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[MOD] Eldritch Magic (BGEE/BG2EE/IWDEE)



  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    The qd_multiclass file only installs the clab spells and multiclass kit tables once. Delete qd_multi.qd and try it again. Be warned that this will also reset the qd_multiclass spells.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    edited January 2017

    The qd_multiclass file only installs the clab spells and multiclass kit tables once. Delete qd_multi.qd and try it again. Be warned that this will also reset the qd_multiclass spells.

    I don't think that's it; I'm starting with empty override and mod backup folders, so it should be checking for qd_multi.qd, not finding it, and adding the appropriate K_X_X.2da's.
    It's definitely not an issue of the files being added, but not being recognized by the chitin.key; I manually added the first file and instead of getting an error at K_FC_H, I just got the error at K_FC_D. If I manually add all of the K_X_X files I could bypass this step, but it seems like a bigger issue if it's not properly checking for the qd_multi.qd file.

    EDIT 1: even more strange, if I manually add a FC file for every race, your component works just fine, adds every other K_X_X.2da, and the qd_multi.qd.
    Post edited by Abdel_Adrian on
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    Bizarre. I handle all the multiclass clab generations with 2 loops and it should just iterate through all of them... So are you not getting that issue anymore?
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    I spoke too soon. The first kit I'm installing requires multiclass K_X_X.2da's and starting with an empty override results in an error, but if I manually make only the files necessary for the first multiclass kit, the rest of the K_X_X files get made so every subsequent class works. Might have something to do with when the ADD_KIT function looks for the K_X_X files and when your function adds them. I suspect ADD_KIT looks for them first so an error occurs if the first ones you need are not there, but if you add those then you can get up to the step where your function adds the rest so no errors occur after that.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    edited January 2017
    Oh yes that'd be a good reason for that to occur.

    I'll rewrite it to have an always and a functional term. Give me a couple minutes.

    Basically I had made intentional design decisions which I then forgot when I restructured it.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    edited January 2017
    Okay I've posted a new version to the github repo. It logically should work fine, but one never knows.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    ERROR: error loading [%mc_dir%/blank_K_X_X.2da]

    ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "%mc_dir%/blank_K_X_X.2da")

  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    edited January 2017
    So now we've gone full circle to me realizing why I coded it the way I did in the original... I'll just codify the base clab file and be done I think. Sorry that I'm keeping you occupied with such menial stuff.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    No worries, I appreciate all the help. And this will help make my mod, and probably many others, infinitely better in the long term.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    New version on the github. See if that works. Sorry for all of this mess.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    edited January 2017
    No apologies necessary. I feel bad to keep being the bearer of bad news, but...
    ERROR: cannot find line numbers in K_FC_H.2DA
    ERROR: Not_found

    No offense intended at all, but by any chance are you confusing the clabs and the K_X_X.2da's? I'm having trouble following the changes in qd_multiclass.tpa and I'm looking at "qd_blank_clab_inline.2da."
    Might be having trouble finding line numbers in the K_X_X because they're two vertical columns of values whereas the clabs are numbered by a row at the top like you have written out. You also have "//making the multiclass clabs" above the section to make K_X_X.2da's, but maybe I'm just focusing on semantics. You'll have to excuse my ignorance, I'm grasping at straws.

    EDIT: Well, I got it to work
    <<<<<<<< qd_blank_K_X_X_inline.2da
    2DA V1.0
    1 0
    Looks like my guess was correct. I have no idea how this functions in game as of yet, if class abilities work beyond level 9, etc., but it installs and I'm happy. Thank you!
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    You are right. I was being an idiot. Glad it seems to be working now. I definitely squashed the level 10+ bug in the initial round. Thanks for being a guinea pig.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    It was my pleasure, I really appreciate it. No hard feelings - this is a difficult hobby.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    If you encounter anymore errors, please let me know.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    Of course.
  • TristeluneTristelune Member Posts: 12
    I confirm it functions. Guys, you rock! :)
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    With 1.66 Priestest of Lolth can't talk after shapeshift again.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    @Necromanx2 Sorry about that. I just posted v1.67. The Priestess of Lolth's spider form should work as intended now, and this version includes the latest version of Aquadrizzt's multiclass kit library. It also reordered the components, so you should do a full uninstall before updating. This will affect any games in progress, so if that's an issue I can message you how to install just the files you will need.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    OK. What did I do wrong. I have 1.67 and the Bladesinger is gone.

    The download from Github has a file (.gitattributes) that the Google download does not. I tried both downloads and neither gives me the Bladesinger. Also, the Warmage and one other shows only one option to install when there used to be two (pre-2.0 and post).
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    edited February 2017
    @Necromanx2 You did nothing wrong. When in doubt, it's usually me who messed up. This is one change I both forgot to mention and was not really ready to release yet. I've been planning on phasing out the "pre-2.0" kits in anticipation of IWDEE v2.0+, but I jumped the gun on that. Instead of making a formal new version, I'll just tweak the latest release to undo this and it'll be ready for use in both pre- and post-2.0 games.

    EDIT: All done. Download from either link and reinstall. As before, STRONGLY recommended that you fully uninstall first before reinstalling.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246

    I appreciate the time and effort that you and the other modders put in to these!

    Thank you!
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Hi Abdel_Adrian,

    The Bladesinger description says he can wear chain at best, but I can wear any armor (full plate).
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  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    Thanks for letting me know @Necromanx2, that was a bit of an oversight when I changed the Bladesinger from a bard into a true kitted F/M.

    Thanks @subtledoctor, that seems like a good solution. I've tried a few different unusable values, but I always have a few issues trying to combine them. I'd prefer my Bladesinger to be able to wear normal chain mail too, but I can't have everything. At least with the Archer's unusable value I still seem able to use mage items
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  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited February 2017
    Hi Again. I have two items.

    1) Can haste be added to the Priestess of Lolth sword spider form?
    2) The Warmage can go to 3+ skills in melee weapons. I thought 2 was the limit for melee weapons? Note that I didn't try ranged weapons to see if I could do it there.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430

    Hi Again. I have two items.

    Hi @Necromanx2,

    1) Can haste be added to the Priestess of Lolth sword spider form?

    Yes, that was already taken care of, but won't be available until level 14 for balance reasons. The phase spider shapeshift will continue to improve as your priestess levels up in order to stay somewhat useful while not being overpowered from level 1. Right-click the spell in the innate abilities tab and you'll see at what level you should get which bonuses.

    2) The Warmage can go to 3+ skills in melee weapons. I thought 2 was the limit for melee weapons? Note that I didn't try ranged weapons to see if I could do it there.

    You can call this an oversight or 'homebrew.' It's easy enough for the player to not exceed the maximum proficiency points of a standard F/M if they so choose, but I find it absurd that a Fighter (2) / Dual (whatever) can attain Grand Mastery while a Fighter (20) / Multi (whatever) can only attain 2/5ths the proficiency at 10x the fighter level.
    My idea on this topic is that this specific class should not use Grand Mastery if a normal F/M doesn't have access to it, seeing as it's not supposed to be a bonus given to this kit (unlike the Bladesinger that *should* get Grand Mastery regardless), but the War Wizard absolutely could (and should) exceed 2 proficiency points if that's what other F/Ms are granted (through other mods).
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  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    edited February 2017

    but I find it absurd that a Fighter (2) / Dual (whatever) can attain Grand Mastery while a Fighter (20) / Multi (whatever) can only attain 2/5ths the proficiency at 10x the fighter level.

    The problem is that fighter 2-->dual is *not* supposed to be able to hit grandmastery. That is something specific to Bioware/Beamdog's version of the rules, either because coding it properly was hard, or because Trent et al. lean toward munchkin-style play.
    You're right, but it's much easier to allow multiclass F/M characters to attain Grand Mastery while advising they choose not to than it is to disallow dualclass F/M characters from improving their proficiencies.
    I personally like to start as a fighter and dual to a mage, cleric, or thief at level 9 for max HP or level 13 for the APR bonus. Once I dualclass, I can go from 0 to 5 points in a weapon despite gaining mage/cleric/thief levels. With that being the case and being unable to change that, I think it levels the playing field for a multiclass fighter to be able to attain Grand Mastery when their fighter levels are most likely exceeding those of the dualclassed fighters. It might not be ideal, but I do think this gives the player the option to mitigate the unfair advantage of dualclasses or not; it ultimately has no effect unless the player chooses to utilize it. I could potentially add a component to allow multiclass fighters to gain higher proficiencies and if I do so I'll definitely change my other multiclasses to reflect the original games.
    Post edited by Abdel_Adrian on
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