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[MOD] Eldritch Magic (BGEE/BG2EE/IWDEE)



  • SorriorSorrior Member Posts: 1
    I gotta you plam to make this work with 2.5? Because it seems you are the only one to make an eldritch knight mod and i love me some battlemages
  • TheMetaphysicianTheMetaphysician Member Posts: 76
    Does this work with 2.5? Anybody know?
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    I use the items and ioun stone components with no issues.
    I think the kits work (last year is the last time I used them), but it depends on what other mods you install (The priest kits don't play well with Priest mods). The multi-class mage kits give the bonus spell slot, but you can EEKeeper the slot removal.
  • TheMetaphysicianTheMetaphysician Member Posts: 76
    Thanks! If you played with this -- what do the Booming Blade and Green-Flame Blade abilities for the Eldritch Knight do?
  • XhoblaimXhoblaim Member Posts: 446
    @Abdel_Adrian Howdy! ? I have a quick question, not sure if its been asked yet but, when can we expect some vampire classes? Ive been waiting forever for something like this ?
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    Sorry for the late response, I haven't had much time to work on this mod lately, but I'll try to address everyone's concerns.

    @ZeshinX I've actually been working on an item list for a really long time now. It's far from complete, but I'll try to get that released soon.

    @Sorrior @TheMetaphysician As far as I can tell, 2.5 hasn't broken anything and all components of this mod can be used with the latest update.
    Also, Booming Blade and Green-Flame Blade descriptions can be found in-game, but basically they summon a weapon that disables spellcasting for its duration. As they stand, they're probably a bit too powerful right now, but it's hard to compare a melee weapon with spellcasting, so I'm open to suggestions.
    I have a fix on my end that allows half-elf Eldritch Knights, I'll try to release that soon.

    @Xhoblaim Short answer - no. It doesn't seem like the engine allows for this at the moment afaik. Tiefling classes are only possible because the engine treats them as elves. Also vampire PCs come with a whole host of problems, so it's not particularly high on my list of things to attempt. Sorry.
  • XhoblaimXhoblaim Member Posts: 446
    @Abdel_Adrian *Sigh greatness eludes me again! >_< lol.
    Thanks man ?, mod is still awesome.
  • SaphaelSaphael Member Posts: 3

    I've made a few tests for the Seldarine's Fury, the last gift for the bladesinger. There is a major issue where it is unable to hit ennemies immune to magical weapons (+1/+2 enchants i.e.). Since it is a +6 sword, I thought it was a bug, but opening the file on DLTCEP, I noticed you ticked the cases "magical" "silver" and "cold iron". I desactivated cold iron and silver, and the sword is now working as intended, as true +6 magical weapon.
    It is a minor issue, but if you plan to update this mod again, it would be nice to fix this !
    This mod is one of my favourite, not only because of the quality of the kits and items, but also for the lore and writing work you made in order to provide long and captivating stories behind your content. Thanks a lot !
  • zuklazukla Member Posts: 2
    Doesn't work with EET. It has some check it is making to decide if it should install... bad programming? Not sure if it is a version check but I know certain components will work fine unless very badly designed. It says all components are unavailable. I'd rather you "broke my game" then have the mod assume it won't work.
  • AbyzAbyz Member Posts: 1
    Hmmmm I downloaded this mod and installed it just fine a few weeks ago on my old computer, but when I try to install this mod on my new computer, things get funky. When I am creating a new character, all of the names of the kits are changed into what looks like journal text sentences. Anyone have help for me? Thanks!
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    edited April 2020
    @Saphael I haven't experienced this issue personally, but I know Carsomyr is also magical/silver/cold iron +5/+6 so they should work more or less the same. The big difference is the lack of dispel magic on hit which leads me to think maybe it's magical protection you can't hit through; I don't really know exactly how BG2EE handles +6 weapons. I'll experiment with this one day, but it's not very high priority since it's kinda a joke item and it could use a nerf anyway.
    Edit: The list of magical/cold iron/silver weapons include: Werebane, Kondar, Sword of Balduran, Burning Earth, Angurvadal, The Answerer, and Carsomyr, maybe more. I'm definitely confused as to why you experienced problems, but my weapon isn't unique in the flags or magic level so I don't think I'll change it yet.

    @zukla It is not designed to work with EET, sorry. Since I don't use EET and would need to for redesign/testing, it's unlikely this will change. If someone knowledgeable on the subject wanted to collaborate, maybe it'd be doable, but as of right now there's plenty of game-specific code that is a pain to work around.

    @Abyz the mod hasn't changed, look at what has. You may have been playing from the Beamdog Client on your old computer and through Steam now, maybe you have other conflicting mods, or, I really don't know, possibly screwed something up in the installation process.
    I'd fully uninstall the mod, then check that your override folder is empty. If you have no other mods and it was a clean uninstall, then it should be empty - if you have no other mods and it is NOT empty after fully uninstalling the mod, delete the contents of the override folder. Make sure you have the latest version game and mod before proceeding, and then that Eldritch_Magic/backup is entirely empty other than "" You can then do a fresh installation of any desired components of the mod. If it doesn't work, you'll have to give me more details.
    Edit: If you're playing SoD on Steam (or GOG), you need to install before any WeiDU mods like this one.
    Post edited by Abdel_Adrian on
  • MindTyrantMindTyrant Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2022
    It is not designed to work with EET, sorry.

    @Abdel_Adrian is this still the case? If so, this breaks my heart. I have not found an acceptable Bladesinger kit anywhere else, and this appears to even have the bladesinging WP, found nowhere else! EET and this mod are my #1 priority. I would love to have UB1&2, the Cowled Menace, and the various fix packs, but all of those are acceptable loses. The thought of not having this is making me :'(
  • MindTyrantMindTyrant Member Posts: 27
    @Abdel_Adrian - sorry for calling out for you again. But I wanted to let you know that I am ready to put my $$$ where my mouth is. If you or anyone else is willing to make at least the Bladesinging kit and bladesong weapon skills compatible with EET, I would be will to "donate" to support your work. I would have no problem with it being posted here too, if it is ok with you, Abdel_Adrian. Just PM me and we can discuss the details of making this worth your while.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    @MindTyrant sorry it took me a couple days to reply. I saw you mentioned me in Where are EET Bladesingers?, but I'm just going to respond here for transparency.

    First of all, I'm really glad you like my Bladesinger kit so much. I'm also flattered you would be willing to make a donation, but I'm not too sure about the legality or ethicality of accepting money for a free mod - if you want to contribute financially, I'd rather you donate to a 501(c)(3) non-profit like St. Jude Children's Research Hospital or Make-A-Wish Foundation anyway.

    Whereas I don't think I'll be able to make all of Eldritch Magic compatible with EET anytime soon, it might be possible to do it with some of my kits. I can't promise anything definitive yet, but I'll look more into it at least and see how feasible it would be to convert my Bladesinger.

    As always, I'm more than happy to collaborate, as I can use all the help I can get, and I'm not opposed to allowing others to expand on my work without me - I just appreciate being consulted beforehand and being credited where credit is due.

    As a side-note: Gray Elves would be cool, but modding new races is for the most part outside of my skillset. The best I could probably do personally is a Gray Elf specific kit kind of like my tiefling-specific Abyssal Warrior or female drow-specific Priestess of Lolth, but I don't think this is supported by the Complete Book of Elves, my main inspiration for this mod. If there is a kit exclusive to Gray Elves that I'm unaware of, let me know and maybe I'll look into this too.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    tipun at Gibberlings3's forum made a subraces mod that includes Drow, and various people at Gibberlings3 may help you with EET compatibility.
  • MindTyrantMindTyrant Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2022
    I just got back from work earlier than I thought. So, I will clean up my answers here.
    @MindTyrant sorry it took me a couple days to reply. I saw you mentioned me in Where are EET Bladesingers?, but I'm just going to respond here for transparency.

    First of all, I'm really glad you like my Bladesinger kit so much. I'm also flattered you would be willing to make a donation, but I'm not too sure about the legality or ethicality of accepting money for a free mod - if you want to contribute financially, I'd rather you donate to a 501(c)(3) non-profit like St. Jude Children's Research Hospital or Make-A-Wish Foundation anyway.

    I would absolutely donate in your name to either of those organizations. Your Bladesinger kit is exactly what I was looking for, and honestly why I came back to try playing again after these twenty years or so. It was the last character I made for 2nd Ed table-top, and I never got to play it. So just let me know and I will donate to the organization of your choice.
    Whereas I don't think I'll be able to make all of Eldritch Magic compatible with EET anytime soon, it might be possible to do it with some of my kits. I can't promise anything definitive yet, but I'll look more into it at least and see how feasible it would be to convert my Bladesinger.

    Honestly, while the rest of the mod looks awesome, please get the Bladesinger Kit and the Bladesong weapon style up first. The weapon style is essential to the Bladesinger's balance. I know some believe them to be overpowered, but considering they are a half-wizard on the front-line, the style gives them tanking power. While it would be a loss for the community, I would be happy with just an EET-compatible, smaller Bladesinger mod including both the kit and the weapon style.
    As always, I'm more than happy to collaborate, as I can use all the help I can get, and I'm not opposed to allowing others to expand on my work without me - I just appreciate being consulted beforehand and being credited where credit is due.

    Thanks, I am willing to help, but I do not know where to begin... I tried reading the EET Conversion Instructions posted by @Endarire above and I got very lost despite coding some Lua in Surviving Mars. However, I am willing to help you in any way I can to be useful. I just will need to be taught enough to understand those instructions. Do they help you?
    As a side-note: Gray Elves would be cool, but modding new races is for the most part outside of my skillset. The best I could probably do personally is a Gray Elf specific kit kind of like my tiefling-specific Abyssal Warrior or female drow-specific Priestess of Lolth, but I don't think this is supported by the Complete Book of Elves, my main inspiration for this mod. If there is a kit exclusive to Gray Elves that I'm unaware of, let me know and maybe I'll look into this too.

    I can live without the Gray Elf. It would just be nice to have it. Thankfully, they are not that different from generic elves.
    Post edited by MindTyrant on
  • MindTyrantMindTyrant Member Posts: 27
    I went ahead and just fixed up the original grammatical mess above than starting over. So after seeing this for the first time, please reread the post above.
  • MindTyrantMindTyrant Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2022
    Any luck by an chance? Again, I am more than willing to help. I have a lot of experience Elder Scrolls modding, and learned some coding modding Surviving Mars. I will help however I can. Maybe give me access to Github and I will try to make the changes in the EET conversion instructions.
  • MindTyrantMindTyrant Member Posts: 27
    @Abdel_Adrian - If you are not interested, any advice you can give me would help. I am not playing BG until I get a good Bladesinger kit to use. :)
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    @MindTyrant there is an Elven Bladesinger kit in Might and Guile mod, you can check it out instead, maybe it would meet your requirements.
  • MindTyrantMindTyrant Member Posts: 27
    Cahir wrote: »
    @MindTyrant there is an Elven Bladesinger kit in Might and Guile mod, you can check it out instead, maybe it would meet your requirements.

    No, it just doesn't cut it. It is entirely different than the 2nd Ed Complete Elves version. It's not even a Fighter/Mage, it's a bard!

    Honestly, at this point I am looking for some advice on making the conversion myself. Alternatively, I was wondering the best practice for making the multiclass kit myself.
  • MindTyrantMindTyrant Member Posts: 27
    Cahir wrote: »
    MindTyrant there is an Elven Bladesinger kit in Might and Guile mod, you can check it out instead, maybe it would meet your requirements.

    @Cahir I apologize for sounding rude. You were trying to help. I read the whole readme for Might and Guile, and my objection goes beyond this, as it does not have a single attribute remotely like pnp Complete Elves. The whole point of playing for me was to scratch that pnp itch. I just did not want to come off insulting or have discussion of it overshadow everything.
  • MindTyrantMindTyrant Member Posts: 27
    @Abdel_Adrian Can please clarify exactly what you mean by "allowing others to expand on my work" above? This is saying that you are not against others working on your mod, but they must partner with you; or, at the very least, you want to be given credit and hear about it first, correct? I would like to try and figure this out and bring this mod current with EET. I could even take over maintaining it for you. Please let me know because I want to start right away.
  • 0fion0fion Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2022

    hi help please
  • 0fion0fion Member Posts: 5
    @MindTyrant sorry it took me a couple days to reply. I saw you mentioned me in Where are EET Bladesingers?, but I'm just going to respond here for transparency.

    First of all, I'm really glad you like my Bladesinger kit so much. I'm also flattered you would be willing to make a donation, but I'm not too sure about the legality or ethicality of accepting money for a free mod - if you want to contribute financially, I'd rather you donate to a 501(c)(3) non-profit like St. Jude Children's Research Hospital or Make-A-Wish Foundation anyway.

    Whereas I don't think I'll be able to make all of Eldritch Magic compatible with EET anytime soon, it might be possible to do it with some of my kits. I can't promise anything definitive yet, but I'll look more into it at least and see how feasible it would be to convert my Bladesinger.

    As always, I'm more than happy to collaborate, as I can use all the help I can get, and I'm not opposed to allowing others to expand on my work without me - I just appreciate being consulted beforehand and being credited where credit is due.

    As a side-note: Gray Elves would be cool, but modding new races is for the most part outside of my skillset. The best I could probably do personally is a Gray Elf specific kit kind of like my tiefling-specific Abyssal Warrior or female drow-specific Priestess of Lolth, but I don't think this is supported by the Complete Book of Elves, my main inspiration for this mod. If there is a kit exclusive to Gray Elves that I'm unaware of, let me know and maybe I'll look into this too.

    Hello, I read your modding guide on how to make it compatible with eet, but I could not adapt this mod itself, it changes both bg1 files and bg2 files, also there BGEE_to_EET_mod_checker shows incompatible files with the "2DA" extension, namely Incompatibility BG1: CLABDR01.2DA
    Incompatibility BG1: CLABFI01.2DA
    Incompatibility BG1: CLABPR01.2DA
    Incompatibility BG1: CLABRN01.2DA
    Incompatibility BG1: CLABTH01.2DA, could you help me make compatibility for this mod, the author disappeared, and I myself have been trying to do it for a month and nothing comes out. I would be very happy if you have time for this.
    the mod is installed, everything works, but the hero stops getting experience from all sources, whether it's quests or killing mobs, in the chat he writes the experience is obtained, I open the statistics 0
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    edited November 2024
    Don't know if you're still checking this, but kit mods generally don't require any special adjustment to work on EET. All you would have to do is add EET to the "REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME_IS" of the Bladesinger component and comment out all the others (or simply only select the kit components during installation) in the .tp2 file.
    Post edited by Isewein on
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