Best spell combos for the mage and priest

What sequence of spells do you find usefull in different and the most challenging situations?
For example, combo like Breach/Malision/Lower resistance/magic missile works wonders.
Lower resistance lowers magic resistance. Does this include fire, frost and lightning?
For example, combo like Breach/Malision/Lower resistance/magic missile works wonders.
Lower resistance lowers magic resistance. Does this include fire, frost and lightning?
Are you looking for Cleric/Mage or Mage and Cleric separately.
Lower resistance only applies to magic resistance.
Breach, lower resistance, greater malision would be a good sequencer. Just remember, at higher levels you can achieve the same thing with 1 spell (Pierce magic).
I like blur/mirror image in a defensive sequencer.
I'll try to write more ideas after work tomorrow
Improved Haste + Black Blade of Disaster on a Fighter/Mage. Seriously, the blade is extremely lethal because it hits harder than any greatsword, not to mention several of its on-hit effects.
Project Image + Wizard Eye. Summon a remote-controlled version of you that has all the spells you've got memorized at the time of casting at the cost of one level 7 spell, and use the eye to guide it.
Regeneration + Haste. Haste causes regeneration to happen at double speed!
Greater Malison + Chaos. Another combination with a stiff -8 penalty.
And what spell combos can a cleric class cast as damage output. On lower levels I can't remember some.
Can this be blocked be with spell shield or cloak of mirroring?
Wild surge is the answer to all life's problems.
@Gallowglass: There's also a glitch, pre-EE, that allows you to cast Contingency and Chain Contingency even if you aren't a mage. You just map it to a hotkey and press the hotkey. That way, even a single-classed cleric or druid can use contingencies.
Whether such a thing is cheating is another question entirely.
Indeed Cleric/Mage has good synergy. Very powerful class once you've figured out how to use it, although inherently rather complex to use well.
When in timestop, state of the player is not paralyzed so Contingency when paralyzed doesn't work.
Liches... are just kind of nasty in general. There's no really amazing spell combo to deal with them that I know of, though the general anti-mage spells work well here. Spell-protection removers, Breach, Lower Resistance and then go to town with whatever else you want.
Once he's in demi-lich form, the dangers are Demi-Lich Howl (equivalent to a Mage's Wail of the Banshee spell) and Trap the Soul (equivalent to a Mage's Imprisonment spell). Death Ward (a Cleric spell) blocks Demi-Lich Howl, and Spell Immunity: Abjuration (a Mage spell) blocks Trap the Soul, so that's your key spell combo.
If you have a Berserker, then his Rage ability is an alternative way of blocking Trap the Soul, instead of needing Spell Immunity: Abjuration. [Edit: note that this applies only for a Berserker's Rage; a Barbarian's Rage is different and doesn't block Trap the Soul.]
A Cleric can cast Death Ward on anyone, but a Mage can cast Spell Immunity only on himself, which is an important restriction. This restriction means that the best character to fight the demi-lich would be a Berserker (e.g. Korgan) or a Fighter/Mage, or if you don't have either of those then a Cleric/Mage (e.g. Aerie) can do it, or as a last resort any other sort of Mage. Hide everyone else in a corner (preferably invisible), and send in the protected character alone (unless you've got more than one who can do it, of course!), armed with something which can hit the demi-lich. The Improved Mace of Disruption is ideal, but Daystar will also work, or Carsomyr, or the Staff of Rhynn, or (IIRC) the Burning Earth, or ... er ... some other possibilities if you're doing this fairly late in the game. If you're using a Mage, it's handy to know that Melf's Magic Meteors will hit him. Also the Ring of the Ram hurts the demi-lich considerably, use it if you've got it, but point it away from where your companions are hiding (because it'll blow the demi-lich across the room, and you probably don't want him blown towards your party!)
Oh, and there's always Sunray, of course. I can only imagine how dead a TOB lich would be if you used Chain Contingency plus three of those.
(Incidentally, as far as I'm concerned, the best way to take out a demilich is a Protection from Undead Scroll and a +4 striking weapon. There's somewhere in the neighborhood of a dozen guaranteed PfU scrolls in Athkatla, they only cost a pittance, and there are only two demiliches in the game anyway.)
magic resistance and lower resists. magic resistance will set a target's resist to 25. lower resist will lower it by 25.
spell trap + project image + power word kill = infinite spells
imprisonment + traps + freedom. either a thief's spike traps or skull traps/delayed blast
double the experience, none of the risk!
shapechange bear + dispel magic
equip the best sling you have and watch a bear. . . scoop a rock at enemies 4 times a round.
teleportation field + entangle + grease. equip all party members with ranged weapons.
protection from fire, sanctuary, sequencer of fireballs/sunfires
sanctuary + blade barrier.
invisibility + spell immunity: divination.
According to beamdog's spell manual:
Magic Resist confers 2%/lvl of the caster (so 20% at level 10 to a max of 40% at level 20).
Lower resist is 10%+1%/caster level (so 20% at level 10, but only 30% reduction at level 20)