So when are we...

going to represent Intersex within the setting of Baldur's Gate?
Since, ya'know, we're all for equality, equal opportunities and representation here at Beamdog.
Since, ya'know, we're all for equality, equal opportunities and representation here at Beamdog.
Edit: To prevent any further confusion or any ill-feelings towards this Thread;
If I need to give out a briefing on what Intersex is, I will happily do such to be rid of any confusion.
I'm honestly not trying to add or manipulate the controversy at hand to gain some kind of popularity on the discussion. If anything, this is the best time to ask what people's opinions on an Intersexed character being involved would be, for my own personal curiosity and nothing more. Hence why this is a simple poll and not intentionally designed to spawn another Saga. I am wholeheartedly just interested to see what people's stance on an Intersex fantasy character being involved in the Forgotten Realms.
If it does spawn one, then I can only apologise that people want to take it there as I honestly do not want too.
Admittedly, yes, I am poking a minor amount of fun at the controversy, and I can be seen doing as such on different threads and the Forums in general; that much is very blatantly obvious.
The answers don't mean anything of what my goal with this poll is, they are simply there to attempt to account for everyone's views, whether it be a misunderstanding or not. It was not designed in mind to make people assume this Thread was in league with anything else.
I'm honestly not trying to add or manipulate the controversy at hand to gain some kind of popularity on the discussion. If anything, this is the best time to ask what people's opinions on an Intersexed character being involved would be, for my own personal curiosity and nothing more. Hence why this is a simple poll and not intentionally designed to spawn another Saga. I am wholeheartedly just interested to see what people's stance on an Intersex fantasy character being involved in the Forgotten Realms.
If it does spawn one, then I can only apologise that people want to take it there as I honestly do not want too.
Admittedly, yes, I am poking a minor amount of fun at the controversy, and I can be seen doing as such on different threads and the Forums in general; that much is very blatantly obvious.
The answers don't mean anything of what my goal with this poll is, they are simply there to attempt to account for everyone's views, whether it be a misunderstanding or not. It was not designed in mind to make people assume this Thread was in league with anything else.
- So when are we...20 votes
- Never.  0.00%
- I'd like to see it someday.10.00%
- A hwut?25.00%
- ...You're joking, right...?!  5.00%
- I think you're taking this too far now...  5.00%
- Truthfully, I do not care.20.00%
- I stand neutral in this discussion, I am not for or against any decisions.10.00%
- I would like to see this, if only to experience how it would all play out.15.00%
- Let the Modders add such content, Beamdog doesn't need to be tasked with adding this into the game.10.00%
- There is already an Intersexed character, this person is named ACTOR'S_NAME.cre!  0.00%
Post edited by Icecreamtub on
This discussion has been closed.
That's a shame.
But now I do know. So thank you.
To answer the question it should be represented in the setting whenever it is relevant. It wouldn't be early in a conversation tree with a character you just met, like with Mizhena, probably. As part of the extended story for a character once you get to know them, sure, that would work. That's my take on it.
For the next couple of weeks at least, I really don't want to hear about the controversy. It is serious starting to bother a lot of people.
When will it end?
Let's have a discussion about how poor modern storytelling is. I'm all for that. Let's talk about the fact that modern developers who are in bed with Kotaku and Gawker have no idea how to write characters that anyone really cares about.
Anyone bringing it into this Thread is bringing it here, don't throw eggs at me and tell me it's a raining hate crime.
Sorry, I didn't tag because I thought it may have been obvious.
Edit: I just scrolled above and saw we left similar comments at basically the same
Edit: Second edit, I'm not sure on what pronouns the OP likes using.......
If I need to give out a briefing on what's what, I will happily do such to rid of any confusion.
I'm honestly not trying to add or manipulate the controversy at hand to gain some kind of popularity on the discussion. If anything, this is the best time to ask what people's opinions on an Intersexed character being involved would be, for my own personal curiosity and nothing more. Hence why this is a simple poll and not intentionally designed to spawn another Saga. I am wholeheartedly just interested to see what people's stance on an Intersex fantasy character being involved in the Forgotten Realms.
If it does spawn one, then I can only apologise that people want to take it there as I honestly do not want too.
Admittedly, yes, I am poking a minor amount of fun at the controversy, and I can be seen doing as such on different threads and the Forums in general; that much is very blatantly obvious.
The answers don't mean anything of what my goal with this poll is, they are simply there to attempt to account for everyone's views, whether it be a misunderstanding or not. It was not designed in mind to make people assume this Thread was in league with anything else.
I don't think this should be an issue in the first place, but I do know that some people would like to see intersex and trans people in games, so why not? It's a good thing for them and a neutral thing for everyone else.
Unfortunately, I don't really see a surge in world-class creative writing in the mainstream at the moment. George RR Martin is out there on his own. It is certainly lacking in the gaming industry, and that's because it has been corrupted by drama merchants. The story has dropped way down the list of priorities. That needs to change, especially if we want to find a way of naturally incorporating "diverse" characters.
The problem are the people who are knee-deep in identity politics (on either side of the issue) trying to hijack and divert the discussion away from the game and onto their agenda. There are regulars on this forum that have contributed to that, unfortunately.
The best way to handle this situation is to leave intelligent and rational comments and hang in there until it starts to sink in. Let rationale control the conversation. Don't be bulldozed over by those that shout the loudest.
@Grum & Everyone else mentioning this
A character's background is definitely important, and that is why it has to be written well.
Perhaps we see things differently, I do not have access to a lot of character's that I can feel I truly relate to. As an example; I personally have to nit-pick at a certain aspect of someone and bridge it on that single aspect, rather than the character as a whole. Whilst I can appreciate the character (or not in reference to the despicable Eldoth), that however doesn't mean I can relate to them, I can only merely understand the background and respect their struggles, and perhaps force a connection between an experience or trait I share with them. This makes it difficult to attempt a roleplay in a setting where I do not feel included, hence why I do not roleplay very often within a game, since it doesn't feel like I'm escaping anything - I am merely walking out of one room to another filled with what I'm trying to avoid.
A sexuality to a character may be added to give flavour to their flamboyancy or to accentuate their active nature, however, another reason is to just give a space or something for a person to latch onto and immerse themselves in, allowing them to relate and obtain access to something they perhaps lack in their life; Since gaming is a form of escapism for the most part. This can be quite impacting, empowering and make somebody feel included in the given setting. It does not need to be written well, as long as it gets the general point across in a way it should be, then I see no issue.