What frame rate do you use?

It has come to my attention that many people actually play with the default 30 FPS. This intrigued me so much that I had to come ask directly here.
I use 45. Honestly anything below feels SLOW! Especially at 1APR with all the cosmetics. Anything higher than 45 will feel like Haste though so that's my limit.
How do people can bear 30? It's crazy
Also, it should definitely be integrated into the UI with a slider for 2.0
Post away!
It has come to my attention that many people actually play with the default 30 FPS. This intrigued me so much that I had to come ask directly here.
I use 45. Honestly anything below feels SLOW! Especially at 1APR with all the cosmetics. Anything higher than 45 will feel like Haste though so that's my limit.
How do people can bear 30? It's crazy
Also, it should definitely be integrated into the UI with a slider for 2.0
Post away!
30. I also used to play a ton of the original BG1 which has even slower walking speeds. So I'm used to it
Frame Rate is the rate at which frames are displayed on the monitor. A higher framerate should lead to a smoother video of the gameplay.
That's all Frame Rate is supposed to do. Now, BG is a pretty old game, and unfortunately, in game speed is tied to said frame rate, thus, if you change the Frame Rate, you also change the Game Speed. It kinda gets away with it for being such an old game (though technically, the EE games are only 4 years old, so it would've been nice if they fixed it and made frame rate and game speed separate, but it's probably more trouble than it's worth).
Anyhow, when offering a frame rate slider, it'll appear to be a graphical setting, as it's supposed to be. If a slider is to be included, it should be called a game speed slider, not a frame rate slider.
Gamers and FPS nowadays.
You can't compare FPS in BG with FPS in modern games, as modern games don't have game speed linked to FPS. It's not the 60 FPS itself that's troubling, but the game running at twice the normal speed.
However Since bg:ee I almost always play modded on ipad and it is set to 30 fps. There was a bug in bg:ee first versions with the Gorion ambush cutscene if you played higher than 30 fps back then. Dunno if it is fixed. Anyway, I am not sure if there is a way to change the fps on Ipad and I am well used to it and it does not bother me at all.
An excellent example is seeing a Finger of Death coming your way. You only have maybe one second to see the spell projectile coming your way, and being a fraction of a second too late to drink a Potion of Magic Shielding could mean the end of the run.
With BG's 6sec rounds theres much time to handle all the standard fights without much pausing.