Stats that you never like dumping...

I was curious if anybody else refrained from dumping Stats that weren't needed for their MainChar's build?
Speaking for myself, I just can't dump intelligence or charisma. I reason that my MainChar is the party leader so he better have some decent wits and a head for tactics, also he is the leader, and I figure a good Charisma score will reflect this.
I'll run with low strength, constitution, wisdom and even dexterity, just to ensure my PC has a decent INT and CHA.
Does anybody always go the tough guy route? (Constitution)
Does anybody always go Strength, so their PC can always have a 19 STR after tomes?
Does anybody like a good Wisdom, for common sense in their MainChar?
Does anyone favor quick and agile characters? (Dexterity)
Or do you always favor a good combination?
Have you noticed a pattern regardless of class, across your character builds?
*I think I'm interested in what you find yourself consistently playing, especially if for example you like warrior types and always have a high strength, even if you're playing a mage etc...
Speaking for myself, I just can't dump intelligence or charisma. I reason that my MainChar is the party leader so he better have some decent wits and a head for tactics, also he is the leader, and I figure a good Charisma score will reflect this.
I'll run with low strength, constitution, wisdom and even dexterity, just to ensure my PC has a decent INT and CHA.
Does anybody always go the tough guy route? (Constitution)
Does anybody always go Strength, so their PC can always have a 19 STR after tomes?
Does anybody like a good Wisdom, for common sense in their MainChar?
Does anyone favor quick and agile characters? (Dexterity)
Or do you always favor a good combination?
Have you noticed a pattern regardless of class, across your character builds?
*I think I'm interested in what you find yourself consistently playing, especially if for example you like warrior types and always have a high strength, even if you're playing a mage etc...
I have dumped pretty much everything else.
For me, WIS should be the better stat rather than INT if you want to portray a good, wise leader, making the best out of every opportunity and taking the right decisions in critical moments. I try to keep, INT, WIS and CHA at reasonable levels for any CHARNAME though. I only dump stats in IWD.
This is why I spend ages rerolling, if it's not 95 or above I'm not taking it. CHARNAME is the spawn of a god, I just can't give her/him any terrible stats.
Making a 3*18+3*11 roll is 87, which is rather achievable. And I have rather high standards -for conveniency- on STR even as a mage, because being able to carry less than 100lbs is just too low to be playable, at least until I get a belt. I usually pick any roll that is 90 or more (except for paladin because they have huge minima in Cha and Wis, and thus you can get a 93+ fairly easily and will need it anyway if you want good combat stat (17Cha+13Wis+9int+3*18 is 93)
DEX- always max at 18 or 19 and if its a dwarf 17, dex is very very important in the bg series
CON- if a warrior class is in the name, then it is cranked to the max, if there is no warrior class to be found, then never a hair pass 16, if im playing a single player team I will even set it to 15 and increase it by 1 from the tome to hit 16
INT- usually never below 11, and only because of mind flayers, if I luck out on a roll pass 90 or so, I can sometimes bump it to 15 or 16 ( depending on if im playing single player or not, to use a tome to increase it to 16)
WIS- unless it is a cleric or mage (which will be maxed right out) I will dump this stat to 3 in a heart beat, or if its a fighter/druid, then down to 12 it goes, sometimes if my int won't make it to 15 or 16 I will put the left overs on wis, and make it around 8 or 9 so when I hit level 5 or 10 I will start getting a lore bonus just for the lols, and usually this is the stat I choose when im at spell hold for the permenant stat loss
CHA- if its going to be a character up front, then max right out, if not, regardless of single or multi player then it can be 3, although sometimes it can be tricky to have 3 cha, but luckily in SoA there is a ring very early in the game that sets cha to 18, so shazam jam
Front liners must have strength 18. Don't care for casters/bards
Dexterity and con must be at least 16
At least one character must have charisma of at least 16.
But no matter what, no stat is ever dumped to unrealistic levels. Who would adventure with anyone who has a 3 in any stat?
I often roll for an hour though to get a good spread. I aim for 90+ also. I tend to play shorty thievish characters (usually Halflings or Dwarves these days, but sometimes also Elves) and like to have the combat abilities all high and then I usually go for above average intelligence and roleplay him as a clever rogue. I guess wisdom usually is my lowest ability, although never below 9-10. By the end of BG1 his wisdom is usually between 13-15 from the stat bonuses, which I like to roleplay as him gaining insight and wisdom from his adventures.
Whatever the class, however, I always try to max DEX, because the DEX bonuses to AC and ranged attack are great for anyone.
Sarevok in BG1: Str 20, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 14
Gromnir: 19, 19, 19, 9, 10, 12
Yaga-Shura: 23, 15, 18, 11, 10, 11
Balthazar: 22, 22, 20, 15, 15, 13
Mellisan: 19, 20, 22, 18, 19, 21
Illasera 17, 17, 9, 14, 14, 9
At least, you can say they don't have "dump" stats (except for the poor Illasera the Quick).