bachelor's degrees and a master's degree with high honors. Aging and lack of practice in solving abstract problems has diminished my intelligence considerably, though. I'm probably around 12 nowadays.)
Wisdom: 16 (This has always been my strongest ability, when defined as the ability to think wholistically, analyze things and see connections, ability to see "all sides" of issues and search for syntheses and common ground among conflicting points of view, and ability to see and accept reality for what it is, staying grounded and practical. Goes down markedly when I've been drinking, probably bottoming out around 6. Pretty much every serving of alcohol diminishes wisdom by 1-2 points per hour per drink.)
Charisma: 8 (I was very good-looking in youth, which may have let me get away with faking at least a 12, but I have trouble relating to people, I'm a loner, and I'm never going to be a leader. It's not lower because I am very understanding and polite most of the time. People often feel like they can talk to me without fear of judgment, but some of that comes from my wisdom rather than my charisma, defined as leadership ability.)
In D&D, I would definitely be a cleric. Only a god on my side would give me any chance of surviving in that world, and I'd be *very* grateful and worshipful to be accepted and protected by that god.
Strength ~~~~ 14 ~ Several years living in a community of Olympic-level atheletes. A leading Whitewater rafting company which also offered Bouldering, Mountain Biking, World Class Canoe&Kayak Clinics, Adventure Travel. I enjoyed Trail-running on the North Carolina[US]
Appalachian Trail with 5lb hand weights. Would be higher but I am not that large 5'9~165lbs
Dexterity ~~~~ 12 ~ I do not consider myself all that coordinated. Hand-eye is good and I am very quick but my overall Body Sense is not above average.
Constitution ~~ 13 ~Health is good digestion strong but no more than 14 because if I do catch a heavy cold it has a tendency to linger.
Intelligence ~~ 16 ~ as per below.
S Wisdom ~~~~~ 16 ~ Presbyterian Missionary Grandparents and in my 20s I played a prominent role in the American family of followers of one of the most well-known Spiritual figures from India that became cultural phenomena with the Woodstock generation. In the 1990s I moved on to Mahayana Buddhism as a connection with Japan [where my Mother grew up] has always been a part of my life experience. For example, I made a clay figurine of Buddha in my High School art Class. My residence is actually set up as a Tantric temple.
Charisma ~~~~ 12 ~ It may actually be somewhat higher as I feel very comfortable on Stage [having played leading roles in several amateur theatricals] and I also enjoy preparing and serving really good food for guests and family gatherings. But as the Tantric side of my nature unfolded that brought about an imperative demand for privacy in which one starts to lose track of the thread of most social gatherings and interactions. I do well interacting with groups but find one-on-one encounters generally unsatisfying.
So ~~ an 83pt roll. Sounds about right.
Test gives me...
STR: 15
DEX: 15
CON: 11
INT: 17/16
INT: 17
WIS: 15
CHA: 14 <- I lol'd.
I'm not sure I trust the second part of the Intelligence test, considering "having no friends" and "hating working with others" are clearly signs of my crippling misanthropy and social phobias as a result of being neurally atypical, but whatevs.
That said... I think I'd be pretty okay running that as a Half-Elf Mage/Cleric, actually. Too bad I trip over my own feet too often to be a gnome.
STR: 14-16
Goes to the gym 5 times a week and have been doing that for the past 15 years (am 34). I do 6 reps at 100 kilos at the benchpress. I weigh about 80 kilos at 184 cm.
DEX: 8-14
Hard to tell. I am a really fast runner, I shoot well with a puck or ball, any sport really. Was a decent shot with a rifle when doing military service. Balance and reflexes are ok but generally I "feel" kinda clumsy..
CON: 10
I run 10 km in about 42-45 minutes but I've never taken a beating and never really been seriously ill so I don't really know how to rate it. I suspect that if really got injured I would cry like a baby.
INT: 16-18
I am a pediatrician. Got into medschool without trying and had the highest result on the final exam with less studying than most. Never done a real IQ test since I am not that interested. I have been very lucky. Should be 24 since I would never fail to learn a spell from a scroll, promise!
WIS: 4-18
As a Child and adolescent I Think I should have scored a 4 or so. I would like to Think that it has improven with age. I work with very difficult situations and I tend to do ok. At least that is the feedback I get. I tend to support the losing side in arguments. Maybe an ego thing. I want to Believe it is because I want ppl to view matters from different angles. I am bored VERY easily and tend to never finish things I do not have to. That is the main reason I chose my profession, hard to get bored doing what I do. Restartitis is a disease I've suffered for as long as I can remember.
CHA: 6-16
Since 20-22 I've had an easy time to get both friends and girlfriends. I am married to a Beautiful nurse who is very well liked by everyone. But I guess that might just be because I am a doctor. Also my mother says I am handsome!
Total Points: 75
RACE: Gnome
I tend to seldom play them since I want to be intelligent and graceful like an elf or half/elf and have had trouble playing a shortie for more than a few hours. But I am clearly a gnome now that I Think about it. I do not like turnips though.
I've never been in a fight and i don't know any spells. But from the classes available I Think I might end up here anyway. Could have been a single class mage but I don't feel that vulnerable. Sorcerers are just strange.
Alignment: lawful or neutral good. My car might go a bit too fast at times, and at times I mean Always, which is a the sole reason I am not lawful. Aside from that I never break any laws. I've never even done any illegal downloading or streaming. I respect laws even if I do not agree with them. I give my fair share to Charity (to be fair it's mostly due to my wife). I get too nervous even thinking about breaking the law so I could never be a chaotic good vigilante. I try to Always be kind and I could never see myself voluntarily hurting Another human being.
Str - 14
Con - 15
Dex - 15
Int - 15
Wis - 16
Cha - 11
Race: Human (though being a longer-lived race would be cool)
Alignment: Probably Neutral Good
Class: Some type of Cleric probably, maybe even a dual/multi. The only MMO I've ever really played was Star Wars: The Old Republic, and my favorite characters were healers. Plus Clerics get sweet buffs on top of that. My lower Strength could be augmented either via magical items or by my god. Not sure which god I'd devote myself to though.
Strength: My fiancée and I work out a couple times per week, and we eat healthy. I'm no body builder, but I feel like I'm in good shape strength wise.
Constitution: I rarely ever get sick (once a year, maybe). Pain typically doesn't bother me. My fiancée and I also do Spartan races (hence the working out a couple times per week, gotta stay in shape for those). The last one we did was just the past weekend in Temecula. It was 50 outside, raining the whole time, with 15-20mph winds and gusts even higher. Did over 5 miles running around the mountains in Temecula, cold and wet, but I felt great (it only sucked when the wind blew hard). When I ran across the finish line I was feeling good enough that I was like, "I could go again."
Dexterity - I was never an athlete as a child; from age 12 onward I preferred videogames indoors. However, I am still fairly well coordinated, can catch things easily, and can bend and touch my hands flat to the floor.
Intelligence - Every IQ test I've ever taken has placed me in the 130-135 range, so I'm not sure how that translates into the Intelligence score. I'm happy with a 15 though. Grades aren't exactly an indicator of intelligence, but I've always maintained mostly A's with few B's.
Wisdom - I feel mature and wise for my age. My friends regularly seek my advice when they need help. I love having things planned out well in advance (except essays...screw that pre-writing brainstorming garbage, I work better when I just sit down and let it flow). I'm pretty careful with my money as well.
Charisma - This one doesn't surprise me. I make friends easily. My social circle is pretty small right now, but that's mostly due to time constraints more than anything. When we first started dating and would go places, my fiancée commented on how we always ran into people who knew and loved me, wherever we went. All that said, I prefer not to be the center of attention, and don't try to influence others unless they ask for my help.
Class - Mage, probably Wild Mage. In general, I solve problems through a combination of logical analysis and just flat out educated guessing. I'm normally right, but sometimes I screw up in ludicrous ways.
Strength - Let's see; I don't work out very much, I'm generally bad at physically intensive abilities and I'm skinny as a stick. Let's put this at 7.
Constitution - Oh god, here goes. This has improved a lot over the years, but still probably not very high. I'll say 8.
Dexterity - Confusing. I'm naturally very flexible and have fast reflexes. However, my balance and fine motor skills are terrible. Let's just say 10.
Intelligence - Here we go! The only IQ test I've taken gives me a huge disrepancy between verbal and performance IQ, but D&D intelligence is mostly verbal, so yay for me! My verbal IQ tested at 127, on a day when I was 10 years old and had the flu. It's thought to be somewhere around 135 in ideal conditions. Performance IQ is about 70, by the way. Hard to say, because I'm pretty sure I'm smarter than Neera, maybe even Edwin or Baeloth, but I think the BG mages have exxaggerated INT scores. I'm going with 17.
Wisdom - Wisdom meadures so many bloody things. I'm good at giving advice, bad at following advice, emotionally controlled and mature but occasionally volatile. My intuition and educated guesses are very on point, but I'm oblivious to my surroundings. I'm very philisophically skilled and self-aware. I guess my wisdom is high in theory but low in practice? Let's just put this at 12.
Charisma - Here we go again. I'm often called both funny and attractive. Then again, I've also heard Elvis is living on a moon made of cheese performing rock music for aliens, so who knows what people think? I have little social skills, but make up for it with a kind of magnetic, off the wall enthusiasm and humour. Essentially, you know that awkward nerd charm guy that no one thinks exists outside of a sitcom? I'm that guy in real life. I'll put this at 11.
Str - 13, Dex - 15, Con - 12, Int - 15/16, Wis - 12, Cha - 13
(But I would honestly reduce points from Wis and Charisma. Physical stats are probably alright, I train often and used to compete.)
Class: a monk I guess (I do boxing, martial arts and stuff in real life)
Race: Human (Maybe a half-orc)
Starting equipment:
- clothing
- gloves, helmet, very light armour
- dagger
- cooking implements, seasoning and stuff
- blanket/towel
- first aid kit
- 2 small-ish books
3rd lvl - Neutral - Dwarf - Jester,
.. with 8 CHA,
.. and innate fatigue