[MOD] Eldritch Magic (BGEE/BG2EE/IWDEE)

Eldritch Magic
Introducing a new mod, inspired by The Complete Book of Elves, Elves of Evermeet, and other 2nd edition handbooks: Eldritch Magic!
Features include kits, items, spells, and much more. Comments and feedback are strongly encouraged. Please report any bugs to me.
Now compatible with BG[2]EE v2.0+
Eldritch Magic v1.68 (GitHub)
Eldritch Magic v1.68 (Google Drive)
Current kits include:
Abyssal Warrior - (tiefling)
Eldritch Knight*
Priest of Mystra*
Priestess of Lolth - (drow)
Undead Hunter Paladin kit for Elves
War Wizard*
Wilderness Runner
Kits to be released soon include:
Elven Minstrel
and more.
Tentative Faiths and Powers Kits in progress:
*Multiclass kits. Please read the README for instructions.
Abyssal Warrior - (tiefling)
Eldritch Knight*
Priest of Mystra*
Priestess of Lolth - (drow)
Undead Hunter Paladin kit for Elves
War Wizard*
Wilderness Runner
Kits to be released soon include:
Elven Minstrel
and more.
Tentative Faiths and Powers Kits in progress:
Halcyon of Aerdrie Faenya
Circle Singer of Angharradh
Feywarden of Corellon Larethian
Mischiefmaker of Erevan Illesere
Lone Wolf of Fenmarel Mestarine
Goldheart of Hanali Celanil
Chronologian of Labelas Enoreth
Starsinger of Sehanine Moonbow
Dhaeraowathila of Shevarash
Totem Sister of Angharradh
Druid of Rillifane Rallathil
Ranger of Solonor Thelandira
Halcyon of Aerdrie Faenya
Circle Singer of Angharradh
Feywarden of Corellon Larethian
Mischiefmaker of Erevan Illesere
Lone Wolf of Fenmarel Mestarine
Goldheart of Hanali Celanil
Chronologian of Labelas Enoreth
Starsinger of Sehanine Moonbow
Dhaeraowathila of Shevarash
Totem Sister of Angharradh
Druid of Rillifane Rallathil
Ranger of Solonor Thelandira
*Multiclass kits. Please read the README for instructions.
Congenio's Pebble Collection
New Component: "Congenio's Pebble Collection" - Allows multiple Ioun stones to stack without using any equipment slots, as per PnP. Ioun stones can still be worn as helmets, and if used in the equipment tab, will "float" around you giving you the benefits of the stone and a free helmet slot. Simply use an innate ability to reach out and grab the Ioun stone you wish to remove from orbit. This can be quite powerful by ToB.
Wong Fei's Ioun Stone now also has same usability as all other Ioun stones, excluding Malla's Soul Stone, which still excludes Good-Aligned users.

WARNING: Ioun stones that use Opcode "Stat: Maximum HP Modifier [18]" work differently than others. In order for the HP modifier to be removed when the Ioun stone is, the HP modifier cannot be saved and loaded. In other words, if you save with the Pale Green Ioun Stone and/or Wong Fei's Ioun Stone equipped in orbit, you must equip them again upon loading to receive the HP modifier.
Wong Fei's Ioun Stone now also has same usability as all other Ioun stones, excluding Malla's Soul Stone, which still excludes Good-Aligned users.

WARNING: Ioun stones that use Opcode "Stat: Maximum HP Modifier [18]" work differently than others. In order for the HP modifier to be removed when the Ioun stone is, the HP modifier cannot be saved and loaded. In other words, if you save with the Pale Green Ioun Stone and/or Wong Fei's Ioun Stone equipped in orbit, you must equip them again upon loading to receive the HP modifier.
Change Log:
[Upcoming] - Kits: Collector, Elven Minstrel, Huntsman, Infiltrator, Spellfincher, and Faiths & Powers-compatible "Clergy of the Seldarine."
[v1.68] - Further improved Bladesongs! Bladesingers are meant to stick to robes/elven chain and single weapon style, but as a fighter/mage kit, they were able to perform their powerful bladesongs in cumbersome full plate and heavy tower shields. No more! Bladesongs are now properly limited to Bladesingers in armor no heavier than chain mail so long as they are wielding a single one-handed melee weapon and have one free hand. Splint/Plate, ranged weapons, 2H-weapons, shields, and even hand-to-hand combat will disable bladesinging, removing its effects and preventing its reapplication until proper weapon/armor requirements are met. Courtesy of @subtledoctor.
- Revised abilities for Herbalists & Priests of Mystra, improving balance as well as kit usefulness.
- A few components shifted groups (but not component numbers) to maintain a minimum number of component groups.
- Bug Fixes: Multiple strref fixes, including War Wizard's innate ability descriptions.
Removed all instances of 'sod' under REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME_IS, due to the fact that IWDEE does not yet recognize that game.
Fixed multiple Ioun stones for IWDEE. Also replaced 2 SoD Ioun .BAMs with closest matching images from compatible games.
[v1.67] - Bug Fixes: Further fixes to Priestess of Lolth's 'Shapeshift: Spider,' should work as intended now.
- Format changes: Component order changes, completely uninstall mod before updating. Will affect games in progress.
[v1.66] - Bug Fixes: Multiclass kits will now function properly for class abilities of level 10 or above, all credit to @Aquadrizzt.
[v1.65] - Bug Fixes: Resolved issue with Priestesses of Lolth being unable to talk after shapeshifting out of spider form.
- Fixed minor typos.
[v1.62] - Improved Priestess of Lolth's "Shapeshift: Spider," haste and poison come with higher levels.
- Multiclass F/M Bladesinger should now have access to all available quick spell slots.
- Minor item and string reference fixes, improved compatibility between BGEE & IWDEE.
[v1.61] - Bug Fixes: Fixed Post-2.0 Multiclass Kits. BG2EE no longer crashes. Priest of Mystra's kit tome now works. Abyssal Warrior's free weapon & armor now function in IWDEE.
- New Components: XP Cap Removal, Increased Start XP (BGEE:SoD/BG2EE), Remove dual- and multi-class restrictions.
[v1.6] - Bug Fixes: fixed spells required for Congenio's Pebble Collection. Ioun stones now unequip identified.
-Redaction: BGEE Item Expansion absorbed BGEE HLA component. All BG2EE Item Expansions merged into one component.
[v1.5] - New Component: Congenio's Pebble Collection. Allows multiple Ioun stones to stack without using any equipment slots.
[v1.11] - Removed 25STWEAP.2da made unnecessary with patch v2.1.
- Disabled Alpha components for IWD2 & PS:T.
- Slight changes to custom races. Tiefling should work in BGEE, SoD, and BG2EE. Vampire should appear in BG2EE, but has no selectable classes. Removed changes to IWDEE racetext.2da.
[v1.1] - Bug Fixes: Abyssal Warrior's level 1 free weapon now created in inventory.
- Changes: Windrider's mount only usable outdoors. Now has no casting time like other non-magical innates.
- Other: XP Cap Removal added to HLA component. Tiefling added as a playable race, essentially just an Elf with different string references. Only an Abyssal Warrior can be a true tiefling with all racial traits.
[v1.0] - Kits: Abyssal Warrior, Bladesinger, Eldritch Knight, Herbalist, Priest of Mystra, Priestess of Lolth, Undead Hunter Paladin kit for Elves, War Wizard, Wilderness Runner, and Windrider.
[v1.68] - Further improved Bladesongs! Bladesingers are meant to stick to robes/elven chain and single weapon style, but as a fighter/mage kit, they were able to perform their powerful bladesongs in cumbersome full plate and heavy tower shields. No more! Bladesongs are now properly limited to Bladesingers in armor no heavier than chain mail so long as they are wielding a single one-handed melee weapon and have one free hand. Splint/Plate, ranged weapons, 2H-weapons, shields, and even hand-to-hand combat will disable bladesinging, removing its effects and preventing its reapplication until proper weapon/armor requirements are met. Courtesy of @subtledoctor.
- Revised abilities for Herbalists & Priests of Mystra, improving balance as well as kit usefulness.
- A few components shifted groups (but not component numbers) to maintain a minimum number of component groups.
- Bug Fixes: Multiple strref fixes, including War Wizard's innate ability descriptions.
Removed all instances of 'sod' under REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME_IS, due to the fact that IWDEE does not yet recognize that game.
Fixed multiple Ioun stones for IWDEE. Also replaced 2 SoD Ioun .BAMs with closest matching images from compatible games.
[v1.67] - Bug Fixes: Further fixes to Priestess of Lolth's 'Shapeshift: Spider,' should work as intended now.
- Format changes: Component order changes, completely uninstall mod before updating. Will affect games in progress.
[v1.66] - Bug Fixes: Multiclass kits will now function properly for class abilities of level 10 or above, all credit to @Aquadrizzt.
[v1.65] - Bug Fixes: Resolved issue with Priestesses of Lolth being unable to talk after shapeshifting out of spider form.
- Fixed minor typos.
[v1.62] - Improved Priestess of Lolth's "Shapeshift: Spider," haste and poison come with higher levels.
- Multiclass F/M Bladesinger should now have access to all available quick spell slots.
- Minor item and string reference fixes, improved compatibility between BGEE & IWDEE.
[v1.61] - Bug Fixes: Fixed Post-2.0 Multiclass Kits. BG2EE no longer crashes. Priest of Mystra's kit tome now works. Abyssal Warrior's free weapon & armor now function in IWDEE.
- New Components: XP Cap Removal, Increased Start XP (BGEE:SoD/BG2EE), Remove dual- and multi-class restrictions.
[v1.6] - Bug Fixes: fixed spells required for Congenio's Pebble Collection. Ioun stones now unequip identified.
-Redaction: BGEE Item Expansion absorbed BGEE HLA component. All BG2EE Item Expansions merged into one component.
[v1.5] - New Component: Congenio's Pebble Collection. Allows multiple Ioun stones to stack without using any equipment slots.
[v1.11] - Removed 25STWEAP.2da made unnecessary with patch v2.1.
- Disabled Alpha components for IWD2 & PS:T.
- Slight changes to custom races. Tiefling should work in BGEE, SoD, and BG2EE. Vampire should appear in BG2EE, but has no selectable classes. Removed changes to IWDEE racetext.2da.
[v1.1] - Bug Fixes: Abyssal Warrior's level 1 free weapon now created in inventory.
- Changes: Windrider's mount only usable outdoors. Now has no casting time like other non-magical innates.
- Other: XP Cap Removal added to HLA component. Tiefling added as a playable race, essentially just an Elf with different string references. Only an Abyssal Warrior can be a true tiefling with all racial traits.
[v1.0] - Kits: Abyssal Warrior, Bladesinger, Eldritch Knight, Herbalist, Priest of Mystra, Priestess of Lolth, Undead Hunter Paladin kit for Elves, War Wizard, Wilderness Runner, and Windrider.
Post edited by Abdel_Adrian on
bonus of 2 thac0 & damage against demons & devils (he has some experience in that area, I assume)
throw out the strength bonus
protection from fear and from 1 lvl
red fire shield 1/day /5 levels
HLA aura of flaming death and fallen Deva
proficient in blind fighting - protection from blidness? good idea
penalty of 2 thac0 & AC in daylight
25% fire and magic fire, and 15% physical resistance.
It's pretty clear that the resistance to cold damage is an example ability though. If you take a look at the tiefling abilities table within the Planewalker's Handbook, it indeed lists fire resistance. (As well as electricity and acid, amongst a dozen saving throw bonuses.)
The same also did happen to the aasimar when Warriors of Heaven hit the shelves and introduced similar abilities and appearances tables.
The input on Abyssal Warrior is very fascinating, but check out their pnp abilities. They get a +1 to saves, and a -1 to thac0 in bright light, a free weapon and suit of armor, and then they're preferentially attacked by devils and ignored by demons. Pretty boring if you ask me and not the easiest to code the last part.
They can only be humans and tieflings, so for flavor, I made them tieflings only. Rather than go pnp for tieflings, I literally just copied Haer'dalis' bonuses.
Would I rather have PnP drow and tieflings and therefore change Haer'dalis' and Viconia's stats, even if nerfing them? Absolutely. But that's more difficult, so my "races" emulate existing PCs more than PnP while the kits are mostly PnP with some of my own creative interpretations.
P.S. - I just finished BGEE v2.0 compatibility, check it out.
Most kit mods offer copied pnp ones which are pretty much useless compared to vanilla bg2 ones.
While my mod has a ton of creative freedom, I really did try to stick to PnP as my starting area for every kit. The 2E sourcebooks were the inspiration for the mod and I even use the same kit names and descriptions as the sourcebooks, so keeping the abilities *close* to PnP is important for me. More important though, is how feasible it is, and how balanced it is. Sometimes I wouldn't do something because it's too difficult to code. Other times it wasn't balanced- like making Abyssal Warriors immune to fear. I actually did that at first, it was absurd. They're a fighter kit and they really don't have crazy penalties, they shouldn't have crazy benefits. What does training in the Abyss give you? Certainly not magic - the Planescape book is very clear that swords > sorcery in the Abyss. So they're immune to demon fear - the very debilitating attack they must combat on a daily basis. Then they get to summon their allies at higher levels. The STR bonus only negates one Tiefling penalty and the fact that without it, their total stat roll was 1 lower than every other race.
I like your ideas, but I'm actually very happy with the Abyssal Warrior's current fusion of PnP and "balanced" roleplay-like abilities. The only thing I would like to change is making the Tiefling (and Drow) *more* PnP, and then changing Haer'dalis (and Viconia) to reflect that.
But if you're interested, check out the 2E complete book of elves, complete book of bards (for elven minstel), and Planescape sourcebook - see how my kits both reflect PnP and defy it. They must fit into BG first and foremost.
Edit: Well, I just tested it out(was afraid of breaking my game, but WeiDU's easy enough to reinstall) and it is standalone! For those wondering.
Iirc, a lot of modders ( @Abdel_Adrian included ) use those components as utilities in their own mods. The XP Cap Remover was something created specifically for that purpose, I think.
It actually would have made a lot of sense to add that to the HLA beta component, and I think I'll do that, but I should point out that the HLAs don't yet work in SoD and I'm still working on a fix.As a side note, SoD also broke the Abyssal Warrior's free weapon at level one, will fix very soon.On the side of balance though, is there a limit to how much of a single type of stat effect applies at once? For instance, if you equip a ring with +1 AC bonus, then you cannot also equip a necklace with +1 AC bonus. (Obviously, it prevents stacking.) Is your component the same way?
If people choose to use this component, I have no way of making them increase the difficulty, or use SCS, so it's really up to them as far as how they want to balance this increase in power. Ultimately it's not too broken until ToB though.
Any plans to make your mod available as a part of a BWS install?
I hadn't really thought about it, but that actually sounds like a really good idea. I'll contact BigWorldSetup and see about making that happen.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I really appreciate you pointing it out. I'd like to fix this as soon as possible.
( I'm not sure if this mod allows one to install just single kits, or if they are all installed together. I'll look at the description in about 5 seconds)
Edit: not obvious from description
The kits listed in the description are individual components and I experienced the problem with at least 3 different kits installed one at a time, I assume it's affecting all of them since there's really nothing there but ADD_KIT.
This will definitely be resolved in the next version I upload, but a quick fix for now would be to simply delete startare.2da from override if and only if you're playing BG2EE:SoA.
Thank you very much @Grammarsalad and @subtledoctor