Prepare questions for the AMA with Phillip Daigle!

Thanks to some luck, those participating in the open beta surveys during the Road to 2.0 managed to unlock a Milestone "Phil Daigle AMA"
So now the community will have a chance to ask Phillip Daigle any question
Prepare yourselves!
Let me start.
1. Do you have any pets? If you have them or planning to get a pet, have you thought about naming them after BG characters?
So now the community will have a chance to ask Phillip Daigle any question

Prepare yourselves!
Let me start.
1. Do you have any pets? If you have them or planning to get a pet, have you thought about naming them after BG characters?
Who would you rather be locked in an elevator with, Noober, Tiax or Quayle?
If you and you only knew the end of the world was approaching, who would be the first person you'd contact?
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
What is your go to meal if you have to cook for yourself? What is your go to meal if you have to cook for someone else?
Do you agree with Andrew Foley's claim that their is a biased against gnomes in the Beamdog Office?
How much flak did you get in for leaking the screenshots?
What is your alcoholic beverage of choice?
What do you think of the Trent Meme?
Is there any questions you would like to ask the community?