Who Has Sacrificed AC for Roleplaying Purposes?
Member Posts: 210
For instance, my current character is duel wielding katanas (the +1 and the mundane katana). Instead of full plate I have him wearing chain mail +3, because I see plate as being too cumbersome for a character who has to be more nimble.
PnP would at least provide some balancing factors between the armor types, such as movement penalties, fatigue for sleeping in armor, and time to equip armor. Frankly, and adventurer in plate armor, while cool, isn't very realistic. It would make more sense to wear leather or chain armor when traveling.
I also self-imposed druid armor restrictions in Neverwinter Nights 2, but that's not an IE game. Also, it was partially a reaction to druids being hideously powerful in that game, and to one particular type of hide armor looking super cool.
The cool thing about Neverwinter/3rd edition is that unconventional builds can be justified. Perhaps Simon Belmont is a Paladin with a flail and leather armor. No problem, just increase his DEX, since DEX bonuses to AC are capped with heavier armor.
Too cumbersome? Properly fitted plate armor would actually be less cumbersome than a chain hauberk. The plate armor, although heavier, would have its weight better distributed, being directly fastened to the body and limbs. A chain hauberk is worn like a shirt so the weight is largely carried by the shoulders.
This argument could also apply to Minsc since he is a ranger though I don't think that fits him.
I've always leaned toward baresark and I've interpreted "no armor" to mean literally no armor a la Conan the Barbarian. Even though it doesn't make a ton of sense that a Norseman would be running around Scandinavia w/o nothing on, but hey, maybe that's how they got their reputation.
Maille is still pretty mobile, if correctly fitted to the wearer and worn with a belt to let half of the weight settle at the waist. people in my reenactment group that wear maille are still pretty quick they just need to do some training with the maille on to make sure they're used to the weight.
In BG2 he used the elven mail that makes you immune to normal weapons even after he got his own immunity.
Because wearing elven chainmail just felt right.
Please tell me that he will eventually rock the dwarven thrower. 2d4+3 damage throwing hammer...nothing to sneeze at! Crom main hand...
Edit: sorry...I suppose I was thinking Thor
Yeah, meant metal plate.
Ankheg Plate is made from its carapace and Umber Hulk from its hide.
For example: nobody should ever be able to cast a spell while wielding a weapon/shield or two weapons. If I start down that road of realism where should it stop? Do I have to sheath my weapons while in a temple? Do i have to take my armor off before resting (sleeping in chain is not possible either)? It would take too much fun away, for me anyways.
I prefer my character to resemble (as closely) as possible to the character I have in my mind. If that character isn't wearing full plate, then I don't give them full plate. I'll find other items that suit the theme but otherwise try to shore up any weaknesses of the build. Rings, helmets, gloves, etc.
I am most OCD about Character Portraits. I try and match the colours of whatever I am wearing as closely as possible to my portrait in order to maintain consistency. Sadly this is not always possible - my Bard is wearing Eleven Chain Mail with black clothing underneath. The darker colours help the pixel look closer to the image I have, but not by much. Haha.