Mephiston sounds to me like he is using transgender people as both a weapon and a shield, and is mobilizing his attempts at an appearance of support to make himself look good at the expense of transgender people. In short, he's doing exactly what he says so-called "SJWs" do. He stands as an ally to trans people who aren't inconvenient enough to disagree with him, it appears.
I'm glad You have zero facts to post about that, but you are welcome to your own opinion. What matters is the abused, not your own clearly selfish thoughts.
My advice would be...don't care about trying to be inclusive, or political, or whatever. Just write the characters you want to write about
Currently that for me more or less the same work, I want write more diverse character, but I have to work on that, because there's still few example.
I'm very interrested by the character you talk about. What the name of the character and the campagne ? (If it's an official one) Sorry if you already write it. I'm on phone, hard to re find it with all this mess.
Mephiston sounds to me like he is using transgender people as both a weapon and a shield, and is mobilizing his attempts at an appearance of support to make himself look good at the expense of transgender people. In short, he's doing exactly what he says so-called "SJWs" do. He stands as an ally to trans people who aren't inconvenient enough to disagree with him, it appears.
I'm glad You have zero facts to post about that, but you are welcome to your own opinion. What matters is the abused, not your own clearly selfish thoughts.
I'm just reading what you're writing. You're doing exactly what you accuse "SJWs" of doing.
"My own selfish thoughts" Ha! Now you're a mind-reader too?
Seriously, though, if you want to be believable when you claim you "care about the abused" (in this case, transgender women) then listen to what @Ayiekie and @KcoQuidam are saying, which so far you haven't really done. You've been picking and choosing people convenient to your stated personal beliefs, which gets us back to "You're doing what you say SJWs do."
Mephiston sounds to me like he is using transgender people as both a weapon and a shield, and is mobilizing his attempts at an appearance of support to make himself look good at the expense of transgender people. In short, he's doing exactly what he says so-called "SJWs" do. He stands as an ally to trans people who aren't inconvenient enough to disagree with him, it appears.
I'm glad You have zero facts to post about that, but you are welcome to your own opinion. What matters is the abused, not your own clearly selfish thoughts.
I'm just reading what you're writing. You're doing exactly what you accuse "SJWs" of doing.
"My own selfish thoughts" Ha! Now you're a mind-reader too?
"Sounds to me" I apologise, I'll rephrase. selfish hearing
Yeah, no. All she's doing is pointing out sexist tropes that are in videogames. She hasn't been proven wrong, nor has she been factually proven to be a liar.
Actually, she claims to have been a gamer and loved video games since childhood, except there is actually a video recording of her in college saying she had to do some research about video games because she doesn't play video games "because I don't want to go around shooting people and ripping off their heads, 'cause it's just gross". No joke. I've been playing video games since I was two years old, and only someone who knew nothing about video games would suggest that is what all video games are like.
I've watched her tropes vs women, but it only holds any water if you only count female characters. Her definitions for the tropes, for example, ignore 100% of all characters not female, which is sexist. When you're cherry picking and ignoring huge swaths of the medium, and literally ignoring characters that are placed in these self-same situations by definition because they aren't female and thus do not fit with the narrative you are trying to spin, you're not only dishonest but sexist as well.
But I'll drop it for now. It's not directly related to the thread, beyond demonstrating why some people are really irritated lately.
Mephiston sounds to me like he is using transgender people as both a weapon and a shield, and is mobilizing his attempts at an appearance of support to make himself look good at the expense of transgender people. In short, he's doing exactly what he says so-called "SJWs" do. He stands as an ally to trans people who aren't inconvenient enough to disagree with him, it appears.
I'm glad You have zero facts to post about that, but you are welcome to your own opinion. What matters is the abused, not your own clearly selfish thoughts.
I'm just reading what you're writing. You're doing exactly what you accuse "SJWs" of doing.
"My own selfish thoughts" Ha! Now you're a mind-reader too?
Seriously, though, if you want to be believable when you claim you "care about the abused" (in this case, transgender women) then listen to what @Ayiekie and @KcoQuidam are saying, which so far you haven't really done. You've been picking and choosing people convenient to your stated personal beliefs, which gets us back to "You're doing what you say SJWs do."
Because I treat her as a person, she can handle herself. I'm here to assist not hold her hand and baby her, she is a real living person! She doesn't want to be treated differently! That is the whole point of this.
Those people fighting back, they are either pro gg or angry gamers. They have a bunch of sjw crap violating their game so they react and fight back against the agenda. Unfortunately transsexual people become the target as a sjw put in the transsexual as the violator.
So you, as someone who "stands by transsexuals", think that is acceptable behaviour? That the existence of a minor NPC in a video game, regardless of why that minor NPC exists, justifies creating videos of killing said transsexual character repeatedly, and attacking and harassing trans people?
Why is it that all you care about are the evuuull SJWs, and you don't actually seem to care one bit about all these people who harass and abuse the trans people that you claim to stand by? Aren't they at LEAST as evil as SJWs?
"Unfortunately transsexual people became the target"... yeah, no kidding. And who is it that's targeting them? Not the evuuuuul SJWs, funnily enough. It is your "pro gg and angry gamers" that are doing this. #NotAllproggandangrygamers, yes. But the people that are doing it are absolutely from that group. Given you stand by transsexuals, can't you maybe condemn that a little bit in-between condemning the people that think having Mizhena in the game was neat and unproblematic?
Those people fighting back, they are either pro gg or angry gamers. They have a bunch of sjw crap violating their game so they react and fight back against the agenda. Unfortunately transsexual people become the target as a sjw put in the transsexual as the violator.
So you, as someone who "stands by transsexuals", think that is acceptable behaviour? That the existence of a minor NPC in a video game, regardless of why that minor NPC exists, justifies creating videos of killing said transsexual character repeatedly, and attacking and harassing trans people?
Why is it that all you care about are the evuuull SJWs, and you don't actually seem to care one bit about all these people who harass and abuse the trans people that you claim to stand by? Aren't they at LEAST as evil as SJWs?
"Unfortunately transsexual people became the target"... yeah, no kidding. And who is it that's targeting them? Not the evuuuuul SJWs, funnily enough. It is your "pro gg and angry gamers" that are doing this. #NotAllproggandangrygamers, yes. But the people that are doing it are absolutely from that group. Given you stand by transsexuals, can't you maybe condemn that a little bit in-between condemning the people that think having Mizhena in the game was neat and unproblematic?
No I don't think it's right whatsoever, but I can see what they are angry about. That anger is just seriously misplaced. Sjw's threw a punch at one of the best rpg's of all time, gamers are attacking the only thing they can get their hands on.
If someone blew up your house and your family was all in bits everywhere and u found a person there holding the detonator would you try to catch the person and atleast Beat the crap out of them? But in reality sjw's blew up the house and shoved the detonator in a transsexuals hands standing there.
Transsexual gets blamed and beaten to poop for nothing
My advice would be...don't care about trying to be inclusive, or political, or whatever. Just write the characters you want to write about
Currently that for me more or less the same work, I want write more diverse character, but I have to work on that, because there's still few example.
Don't get discouraged. You can surely do anything you put your mind and heart to.
I'm very interrested by the character you talk about. What the name of the character and the campagne ? (If it's an official one) Sorry if you already write it. I'm on phone, hard to re find it with all this mess.
Her name is Victoria (formerly Victor). I don't have her last name on me because my notes are on the hard drive of a currently defunct computer (which I haven't gotten around to fixing). The campaign's my homebrew campaign, so it's not an official one (yet). However, names aren't as important as the people wearing them, so carrying on!
Victoria was the son of a blacksmith and his wife and lived a mostly normal life in the capital city of a very religious country (the religious bit comes in a bit later). Very early on in her life, she realized that something wasn't quite "right", and later in life she began dressing as a woman and living as a woman in secret, despite the social problems it came with.
However, a vampire lord by the name of Vandread, who was a terrible womanizer happened to be dealing with some criminal business in the city she was in happened upon her, and after interacting with her for a time under the guise of a charming stranger, became somewhat infatuated with her and decided he must add her to his collection (and by collection, I mean all the vampires in his coven were beautiful women and his concubines, because he's pretty messed up in the head). He decided he would turn her and take her away, back to the country he was from to the south, where the heart of his dominion lie.
He stalked her for a time and whisked her away into the night to add to his coven. After turning her, Vandread was horrified to find that she was a man. Quite pissed about it, but he was still pretty attracted to her, and the narcissistic jerk justified his attraction to her by seeing her for what she really was, and insisted, vehemently, that she never speak of her life before her rebirth as a vampire and live forever as one of his brides. Initially, the apparent level of support was rather joyous, as Victoria had never met anyone so encouraging of her choice, though she didn't realize (until much, much later when the party became involved) that Vandread was only so supportive as a way of dealing with his own confusion at being attracted to her.
What followed were many years in a gilded cage, where she became Vandread's favorite servant, trained as an elite assassin. Unable to resist the orders of her vampire lord as his thrall, she became ever more cold in his company, and in time somewhat cynical given that for all intents and purposes her old life and family were far beyond reach. Even if she decided to leave, and could convince him to allow her to, her home country was vehemently opposed to the very existence of the undead, so returning to her family for anything save for a brief visit would have only resulted in ruin -- and that's if her family even accepted the undead monster she had become as their child, son or daughter.
Many years passed (about fifty, if I recall correctly). By the time the party met Victoria, she had become the old, cool, calculating right hand of the vampire crimelord. She was the overseer of the coven, and kept the other vampires in check with an iron fist. During this time, Vandread, in a scheme with a powerful demon goddess who was looking to reignite the world after an ancient war, was to obtain a particular tiefling child that was another incarnated demon goddess and deliver her to his ally. He stole the tiefling child, turned her, and trapped her essence in a magical tome.
The party was investigating a slave ring that was kidnapping people from Victoria's home country and selling them in the southern country where slavery was legal, and one of their unusual contacts in the matter pointed them cautiously towards Vandread's nightclub, noting that he was a dealer of information with few equals, and had connections to the criminal underground and could point them in the right direction. Vandread complied, and after being bought off by the party, decided to hedge his bets and double cross them; setting up a trap where he informed one of the nobles organizing the slave trade of the party's arrival and sent Victoria to make sure that they were dealt with, and use it to improve business with the slavers.
The party went to a warehouse near the river docks, intending to catch the big bad making a slave deal. What they found was an armed retinue of thugs, the bad guy, and a mysterious cloaked assassin waiting for them...
(Phew, gotta break this up over multiple posts!)
EDIT: Revised the story as I accidentally mixed up the hero bit with Miranda, the other vampire that Vandread kidnapped and turned. Miranda was the one who wanted to be an adventurer and got kidnapped, leaving her family thinking she had run off to become an adventurer.
EDIT 2: Actually, thinking about it further, Miranda's parents were the blacksmithing couple. This is what I get for trying to remember the history of an NPC from a game two years ago at 7am with no sleep. XD
The Setup The robed assassin was none other than Victoria herself, sent to eliminate the party. She was looking forward to it as well, since she hadn't got to see any action in a while.
As the party was rushed by the many, many thugs, they fought in the warehouse amidst swinging chain hooks used to load around cargo crates, while they were fired upon with arrows, bolts, and attacked with a variety of weapons. However, the party being quite strong, were just mopping the thugs up left and right, casting them aside like rag dolls, breaking them like waves upon the cliffside. The tide of battle seemed to turn so rapidly that the previously confident and snide slave trader began to panic.
Grasping her gloved arm, he ordered her "Quickly! Do something, you've got to protect me! Why are you just standing there watching!?", to which she replied with a cold stare and gripping his arm with her own, with a grasp that could have snapped it right off, "Don't presume to order me around like your thugs. I'm not here to protect you, and if you open your mouth to me like that again, I'll kill you myself". He was caught between a rock and a hard place.
However, amused by the party's strength, she leaped from the crates and burst into action. She was, by all accounts incredibly deadly, and unconcerned due to her myriad of vampiric powers (including near invulnerability to most weapons, fast healing, etc). She rushed down one of the party's softest members, a telepathic inquisitor named Myriel, and would have made quick work of her. However, there were three things she hadn't counted on.
The first, was Anklebiter, the party's rather remarkably strong goblin barbarian who dove into her, bit her on the shoulder, and supplexed her onto the ground, though mostly unharmed but now on the floor and a bit confused as to how she arrived at this point, she met the second thing she hadn't anticipated: the party's Paladin.
Now you see, Paladins are a real rarity in the southern kingdom they were in. Almost none existed there and she had never met one in her youth from her old country. Turns out, those Paladins can do this really cool smiting thing, which ignores all that nice damage resistance, deals extra damage to undead, and generally just poo-poos all over badguys. He proceeded to wail on her with the wrath of an angry God, causing her to go on the defensive, puffing away into a cloud of bats and fluttered about the room, exceedingly close to death. She had intended to bide her time in bat form while she regenerated before diving back in. However, she then discovered the third thing she hadn't planned for: the party's archer, Jeo. Who throw an alchemical fire flask into her mass of bats and ignited them, throwing her past 0 HP and gassing her.
Half of the party captured the slaver, while Jeo (exceedingly pissed at what she was certain was a setup) chased down the flying gas back to Vandread's hideout, where they waited for some time for the rest of the party to arrive. When they entered, Jeo stormed to the back of the nightclub, passing the very somber looking Victoria who had already healed from their encounter, though her mask and cloak were doffed. She gave her an angry glare and walked past her - the point was made, there was no need to take any more shots at her in her defeat (that's how this party rolled baby). Jeo stormed into Vandread's lair and gave him a piece of her mind, so ferociously, that he was taken aback and a bit intimidated by her (despite being significantly more powerful).
Something plucked a cord in Vandread's mind, and he was both incensed with rage at the way she spoke to him yet also incredibly intrigued. Jeo had, inadvertently, garnered the unwanted attention of the vampire lord and he immediately concocted a sinister game. He apologized and remarked that he just had to maintain appearances, lest it seem to the other criminal bosses that he was an untrustworthy snitch who sold out one of the slavers; where at least this way it would appear to those involved that he was on their side. As a token of his sincerity, he gifted the party the magical tome with Aliizsa the tiefling vampire trapped within (the party had met her before and wanted to free her), along with a magical key that would allow Jeo to dimension door around through space; and the aid of one of his other consort
Little did the party realize that Vandread could track the tome wherever it went, and sent another of his lesser minions, Miranda, to accompany and spy on them.
But back to Victoria... Victoria was sulking at her defeat, the first in...who knows how long? It hurt her, because after all these years, she had grown concerned that she was going to be replaced as Vandread's favorite, and then she would have nothing. She had convinced herself that she loved him dearly, and that he loved her as well, but deep within she knew that if she didn't get results, he may very well cast her aside...and this defeat did little to mend that bruised heart...
Most people won't be, but the simple fact of the matter is you're not going to solve the problem by fighting about it. All you're going to do is damage your position with the rest of the group. It's not always easy, but that's life. There will always be some asshole that wants to have a problem with you, no matter who you are. Doesn't matter if you're rich, poor, male, female, black, white, up, or down, somebody, somewhere, will dislike you.
But it's not about those people. It's about being the bigger person, and just being there to play some fawkin' Street Fighter. This is your place too, and being an upstanding member of your community is what gets results, not whining, not playing the victim, and not expecting special treatment. It's not always easy but it's effective. It gets results. Positive, good results.
All those Neutral people will come to respect and appreciate you, because you are bringing something - your good qualities - to the group. They will defend you against the jerks, and vouch on your behalf because you will be their friend. Not some crazy who constantly goes on about how oppressed they are and how privileged they are for not being in your shoes.
Well, what would you do? Just not play Street Fighter because two assholes out of ten might say something not nice to you? You're not here for that bunch, you're hear to SHORYUKEN with everybody else. That's what you are spending your free time doing. You are being part of that community, and the community will become more your own.
It sure as hell isn't by telling the community what assholes they collectively are because of those 2 guys. You're going to alienate yourself, because #1, that's insulting to the other 7 guys there, and #2, they are here to SHORYUKEN and you're actively making that a miserable experience for them.
There is very little in this world that you or I am entitled to. "Emotional security" is not one of those things, because you cannot (and should not) police other people's thoughts and feelings, anymore than they should police your own (and there are those that would, those that would see us as abominable).
While we might be, loosely, entitled to safety (it's illegal to assault, maim, murder, etc), there are always people who will ignore this (out of hatred, greed, mental instability, etc), and part of being responsible for yourself is being smart about things. And let me say, alienating yourself and others in your position from being considered a member of a community makes it a hell of a lot more likely that nobody is going to have your back when you need them.
So sometimes, you just have to accept it's raining, put on your raincoat, and go out and dig some ditches so stuff doesn't flood. It can be hard, but it can be rewarding, and people will appreciate it a lot more than sitting inside whining about the rain and demanding everyone else dig your ditches for you.
I will grant you that this is a personal choice, one that every person needs to make for yourself. The situation that you described is vague enough that I may have misunderstood you, but if not, you are talking about a situation where a person enters a group, and immediately members begin actively harassing them for who they are, correct? Not an occasional slip that reveals their discomfort or ignorance? If so, then the choice for me would be to leave. If confrontation would just be damaging, and staying just exposes you to more of their vitriol, then leave. There has never been any activity that I have wanted to participate in enough that I would wish to passively accept insults and active intolerance as a requirement of my participation. Again, this is a personal choice, but I suppose that that is mine.
Also, you seem to indicate that, no matter what you do, there will always be those two people who are actively incensed by your presence. I question this, as, especially with video games, I don't think that there needs to be. If the random individuals that you want to play Street Fighter with seem to despise you for your very existence, then find friends to participate with. Honestly, those tend to be the best group to participate in activities with anyways. Individuals who already know and are comfortable with you, and that you know and are comfortable with in return. That way, you don't have to content yourself with not only Neutral people but also Hostile people in order to participate in Street Fighter. The frequency with which you can play Street Fighter might decrease, but I would argue that your personal enjoyment will increase.
Again, I see where you are coming from, but have difficulties relating to the example that you used. If you are using the Street Fighter example as a way of showing how you can create tolerance within a community that may otherwise be ignorant or intolerant, then yes, sometimes I can see where calm participation MAY be better than angry confrontation, but if you are arguing that passive tolerance of actively intolerant people is the only way to enjoy these activities in general, I respectfully disagree.
No I don't think it's right whatsoever, but I can see what they are angry about. That anger is just seriously misplaced. Sjw's threw a punch at one of the best rpg's of all time, gamers are attacking the only thing they can get their hands on.
If someone blew up your house and your family was all in bits everywhere and u found a person there holding the detonator would you try to catch the person and atleast Beat the crap out of them? But in reality sjw's blew up the house and shoved the detonator in a transsexuals hands standing there.
Transsexual gets blamed and beaten to poop for nothing
So you consider it understandable that gamers are unable or unwilling to apply basic critical thinking and realise that the trans population are not responsible?
Checked YouTube? People posting killing transsexuals over and over? and reviews and forums yet? Evil Sjw's took a shot by changing the game and now transsexuals are copping the abuse. Whether it's social of physical it's abuse. I'm smart enough to stand by transsexuals and know the real enemy is sjw's.
Yes, the real enemy of trans people is not the people making videos about killing trans people over and over, not the people who demand that only trans characters who satisfy certain ever-elusive criteria are allowed to exist, not the people who actually threaten and abuse trans people or a writer who wrote one...
...but the ones who actually oppose all the above, and think that there should be nothing startling or novel about seeing a trans character in popular media. Yep, definitely the "real enemy".
Out of curiosity: If "SJWs" are "evil", in your mind, what exactly is someone who makes a youtube video killing transsexuals over and over? How should somebody stand by transsexuals in that case?
Those people fighting back, they are either pro gg or angry gamers. They have a bunch of sjw crap violating their game so they react and fight back against the agenda. Unfortunately transsexual people become the target as a sjw put in the transsexual as the violator.
You see that is what is not making any sense, if putting a transgender character in (which is in no way a violation of the established lore, nor out of place) a game constitutes to being 'sjw crap' than it is a tad dishonest if you at the same time also want to claim that you have nothing against transgender characters.
Either having a transgender character in the game is no problem, or you think it is, but if you think it is that is not the fault of people who are fine with the character being there, it is your own problem of being intolerant to transgender characters being in a game.
I've watched her tropes vs women, but it only holds any water if you only count female characters. Her definitions for the tropes, for example, ignore 100% of all characters not female,
Yes how very weird for a series called: tropes vs women to be about female characters.
It is just like my problem with the documentary "the wonder of dogs" only holding water being about dogs because it doesn't feature cats.
I will grant you that this is a personal choice, one that every person needs to make for yourself. The situation that you described is vague enough that I may have misunderstood you, but if not, you are talking about a situation where a person enters a group, and immediately members begin actively harassing them for who they are, correct? Not an occasional slip that reveals their discomfort or ignorance? If so, then the choice for me would be to leave. If confrontation would just be damaging, and staying just exposes you to more of their vitriol, then leave. There has never been any activity that I have wanted to participate in enough that I would wish to passively accept insults and active intolerance as a requirement of my participation. Again, this is a personal choice, but I suppose that that is mine.
Yeah, more or less. You want to sit down and play some Street Fighter, a pair of jerks make some unkind remarks. In more extreme cases they call you a f*****, or refuse to call you anything other than he, or even it; or they repeatedly ask obviously baiting questions like "so what made you decide you hated your ****?". Or, if you're lucky, it'll just be the occasional ignorant comment that wasn't actually intended to be offensive. Well, in all cases that sucks, but if you leave...they've won. You've been demoralized, routed, and on the retreat. You don't get to SHORYUKEN with the rest of the people who are indifferent. You get nothing except a bad day.
However, people say mean things. It's part of life. I work in customer service and part of that is dealing with people that have foul attitudes. Again, that's life. You can either grow stronger from it, or you can cry about it. Sometimes you'll do both (you'll have a good cry, then stand up, brush yourself off, and get back into the ring) and that's okay.
It also has the side benefit of improving your position in the eyes of others, because people respect strength of character. I don't mean masculinity either, I mean strength of character (a lot like the women in Aliens) . The strength to stand with your head up when the weight is great.
Also, you seem to indicate that, no matter what you do, there will always be those two people who are actively incensed by your presence.
Quite the opposite. Generally, those who are hostile will grow to neutral and eventually friendly, because they will grow to see you not as "the other" but as part of their own.
What I did say is that there will always be someone that's judging you on things that don't matter. It might not be the same people, but there will always be someone. That's life. People often do it accidentally because of how our brains are wired. In the words of Raffiki, "You can either run from it, or, learn from it".
I question this, as, especially with video games, I don't think that there needs to be. If the random individuals that you want to play Street Fighter with seem to despise you for your very existence, then find friends to participate with.
It's cool to have a close network of friends but if you want to be part of the community, go to tournaments, or expand your horizons. Life is an adventure and sometimes it's a struggle, but you grow stronger for it with each trip. And there are countless potential friends you just haven't made yet waiting for you. Remember that in my example I gave only 20% of the hypothetical group of people that were dirtbags (out of 10 people, 2 were mean, 7 were indifferent, and 1 was positive), which means that the other 80% is waiting, and in time, it could be 100%.
Honestly, those tend to be the best group to participate in activities with anyways. Individuals who already know and are comfortable with you, and that you know and are comfortable with in return. That way, you don't have to content yourself with not only Neutral people but also Hostile people in order to participate in Street Fighter.The frequency with which you can play Street Fighter might decrease, but I would argue that your personal enjoyment will increase.
Sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone. You aren't gaining anything by walling up and shutting yourself off from adversity. You actually do have to go out if you want to participate in Street Fighter. You need more opponents. Once you can beat your close friends 9/10 times or better, you have to seek new horizons. If you want to go out and go to a tournament and be part of the community that experiences this kind of awesomeness, then you gotta put on your big girl pants and grow.
Again, I see where you are coming from, but have difficulties relating to the example that you used. If you are using the Street Fighter example as a way of showing how you can create tolerance within a community that may otherwise be ignorant or intolerant, then yes, sometimes I can see where calm participation MAY be better than angry confrontation, but if you are arguing that passive tolerance of actively intolerant people is the only way to enjoy these activities in general, I respectfully disagree.
No, far from it. It's not even a truly passive tactic, but it is an effective tactic. And the reason I like it is because it's non-hostile, it's empowering, and it's morally sound, and doesn't infringe upon the rights or good time of other people (especially those who are could-be friends and allies).
Because it's not passive, it's just sturdy. You don't fold the moment that adversity arrives, and you use yourself and your virtues to change the world. By not cutting and running, you expose the entirety of the group to yourself, and if you are a good influence, your light will spread to those around you.
Everyone here is assuredly familiar with the quote by Mr. Fredrick on staring into the darkness, but you can spread light without fighting monsters, and that light is contagious too. You just may have to stand amidst the darkness a bit before you can pass the flame onto more torches.
No I don't think it's right whatsoever, but I can see what they are angry about. That anger is just seriously misplaced. Sjw's threw a punch at one of the best rpg's of all time, gamers are attacking the only thing they can get their hands on.
If someone blew up your house and your family was all in bits everywhere and u found a person there holding the detonator would you try to catch the person and atleast Beat the crap out of them? But in reality sjw's blew up the house and shoved the detonator in a transsexuals hands standing there.
Transsexual gets blamed and beaten to poop for nothing
So you consider it understandable that gamers are unable or unwilling to apply basic critical thinking and realise that the trans population are not responsible?
Not to be mean but, the average person isn't really into critical thinking. It's sad but true. That's why there are those trying to improve the quality and frequency of critical thinking in others (I can dig up some good video links that are helpful but that's an aside).
You have to understand that at its basic level, people are a lot like animals. Everything we experience has to go through a brain that's developed in steps from a much less evolved creature of our past. We learn to respond to certain stimulus and our brains find patterns, and we can subconsciously resent people for making us feel uncomfortable or unhappy. In much the same way that people who have dealt with arguments hurting their home (such as parents fighting all the time) often have a poor gut reaction to formal debates or any cross-talk between others (a bit on this below).
As an example, I've met many people who get upset and bothered because two nerds (yay nerds) are arguing over a piece of fantasy or sci-fi trivia, because the people being bothered by their tense discussion "don't like" or "don't handle conflict" very well, because it reminds them of their parents fighting or their parent's fighting with them (same thing with raised voices). However, the people in the wrong here aren't the nerds arguing over their passion - that's between them - but the person insisting they stop because they can't differentiate the differences easily. If the person tolerates the discomfort, their minds will be conditioned to recognize the difference and see that not all conflicts are cruel, or violent, or have anything to do with them.
I've watched her tropes vs women, but it only holds any water if you only count female characters. Her definitions for the tropes, for example, ignore 100% of all characters not female,
Yes how very weird for a series called: tropes vs women to be about female characters.
It is just like my problem with the documentary "the wonder of dogs" only holding water being about dogs because it doesn't feature cats.
The dog comment would be relevant if the documentary tried to claim that dogs were especially unique because they were four legged mammals, but only because you were ignoring the rest of the animal kingdom.
Which is the point, she frames everything in her documentary to be about and more or less unique to women, but it only stands up to scrutiny if you take her word for it and don't apply her definitions equally across the sexes. This was especially evident when in one of her videos I was watching, she remarked that the mere state of having to be rescued by another character (especially a male) was enough, even if the character was otherwise empowered through the rest of the game.
Immediately the characters I recognized fit into that definition. - Cloud Strife (FF7), Barret Wallace (FF7), Red XIII (FF7) - Solid Snake (Metal Gear) - Mario (humorously enough)
The list expands into the thousands. It includes most every character in Parasite Eve, including the protagonist. It includes your protagonist in Baldur's Gate I AND in II, etc.
Her arguments only go as far as they are left unquestioned and biased.
I guess I probably shouldn't have said "critical thinking" when I actually meant "common sense."
Well the problem at hand is that Internet and Common Sense are mutually exclusive.
I've met a lot of people online that have good reasoning skills (that is, common sense/critical thinking), but you're rapidly exposed to many more minds than most are in their day to day lives, and often those minds are more candid than in public because there is less social insecurity online.
Which is why critical thinking is important. Which makes it a good thing that we have things like critical thinking and logical fallacy tutorials, which are like going to the gym and eating your wheaties for your brain.
As a friend just pointed out to me, bias can also affect critical thinking so and otherwise well-thinking mind might have a moment of unreliability. Which is why personal bias is a bad thing, and why we must be diligent to think critically at all times, and not let our emotions overtake us.
You're not understanding my point at all. I never said you have to go in and start calling people names and being as hostile as the bigots. First of all, we're talking about transgendered people being represented in a videogame, which is not the same as joining a group and inexplicably shouting "Hey, I'm transgendered!" for no reason. That isn't what I am saying at all. However in other situations, you shouldn't be afraid to let people know. Letting people know that you are transgendered is not a provocative act in itself, regardless of how they respond. Much like having a transgendered character in a game is also NOT a provocative act. Its an inclusive act designed to give people a character they can identify with...
"I didn't say silent. I'm talking about being unnecessarily antagonistic"
You do realize that anything you do or say that lets people know you are transgendered WILL antagonize certain people, right? So you either have to be open about who you are and risk making people mad (which you will) or never let anyone know you are transgendered and hide it the rest of your life. If they know you are transgendered some people will automatically dislike you.
However, the more people are exposed to transgendered people, the easier it will be to eventually become more accepted by most of the popular. Sure, there are some who will never accept you but most people's views will change. However, if all transgendered people decided to stay quiet about who they are then that can never happen because there won't be enough exposure.
and being forced to be provocative isn't something anyone should have placed on them either."
No one is forcing you to do anything. Having a transgendered character in the game has no effect on what you do as an invididual. Your problem with this character makes no sense for multiple reasons. The first being that it has no effect on how you choose to be open about it or not. Secondly, you don't represent all transgendered people even if you really are transgendered. I have no doubt there are many who do appreciate the inclusion of this character.
Likewise, I don't believe people should be silent, but I do believe in being diplomatic, and improving the general opinion of trans people rather than having a bunch of people trying to use us to beat other people over the god****ed head.
Umm... how are you going to improve the opinions of trans peoples people if they don't know you are transgendered. That makes no sense.
I've dealt with a lot of intolerance before. I work in customer service, I deal with people all the time, I discuss people's problems, I debate with people, and I'm nonreligious in the bible belt, and what I've learned is it's a lot more effective to not provoke people unnecessarily because it shuts down discussion.
No discussing the issue is HOW you have a discussion in the first place. The character in the game was not presented in a provocative manner. Its just there. You say you don't believe people should be silent but you don't seem to want to bring the subject into the light for people to see either. This is a contradiction. You can either be quiet about it or speak about it. This is a situation where there are no other options.
For Example We have a person (say a trans woman), and that person comes up and wants to interact with a group of individuals that they want to be included in (such as a group of gamers playing Street Fighter). This person wants to enjoy not only this game but also the community that you're playing with. Out of ten people in this group, 1 is pretty pro-trans, 7 are indifferent, and 2 are anti-trans (one because they're kinda 'phobic of what they see as strange, the other because some archaic book implies you're an abomination)... Let's play an RPG Route 1: Inject Yourself Provocatively We decide to join the group. Two of the group members aren't thrilled with your presence and make some uncouth comments, and you are sure to tell them what for, you and the pro-trans person tell them what bigoted assholes they are, causing a scene. You're in the right, but you're also the outsider, and you haven't established your value yet, and human minds are geared towards supporting their own, so furthering your presence as an outsider isn't helping matters. Tempers flare, and the seven neutrals are going to associate this horrible incident with you, because that's the way the human brain works. They're put into an uncomfortable situation, you're the newbie, and you're causing a stink. You're not getting invited back, and you're probably given them a sour impression which will extend to other transgendered people because the human brain likes patterns and it currently associates "transgendered person" with "disruptive asshole".
lol I don't know what kind of hypothetical people you're hanging out with but most people I associate with in gaming would more likely have an issue with the 2 guys being assholes to the trans person. Its odd that you think they would associate the conflict with the trans person rather than the people who were raging about the person being trans. I think you need to find better people to play games with if this happens.
Route 2: Merge with the Group We decide to join the group. Two of the group members aren't thrilled with your presence and make some uncouth comments, but you tell your friend that it's okay. You might even make an apology, "I'm sorry I offend you, but we're just here to play Street Fighter," if you're particularly diplomatic. Then you just be an enjoyable person, and the 7 neutral players will recognize you as a benefit to their group because you're into what they're into, and surely, they will become more protective of you, and begin letting the other two know that even if you can stand their foolishness, they don't want to deal with that stuff, they just want to Shoryuken and that they're ruining the vibe.
Well no, according to what you have already said, they wouldn't even know you are transgendered in the first place because you seem to be afraid to tell people due to how they may reaction. So this situation wouldn't even happen in the first place. No one is telling you go around yelling at people, we're saying that there is nothing wrong with being open about it. There is a distinction that you aren't seeing for some reason.
Can somebody explain to me, why on one hand "apparently" trans people do not in real life talk about their sexuality very open but in these threads they feel the need to expose themselves as being trans or on facebook and youtube and so forth? To me this whole debate seems like it got blown out of proportions and sometimes it's even questionable whether every person outing themselves as trans is truly so.
I'm inclined to agree based on my own experiences with these situations. Its amazing how many people I argue with on the anti-SJ side always claim to be a member of whatever group we happen to be talking about.
"Hey, guess what? I'm black!"
"Hey, guess what? I'm gay!"
"Hey, guess what? I'm a woman!"
"Hey, guess what? I'm a muslim!"
"Hey, guess what? I'm transgendered!"
That sort of thing happens at least about 70% of the time when I'm arguing with a group of GGers. And then when I click on their profile on whatever site we're on, the accounts are either usually new or I see nothing in their post history that would lead me to believe they are telling the truth. Often these accounts on other sites get busted for using stolen avatars as well. This is why I am always a bit apprehensive when I see someone making the claim while defending the GG/Anti-SJ side. Also, good point. Its funny how a transgendered person has no problems admitting to being transgendered on the forum but they don't want to see video game characters admitting to being transgendered. lol Yeah, that's totally logical. That is enough to make me to believe there are some shenanigans afoot.
I'm very interrested by the character you talk about. What the name of the character and the campagne ? (If it's an official one) Sorry if you already write it. I'm on phone, hard to re find it with all this mess.
"My own selfish thoughts" Ha! Now you're a mind-reader too?
Seriously, though, if you want to be believable when you claim you "care about the abused" (in this case, transgender women) then listen to what @Ayiekie and @KcoQuidam are saying, which so far you haven't really done. You've been picking and choosing people convenient to your stated personal beliefs, which gets us back to "You're doing what you say SJWs do."
A more concise comparison of the same video.
I've watched her tropes vs women, but it only holds any water if you only count female characters. Her definitions for the tropes, for example, ignore 100% of all characters not female, which is sexist. When you're cherry picking and ignoring huge swaths of the medium, and literally ignoring characters that are placed in these self-same situations by definition because they aren't female and thus do not fit with the narrative you are trying to spin, you're not only dishonest but sexist as well.
But I'll drop it for now. It's not directly related to the thread, beyond demonstrating why some people are really irritated lately.
Why is it that all you care about are the evuuull SJWs, and you don't actually seem to care one bit about all these people who harass and abuse the trans people that you claim to stand by? Aren't they at LEAST as evil as SJWs?
"Unfortunately transsexual people became the target"... yeah, no kidding. And who is it that's targeting them? Not the evuuuuul SJWs, funnily enough. It is your "pro gg and angry gamers" that are doing this. #NotAllproggandangrygamers, yes. But the people that are doing it are absolutely from that group. Given you stand by transsexuals, can't you maybe condemn that a little bit in-between condemning the people that think having Mizhena in the game was neat and unproblematic?
If someone blew up your house and your family was all in bits everywhere and u found a person there holding the detonator would you try to catch the person and atleast Beat the crap out of them? But in reality sjw's blew up the house and shoved the detonator in a transsexuals hands standing there.
Transsexual gets blamed and beaten to poop for nothing
Victoria was the son of a blacksmith and his wife and lived a mostly normal life in the capital city of a very religious country (the religious bit comes in a bit later). Very early on in her life, she realized that something wasn't quite "right", and later in life she began dressing as a woman and living as a woman in secret, despite the social problems it came with.
However, a vampire lord by the name of Vandread, who was a terrible womanizer happened to be dealing with some criminal business in the city she was in happened upon her, and after interacting with her for a time under the guise of a charming stranger, became somewhat infatuated with her and decided he must add her to his collection (and by collection, I mean all the vampires in his coven were beautiful women and his concubines, because he's pretty messed up in the head). He decided he would turn her and take her away, back to the country he was from to the south, where the heart of his dominion lie.
He stalked her for a time and whisked her away into the night to add to his coven. After turning her, Vandread was horrified to find that she was a man. Quite pissed about it, but he was still pretty attracted to her, and the narcissistic jerk justified his attraction to her by seeing her for what she really was, and insisted, vehemently, that she never speak of her life before her rebirth as a vampire and live forever as one of his brides. Initially, the apparent level of support was rather joyous, as Victoria had never met anyone so encouraging of her choice, though she didn't realize (until much, much later when the party became involved) that Vandread was only so supportive as a way of dealing with his own confusion at being attracted to her.
What followed were many years in a gilded cage, where she became Vandread's favorite servant, trained as an elite assassin. Unable to resist the orders of her vampire lord as his thrall, she became ever more cold in his company, and in time somewhat cynical given that for all intents and purposes her old life and family were far beyond reach. Even if she decided to leave, and could convince him to allow her to, her home country was vehemently opposed to the very existence of the undead, so returning to her family for anything save for a brief visit would have only resulted in ruin -- and that's if her family even accepted the undead monster she had become as their child, son or daughter.
Many years passed (about fifty, if I recall correctly). By the time the party met Victoria, she had become the old, cool, calculating right hand of the vampire crimelord. She was the overseer of the coven, and kept the other vampires in check with an iron fist. During this time, Vandread, in a scheme with a powerful demon goddess who was looking to reignite the world after an ancient war, was to obtain a particular tiefling child that was another incarnated demon goddess and deliver her to his ally. He stole the tiefling child, turned her, and trapped her essence in a magical tome.
The party was investigating a slave ring that was kidnapping people from Victoria's home country and selling them in the southern country where slavery was legal, and one of their unusual contacts in the matter pointed them cautiously towards Vandread's nightclub, noting that he was a dealer of information with few equals, and had connections to the criminal underground and could point them in the right direction. Vandread complied, and after being bought off by the party, decided to hedge his bets and double cross them; setting up a trap where he informed one of the nobles organizing the slave trade of the party's arrival and sent Victoria to make sure that they were dealt with, and use it to improve business with the slavers.
The party went to a warehouse near the river docks, intending to catch the big bad making a slave deal. What they found was an armed retinue of thugs, the bad guy, and a mysterious cloaked assassin waiting for them...
(Phew, gotta break this up over multiple posts!)
EDIT: Revised the story as I accidentally mixed up the hero bit with Miranda, the other vampire that Vandread kidnapped and turned. Miranda was the one who wanted to be an adventurer and got kidnapped, leaving her family thinking she had run off to become an adventurer.
EDIT 2: Actually, thinking about it further, Miranda's parents were the blacksmithing couple. This is what I get for trying to remember the history of an NPC from a game two years ago at 7am with no sleep. XD
The robed assassin was none other than Victoria herself, sent to eliminate the party. She was looking forward to it as well, since she hadn't got to see any action in a while.
As the party was rushed by the many, many thugs, they fought in the warehouse amidst swinging chain hooks used to load around cargo crates, while they were fired upon with arrows, bolts, and attacked with a variety of weapons. However, the party being quite strong, were just mopping the thugs up left and right, casting them aside like rag dolls, breaking them like waves upon the cliffside. The tide of battle seemed to turn so rapidly that the previously confident and snide slave trader began to panic.
Grasping her gloved arm, he ordered her "Quickly! Do something, you've got to protect me! Why are you just standing there watching!?", to which she replied with a cold stare and gripping his arm with her own, with a grasp that could have snapped it right off, "Don't presume to order me around like your thugs. I'm not here to protect you, and if you open your mouth to me like that again, I'll kill you myself". He was caught between a rock and a hard place.
However, amused by the party's strength, she leaped from the crates and burst into action. She was, by all accounts incredibly deadly, and unconcerned due to her myriad of vampiric powers (including near invulnerability to most weapons, fast healing, etc). She rushed down one of the party's softest members, a telepathic inquisitor named Myriel, and would have made quick work of her. However, there were three things she hadn't counted on.
The first, was Anklebiter, the party's rather remarkably strong goblin barbarian who dove into her, bit her on the shoulder, and supplexed her onto the ground, though mostly unharmed but now on the floor and a bit confused as to how she arrived at this point, she met the second thing she hadn't anticipated: the party's Paladin.
Now you see, Paladins are a real rarity in the southern kingdom they were in. Almost none existed there and she had never met one in her youth from her old country. Turns out, those Paladins can do this really cool smiting thing, which ignores all that nice damage resistance, deals extra damage to undead, and generally just poo-poos all over badguys. He proceeded to wail on her with the wrath of an angry God, causing her to go on the defensive, puffing away into a cloud of bats and fluttered about the room, exceedingly close to death. She had intended to bide her time in bat form while she regenerated before diving back in. However, she then discovered the third thing she hadn't planned for: the party's archer, Jeo. Who throw an alchemical fire flask into her mass of bats and ignited them, throwing her past 0 HP and gassing her.
Half of the party captured the slaver, while Jeo (exceedingly pissed at what she was certain was a setup) chased down the flying gas back to Vandread's hideout, where they waited for some time for the rest of the party to arrive. When they entered, Jeo stormed to the back of the nightclub, passing the very somber looking Victoria who had already healed from their encounter, though her mask and cloak were doffed. She gave her an angry glare and walked past her - the point was made, there was no need to take any more shots at her in her defeat (that's how this party rolled baby). Jeo stormed into Vandread's lair and gave him a piece of her mind, so ferociously, that he was taken aback and a bit intimidated by her (despite being significantly more powerful).
Something plucked a cord in Vandread's mind, and he was both incensed with rage at the way she spoke to him yet also incredibly intrigued. Jeo had, inadvertently, garnered the unwanted attention of the vampire lord and he immediately concocted a sinister game. He apologized and remarked that he just had to maintain appearances, lest it seem to the other criminal bosses that he was an untrustworthy snitch who sold out one of the slavers; where at least this way it would appear to those involved that he was on their side. As a token of his sincerity, he gifted the party the magical tome with Aliizsa the tiefling vampire trapped within (the party had met her before and wanted to free her), along with a magical key that would allow Jeo to dimension door around through space; and the aid of one of his other consort
Little did the party realize that Vandread could track the tome wherever it went, and sent another of his lesser minions, Miranda, to accompany and spy on them.
But back to Victoria...
Victoria was sulking at her defeat, the first in...who knows how long? It hurt her, because after all these years, she had grown concerned that she was going to be replaced as Vandread's favorite, and then she would have nothing. She had convinced herself that she loved him dearly, and that he loved her as well, but deep within she knew that if she didn't get results, he may very well cast her aside...and this defeat did little to mend that bruised heart...
Also, you seem to indicate that, no matter what you do, there will always be those two people who are actively incensed by your presence. I question this, as, especially with video games, I don't think that there needs to be. If the random individuals that you want to play Street Fighter with seem to despise you for your very existence, then find friends to participate with. Honestly, those tend to be the best group to participate in activities with anyways. Individuals who already know and are comfortable with you, and that you know and are comfortable with in return. That way, you don't have to content yourself with not only Neutral people but also Hostile people in order to participate in Street Fighter. The frequency with which you can play Street Fighter might decrease, but I would argue that your personal enjoyment will increase.
Again, I see where you are coming from, but have difficulties relating to the example that you used. If you are using the Street Fighter example as a way of showing how you can create tolerance within a community that may otherwise be ignorant or intolerant, then yes, sometimes I can see where calm participation MAY be better than angry confrontation, but if you are arguing that passive tolerance of actively intolerant people is the only way to enjoy these activities in general, I respectfully disagree.
Either having a transgender character in the game is no problem, or you think it is, but if you think it is that is not the fault of people who are fine with the character being there, it is your own problem of being intolerant to transgender characters being in a game.
It is just like my problem with the documentary "the wonder of dogs" only holding water being about dogs because it doesn't feature cats.
However, people say mean things. It's part of life. I work in customer service and part of that is dealing with people that have foul attitudes. Again, that's life. You can either grow stronger from it, or you can cry about it. Sometimes you'll do both (you'll have a good cry, then stand up, brush yourself off, and get back into the ring) and that's okay.
It also has the side benefit of improving your position in the eyes of others, because people respect strength of character. I don't mean masculinity either, I mean strength of character (a lot like the women in Aliens) . The strength to stand with your head up when the weight is great. Quite the opposite. Generally, those who are hostile will grow to neutral and eventually friendly, because they will grow to see you not as "the other" but as part of their own.
What I did say is that there will always be someone that's judging you on things that don't matter. It might not be the same people, but there will always be someone. That's life. People often do it accidentally because of how our brains are wired. In the words of Raffiki, "You can either run from it, or, learn from it". It's cool to have a close network of friends but if you want to be part of the community, go to tournaments, or expand your horizons. Life is an adventure and sometimes it's a struggle, but you grow stronger for it with each trip. And there are countless potential friends you just haven't made yet waiting for you. Remember that in my example I gave only 20% of the hypothetical group of people that were dirtbags (out of 10 people, 2 were mean, 7 were indifferent, and 1 was positive), which means that the other 80% is waiting, and in time, it could be 100%. Sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone. You aren't gaining anything by walling up and shutting yourself off from adversity. You actually do have to go out if you want to participate in Street Fighter. You need more opponents. Once you can beat your close friends 9/10 times or better, you have to seek new horizons. If you want to go out and go to a tournament and be part of the community that experiences this kind of awesomeness, then you gotta put on your big girl pants and grow. No, far from it. It's not even a truly passive tactic, but it is an effective tactic. And the reason I like it is because it's non-hostile, it's empowering, and it's morally sound, and doesn't infringe upon the rights or good time of other people (especially those who are could-be friends and allies).
Because it's not passive, it's just sturdy. You don't fold the moment that adversity arrives, and you use yourself and your virtues to change the world. By not cutting and running, you expose the entirety of the group to yourself, and if you are a good influence, your light will spread to those around you.
Everyone here is assuredly familiar with the quote by Mr. Fredrick on staring into the darkness, but you can spread light without fighting monsters, and that light is contagious too. You just may have to stand amidst the darkness a bit before you can pass the flame onto more torches.
You have to understand that at its basic level, people are a lot like animals. Everything we experience has to go through a brain that's developed in steps from a much less evolved creature of our past. We learn to respond to certain stimulus and our brains find patterns, and we can subconsciously resent people for making us feel uncomfortable or unhappy. In much the same way that people who have dealt with arguments hurting their home (such as parents fighting all the time) often have a poor gut reaction to formal debates or any cross-talk between others (a bit on this below).
As an example, I've met many people who get upset and bothered because two nerds (yay nerds) are arguing over a piece of fantasy or sci-fi trivia, because the people being bothered by their tense discussion "don't like" or "don't handle conflict" very well, because it reminds them of their parents fighting or their parent's fighting with them (same thing with raised voices). However, the people in the wrong here aren't the nerds arguing over their passion - that's between them - but the person insisting they stop because they can't differentiate the differences easily. If the person tolerates the discomfort, their minds will be conditioned to recognize the difference and see that not all conflicts are cruel, or violent, or have anything to do with them.
Which is the point, she frames everything in her documentary to be about and more or less unique to women, but it only stands up to scrutiny if you take her word for it and don't apply her definitions equally across the sexes. This was especially evident when in one of her videos I was watching, she remarked that the mere state of having to be rescued by another character (especially a male) was enough, even if the character was otherwise empowered through the rest of the game.
Immediately the characters I recognized fit into that definition.
- Cloud Strife (FF7), Barret Wallace (FF7), Red XIII (FF7)
- Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
- Mario (humorously enough)
The list expands into the thousands. It includes most every character in Parasite Eve, including the protagonist. It includes your protagonist in Baldur's Gate I AND in II, etc.
Her arguments only go as far as they are left unquestioned and biased.
Which is why critical thinking is important. Which makes it a good thing that we have things like critical thinking and logical fallacy tutorials, which are like going to the gym and eating your wheaties for your brain.
You're not understanding my point at all. I never said you have to go in and start calling people names and being as hostile as the bigots. First of all, we're talking about transgendered people being represented in a videogame, which is not the same as joining a group and inexplicably shouting "Hey, I'm transgendered!" for no reason. That isn't what I am saying at all. However in other situations, you shouldn't be afraid to let people know. Letting people know that you are transgendered is not a provocative act in itself, regardless of how they respond. Much like having a transgendered character in a game is also NOT a provocative act. Its an inclusive act designed to give people a character they can identify with... You do realize that anything you do or say that lets people know you are transgendered WILL antagonize certain people, right? So you either have to be open about who you are and risk making people mad (which you will) or never let anyone know you are transgendered and hide it the rest of your life. If they know you are transgendered some people will automatically dislike you.
However, the more people are exposed to transgendered people, the easier it will be to eventually become more accepted by most of the popular. Sure, there are some who will never accept you but most people's views will change. However, if all transgendered people decided to stay quiet about who they are then that can never happen because there won't be enough exposure. No one is forcing you to do anything. Having a transgendered character in the game has no effect on what you do as an invididual. Your problem with this character makes no sense for multiple reasons. The first being that it has no effect on how you choose to be open about it or not. Secondly, you don't represent all transgendered people even if you really are transgendered. I have no doubt there are many who do appreciate the inclusion of this character. Umm... how are you going to improve the opinions of trans peoples people if they don't know you are transgendered. That makes no sense.
No discussing the issue is HOW you have a discussion in the first place. The character in the game was not presented in a provocative manner. Its just there. You say you don't believe people should be silent but you don't seem to want to bring the subject into the light for people to see either. This is a contradiction. You can either be quiet about it or speak about it. This is a situation where there are no other options.
lol I don't know what kind of hypothetical people you're hanging out with but most people I associate with in gaming would more likely have an issue with the 2 guys being assholes to the trans person. Its odd that you think they would associate the conflict with the trans person rather than the people who were raging about the person being trans. I think you need to find better people to play games with if this happens. Well no, according to what you have already said, they wouldn't even know you are transgendered in the first place because you seem to be afraid to tell people due to how they may reaction. So this situation wouldn't even happen in the first place. No one is telling you go around yelling at people, we're saying that there is nothing wrong with being open about it. There is a distinction that you aren't seeing for some reason.
"Hey, guess what? I'm black!"
"Hey, guess what? I'm gay!"
"Hey, guess what? I'm a woman!"
"Hey, guess what? I'm a muslim!"
"Hey, guess what? I'm transgendered!"
That sort of thing happens at least about 70% of the time when I'm arguing with a group of GGers.