Elementals questions

Is there a way mage doesn't need to do mental battle when summoning (lesser)elemental?
Does mental battle depend on intelligence ?
There is a 15% chance that the lesser elemental will win and attack the caster.
When conjuring Fire Elemental why priests don't have to go through mental battle to dominate elementals like mages. What is the lore behind this?
Does mental battle depend on intelligence ?
There is a 15% chance that the lesser elemental will win and attack the caster.
When conjuring Fire Elemental why priests don't have to go through mental battle to dominate elementals like mages. What is the lore behind this?
Post edited by brus on
A: Not without a mod of some sort.
Q: Does mental battle depend on intelligence ?
A: No There is a 15% chance that the lesser elemental will win and attack the caster.
Q: When conjuring Fire Elemental why priests don't have to get through mental battle to dominate elementals like mages. What is the lore behind this?
A: I am not as good with lore, but Druids are more in tune with nature and stuff.
That's why a druid doesn't need to spend three rounds convincing the elemental to help them; the elemental is already predisposed to do what the druid wants.
mental battle
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From this we can see that, by and large, mages are complete and utter wankers.
I wouldn't want to assist them if I could help it, either.
I also suppose that divine casting is more innate from a story perspective. Clerics and druids call on their powers, whereas mages learn them. Arcane casting relies on study and practice, so rather than calling forth the elements (like a druid or cleric) a mage must, in a sense, wrestle an element away from its home plane, which takes skill. With a skill-dependent task comes a margin of error.
A mage/sorcerer might wrest a semi-intelligent being from it's home plane and try to force it to serve. One can see how this might be a source of annoyance to the subject of the spell, consequently causing rebellion. A cleric/druid perhaps takes an unformed mass of naturally occurring earth/fire/air, gives it shape and animates it, and instills the ability to follow simple commands ... more like a golem than a living thing.
The two end products would resemble each other, but yet behave differently.
Druids are decent enough, but realize that they aren't really front line types. Jaheira is a tank because she is half warrior. If you like to get your hands dirty, I'd suggest a cleric instead. They can wear heavy armor, DUHM pumps up their melee ability, and Animate Dead is one of the more useful summonings in mid-game. In fact, even in ToB, skeletal warriors can occupy a foe's attention and soak up damage, due to their ridiculously high MR. They also hang around for EIGHT HOURS, unlike elementals who get bored and wander off much sooner.
You're talking to a man who mains the wild mage, getting in your face is not my playstyle. I would've just treated the druid like a mother caster and slung spells, but every time I look at their spells and kits I feel so underwhelmed. At best I'd won't to attempt to play them as type of summoner because to be honest...
Wildmage >avenge
Any melee class >than shapeshifter.
Oh and Mordkiaser Sword> skeletons!!!
Yep, suckling at mommy's teet is fun, when I'm playing a class I ea t to feel like I'm in that role and druid doesn't seem like it'll giv me that feeling.
Gotta disagree with you in one regard. MS is not > animate dead. Mordekainen's sword doesn't last for 8 hours and can't scout ahead for enemies. Also, skeletal warriors eat squid-heads for breakfast. As a wild mage, you get access to Animate Dead as well; are you telling me you never use that spell?
I get that they are support caster, but doesn't make them seem any less underwhelming to me. Clerics are support casters as well, but when I'm playing a cleric I at least feel like I'm playing a cleric and not a class that just makes me go, "is that it?"
As far as skele's lasting 8 hours go, ok and? I've made a whole topic on ms vs skeles. Yes lasting 8 hours is nice, but aside from that and the MR, I find MS better. Skele's eat squid heads? I've sat and watch the squid heads destroy level 15 skeletons like it was a mid afternoon snack. I've summoned a ms, casted chaotic command on it, and watch it make a whole room full of illith, and the beetles its -beep-. I sat and had ms tank dragons, the big mofo in watchers keep, and a few other demons like it was a berserk with full immunities and on steroids; while I saw skeletons die in two rounds to the things.
I use both together because they are both at their strongest for me when used in unison. Skeletons to me are another means of extra dps, because I've watched them die in situations where the ms just laughed at my enemy.
Why do I get this feeling that you were just hiding around this topic, waiting for this moment.
I mean, I favor casting in all its forms, you could grab any spell casting type of playstyle and I probably do it at least once at some point. Hell the paladin I ran through bp just to try a Nalia romance, I would shift to a druid through keeper, if the process of completely reseting the character wasn't eh, to me.
Elementary, my dear Watson...
after your mental battle, you can use the illithid circlets to control the elemental if you lose. if the caster is in danger, you can maze them and they will disappear (so they're not stuck in place waiting to be attacked). contingency and sequencers will fire them all at once - you can summon 3 elementals at once and mental battle only once. 15% will still fail. other tricks like using the wand of lightning doesn't summon 6 in a row - the mental battle is part of the spell and as such, it takes something like 2 or 3 months for a mage to summon 5 in a row.
the only real work around is to have a simulacrum or project image summon an elemental before it disappears. images will forcibly unsummon, even during mental battles.
The mage will then be unaffected by the mental battle period.
You could also tweak the spell files in Near Infinity, but that would take longer if you're just doing it for your own use.