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[MOD] Eldritch Magic (BGEE/BG2EE/IWDEE)



  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636

    It was startare.2da, I must have replaced the BG2EE file with the BGEE one by mistake at some point, I feel really silly now.
    This will definitely be resolved in the next version I upload, but a quick fix for now would be to simply delete startare.2da from override if and only if you're playing BG2EE:SoA.
    Thank you very much @Grammarsalad and @subtledoctor

    Glad the issue was nailed down and that it's an easy fix. I was a bit worried there, because I planned on doing a playthrough of SoA at some point using your mod.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    My game keeps crashing whenever I use the book for priest of mystra in BGEE from Winthrop. Has anybody else had this happen?
    I have a NG Half-Elf Cleric Mage.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430

    My game keeps crashing whenever I use the book for priest of mystra in BGEE from Winthrop. Has anybody else had this happen?
    I have a NG Half-Elf Cleric Mage.

    Thank you for pointing this out, luckily it's easily rectified. I'll fix it in the next update, but in the meantime you can add the line "COPY ~Eldritch_Magic/Creatures/EMMP.cre~ ~override~" pretty much anywhere in the kit's section of the .tp2 file then reinstall - should work then. Or even easier, go into Eldritch_Magic/Creatures and copy EMMP.cre to override. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Hi Abdel_adrian,

    Copying the emmp.cre to the override fixed it.

    I was wondering if there is a description of what the kits provide? Seems the Priest of Mystra gives two special fireballs at level 1. Would like to know all that each kit has.

    Thanks for the mod! Can't wait for the Elven triple class kits as I liked those in the complete Elf's handbook
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Sorry! Didn't go down far enough in the readme file. I see the kit descriptions now
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    I like this mod. Been playing the Bladesinger and enjoying it! The Priest of Mystra seems undewelming with the one ability. The others look nice.

    Really can't wait for the triple class kits though, as they were some of my favorite D&D kits.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    @Necromanx2 I'm really glad you're enjoying the Bladesinger!
    The thing about the Priest of Mystra is that, as a cleric kit, they would normally get an innate every 5th and 10th level and a casting of each at level 1. Instead, the Priest of Mystra receives the same number of spells slots, but only of one type. That special fireball spell though is very powerful, especially at level one, and they already have access to all mage and cleric spells.

    But I'll let you in on a little secret: All of my cleric, druid, and ranger kits already released and in progress are about to become compatible with Faiths & Powers for a much more unique feel. Check out the other mod here:

    I'm hoping to finish up the triple class kits asap, although they're a lot more work than I've anticipated. Big things are coming though!
    Thanks for playing and giving feedback :)
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636

    But I'll let you in on a little secret: All of my cleric, druid, and ranger kits already released and in progress are about to become compatible with Faiths & Powers for a much more unique feel. Check out the other mod here:

    SEXY! Seriously, this is pretty awesome.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Sounds great! Thank you so much for your efforts!
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582

    @Necromanx2 I'm really glad you're enjoying the Bladesinger!
    The thing about the Priest of Mystra is that, as a cleric kit, they would normally get an innate every 5th and 10th level and a casting of each at level 1. Instead, the Priest of Mystra receives the same number of spells slots, but only of one type. That special fireball spell though is very powerful, especially at level one, and they already have access to all mage and cleric spells.

    But I'll let you in on a little secret: All of my cleric, druid, and ranger kits already released and in progress are about to become compatible with Faiths & Powers for a much more unique feel. Check out the other mod here:

    I'm hoping to finish up the triple class kits asap, although they're a lot more work than I've anticipated. Big things are coming though!
    Thanks for playing and giving feedback :)


    Are you up on the latest way to adapt kits to fnp? I'm sure that you have talked to @subtledoctor , but feel free to ask me questions as well!
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Question. What stronghold (if any) does the Bladesinger get in SoA? Bards, Fighter, Mage, or none?
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    @Grammarsalad I'm not sure if I'm 100% up to date, but here's a sample of what I'm using for sphere access:
    //DEFINE SPHERE ACCESS____________________________________________________
    ACTION_INCLUDE ~Eldritch_Magic/lib/fnp_compat.tpa~
    COPY_EXISTING ~kitlist.2da~ ~override~
    COUNT_2DA_ROWS 1 rows
    READ_2DA_ENTRY (%rows% - 1) 5 1 clab
    c_cleric = 1 // put a '1' next to appropriate class combinations for the kit
    c_acolyte = 0 // note, cleric and acolyte are mutually exclusive
    c_fighter_cleric = 0 // any other combinations are fair game
    c_cleric_mage = 1
    c_cleric_thief = 1
    c_ranger_cleric = 1
    c_f_m_c = 0
    c_druid = 0
    c_champion = 0
    c_ranger_1 = 0
    clab_name = EVAL ~%clab%~
    race = ~elf~ // enter 'all' 'human' 'elf' 'dwarf' 'gnome' 'halfling' or 'orc'
    s_Life = ~major~ // for appropriate spheres, enter 'focus' or 'major' or 'minor'
    s_Death = ~x~
    s_Benediction = ~major~
    s_Destruction = ~x~
    s_Protection = ~major~
    s_War = ~x~
    s_Knowledge = ~major~
    s_Deception = ~x~
    s_Thought = ~x~
    s_Dread = ~x~
    s_Vigor = ~major~
    s_Affliction = ~x~
    s_Animal = ~minor~
    s_Plant = ~major~
    s_Earth = ~major~
    s_Water = ~minor~
    s_Air = ~minor~
    s_Fire = ~minor~
    s_Light = ~minor~
    s_Shadow = ~minor~
    s_Magic = ~x~

    I haven't tested anything yet, so of course sphere access is not set in stone. Some kits, especially of greater deities have much greater access than others. I can't attach the fnp_compat.tpa, but it's from 4/25/2016 if that helps.

    @Necromanx2 As a Bard kit, the Bladesinger naturally gets the Bard (and only the Bard) stronghold, but in my mind, they're intended to get both the Fighter and Mage strongholds. I've used Multiple Strongholds (Sabre, Baldurdash, Weimer) in all of my Bladesinger playthroughs and find it very enjoyable. You can find that as part of BG2 Tweaks ( or in the new Tweaks Anthology, which is currently in Beta testing (
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  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    @subtledoctor All divine kits in my .tp2 have "INCLUDE ~Eldritch_Magic/lib/fnp_compat.tpa~" after BEGIN and I also have "ALWAYS INCLUDE ~Eldritch_Magic/lib/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa~" in the .tp2 for all kits. I also left ACTION_INCLUDE ~Eldritch_Magic/lib/fnp_compat.tpa~" within the define sphere access section of all divine kits just because it was already there. Is there another .tpa I need to include?
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  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Trying out the Abysal Warrior (looks pretty cool for an evil party) and noticed that I always have the THAC0 penalty when I am in Candlekeep even when indoors (which should not be bright sunlight). It looks like the logic works that if it is daytime you get the penalty and if night you don't (slept until night to test this). So in buildings and during rain (both not bright sunlight) you get the penalty if it is daytime.

    How about in caves and dungeons (not near far enough yet to test myself?

    Was wondering as it would be more fitting to change the description to just say that during day hours you get a THAC0 penalty and during night hours you don't if that is how the logic works.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    One more thing. I notice the Tiefling gets the THAC0 bonuses for long sword and bows like an Elf. It is not noted in the traits section so was wondering if this is as intended?
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    @Necromanx2 You're very astute, I like that. If you dissect all my kits like this, you'll probably notice many more inconsistencies that I'm working on, or would like to in the future.

    Take the Bladesinger, for example. That's all this mod was ever supposed to be by the way, and now I'm up to 26 kits and hundreds of custom items and spells - I have a lot left to polish that all up. The kit description is straight from the Complete Book of Elves despite the fact that it's impossible to convert these PnP kits to a cRPG flawlessly, I'm taking a few artistic liberties, but I'm reluctant to edit the wording. I know other modders have been criticized for using PnP descriptions for things they can't actually achieve in game, so I am trying to minimize that, or make it clear where I had to change something for technical reasons.

    With that being said, the Abyssal Warrior (AW) is straight from the Planewalker's Handbook verbatim, except for where I slightly redacted for consistency with original BG kits. "[B]right sunlight" is the terminology the handbook uses and therefor the wording and function I would prefer, but that's not an easy task in the IE.
    What I did was basically a permanent contingency using condition 13 "TimeOfDay (BGEE) (TimeOfDay)." I did experiment a bit with disabling the effect indoors regardless of time of day, but it's beyond my capabilities at the moment. At the time of day specified, regardless of location, the AW receives a debuff with a set duration and going in/outdoors doesn't remove or alter the duration. If I recall correctly, trying to limit the THAC0 effect to outdoors-only had unintended consequences, like if you were indoors during daytime the effect wouldn't activate, but then neither would it when you went outside, and if it already activated outside, it still wouldn't turn off indoors. It is technically more accurate to say "night/day" rather than "bright sunlight," but I do feel that I've gotten it as close to PnP as I can for the moment. I think of the lingering effect indoors as their adjustment time. It just doesn't make sense for extended stays indoors, so I would love any help creating a mechanism to check location first.

    The drow are supposed to receive similar issues outside of Underdark, but the developers really didn't implement this which is why my Priestess of Lolth is modeled after Viconia rather than PnP. My AW used Haer'dalis as a bit of a template as well. The interesting thing about tieflings is that the engine considers them to be renamed elves. As far as I know, they receive all elven traits including sword/bow THAC0 and even resistances - this is in part determined by the elf column in racethac.2da, which doesn't have a tiefling column. Technically, no, it's not intended, but this is probably impossible to change without also removing the THAC0 benefits of elves.

    I'm always open to suggestions, but like I said, I'm reluctant to change the wording and would rather improve the function to better match the wording.

    tl;dr - tieflings get sword/bow THAC0 bonus they shouldn't have while AWs get THAC0 penalty based on time of day, even indoors.
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited May 2016

    tl;dr - tieflings get sword/bow THAC0 bonus they shouldn't have

    When working on my mod (which I've been taking a break from, to actually play SoD), one thing I noticed was that it's pretty much a hardcoded thing with tieflings.
    Similarly, now that SoD is out, I believe Aasimars also have the same kind of limitations, meaning that they're hard to rework as a "new race" for one's own purposes. NPCs like Caelar are Aasimar, and we're stuck with how the devs created Aasimars.
    You can adjust things after the fact (like both of us have done), but you cannot really change the races on character creation or cause the engine to allow selection of new races on character creation.

    Tbh, this is somewhat discouraging to me. I'm used to the Aurora/Electron Engine of NWN1/2 respectively. In those engines, you can add a new race in hour (less if you already have the custom model or use one of the other race models). And it just works. No weird hack-y stuff like has to be done in the Infinity Engine. :/
    Post edited by rapsam2003 on
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246

    Thanks for the info! I do appreciate the hard work ad effort you put into this!
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    I noticed that my Wizard-Priest of Mystra gets mage spells slots like a specialist when he hits 3rd level (1 extra slot per level). Wanted to let you know.

    NOTE: When I went to second level mage it showed 2 lvl 1 spell slots gained, though the slot did not actually show up until 3rd level mage. 4th and 5th level all have the extra slot (got 2 lvl 3 when I turned 5th level).
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430

    I noticed that my Wizard-Priest of Mystra gets mage spells slots like a specialist when he hits 3rd level (1 extra slot per level). Wanted to let you know.

    NOTE: When I went to second level mage it showed 2 lvl 1 spell slots gained, though the slot did not actually show up until 3rd level mage. 4th and 5th level all have the extra slot (got 2 lvl 3 when I turned 5th level).

    @Necromanx2 Thanks, this seems to be an issue with adding a kit to a multiclass mage. It "says" you gain a spell slot at level 2 without actually giving you that slot because, for whatever reason, you do get that slot when you're not supposed to and then I retroactively remove it, but I must have missed the other levels. I'll go through all of them and fix it.

    Have you noticed this with your multiclass mages @subtledoctor?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2016
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  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430

    I think any mage with any kit - even a fighter kit or multiclass kit - gets the extra spell slots of a specialist.

    My personal way of dealing with this is to simply give single-class generalist mages an extra slot as well, so everyone is on the same footing.

    Interesting. Giving single-class generalist mages an extra spell slot definitely seems more fun than removing spell slots for my kitted mages, but without any other changes to mages it feels a bit powerful. Likewise, my mage kits (which are all multi-class, so that's why I thought that was the problem) have no school restrictions like specialty mages. I'm a bit torn.

    Either way, I've got a lot to change. I'm thinking about reducing the spell slots to base-class mage levels for all my multi-class kits (since they're not really mage kits or specialty mages and they have unlimited school access) but leaving the Priest of Mystra with the extra slots because of that deity, then changing one of their fireball innates to a custom and not-too-powerful heal/regeneration innate as briefly mentioned in the in-game book History of the Chosen of Mystra.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2016
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  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    Haha, I thought you had already done something like that - all the more reason I wouldn't mod it myself.
    But I believe my solution is simpler than you think, the biggest issue was already highlighted by Necromanx2: upon level up, you're told you gain the spell slots of a specialty mage, but the CLAB immediately removes the extra slot. It might cause some confusion, and might require a little tinkering to get the levels right since the spell slot removal will be on a fighter, cleric, or thief CLAB/level up, but it's doable. I'd say easy with 2 class mages, and more of a pain with the triple classes I'm slowly working on.

    I do find your method appealing though. I think I'll have to download T&B and see for myself. I'm sure however you accomplished your changes is more elegant than I could manage; I'm concerned about my mod being stand-alone, but I could always *strongly* recommend T&B to Eldritch Magic users and let those who choose to play w/o T&B have wonky mages. T&B does seem to follow the "magic" theme of my mod, albeit with less emphasis on elves hehe ;)

    I still have so much to do (and so little time), but maybe in the end my mod will be the best it can be only with Tome & Blood, Faiths & Powers, maybe even Might & Guile. That wouldn't be the end of the world, you make great mods, I just have to plan for the person or two that will use Eldritch Magic by itself.
  • psycrospsycros Member Posts: 34
    I for one would be quite happy if Eldritch Magic was fully compatible with Tome and Blood B)
  • noctem93noctem93 Member Posts: 63
    @Abdel_Adrian -- two things; no, three.
    1st - LOOOOOOVE your mod. The Priestess of Lolth makes me happy in ways that it shouldn't. Brings me right back to my PnP Underdark campaign from a zillion years ago. Phenomenal idea, and I like your implementation. It's too bad that the other drow NPCs don't have any reaction to my drow, but I expect that those kinds of changes are probably beyond the scope of a mod, or at least far too time consuming to be worth undertaking.
    2nd - I just started an Abyssal Warrior, and there is no weapon choice in the quick-spell slots no matter how long I just stand around. I've given it about 10 minutes real-time already, do you know how long I should expect it to take? Is that even still implemented or is it not supposed to work? (Sorry, didn't read all the change logs).
    3rd - Tome & Blood is seriously amaze-balls. Compatibility and/or collaboration with @subtledoctor and @Aquadrizzt would be fantastic for us players. So far I'm using them both and haven't had anything too wonky happen, but then again I haven't rolled up a magic-user since installing both either... so I'll play around with that and report back any bugs I run across.

    Thanks for the killer mod!!!
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    @Abdel_Adrian , isn't intermod compatibility fun?!

    But seriously, message me at some point and we'll figure out compatibility between our mods.
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