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[MOD] Dragonspear UI++ (v2.42)



  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    edited March 2021
    Hey Pecca,

    Any chance you could restore the decorated capital letters at the beginning of item descriptions, journal entries, and chapter introductory text in your next version of the mod?

    On an unrelated matter, I don't know whether it can be helped but it's rather annoying how in the Enhanced Editions inventory icons are of an inconsistent size. Some are a huge and some are tiny. If it's within your power to normalize them, that's be AWESOME.

    Last thing—I'm using the larger portrait component of the mod with the classic dialog window and some of the portraits are rather blurry. This in stark contrast with the majority, which are pretty sharp. Examples of blurry portraits would be Corwin and Coran. Any idea what might be causing the problem?
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    edited March 2021
    Hey Pecca,

    Any chance you could restore the decorated capital letters at the beginning of item descriptions, journal entries, and chapter introductory text in your next version of the mod?

    On an unrelated matter, I don't know whether it can be helped but it's rather annoying how in the Enhanced Editions inventory icons are of an inconsistent size. Some are a huge and some are tiny. If it's within your power to normalize them, that's be AWESOME.

    Last thing—I'm using the larger portrait component of the mod with the classic dialog window and some of the portraits are rather blurry. This in stark contrast with the majority, which are pretty sharp. Examples of blurry portraits would be Corwin and Coran. Any idea what might be causing the problem?

    In your game it may load the small portrait with lower resolution for dialogues, hence it looks blurry. You may open your override folder, look for the 3 portraits for the same npc (example: coranl.bmp, coranm.bmp, corans.bmp), copy the portrait with highest resolution (e.g. coranl.bmp, the one with 210 x 330 dimension) to somewhere else, rename it to corans.bmp and repeat for coranm.bmp as well, and paste back into the override folder, then the portrait will look nice
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    One more issue I’ve run into while playing SoD (which might well extend to the other games as well): descriptive text, such as when you click on the ? button in the game world, is partially cut within the dialog box.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Hopefully the last issue I report XD

    Sometimes when I want to re-read what was previously said before picking an answer, I scroll up the dialog box then scroll back down. When I do so, I typically cannot scroll all the way down and some dialog options remain cut.
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    Hopefully the last issue I report XD

    Sometimes when I want to re-read what was previously said before picking an answer, I scroll up the dialog box then scroll back down. When I do so, I typically cannot scroll all the way down and some dialog options remain cut.

    Put this file in the override folder and see if it solves your problem.

    UI.rar 92.7K
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533

    It solved both of my issues with the dialog box (scrolling and cut descriptive text.)

    Thank you very much, @marcnivar
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    edited April 2021
    I think I will attach the UI.MENU file for BG1 ad BG2 here. I downloaded these fixed UI files from earlier posts here, and these files were also fixed according to some recent problems reported in this thread. Thanks to those who explained how to fix it, I completed BGEE and BG2EE without problem. It may not be suitable for EET.

    Just rename the relevant one to UI.MENU and put into the override folder.

    The "epilogue" file is only used for seeing epilogue, as this UI MOD has some problem to show the ending of all npcs correctly.

  • shayloshaylo Member Posts: 40
    edited April 2021
    Someone got GOOD fix for missing journal entries ? I mean just most of quests from mods are not visible in quest book/journal book. I have to manually save notes for remember it.

    Skusha fix not working.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,427
    If quests don't appear in the Quest log at all, that's not a UI problem, but a problem with the Quest itself. You best contact the author of the mod. UIs can't fix that.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited April 2021
    I keep experimenting with aesthetics, adding a bit of original IWD and the flowery font from the official 2e ad&d rulebooks.

  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    What is the name of the flowery font? :)
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited April 2021
    University Roman Bold. Used in headlines in official (revised) 2e rule books. It looks nice and flowing but very difficult to read for longer texts. The main font used for text is Formata. As shown here:


    Putting university roman bold ttf file as modestom.ttf (so it is used sparsely), and formata as postanti.ttf (most of the in-game text) works best in-game for the 2e ad&d rulebook feel.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    My University Roman Bold font appears to be missing the "+" sign, which shows up as an empty box instead. Do you have the same issue?
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited April 2021
    I use this one I attached, and it shows in character record the weapon pips as usual. But the exotic 'o' of ninja-to is missing, as shown on Jaheira's character page.
  • battlestationsbattlestations Member Posts: 6
    I really like the look of that.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited April 2021
    @battlestations hey thanks! If anyone wants to try my IWD style aestethic modification, drop the files in this rar into 'sounds' folder of your game, so game will read these files before the original mod files in the override. (you need to have the original mod installed beforehand, these are just modifications on top of this expertly crafted mod!) This method also ensures ease of removal should you wish to.

    If you put the files into override folder they will overwrite the mod originals so you will have to do uninstall/reinstall of the whole mod, which can be problematic.

    I am not an expert modder, so these may come as rough around the edges to some, but I still like the cosy look of it to the overly dark-depressing sod gui. It looks more pleasing to my eye. As usual, if you don't like and want to revert back to original black dragon skin gui, simply delete the files from the sounds folder.

    Post edited by lunar on
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited April 2021
    I also did some original bg2 reskin, so one can chosse between stone/pebble look of iwd and wines/leaves look of bg2.


    Also attached my own ui file here, it fixes some placement issues and enables page turning sounds for preist/mage book. The loss of that page turning sound had really bugged me, and I experimented and fixed it. I also pack here bg2back, tobback, and esc screens for main menu screens.

    As usual, drop the files into sounds or movies folder and if you don't like the changes, simply delete them. Do not drop into override folder for ease of use in uninstalling.

  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Can the sound fix be used without the reskins?
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited April 2021
    You can only use the ui file, but it may have some bugs with the original files, as I moved a few text placements here and there. Try and see. Always make a backup of your original ui file beforehand, ofcourse.

    For a do-yourself fix:

    open up the mod's original ui file with notepad.
    use ctrl+f and search increment

    This line will show up
    function incrementMageBookLevel()

    you need to add a single line there, as well as decrement magebook line just below, so they look:
    function incrementMageBookLevel()

    function decrementMageBookLevel()

    Bolded lines are the added ones.

    that line Infinity_PlaySound('GAM_05') is what makes the page-turn sounds work. Do the same for incrementpriestbook BUT use ('GAM_06') instead of GAM_05.

    (Gam_05 is mage book page sound, gam_06 is for priest scroll)

    And also, search setmagebooklevel(1) and the second hit should be:
    area 691 184 47 45
    --bam RGSPNUM
    -- highlightgroup mgpage
    --sequence 0
    --text "1"
    --text align center center
    --frame lua "getSpellButtHighlight(1)"
    text '1'
    text style "rg_trajan"
    text align center center
    enabled "maxMagePage > 0"
    action "setMageBookLevel(1)"

    you add the same line there so it looks:

    area 691 184 47 45
    --bam RGSPNUM
    -- highlightgroup mgpage
    --sequence 0
    --text "1"
    --text align center center
    --frame lua "getSpellButtHighlight(1)"
    text '1'
    text style "rg_trajan"
    text align center center
    enabled "maxMagePage > 0"
    action "setMageBookLevel(1)

    This action is what you get when you push page number 1 on magebook page. It sets mage book level to 1 and shows level 1 spells, but with my added line also plays gam_05. Note that after action, you start with " and only close the " after all the actions, not after every action, as shown above.

    Do the whole for other 8 magebook levels, they are just below each other. And do the whole thing for setpriestbooklevel lines, but do use gam_06 instead of gam_05.

    Ehh, it is a bit complicated but that's how I learned with tinkering and trying.

  • FelipefplFelipefpl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 131
    lunar wrote: »
    I also did some original bg2 reskin, so one can chosse between stone/pebble look of iwd and wines/leaves look of bg2.

    Just wanted to say the font you used for snilloc's description and the name of the spells is the GREATEST, beamdog should change the font of ALL games to use that one from now on. :disappointed:

    Which font is that btw?

  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460

    It is quattrocento bold. I find it basic and super easy to read but still with some character. I tried to find the exact copy of the font original ice wind dale used, this is the closest I got.

    Here I attached the file I use.
  • FelipefplFelipefpl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 131

    It is quattrocento bold. I find it basic and super easy to read but still with some character. I tried to find the exact copy of the font original ice wind dale used, this is the closest I got.

    Lunar - thanks for the font, i really hope Beamdog would use this font in all games since it's so easy to look at, curvy letters suck and show how bad a game aged, just see the old games. ;)

  • SamWARSamWAR Member Posts: 4
    Sooooo the patch is here! I know this is your last project @Pecca and that you don't have much time for this, but any chance to go out with a bang?

    I can't imagine replaying the trilogy without your mod anymore and the update looks great.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    I second @SamWAR's sentiment. I can't play the Enhanced Editions without this UI mod. It would be so great to have an update—more so if it brings about the decorated letters from the vanilla games :)
  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 139
    @Pecca, the long-awaited release of patch 2.6 finally took place, so we are waiting for a mod update! :blush:
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    It just came out. Give him time, give him time
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    New patch, new bug. Hopefully this is something our host @Pecca can fix, if/when he updates his wondrous UI mod.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    Didn't Pecca say that he quits developing this mod, because of lack of time? Also, i thought it's complete. Others made so many changes, that it should work without problem.
  • LeiluLeilu Member Posts: 67
    edited April 2021
    Etamin wrote: »
    Didn't Pecca say that he quits developing this mod, because of lack of time? Also, i thought it's complete. Others made so many changes, that it should work without problem.

    He said we shouldn't expect a complete 2.6 mod version anytime soon. The future 2.6 version will be compatible with IWDEE and will provide new graphics and features.
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