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3/17/2016: Updates Incoming! (details within)

DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
edited March 2016 in The Road to v2.0
Herein lie the latest changes to the beta build, which should be arriving shortly. Once you see "v2.0.60" displayed on the start menu for the game, you can expect to see these changes in-game.

Multiplayer Update

Multiplayer should now be stable enough to test. Go forth, be merry, and watch out for displacer beasts.

Poison Weapon Update

The Poison Weapon ability for the Assassin and Blackguard has been updated based on player feedback. You can read the full description of the ability's updated effects in-game, but briefly:
- The ability now deals damage at a consistent rate (1/second) for its secondary "damage over time" effect, and instead scales up the poison's duration;
- The ability now improves at levels 5, 9, and 13;
- The ability now deals instant damage starting at level 5, and increases to a maximum of 6 instant damage by level 13;
- The poison effect now grants the user a +1 bonus to their saving throw at level 1, which scales to a -2 penalty by level 13.
In general, the feedback on this ability has been that it was a little on the weak side in BGII:EE, which this update is meant to address. There won't be any further changes to this ability before the v2.0 release, but feedback is still welcome!

Global Changes to the Engine

These are engine updates that fix bugs and expand functionality across all Infinity Engine games.
DisplayStringNoName() should not display the string over the character's head (21312)
[MP] MP client should not become unresponsive (20898)
Indicated stats calculated when previewing a weapon should be correct (20892)
[Multiplayer] Client characters should not arrive at the center of ambush maps (20435)
[Quick Loot UI] Game should not pick up multiple stacks of coin from quickloot bar and assume it's 1 stack (20313)
Fog of War and Fog should not create visual artifacts when interacting (18838)
There should be a CurrentAmmo() trigger (20979)
There should be an "Classic Selection Circles" button in the Options menu (20947)
It should be possible to disable switching to a melee weapon after a single ammo stack is depleted (20320)
It should be possible to give custom names to player soundsets (20116)
EscapeAreaMove() should work on non-global objects (21200)
You should not start out at a low level in Throne of Bhaal (20803)
[DirectX] The Steam Community popup should disappear after a few seconds (20052)
[DirectX] White blocks should not be present when reforming the party (20048)
Colored markers should not turn white when selecting the party members (18747)
PCs should be immune to death resulting from Wisdom loss in Story Mode. (18742)
Opening the World Map in Irenicus' dungeon should not freeze the game (18477)
[Windows] There should be no lag when picking up equipment in the inventory with larger parties (20727)
Items with opcode 319 should not use invalid strref for Shaman (19959)
Zombie animation should have inventory paperdoll (18707)
Scrolling the main log should not crash the game (18594)

UI Changes

These are fixes to the User Interface. These changes should affect BG:EE and BGII:EE. (If one of those games doesn't see a given change, feel free to report it as a bug.)
Characters should not duplicate each other's portraits when adjusting AI scripts (21113)
The Black Pits intro cinematic should not have a white edge at the start of the video (20783)
Story Mode should have a description (20737)
Selecting Back on the Difficulty screen after importing a save game should return to the Import Save screen (20731)
It should be possible to start the tutorial with SoD installed (20728)
Selecting "None" as the player AI script should work after a quickload (20672)
Thieves should not be allowed to level up unless they spend all of their skill points (20555)
You should not be taken to the Export Character screen instead of the Character Record screen (20489)
The gameplay option "Area Map Background" should have the correct description (20447)
Journal should not reappear after being closed with escape key (20438)
Map notes text should not appear over top of the journal (20405)
Pressing Back from the Advanced create party member screen should not add a default party (20293)
The Advanced create party screen should not mention a starting party or Black Pits (20292)
[Multiplayer] Local Area Network description should not be truncated (20290)
Pressing Esc at the load game menu should return to the previous screen (20289)
Users should be able to edit designer journal entries (20004)
[UI] Spell slots in the Priest Scroll should not disappear when all spell slots are empty (19746)
Key Ring and other carried containers should have unique interface (19431)
You should not have a bonus to proficiency listed if you are not proficient with that weapon (18813)
The currently selected language should be highlighted by default in the Language menu. (18560)
Story Mode should not turn off after loading a save game (20841)
Spells should be removable from your spell book (20804)
Skill list should match background art (20333)
Journal entries should show in the TBP2 journal (20125)
The journal in SoA should not have a Tutorial chapter (20122)
The Continue button should have a proper border. (18561)
Items should display full sized description BAMs (18533)
Item comparison interface should not look like a placeholder (20055)
[UI] Quick Loot arrow buttons should use correct graphics (21271)
Creating a character in the "Create Party" menu for party slot 2 or higher when party slot 1 is empty should not crash the game (21069)
It should not be possible to steal more than one item at a time (21198)
It should not be possible to steal from stores that don't have the "can steal" flag set (21197)
The game should not pause when the Record Screen is accessed after a level up (20021)
Character record should display the active weapon style bonuses (19728)
Spell memorize animation should not play below list of known spells (20786)
[DirectX] The correct string should be displayed after the main character is killed (20388)
Party XP should not have blank lines between each reward (20353)
The Feedback options should use the proper description strings. (18578)
The steal button should be available in stores that don't prohibit stealing (18272)
Ranger "Hated Race" should be "Racial Enemy" (20895)
Multiplayer Arbitration Screen - Layout/sizing and button issues (20704)

Changes to BG:EE

These are fixes and enhancements to Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. These fixes do not affect Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.
(Water) Nashkel Carnival: water should not turn gray on zoom and stand still at night (19956)
Candlekeep water should not show "white" lines (19487)
AR2600 should not be missing night tilesets (18172)
There should be smoke coming from the Candlekeep chimneys (19214)
Newly created characters should not have several magic items in their inventories (21290)
Elixir of Health should remove the diseased portrait icon (21085)
The achievement All the Options should unlock on Steam (21040)
Ray of Enfeeblement display string effect should not have a -2 saving throw penalty (BG1) (20858)
The achievement On My Own should not trigger at the start of the tutorial (20607)
Candlekeep should be explored in the initial autosave (20013)
Rhyte's Last Arrow +2 should have the same properties in BG:EE and SoD (19960)
(Item) Bala's Axe portrait icon effect should be subject to a saving throw (18711)
Assign Keys screen should contain a full list of Mage and/or Priest spells (17892)
Druids in Cloakwood Forest (AR1600 and AR2200) should only cast spells accessible to druids (16025)
Invulnerability items should be swapped over to use new opcode (21269)
Female portraits from Jason Manley's Portrait Pack should not be missing (21112)
The Assassin and Blackguard's Poison Weapon Ability should scale with levels (18456)

Changes to BGII:EE

These are fixes and enhancements to Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. These fixes do not affect Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition.
Slayer form death should not be prevented by Protection from Magic Energy (21161)
Shaman should not get No valid replies or links when talking to Brus (21068)
Ray of Enfeeblement display string effect should not have a -2 saving throw penalty (BG2) (20859)
Slayer form death should not be prevented by Mirror Images (20839)
Black/shadow dragon breath attacks should not repeat (20830)
Silver/brown/yellow dragon breath attacks should not repeat (20829)
Armor of Faith has incorrect icon in priest scroll. (20827)
ENGINEST.2da should not use SoD strrefs (20749)
Abilities should have correct description icons (18728)
Pocket Plane and Slayer Change should have descriptions and description icons (18725)
[TBP2] The quest to obtain a Salve of Senile Serenity should close in the journal (18592)
Story Mode should interact properly with the antimagic field in TBP2. (18571)
Door in Yaga-Shura's lair should not tell you you need more strength if you already have high strength (18509)
Hue Greenleaf should not sell Fallorain's Plate +1 (18474)
Acorn of Yarrow should only work near the Great Tree (18348)
Shamans should not be able to use scimitars (18296)
[TBP2] Dennaton's final OT lines should be synced with his VO. (10961)
[TBP2] OT line 92931 should be synced with Brodle's VO. (10945)
[TBP2] Tartle and Brodle's finale OT lines should be synced with their VOs.. (10943)
[TBP2] Dennaton should not get Charname's gender wrong. (10937)
Invulnerability items should be swapped over to use new opcode (20928)
Summoned creatures should not turn hostile if attacked (18455)
Party members should utter all of their normal and rare command sounds (18634)
Helmet of Dumathoin adjustments (21259)
ALTER_EFFECT and CLONE_EFFECT should support the new EE flags (20936)
The Assassin and Blackguard's Poison Weapon Ability should scale with levels (18457)
Post edited by Dee on


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    It may take a little bit for the update to populate, but you should start seeing the updates on the Steam beta builds shortly.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    edited March 2016
    The beta for both BGEE and BG2EE in the Beamdog Client have already been updated.
  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
    And they've started downloading on Steam for me.
  • IthualIthual Member Posts: 136
    Racial Enemy is back!! Awesome.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    edited March 2016
    There should be an "Classic Selection Circles" button in the Options menu (20947)

    I can't find this.

    Edit: found it, it's in the "feedback" submenu. Btw, awesome!
  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
    edited March 2016
    "The currently selected language should be highlighted by default in the Language menu. (18560)"

    This is only kinda partly fixed. Previously no language would be highlighted by default and if you selected one, like the default English, the game would forget it when you quit to the desktop. Now the game still doesn't highlight a language by default but it DOES remember which one you previously chose (If you chose one) when starting the game via the Desktop!
  • IthualIthual Member Posts: 136
    Pecca said:

    There should be an "Classic Selection Circles" button in the Options menu (20947)

    I can't find this.

    Edit: found it, it's in the "feedback" submenu. Btw, awesome!

    Feedback? OK, that makes sense how?

    I should just be glad it's in there.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    Ithual said:

    Pecca said:

    There should be an "Classic Selection Circles" button in the Options menu (20947)

    I can't find this.

    Edit: found it, it's in the "feedback" submenu. Btw, awesome!

    Feedback? OK, that makes sense how?

    I should just be glad it's in there.
    Well it is after all a "feedback marker" and the option is there with the "colored markers" option, so I guess it makes some sense.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    Dee said:

    To be honest, it's never made much sense to me either.

    FYI, it took me decades before finding a good translation for that word in that context. A nightmare I will never forget!
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Dee said:

    Users should be able to edit designer journal entries (20004)

    Is there any chance we'll ever get the ability to edit -quest- journal entries back? It's one of the things that made BGII's journal superior, being able to edit all entries. It's quite useful adding additional details you might forget, add a note about how you solved a puzzle if you can't remember, deleting entries for quests you can't/won't do, etc.

    I guess the reason we can no longer do so is to prevent messing up an entry by accident? Still, even if that's the reasoning, it is effectively removing functionality that was there originally.
  • luskanluskan Member Posts: 269
    Dee said:

    It should not be possible to steal more than one item at a time (21198)

    May I request a feature? :wink:
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • MessiMessi Member Posts: 738
    The patch actually created this problem for me:

    -[Quick Loot UI] Game should not pick up multiple stacks of coin from quickloot bar and assume it's 1 stack (20313)

    Or at least something similar. Now when I pick up gold through the quick loot bar instead going straight to "bank" it creates a stack of gold in the inventory.
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    My observation is quicklooted gold goes to the 'purse' and to the inventory, so you get double the gold.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,504
    edited March 2016
    It looks like "Activated World Map should zoom out when "Zoom Lock" is enabled" (20959) has not been fixed yet, which makes is impossible to use the Area Map function while "Zoom Lock" is active. @Dee Should I create a new bug report for this version on Redmine or are you still working on it?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    If it's not in the list above, it hasn't been fixed yet, but that doesn't mean it won't be fixed before release. You don't need to create a new report.
  • MessiMessi Member Posts: 738
    Amberion said:

    My observation is quicklooted gold goes to the 'purse' and to the inventory, so you get double the gold.

    Yeah, hadn't even noticed that it actually does go straight to your "purse" as well.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    If you find new issues with this latest update, don't hesitate to report them on Redmine. Good eyes!
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    Messi said:

    The patch actually created this problem for me:

    -[Quick Loot UI] Game should not pick up multiple stacks of coin from quickloot bar and assume it's 1 stack (20313)

    Or at least something similar. Now when I pick up gold through the quick loot bar instead going straight to "bank" it creates a stack of gold in the inventory.

    I second this. On the previous build what I've experienced was that picking up gold via quick loot bar would not add it to the "bank" - it'd just disappear. Now, picking it up adds to the total gold and creates a pile on the inventory, effectively doubling it.
  • IthualIthual Member Posts: 136
    I am a very happy chappy. With foot cirlces returned and turning black outlines off, I feel like I'm playing my Baldur's Gate again!!

    Love this game. Don't change a thing Beamdog!! Hahah
  • Huskarl2006Huskarl2006 Member Posts: 21
    Does difficulty level effect the encounters (number and types of enemies) in BG and BG 2? In the new description it says so?
  • IthualIthual Member Posts: 136
    I have just started going through campaign on insane (first time). So far seems the same. I have only just reached Beregost though and completed a few side quests/areas.
  • NixosNixos Member Posts: 4
    about stealing... if i wanna steal arrows, can i at least steal 100 arrows in 1 attempt ? getting 20 of them or less is just boring.... (valid for all stacking items)
  • cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605
    The font slider works in BG:EE now :smile:
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    Dee said:

    [Windows] There should be no lag when picking up equipment in the inventory with larger parties (20727)

    For me the lag is still there, but it's less prominent. I'd still like an option to turn equipment comparison and portrait highlighting off.
  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
    Yes that lag is still present, you can easily observe it in the combat tutorial at the start of the game. Pick up and drop a sword in your inventory once you have the party of 6 to observe the lag spike.
  • AlexTAlexT Member Posts: 760

    Does difficulty level effect the encounters (number and types of enemies) in BG and BG 2? In the new description it says so?

    No, that's a regression. It will be fixed.
  • XKalXKal Member Posts: 58
    One thing I noticed in the char creation screens is that increasing or decreasing a stat now is a lot slower. (i.e. if you're dumping cha to 3, it takes significantly longer to get there by keeping the minus button depressed than it did previously). I'm not sure why this would have changed.
  • SethDavisSethDavis Member Posts: 1,812
    Shandyr said:

    Interesting my Beamdog client freezes when I try to update the beta.

    I had the same thing and the problem was that I was running out of storage space. Are you getting fairly close?
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