Do you use custom keyboard shortcuts? I was able to reproduce your issue by reassigning keys 1-6 to different actions. The inventory code uses Infinity_PressKeyboardButton(2) to select the current character, so without 1-6 assigned to character selection it breaks.
Your video makes sense, if you reassigned only keys 1-4, but kept 5-6 intact.
If you don't use custom shortcuts, share your Baldur.exe and Baldur.lua files.
The spellbook issue is known, but it should be able to show 24 spells per page.
Do you use custom keyboard shortcuts? I was able to reproduce your issue by reassigning keys 1-6 to different actions. The inventory code uses Infinity_PressKeyboardButton(2) to select the current character, so without 1-6 assigned to character selection it breaks.
This was the issue. I added number hotkeys 1 to 4 and 7 to 8 for a few protections spells at some point in the playthrough. Removing them fixed the issue, thanks.
My bad regarding the spellbook number of spells. Must have made a typo there.
I absolutely *LOVE* this incredible mod. I played through BGEE using the *other* big UI mod, and while I liked it, Dragonspear UI is simply on a whole new level. It's easy to forget just how much a well-designed, beautiful UI can change the game experience, but here it is. I'm having a blast in BG2.
After having some minor issues, I found @meowdog's incredible fixes and tweaks, which makes this a 99.9% perfect UI.
My only remaining issue:
I can no longer change the hair and skin color of my companions. I honestly don't know if this was default functionality and simply added by Lefreut's mod (which I was previously using before Dragonspear UI) or not.
Either way, being able to change my companions' hair and skin color is essential to me because I'm using custom portraits (that I worked on myself in photoshop).
Is there any way to re-enable this? Maybe a line of code I can tweak or something?
EDIT: Just to be clear, I know all about EEKeeper. I'm specifically asking if there is a simple way to restore the previous functionality of being able to edit skin and hair color in-game (which is in Lefreut's mod and maybe the vanilla game).
To be even more clear, the attached image is what I see for any companion. In Lefreut's mod, hair and skin are available for everyone. But in this mod, those color choices are simply deleted.
EDIT #2: Whoa! I just realized that the hair and skin sliders are actually there but they're invisible! I was moving my mouse around and suddenly one of my companions has different skin color........
All you do is pick the version you want; the second zip folder has the change mentioned where simply hovering over a character's inventory selects that character (which makes for easier swapping of items but can also be a bit annoying when dragging equipment to their slots because you can mistakenly switch to another character). Then pick the .menu file that corresponds to your game, rename it to ui.menu, and drag and drop that file plus the .png file into your override folder. Done!
The only other thing you need to do is add this line of code to your Baldur.lua file (in My Documents/Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition) if you care about using the spacebar to advance/end conversations.
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Disable Space Key In Conversations','0')
With these fixes, the mod is essentially flawless and bug free (at least for me) except for the hair and skin issue I mentioned.
I can no longer change the hair and skin color of my companions. I honestly don't know if this was default functionality and simply added by Lefreut's mod (which I was previously using before Dragonspear UI) or not. ...
Got it. Was super easy to spot the problem.
For anyone else interested, just go into your ui.menu file in the override folder and simply delete the following line throughout (eg use ctrl+f).
enabled "characters[id].PC == 1"
As far as I can tell, the only thing this line does in each case it appears is to restrict hair and skin color sliders to your protagonist. Maybe this is default functionality? Either way, easy to fix. Delete the lines and you're good to go! Also, NOTE that this is NOT compatible with meowdog's inventory-hover tweak (because as you move the mouse in the slider menu, you'll still switch between characters).
The world map moves so that it centers on the player's party, but it seems that it should be fixed in place (within the borders of the UI). This looks really awkward and I assume it's a bug. Screenshot below to show what I mean.
I tried the search function for this question to no avail. So sorry if I missed it.
So if I use Nearinfinity to make a quest through a custom dlg, the quest just gets added into the journal portion, not the updated "entry" style one provided by this mod.
This is the script I use as an action in the dialogue, AddJournalEntry(71711,QUEST)
So I do set it to quest. If anybody has any suggestions or tips, I would really appreciate it.
Like if there is some sort of file I have to edit, in order to add it in as an official quest or something. What would it be, if so?
Another issue discovered. It's possible that it was there before but I just didn't notice it. I'm not sure if this has been mentioned in the thread already.
If a spell's description in the mage book is long enough to require a scrollbar, the scrollbar shows up with some weird, buggy artifacts. I'm assuming there's some code or images that are improperly used here.
The world map moves so that it centers on the player's party, but it seems that it should be fixed in place (within the borders of the UI). This looks really awkward and I assume it's a bug. Screenshot below to show what I mean.
If a spell's description in the mage book is long enough to require a scrollbar, the scrollbar shows up with some weird, buggy artifacts. I'm assuming there's some code or images that are improperly used here.
It would be perfect if we could somehow fix the map in place, and not have it re-center on the player's location. But this fix did indeed work! One thing is that after some experimentation (using the default BG2EE map), the values that seemed to work best for me were:
area 0 0 1026 590
area 14 12 1000 564
Aight, first things first — this mod is great, looks slick as heck, very wow, much plus, etc etc.
Now, the problem: I'm not sure if it's just because I'm running at 2560x1440, but character portraits are too big for the screen. I fired up a new game on a fresh SoD install to test it out, with no other mods but this (and modmerge because SoD, of course), and noticed that it didn't look like there was enough room to fit a full party. I decided to console in some random party members to get up to 5+self, and sure enough, the sixth is cut off below the rest of the UI at the bottom.
Is there some easy fix or patch or etc for this?
edit: As it turns out, I'm just an idiot who didn't uncheck the "larger portraits" option.
double edit: A few new problems, however, have arisen. First and most severe is that the text box (again on a clean, otherwise-unmodded install) in BG1 and BG2 alike cuts off a fair amount of text on the right side.
There's also a couple mis-strings; the button to preview a soundset is mis-stringed as "PLAY_GAME_BUTTON" (in BG2 only; it's fine in BG1), and whatever potential misc hotkey comes after Zoom Out is mis-stringed as "32217" in BG1 and "99897" in BG2.
I've also got what is hopefully a relatively trivial feature request for some future version: The ability to scroll down on the kit selection screen in the event that you have more kits installed than can be displayed all at once. BG2EE's UI has this natively, but neither the native SoD UI nor this mod seem to be able to do so.
So, I'm having some weird problems with this mod in BG2EE that I'm not sure if their intentional or not. When I go to the Assign Keys menu, the Quick Loot option is a 5 digit string of numbers, something like 99879. Also, the Quick Loot bar just disappears whenever I go into any menu, meaning I have to press the hotkey again. Is that intentional? Also, my Reveal Details never stays toggled.
Just rename the appropriate file (either bg, sod, or bg2) in the download linked above to ui.menu and put it (along with the png file) in your override folder. You can also add my edits if you want (scroll up if interested).
I'm not sure about the soundset preview issue you're having (don't see that issue with BG2 on my end). If you're using the mod on anything other than a clean install, it's not uncommon to see messed up string issues like that.
@meowdog Unfortunately, I seem to have enough mods (especially SCS) that uninstalling/reinstalling this one is a lengthy 30+ minute Weidu process (at least it was the last time I tried)... I suppose if the destination works fine after Watcher's Keep, then all is well. Will update here for sure.
While you're here, a question:
Is it possible to replace the esc screen background image? e.g. the default behind the SOA/TOB logo is a dark forest. I'd like to replace it with my own custom image for TOB if possible.
Is it possible to replace the esc screen background image? e.g. the default behind the SOA/TOB logo is a dark forest. I'd like to replace it with my own custom image for TOB if possible.
You can replace override/rgopt1.wbm with your own, to create webm from image using ffmpeg:
Neera tells me about her plan to lay an ambush in a clearing
. My map looks like this? Seems buggy to me, but it could be expected functionality (with the NPC-specific location overlaid on the old one).
I have had this same map display bug. I'm quite sure that I didn't have Dragonspear UI installed then, so this mod shouldn't the issue. When you can freely travel the world map... do some serious pixel hunting around the corner of the icons and you should be able to access the Neera's quest location without teleporting there with console command... and having to search the area code for it.
@meowdog Beautiful! Worked perfectly. Based on this snippet, I also figured out how to replace the initial SOA and TOB background images as well. Thanks as always!
I was also able to get it so that my esc menu image ("fireback.png") only shows when the TOB campaign is active by using
enabled "startEngine:GetCampaign() == const.START_CAMPAIGN_BG and isTob == 0"
name "RGOPT1"
area 0 0 1920 1080
enabled "startEngine:GetCampaign() == const.START_CAMPAIGN_BG and isTob == 1"
name "RGOPT1A"
area 0 0 1920 1080
mosaic 'FIREBACK'
I assume it will be the same for BG1 and SOD if I was running an EET install?
@zartan Good to know. I wonder if this is mod-related at all, and maybe just an issue in the vanilla game...?
Worked perfectly. Based on this snippet, I also figured out how to replace the initial SOA and TOB background images as well.
I was also able to get it so that my esc menu image ("fireback.png") only shows when the TOB campaign is active by using
enabled "startEngine:GetCampaign() == const.START_CAMPAIGN_BG and isTob == 0"
name "RGOPT1"
area 0 0 1920 1080
enabled "startEngine:GetCampaign() == const.START_CAMPAIGN_BG and isTob == 1"
name "RGOPT1A"
area 0 0 1920 1080
mosaic 'FIREBACK'
Make these SOA and TOB background images and esc menu image (as you have changed it for yourself) available for download, I will change it too, thanks in advance.
The code for the SOA and TOB specific esc menu backgrounds is as above. I like the SOA esc menu background (a dark forest), so I left it as is, but it could easily be changed the same way.
Here's the image I'm using for the esc menu background for TOB. I wanted something to match the the feel of the intro movie, and this seemed appropriate (especially given that it's the climactic final chapter).
This is what it looks like in the game for me. Notice that it appears much brighter in the game than the actual image above. That's because I'm using my own personal reshade (dozens of hours of tweaking), so it won't appear that way in your game.
Changing the regular menu image for the TOB campaign is also simple. Find this block of code and change it the same way as with the esc menu background. Here I just added the bottom line that points to the next image (tobback.png, shared below) in the override folder.
enabled "startEngine:GetCampaign() == const.START_CAMPAIGN_BG and isTob == 1"
name "RGDBACK2"
area 0 0 1920 1080
mosaic 'TOBBACK'
This is actually another painting of Watcher's Keep by the very same artist (who also did the SOA painting of Firkraag). I just think that this one is more dramatic and forboding, better matches the main theme music, and perfectly matches the menu icon and title logo placement.
@skusha Awesome!
I'm switching to EET for my next playthrough. Actually not 100% sure how the main menu will work. Can anyone using EET right now clarify this? With Dragonspear UI++, will the main menu stay as BG1 (eg Candlekeep background)...or will it switch as you progress through the different campaigns? How about the intro movies (the ones that play automatically before the menu loads)?
I'm VERY curious how this works for EET+Dragonspear UI++. Would the unique esc menu backgrounds also work?
Can anyone confirm if this is caused by Dragonspear UI++?
Search for "EPILOGUE" and add the following modifications:
generateMegaCredits() -- remove this
area 100 50 828 36
text style "title"
-- MAIN_GAME_LABEL is "Baldur's Gate", you might want to change to something else,
-- you'll have to edit L_EN_US.lua and other language files however
area 100 86 828 34
text style "title"
area 110 176 274 430
mosaic lua "epilogueImage" -- replace "mosaic" with "bitmap", restores portraits
name "text_CHAPTERSCROLL_item"
area 440 148 492 482
text lua "megacredits" -- replace "megacredits" with "text_CHAPTERSCROLL"
text style normal
Tested with BG2 only, EET might need something different.
NPC epilogue:
The epilogue doesn't have a background, same as in the unmoded game, but I would probably add one or remove the background from credits for consistency.
Do you use custom keyboard shortcuts? I was able to reproduce your issue by reassigning keys 1-6 to different actions. The inventory code uses Infinity_PressKeyboardButton(2) to select the current character, so without 1-6 assigned to character selection it breaks.
Your video makes sense, if you reassigned only keys 1-4, but kept 5-6 intact.
If you don't use custom shortcuts, share your Baldur.exe and Baldur.lua files.
The spellbook issue is known, but it should be able to show 24 spells per page.
This was the issue. I added number hotkeys 1 to 4 and 7 to 8 for a few protections spells at some point in the playthrough. Removing them fixed the issue, thanks.
My bad regarding the spellbook number of spells. Must have made a typo there.
Hi all!
I absolutely *LOVE* this incredible mod. I played through BGEE using the *other* big UI mod, and while I liked it, Dragonspear UI is simply on a whole new level. It's easy to forget just how much a well-designed, beautiful UI can change the game experience, but here it is. I'm having a blast in BG2.
After having some minor issues, I found @meowdog's incredible fixes and tweaks, which makes this a 99.9% perfect UI.
My only remaining issue:
I can no longer change the hair and skin color of my companions. I honestly don't know if this was default functionality and simply added by Lefreut's mod (which I was previously using before Dragonspear UI) or not.
Either way, being able to change my companions' hair and skin color is essential to me because I'm using custom portraits (that I worked on myself in photoshop).
Is there any way to re-enable this? Maybe a line of code I can tweak or something?
EDIT: Just to be clear, I know all about EEKeeper. I'm specifically asking if there is a simple way to restore the previous functionality of being able to edit skin and hair color in-game (which is in Lefreut's mod and maybe the vanilla game).
To be even more clear, the attached image is what I see for any companion. In Lefreut's mod, hair and skin are available for everyone. But in this mod, those color choices are simply deleted.
EDIT #2: Whoa! I just realized that the hair and skin sliders are actually there but they're invisible! I was moving my mouse around and suddenly one of my companions has different skin color........
All you do is pick the version you want; the second zip folder has the change mentioned where simply hovering over a character's inventory selects that character (which makes for easier swapping of items but can also be a bit annoying when dragging equipment to their slots because you can mistakenly switch to another character). Then pick the .menu file that corresponds to your game, rename it to ui.menu, and drag and drop that file plus the .png file into your override folder. Done!
The only other thing you need to do is add this line of code to your Baldur.lua file (in My Documents/Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition) if you care about using the spacebar to advance/end conversations.
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Disable Space Key In Conversations','0')
With these fixes, the mod is essentially flawless and bug free (at least for me) except for the hair and skin issue I mentioned.
Got it. Was super easy to spot the problem.
For anyone else interested, just go into your ui.menu file in the override folder and simply delete the following line throughout (eg use ctrl+f).
enabled "characters[id].PC == 1"
As far as I can tell, the only thing this line does in each case it appears is to restrict hair and skin color sliders to your protagonist. Maybe this is default functionality? Either way, easy to fix. Delete the lines and you're good to go! Also, NOTE that this is NOT compatible with meowdog's inventory-hover tweak (because as you move the mouse in the slider menu, you'll still switch between characters).
The world map moves so that it centers on the player's party, but it seems that it should be fixed in place (within the borders of the UI). This looks really awkward and I assume it's a bug. Screenshot below to show what I mean.
So if I use Nearinfinity to make a quest through a custom dlg, the quest just gets added into the journal portion, not the updated "entry" style one provided by this mod.
This is the script I use as an action in the dialogue, AddJournalEntry(71711,QUEST)
So I do set it to quest. If anybody has any suggestions or tips, I would really appreciate it.
Like if there is some sort of file I have to edit, in order to add it in as an official quest or something. What would it be, if so?
If a spell's description in the mage book is long enough to require a scrollbar, the scrollbar shows up with some weird, buggy artifacts. I'm assuming there's some code or images that are improperly used here.
Image below.
Search: and replace RGSCR3 with GUISCRP.
That worked! Both issues fixed!
It would be perfect if we could somehow fix the map in place, and not have it re-center on the player's location. But this fix did indeed work! One thing is that after some experimentation (using the default BG2EE map), the values that seemed to work best for me were:
area 0 0 1026 590
area 14 12 1000 564
Thanks again, you are a wonderful human being!
Now, the problem: I'm not sure if it's just because I'm running at 2560x1440, but character portraits are too big for the screen. I fired up a new game on a fresh SoD install to test it out, with no other mods but this (and modmerge because SoD, of course), and noticed that it didn't look like there was enough room to fit a full party. I decided to console in some random party members to get up to 5+self, and sure enough, the sixth is cut off below the rest of the UI at the bottom.
Is there some easy fix or patch or etc for this?
edit: As it turns out, I'm just an idiot who didn't uncheck the "larger portraits" option.
double edit: A few new problems, however, have arisen. First and most severe is that the text box (again on a clean, otherwise-unmodded install) in BG1 and BG2 alike cuts off a fair amount of text on the right side.
There's also a couple mis-strings; the button to preview a soundset is mis-stringed as "PLAY_GAME_BUTTON" (in BG2 only; it's fine in BG1), and whatever potential misc hotkey comes after Zoom Out is mis-stringed as "32217" in BG1 and "99897" in BG2.
I've also got what is hopefully a relatively trivial feature request for some future version: The ability to scroll down on the kit selection screen in the event that you have more kits installed than can be displayed all at once. BG2EE's UI has this natively, but neither the native SoD UI nor this mod seem to be able to do so.
Just rename the appropriate file (either bg, sod, or bg2) in the download linked above to ui.menu and put it (along with the png file) in your override folder. You can also add my edits if you want (scroll up if interested).
I'm not sure about the soundset preview issue you're having (don't see that issue with BG2 on my end). If you're using the mod on anything other than a clean install, it's not uncommon to see messed up string issues like that.
This example I found online however works fine with DUI or without:
If you have cheat mode enabled, you can test it in game by pressing ctrl+space and then typing:
@tl1942 Can you also try it without DUI?
While you're here, a question:
Is it possible to replace the esc screen background image? e.g. the default behind the SOA/TOB logo is a dark forest. I'd like to replace it with my own custom image for TOB if possible.
Or it's possible to replace this code with: You also need to remove this line The result is different however, experiment to see what works best for you.
I have had this same map display bug. I'm quite sure that I didn't have Dragonspear UI installed then, so this mod shouldn't the issue. When you can freely travel the world map... do some serious pixel hunting around the corner of the icons and you should be able to access the Neera's quest location without teleporting there with console command... and having to search the area code for it.
I was also able to get it so that my esc menu image ("fireback.png") only shows when the TOB campaign is active by using
I assume it will be the same for BG1 and SOD if I was running an EET install?
@zartan Good to know. I wonder if this is mod-related at all, and maybe just an issue in the vanilla game...?
The code for the SOA and TOB specific esc menu backgrounds is as above. I like the SOA esc menu background (a dark forest), so I left it as is, but it could easily be changed the same way.
Here's the image I'm using for the esc menu background for TOB. I wanted something to match the the feel of the intro movie, and this seemed appropriate (especially given that it's the climactic final chapter).
This is what it looks like in the game for me. Notice that it appears much brighter in the game than the actual image above. That's because I'm using my own personal reshade (dozens of hours of tweaking), so it won't appear that way in your game.
Changing the regular menu image for the TOB campaign is also simple. Find this block of code and change it the same way as with the esc menu background. Here I just added the bottom line that points to the next image (tobback.png, shared below) in the override folder.
This is actually another painting of Watcher's Keep by the very same artist (who also did the SOA painting of Firkraag). I just think that this one is more dramatic and forboding, better matches the main theme music, and perfectly matches the menu icon and title logo placement.
And it looks like this in the game:
The artist is Winterkeep, and he actually has two more paintings of Watcher's Keep in his gallery.
I'm switching to EET for my next playthrough. Actually not 100% sure how the main menu will work. Can anyone using EET right now clarify this? With Dragonspear UI++, will the main menu stay as BG1 (eg Candlekeep background)...or will it switch as you progress through the different campaigns? How about the intro movies (the ones that play automatically before the menu loads)?
I'm VERY curious how this works for EET+Dragonspear UI++. Would the unique esc menu backgrounds also work?
Can anyone confirm if this is caused by Dragonspear UI++?
Search for "EPILOGUE" and add the following modifications:
Tested with BG2 only, EET might need something different.
NPC epilogue:
The epilogue doesn't have a background, same as in the unmoded game, but I would probably add one or remove the background from credits for consistency.