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BG, PST, NWN and D&D characters (1page - arts archive)

s0ulafeins0ulafein Member Posts: 115
edited March 2019 in Fan Creations

Baldur's Gate 2

Baldur's Gate 1

Baldur's Gate - Neera and Ragnar(Protagonist Half-orc Barbarian)


Planescape: Torment

Neverwinter Nights

RPG characters

Soulafein Saerah - Wood Elf Barbarian

Ravodaar Farnuus - Silver Dragonborn Paladin

Shalista Sugar-Lips - Tiefling Rogue/Bard

Dungeons and Chibies
1. Orik Keenaxe - Golden Dwarf: Paladin/Dwarven Defender (Patron Moradin)

2. My character Soulafein Aemenor - Gray Elf: Beguiler/Assassin (Patron Shar)

3. Mukhoto - Human: Warlock

4. Lammar - Half-orc: Monk/Fighter (Patron Ilmater)

5. Wiz'Ard - Human: Wizar/Loremaster

6. Nadir - Human: Cleric of Ilmater

Soulafein Saerah (drowlike name for wood elf lol=))

Race: Wood Elf
Class: Barbarian (PHB2 variant Berserker strength)
Aligment: CG
His fury flares up like dry grass and his sword strikes like lightning. But high willpower allow him to take control over his rage. He is great hunter and pathfinder with keen senses.

Mukhoto - Human Warlock

She is "face" of party and great user of magic devices (like wands and other wondrous items). Also she very skillful in disguise so we don't know her true appearance. LOL :D Now she looks so.

Jehuty - Human Cleric of Tyr


Race: Human
Class: Cleric of Lathander/Morninglord of Lathander
Aligment: LG
He is the last ray of light in this land of lies and deceit.


Based on Lulu from LOL.
Race: Gnome
Class: Warlock
Aligment: CN
She likes to summon swarms!!!

Ombert Bramblefoot

Name: Ombert Bramblefoot
Race: Halfling
Class: Rogue/Ranger
Aligment: TN

Dwarf - Cleric of Moradin



Samuel "Sammy" Porter

Othaug - half-orc cleric.

Character that belongs to @Vallmyr: Azrael Gaunt - Doomguide of Kelemvor

Cu and Leanan - Kitsune Bards. Baha belongs to @Vallmyr.

Gabbrielle Arair - Human Cleric-Druid

Busty bard and Beerlover

Tiberius - Servant of Asmodeus

Lilli Ardat - Hunter ( art for one of patrons)

Ango - Star Elf Rogue/Wizard/Bard

Leetah - Strongheart Halfling Rogue/Fighter/Shadowdancer

Filrik Dangherst - Dwarf Cleric of Boccob

Himo Nailo. My friend's d&d3.5 character. Gray elf - Rogue/Wizard/Loremaster

Selene - Human Druid

Dagny Ironwill - Dwarf Cleric

Garakas Shoremott - Tiefling Cleric

Rakshi - Dragonborn Sorcerer

Party for @Vallmyr

Yuan-ti (Boobs! Warning!)


Hanz - Old Half-Orc Wizard/Fighter

Redesign of my character Soulafein for 5e. Now he uses two-weapon fighting.

For @Vallmyr. His Gnome/Half-kitsune Warlock/Bard

Some sort of 'Yuan-ti'

Holy Symbols

Tandar Breakstone - Dwarf Barbarian

Alaglossa Yindi - Elven Ranger

Drow Gunslinger

Komei Kunmin - one of my party member in current DnD5 campaign. He is He is merchant and traveler (Ranger with Guild artisan background) from China-like country in a homebrew setting.

Thirir - Dwarf Warlock

I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the ...

Murderhobos 2.0

Soulafein Saerah

Dark Knight

Frost Giant

Shina - Succubus Ranger

Elf Rogue


Hlaalu Minrathos - Battlemage

Art for @Vallmyr - Emperor Crow I

Warrior in WHFB style

New chars:

Brunio - Human Fighter
Sand - Tabaxi Bard
Tel'Adin - Human Fighter
Nadine - Half-Orc Cleric of Talos
Alverein De Nelethas - Elf Warlock
Hedda Ironlute - Dwarf Valor Bard
Breedysa Wolfwood - Gnome Ranger
Roman The PyRoman(cer/iac) - Half-Elf Sorcerer
Fensira - Hafling Barbarian\Rogue
Aeron Silverleaf 2.0 - High Elf Warlock/Cleric
Amaryllis - Wood Elf Ranger
Buhovert The Victorious - Halfling Paladin
Gowan - Dwarf Fighter
Keri 2.0 - Tiefling Bard
Mirage - Dragonborn Warlock


More stuff on Deviantart
Arts in high resolution on Patreon
Post edited by s0ulafein on


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    No matter how many (。 ㅅ 。) (@ㅅ@) (•_ㅅ_•) are there, Jan Gun-Jansen wins here without any contest. And this comes from a Yoshimo fan.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    I'm fine with Viconia being blatantly sexy because Drow.
    Also Aerie looks TOO CUTE n_n

    Also love your Mazzy; though her armor makes me feel like she's a Ranger as opposed to a Fighter/PseudoPaladin
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    While I agree with @joluv about the ladies being sexualized, I still think that all of these are really good. Jan's my favorite.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    edited October 2015
    Viconia's, boobs aren't big enough.

    But in fear of sounding like a feminist or oversensitive male... Are you sure you sexualized everyone enough?

    Your detail is nice and I'm not a large fan of anime heads so I won't speak anymore.

    The anatomy needs work on some; imeons body looks broken to me Jaheria's body is bent strangely. You're elongating the body to try and show both breast and while bending the body awkwardly.
  • s0ulafeins0ulafein Member Posts: 115
    edited October 2015
    Vallmyr said:

    Also love your Mazzy; though her armor makes me feel like she's a Ranger as opposed to a Fighter/PseudoPaladin

    I think that dragonscale armor look so

    Viconia's, boobs aren't big enough.
    But in fear of sounding like a feminist or oversensitive male... Are you sure you sexualized everyone enough?

    nope, sexy girls are great

    The anatomy needs work on some; imeons body looks broken to me Jaheria's body is bent strangely. You're elongating the body to try and show both breast and while bending the body awkwardly.

    Totally agreed with you about Imoen. I'm not professional artist and often make mistakes. Will try to get better.
    Jaheira... hm.. she looks nice, i think.
    Post edited by s0ulafein on
  • s0ulafeins0ulafein Member Posts: 115
    made some work on Jaheira and Imoen. Not perfect, but better than was before.
    New Yoshimo, Imoen, Aerie and Korgan will be soon!
  • s0ulafeins0ulafein Member Posts: 115
    new arts: Yoshimo, Imoen, Aerie and Korgan
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Ohhhh, I like the new Aerie one n_n
    Super cute still but also sexy/mystical and such~
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    Excellent Gesen Bow.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    To be fair, it all could be a lot worse, care for me to demonstrate?

  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    I don't think Aerie would be comfortable with exposing so much of her skin... Still, I like the newer portrait more than the old.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775

    To be fair, it all could be a lot worse, care for me to demonstrate?


  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    See, I was going to draw it myself, and something by far more worse.
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247

    Good show, my friend. I appreciate your work, good stuff!

    If you have more to show, then please do!
  • s0ulafeins0ulafein Member Posts: 115
    Skarose said:

    Good show, my friend. I appreciate your work, good stuff!

    If you have more to show, then please do!

    thanks! other stuff here and here
  • brusbrus Member Posts: 944
    edited October 2015
    @Kema, you are great artist! Why don't you draw on tablet in PS, GIMP or Krita to digitalize it?

    A request when you'll have the time: Irenicus
  • s0ulafeins0ulafein Member Posts: 115
    brus said:

    A request when you'll have the time: Irenicus

  • brusbrus Member Posts: 944
    Kema said:

    brus said:

    A request when you'll have the time: Irenicus

    Thanks, btw, how to draw Edwin? With (。 ㅅ 。) or without? :blush:
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Also, about character portraits, do you do requests or are they commissions? I'd gladly commission a portrait or two from you.
  • s0ulafeins0ulafein Member Posts: 115
    brus said:

    Kema said:

    brus said:

    A request when you'll have the time: Irenicus

    Thanks, btw, how to draw Edwin? With (。 ㅅ 。) or without? :blush:
    don't like Edwin, but i'll try and without (。 ㅅ 。) ))
    Vallmyr said:

    Also, about character portraits, do you do requests or are they commissions? I'd gladly commission a portrait or two from you.

    give me description
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    edited October 2015
    Oh, alright n_n

    Character name: Piro Faeren
    Race: Gnome
    Class: Bard
    10 str
    15 dex
    12 con
    14 int
    8 wis
    16 Cha

    Piro is a Gnome Bard of whom was raised by Fey creatures. Due to this she has some standout features such as her long, curly, pink hair that goes down to her feet, teal eyes, and other fey-like features such as pointed ears and a small pixie-like nose. She's 3 feet and 5 inches tall which is above average in gnome height. She's very whimsically derp and playful; as such her clothing is usually an assortment of different colored cloths, skirts, and ribbons.

    Luckily since you seem to draw sexy womens, while Piro is fully clothed she does have rather large breasts for her small size. Like, not ridiculously so, though. I guess it's like if your Viconia's were scaled down to Gnome size.

    /feels awkward talking about my Character's breasts.


    Moving on. She uses a rapier as her chosen weapon.

    Here's some art that inspired the design for the character. Overarching characteristics are being super adorable, long pink curly hair, whimsical clothing, and being a Bard.
    by PINXIEDUST (Tumblr)

    by k1tt3n-b0mb (Deviantart)

    ??? I can't find artist D:
    I'll keep looking and edit the post when I find them.

    by hizzacked (upon further inspection of this one's art there is a lot of NSFW content, so warning if you're not into that and want to look up these artists).

    Also, if you want money for the picture just say how much. I've been looking for someone to commission a series of character portraits for a while and I do enjoy your art n_n.
    Post edited by Vallmyr on
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    If anyone out there is going for a gender studies Ph.D., I think we just found your thesis topic.
  • s0ulafeins0ulafein Member Posts: 115
    Add some art about PST. Maybe someone would be interested...
  • RideratRiderat Member Posts: 136
    edited November 2015
    Gee some nice work here :smile:
    If you could draw a female drow thief/mage or ranger, not too busty thou ;D
    I would give you all of my rogue stones.
    Edit - yup, i will try to make some of your work into my npc portraits!
  • brusbrus Member Posts: 944
    edited November 2015
    Kema said:

    Add some art about PST. Maybe someone would be interested...

    Just wandering what are names of those characters from Planescape Torment?
  • s0ulafeins0ulafein Member Posts: 115
    I think everybody knows Annah-of-the-Shadow, The Nameless One, Dak'kon Zerth, Fall-from-Grace
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    *Judging by the portraits in the OP, immediately went to look on Annah-of-the-Shadows.
    *Wasn't disappointed
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