Will any of these enhanced editions ever come to PS4?

Has there been any discussions to bring these games to the consoles? PS4 specifically? I imagine that it is do-able since Divinity are on consoles. I would like to have add this game to my trophy collection! Thanks!
Consoles are starting to be marketed as all-purpose entertainment devices that will play DVDs, access the internet, and stream video now for this reason, I think. And I guess many people prefer the console style of games because they have simplified controls and interfaces. So the OP may have a point that there could be a market for a game like Baldur's Gate on consoles. But honestly I kind of doubt it, because BG isn't the kind of game that has much market appeal to the typical console gamer.
Personally I just plug an xbox controller into my pc and play things that way if they're better with a controller. the only trouble is that my pc is getting old and could do with being updated.
But then again, just think of how many new people would be introduced to this wonderful, wonderful game that we all love so much. Having it on consoles would bring a ton of new players into the fold. And the more people who get to play BG, the better.
In the end, here are my thoughts: if Beamdog could figure out a way to make the controls work without being too clunky, and if things were not dumbed down at all, and if things were tightened up and maybe even cleaned up a little bit presentation wise to make it go over well with the console crowd, then in that case I would like for it to happen.
Now obviously, that's a whole lot of "if"s. Chances are I would be against it. But again, if the controls worked well and it was well optimized for console and cleaned up, I would very much like for new people to play it. I love this game very much and I want other people to love it, too.
Personally I could certainly see the Infinity Engine games having success on the handheld console market like 3ds or psvita. PS4 on the other hand... not so much.
> I am not against pc gaming but seeing how well xcom and diablo3 were made to work on consoles...
The problem with this comparison is that the gameplay of Diablo (can't speak to xcom) is vastly different than that of the Baldur's Gate series. In Diablo, you control one PC, with NPCs retaining much of their autonomy. Baldur's Gate has you controlling 6 characters.
But on topic: I, as a hybrid gamer that enjoys both his PS4 and Macbook just don't see it as a great fit as well. Consoles (or rather: Console control schemes, which can be adapted on PC as well) have strong suits other than 2d-top-down games. Playing with a controller just lends itself more naturally to 3rd or 1st person titles. And while turn-based games work out as well, I find that real-time-strategy is hard to pull of convincingly, without giving the player a headache.
Strategy games were seldom big on consoles in the past and that is part of what makes the industry look for other opportunities to sell their products. In a way it's similar to how MAC never became as good at gaming as Windows, partly because they started out with that in mind: they wanted their PCs to be taken serious and not seen as a product of "entertainment". MACs and MacBooks like mine are still fine for basic games, but it just ain't gonna be the new home of the PC Master Race, without major investment into imaging campaigns and technological development.
I believe the situation with BG on consoles is similar, albeit on a smaller scale: It's a (financial) risk the Devs would have to take in order to reach out to an Audience that *might* be there. Unless there suddenly starts to be huge request, or someone else ports a similar game, I don't think there's a big chance.
Too bad i can't like, agree and judge insightful this comment
BG could of course be implemented in consoles as it is, but it would be so difficult to play with the joy pads.
There are too many players in a party, spells and commands to give that it would be extremely annoying for the player to do. There is a very big difference moving the cursor on screen using your mouse or your finger than using the joy pad.
As a result BG:Dark Alliance was a very simplified version at the point of not getting the BG feeling at all.
It could work much better if BG was a solo game didn't involve a party. An example is Diablo3, which with few gameplay modifications entered the console world.
Beam-dog will say the last word ofc...
...by responding in silence
I think Dragon Age Origins and Inquisition are prime examples of how this would apply to an IE game. Origins included a very IE-like isometric camera and RTS-style control scheme in the PC version, but disabled that option on consoles because they couldn't get it to work. They took another stab at it with Inquisition, where they did actually implement a vaguely IE-style control scheme in the console versions. It was clunky and terrible, and about 30 seconds of trying to use it was enough to make me go back to the more KOTOR-like control options. If that was the only option I had, I would've stopped playing entirely, and I'm someone who quite likes IE-style games.
So while I would love to expose more people to the wonders of Baldur's Gate, I don't see much evidence that the controls can be made to work on consoles.
Anyway, to reiterate, the controller is not an issue, as you could use keyboard and mouse. Heck, I remember playing Unreal Tournament on a PlayStation2 with USB keyboard and mouse almost 15 years ago....