Personally, I completed BG:EE without reloading with a solo F/M/T three times, a solo Sorcerer, a Blackguard with his evil party, solo Assassin/Mage, Kensai with good aligned party, and solo Blackguard.
As for BG2:EE, I tried with the Assassin/Mage who failed early in Chapter 2 and with my Blackguard and his evil party, who succesfully completed both BG:EE and BG2:EE without reloading. (Yes this is a spoiler guys, but I made it in Hell ! )
You might also check out the no-reload threads on the Bioware forums. Over 500 pages of no-reload runs so far, many successful, with some solo no-reload trilogy SCS+Ascension runs as well.
I think Tymaker is a troll, though. His other posts the past few hours have been very short and dismissive.
Rule 1: Flaming is Not Allowed. Flaming is what happens when you post before you have time to rein in your emotions and/or dial back the hate-o-meter. Flaming is against the very first rule of this and every other forum, so don't do it. Flaming any member of the community, including members of the development team, will not be tolerated. If you feel that someone is directly attacking you on a personal level, or if you feel that someone is being intentionally offensive to someone else, please notify a moderator via Private Message, and we'll take care of it.
Rule 2: Trolling is Not Allowed. Trolling takes many forms, but the most offensive kind is the one whereby a user enters a discussion or thread or debate with the explicit purpose of making other people angry--either by expressing outlandish, controversial views that are bound to receive a negative response, or simply by posting the same thing over and over and ignoring feedback. Trolling is not something that will be tolerated. Being belligerent and antagonistic, or provoking other members intentionally, will be considered in the same light as trolling. Again, if you think you are being trolled, or if you see someone trolling someone else, please notify a moderator via Private Message.
Rule 4: Respect Each Other. This one should go without saying. Even if you don't agree with someone, do them the courtesy of addressing that disagreement in a civil manner, or don't address it at all. If you think someone has violated any of the above rules, please do not attempt to deal with the matter yourself. Inform a moderator, and let us handle it. We're very good at our jobs, and we don't outsource.
This also extends to general rules of politeness: if you do something, and someone is offended by it and they ask you to stop in a polite and respectful manner, the polite and respectful thing to do is to stop doing it. If you attempt to start an argument in a thread that wasn't asking for an argument, and the people in that thread ask you to stop, then stop. This should go without saying, because it's part of common decency, but this is the Internet, and the Internet occasionally brings out the Stupid in people. It doesn't mean people are stupid, but it does mean that sometimes we all need a reminder.
To provide insight I'm reposting the relevant forum rules here. The full list of rules can be found here.
In this case please keep things respectful. In this case don't call someone a fool and if you feel like someone in trolling please use the report feature (found in "flag" at the bottom right of a post). More information about reporting a post can be found here.
@Tymaker: I think I spoke too early. I retract the suggestion.
But to clarify why I brought it up: based on your question in the no-reload thread, you seemed not to believe people like @Gotural, for instance, had completed the game without dying.
What's this? I ended this pathetic discussion in a single second, sorry, concluded it.
It was rude to call the discussion pathetic and act skeptical that anyone has done this.
To answer your question in better detail, lots of people have finished the BG games, including entire saga runs, even on insane, even when solo, and even with difficulty mods installed, from Ascension to SCS to Tactics and even Improved Anvil, without ever letting the main character die. The "no-reload run" is a well-known challenge run.
I myself have done this once before, through Shadows of Amn to the Throne of Bhaal, with a Cleric of Lathander(11)->Mage in vanilla with SCS and Ascension, trying to play spellcasters as if they were fighters (I like to do experimental no-reload runs). I did some test runs in this, and I think I granted myself one reload due to faulty information. Other people have completed the challenge without caveats.
Saros Shadowfollower is the only person who has completed Improved Anvil (I forget which version) without reloading, which is also extremely impressive, given Improved Anvil's heavy reliance on reloading.
No-reload runs are so popular because they're so fun. Even more so with difficulty-enhancing mods. There's nothing quite like the satisfaction of completing a no-reload run and having the epilogues start rolling. Of course, there's nothing worse than dying during the final battle, but hey, that's part of the no-reload run's charm
I love the Dwarf equal to Elven Sorcer. Ongard Oxbeard from NWN on server Molan. I was the first person to make it to level 20 (dwarven fighter/cleric)
And then 'Seventh House' took over... From Euorpe.
Personally, I completed BG:EE without reloading with a solo F/M/T three times, a solo Sorcerer, a Blackguard with his evil party, solo Assassin/Mage, Kensai with good aligned party, and solo Blackguard.
As for BG2:EE, I tried with the Assassin/Mage who failed early in Chapter 2 and with my Blackguard and his evil party, who succesfully completed both BG:EE and BG2:EE without reloading. (Yes this is a spoiler guys, but I made it in Hell !
I think Tymaker is a troll, though. His other posts the past few hours have been very short and dismissive.
If I am a troll, you fool, it's because I have only one eye, and I'm green, tall, with lots of random hair
I started a new thread in the here and now, I simply asked a question for everyone to answer freely
I had two deaths with Standolf in SOA, now I'm on a new game, playing from the beginning, and enjoying ever minute of it, as Dragon Disiple.
Merry Christmas
PS: very dismissive!? Why I ought A.
To provide insight I'm reposting the relevant forum rules here. The full list of rules can be found here.
In this case please keep things respectful. In this case don't call someone a fool and if you feel like someone in trolling please use the report feature (found in "flag" at the bottom right of a post). More information about reporting a post can be found here.
And can you plz send that as a document I can sign???
My comment 'You fool' was speaking figuratively and not personalty - sorry if, in question, took it the wrong way.
Who has played through the hole trilogy without dying once to their Bhaal Character?
For I deem this to be a very good question, especially, relevant here.
And when I chose to play a game, that's why I'm here...
In forsight of a good reboast, or sword parry, or parlay, in pirate terms.
But to clarify why I brought it up: based on your question in the no-reload thread, you seemed not to believe people like @Gotural, for instance, had completed the game without dying. It was rude to call the discussion pathetic and act skeptical that anyone has done this.
To answer your question in better detail, lots of people have finished the BG games, including entire saga runs, even on insane, even when solo, and even with difficulty mods installed, from Ascension to SCS to Tactics and even Improved Anvil, without ever letting the main character die. The "no-reload run" is a well-known challenge run.
I myself have done this once before, through Shadows of Amn to the Throne of Bhaal, with a Cleric of Lathander(11)->Mage in vanilla with SCS and Ascension, trying to play spellcasters as if they were fighters (I like to do experimental no-reload runs).
I did some test runs in this, and I think I granted myself one reload due to faulty information. Other people have completed the challenge without caveats.
Alesia_BH is well-known for doing multiple solo no-reload SCS+Ascension runs throughout the entire trilogy without dying once. Various other people have also completed the challenge. You can read about many such runs on the Bioware forums, for both BG1 and BG2:
Not all are successful, but many completed no-reload runs exist.
Saros Shadowfollower is the only person who has completed Improved Anvil (I forget which version) without reloading, which is also extremely impressive, given Improved Anvil's heavy reliance on reloading.
I'm sorry, I made a rude, and, perhaps, even offence comment in my own echo of time - my bad.
Who else has!?!?
That's the problem with a RP run. It makes you do dumb things.
And then 'Seventh House' took over... From Euorpe.