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[MOD] Eldritch Magic (BGEE/BG2EE/IWDEE)



  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Hi Abdel_Adrian,

    I notice you have an update to 1.62, yet the readme says 1.61. Can you let me know what has changed?

    Thanks for your great work!
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    I'm referring to the readme that comess in the download.

    Just noticed the readme in the first page. Could you clarify what the multi-class fix is doing?

  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    @Necromanx2 thanks for pointing this out. Turns out the GitHub app didn't actually sync my changes - I updated the app and tried again, so the GitHub version is now up to date. The readme hasn't been changing much though. I spent so long on this last update that I lost track of everything I did, but as far as multiclasses go, I at least fixed the fighter/mage bladesinger's inability to click the quick spell slots, an artifact that came from an intentional feature of the bard bladesinger version. That might be it actually, I mostly worked on the bladesinger, abyssal warrior, priestess of lolth, and items and string references in this update. Just some small fixes really, much bigger stuff in the works.
  • psycrospsycros Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2016
    I made a LN half-elf cleric/mage yesterday and it didn't offer any EM kits, even after leaving Candlekeep (I checked the secondary quickbar and everything). Kits from Tome and Blood were on the chargen menus and the Faith and Powers kits were available via one-time ability..but no sign of Eldritch Magic ones. Has that been fixed with this new update?
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    @psycros As far as I can tell, there's nothing to be fixed. I only have one cleric/mage kit: the Mage-Priest of Mystra. This kit has two mutually exclusive versions: pre- and post- version 2.0.

    Pre-2.0 requires that you select cleric/mage and then buy a tome in-game to convert to the kit; this would be done prior to leaving Candlekeep.

    Post-2.0 utilizes the change in multiclass character generation that allows multiclass kits to be seen and selected. Simply click cleric/mage and you will have the option to remain a cleric/mage or to add the kit. Since this is done in character generation, you would have the kit before even starting the game.

    I suggest you check what version game you have installed and whether or not you have that specific kit installed - and if you do, which version; this can be found in your WeiDU log. If the kit is properly installed, check again with my instructions to see if you can create the kit. If not, it could potentially be a conflict between mods because I can confirm that both the pre-2.0 tome and the post-2.0 character generation methods are working for both versions of the kit.
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  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    @subtledoctor Thanks for clearing that up. I could always make my Priest of Mystra a F&P kit like I planned on doing with all the Elven kits I'm eventually going to work on. I've just been a bit out of the loop with F&P and don't know anything about the deity selection dialogue.
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  • psycrospsycros Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2016
    Any chance humans could be allowed to be priests of Mystra? She's not super popular with humans but there are followers according to the lore. For that matter I think all or most of her "chosen" were human. Thanks to some discussion in another forum I know I could just override that KITABLE.2DA file and do it myself (assuming it supports mods) but official support would be cooler ;)
    Post edited by psycros on
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    @psycros I still have plans to make significant changes to the Mage-Priest of Mystra that I currently have published, but making it available to humans probably won't happen. My only issue with what you're asking for is that humans can't normally be cleric/mages and to allow them to multiclass for this single kit would be inconsistent with the rest of my mod, which also happens to be more for elves than any other race.
    However, I am considering a single-class mage kit and possibly priest kit as well (not Chosens) that would be available to humans, elves, and half-elves, and it would share similarities with the cleric/mage kit while also having significant differences.
    But if after all those changes and additions you still really want a human cleric/mage of Mystra kit, or even a half-orc bladesinger (I hope not), it's really easy for you to implement and I'd be happy to walk you through it.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2016
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  • psycrospsycros Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2016
    I vote for half-orc bladesinger! OK, maybe not. Thx guys..I've started playing with NearInfinity a little and I would love to know how to enable a kit for a race that normally doesn't support it. I know there's a tweak that allows any you take a kit that's normally restricted for your race but that's a bit too extreme for me. Or can I do it in KITABLE.2DA like I suspect?
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    @psycros I use DLTCEP much more than NI, but you can change class-race restrictions without either. I personally think the easiest method is to install a free program like EditPad Lite and then once all your mods are installed, simply edit the CLSRCREQ.2da in your game's override folder. Rows will be classes and columns will be races, so just go to the intersection of the combo you want and change the 0 (disabled) to a 1 (enabled). In this case, you will have to allow humans to be a base cleric/mage AND the custom kit as well, and then it should work.
  • psycrospsycros Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2016

    @psycros I use DLTCEP much more than NI, but you can change class-race restrictions without either. I personally think the easiest method is to install a free program like EditPad Lite and then once all your mods are installed, simply edit the CLSRCREQ.2da in your game's override folder. Rows will be classes and columns will be races, so just go to the intersection of the combo you want and change the 0 (disabled) to a 1 (enabled). In this case, you will have to allow humans to be a base cleric/mage AND the custom kit as well, and then it should work.

    Now that's the kind of nitty gritty know-how I've been needing..I'd never even heard of DLTCEP before. Thanks!

    Edit: I don't seem to have that file in OVERRIDE. There are many copies in subfolders of OVERRIDE, however.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    @psycros CLSRCREQ.2da will only be in override if you used a mod that edited that file. My mod includes components that allow humans to multiclass, demihumans to dualclass, or both, so if you install any of those components the file will be visible in override. If you install the component that allows humans to multiclass, the changes you have to make will be half-done. I'm not sure why there are subfolders in your override though because after years of modding BG, I've never seen folders in override. Regardless, try installing my component that allows humans to multiclass and then manually editing the 2da and you should be able to use the kit the way you want. I'm not the best person to advise you on NI, and DLTCEP has a bit of a learning curve, but both allow you to edit files without them having been previously modded, so let me know if you're still having trouble.
  • psycrospsycros Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2016
    OK, it turns out those CLSRCREQ.2DAs are all in subfolders of my main BGEE folder. One of them is in a nested folder belonging to Item Revisions called Override..I must have saw that and got confused. As for that component you mention, its not in the BWS version of EM. The only things I see are 10 kits, item expansion, High Level Abilities and a Congenio's Pebble Collection. Tweaks Anthology has a component that does the same thing, though.
  • AbsinthfeeAbsinthfee Member Posts: 3
    I'm sorry, but either I have tomatoes on my eyes or something is wrong. I'm trying to play/create a Bladesinger. Eldritch Magic is the only mod I've installed that adds/modifies kits, other kits like Abyssal Warrior look perfectly fine and can be chosen while creating the character. It's only the multiclass kits that are nowhere to be found - I select multiclass with that goody-two-shoes elf, I select the Fighter-Mage multiclass kit ... end of story.

    Post 2.0-version, everything looks good and installed. What am I missing? I feel like I'm missing something incredibly obvious.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    @Absinthfee That's odd, not something I can replicate. ALL the multiclass kits aren't present? Only a few "obvious" things to double check:
    The game version you're running is BGEE/BG2EE v2.0+? Post-2.0 kits won't work on earlier versions or the current version of IWDEE.
    You're absolutely sure you installed the post-2.0 version and not the pre-2.0 version? Your WeiDU log can confirm this.
    You select the appropriate race & multiclass, and then click next? Probably the most obvious and condescending sounding, but the kit won't appear if you only click elven fighter/mage, you have to select "next" to get to the screen with multiclass kits. I'm grasping at straws here because no one else is having this issue.
    Lastly, you're using the latest version I published (v1.62)?

    I suggest you check each one of these points. Fully uninstall the mod, check that override is empty, then reinstall. Take a few multiclass kits, make sure you use the proper race/class combo and click next, and see which are present and which aren't. I can assure you the mod works, at least in this regard.

  • AbsinthfeeAbsinthfee Member Posts: 3
    Your mod is awesome, which is why I want to play that damn Bladesinger already ;)

    Don't worry, it doesn't sound condescending - to be completely honest, I'd love a solution in which I just overlooked something obvious (like making sure that everything is plugged in properly) and everything is working fine.

    Okay, reinstalled BGEE (version 2.something), only installed your mod (version 1.62). As before, all kits for single classes show properly. When I get to select the multi-classes, there is never an option for me to select 'next'. It's just 'done' or 'back' or 'import', and after selecting Fighter/Mage, the step of choosing a class is simply done. Also, no luck with any other multi-class kits. Selected proper races and all, checked twice if I installed it correctly. If nothing else comes to mind, I'll just install the Bard-version of this.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Hi Absinthfee,

    If you have SoD installed, did you install this mod first?

    It seems it is needed before installing any mod if you have SoD installed.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    On BGEE
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    @subtledoctor, were you able to identify the exact issue? I'd like it to be as stable as possible.
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  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430
    @Absinthfee rather than "next" I should have said "done."
    Once you click fighter mage, you have to manually progress to the next screen. I'm not sure if you've tried that, but I'm hoping it's that simple. It'll either progress to the kit screen if functioning, or it'll go to the next step after you normally select classes and then there's a problem that I'll have to look into. I'm kinda stumped though.
    I'm really glad you're enjoying my mod, I appreciate any feedback and it really helps me improve.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    @subtledoctor , why is the kit's clab table growing? QDMULTI should only be writing to a single line in each trueclasses clab table...
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  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    "May cast arcane spells one-handed" (from the Bladesinger description in the readme)

    What does this mean?
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    ineth said:

    "May cast arcane spells one-handed" (from the Bladesinger description in the readme)

    What does this mean?

    Probably faster spellcasting. If you notice, with a typical fighter/mage, the animation is:
    1. Put weapon away.
    2. Start casting.
    3. Cast succeeds, if not interrupted or if concentration check is good.

    There is, however, an op code to have (virtually) instant casts.
  • Abdel_AdrianAbdel_Adrian Member Posts: 430

    ineth said:

    "May cast arcane spells one-handed" (from the Bladesinger description in the readme)

    What does this mean?

    Probably faster spellcasting. If you notice, with a typical fighter/mage, the animation is:
    1. Put weapon away.
    2. Start casting.
    3. Cast succeeds, if not interrupted or if concentration check is good.

    There is, however, an op code to have (virtually) instant casts.
    Actually, Bladesingers get slightly *slower* casting because they cast with a single hand while using a weapon in the other.
    This is reflective of PnP. Normally you need two hands to cast, so single/dual wielders and sword and shield fighter mages shouldn't be able to cast without putting their weapons down. The bladesinger in PnP has the advantage by casting and attacking simultaneously, but at the cost of slower casting. I kept that for flavor.
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