[opinion] [spoiler]Hardest battle in BG2?

Just wondering which battles you find the hardest in BG2 and your comments?
I would say the Demogorgon and the Silver Dragons, and maybe Abazigal, but its all a matter of proper planning. Never killed Adalon as I've never crafted the flesh armor. Didn't bother killing the Demogorgon either, as they were other methods to finish the quest.
I would say the Demogorgon and the Silver Dragons, and maybe Abazigal, but its all a matter of proper planning. Never killed Adalon as I've never crafted the flesh armor. Didn't bother killing the Demogorgon either, as they were other methods to finish the quest.
Post edited by sansserif on
I would vote for the Twisted Rune encounter.
I did that in Ch2 though... Was quite a challenge.
Right now with my knowledge and mods? TorGal, City Ambush 2, Irenicus in Hell/Ascension. In that order.
Any mods/setups I ever had? Lunar Eclipse (Solaufein mod), Vampire Hunters (Valen mod, assuming you don't want her to die), Ira'kiuo'dneg (The Ritual mod). May be easier now that I know more, have not played those in a long time.
Yeah, it kinda works this way for me, much easier when you know what you're doing. I compare my current playthrough with my original **first time* playthrough eight years back, and this run was muchhh faster.
Ive not had Ascension before, but Irenicus in Hell is way easier than Irenicus at the Tree of Life.
Most walkthrough writers have Twisted Rune as a Chapter 6 encounter, though. I did it in the EE version at Chapter 2, with a cheesy Gate summon
Twisted Rune also may provide some challenge, but that depends on the chapter when you do it. If in chap 6 - then absolutely no problem.
Also, that may sound a bit silly, but i often have some *serious* problems killing the Elder Brain in Illithid Caves.
Liches including Kangaxx are can be cheesed too easily once you learn about "that spell" or "that item". I had problem with demilich in WK because you cannot cheese it the same way
The only battle I found un-doable even on Normal difficulty was, in fact, the Demogorgon. Given his nature as well as the Prince of Demons. However, this battle can be avoided by just taking another route. SImilarly, the "Twin" silver dragons in ToB may be avoided as well, if you don't mind forgoing the scales.
Adalon, too, if you're not into crafting the armor - the experience she gives is nevertheless, worthwhile.
Regarding the Elder Brain, i have discovered that Cloudkill inflicts some damage to it. Perhaps Horrid Wilting, too? Or you could deal some ranged damage to it, I suppose. I went direct melee combat with Dorn and Korgan for that. I thought Draconis was easy, at least compared to Abazigal. Well, he's the son, after all. Didn't spell buff much.
Yeah, once you have the Daystar and Spell Immunity/Death Ward, Breaches etc, you can just go for a Lich. The only difference is the Demilich Imprisons your members. But Berserkers are immune to imprisonment, and if you're a Fighter/Mage, you could equip the daystar and cast Spell Immunity: Abjuration on yourself, so, not really a threat.
Regarding the demilich in WK, the issue I had is that you cannot isolate your whole party and just have your berserker go in as it's an all-party area. So occasionally one person would get Imprisoned, it was usually Viconia. Had to reload.
SCS? The final battle with Irenicus in Hell, based on the Tactics mod. This version is no longer present in SCS (it doesn't fit SCS' theme of realism and fairness), so for the current version, the toughest would be the Twisted Rune.
Also, Sarevok in BG1, Draconis in ToB, Melissan in Ascension, Belhifet in IWD1, and the Horde Fortress for IWD2.
Don't think you can kill her after the quest coz she'll teleport away? She's only worth 48k exp, I believe. The only reason to kill her, maybe for her blood. My character can't use the armor, anyway.
In my current playthrough, for which I write reports in the playthrough section of this forum (here Under the title "Children of Fire", if your curious), I did solve the matter quite nicely:
I gave Adalon her eggs back, and earned the 78.500xp/char. Then Adalon changed her form the her elven one and teleported us to the exit of the underdark where we get ambushed by drows (provided you didn't kill them first, if you did, you cannot use this methode)... there, I immediatly attacked her.
Adalon doesn't attempt to fight back when in her elven form, probably because she could probably not use things like her Breath or her Wing Buffet, but immediatly attempt to cast Dimension Door instead to flee, and cannot be interrupted when she does it.
On the good side, you don't have to worry about defense, but on the bad side, it mean you have about one round and half (yes, I said round, not turn) to reduce her hitpoints to 0 despite of her AC and magical resistance. Her hitpoints are slightly lower than in her dragon form, but her magic resistance and AC are not.
Providing you succeed to do it, she leaves the same reward than when she's killed in her dragon form: 54.000xp/party, the Silver Dragon Blood, and a scroll allowing you to leave the underdark without her help.
That's a different battle when she's in her Dragon form or Elven form (I killed her in both, to try). I found the later more difficult... in her Dragon Form she just need some management, but in her Elven Form, it's a true test of speed and burst damage. You don't pull a few hundred of damage in one round and half without some true effort.
Twisted Rune is not so hard for me once you know the tactics, but Draconis is a beast and whatever I try it's always a big challenge
oh and the fight to loot Celestial Fury, as I go there at the begining of the game it can be very hard
dat drake gave me such hard times. ;x
All the beholders from the Unseeing Eye (I don't use Shield of Balduran or the Cloak of Mirroring)
Draconis is one of the fights I hate the most.
The twin silver drakes put up quite a fight if you do not cheese them as well.
The first and the last two battled of Neera's ToB quest might be quite painful as well.