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The Baldur's Gate Saga (Solo) No-Death Challenge!



  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    edited October 2012
    You can always go for a minimal death run, no?

    As for me, just a quick update - as mentioned, I started rushing. Went through cloakwood as quick as a hot knife goes through butter, got any tome I could and left for Candlekeep, where I got the final two tomes and fought Prat and his party - Cloudkill + Web + 2x Fireball + Spider's Edge.... Well, you can figure how that turned out for those fools! >:D

    Went over the XP cap, but as I mentioned, I won't level up, even if I hit the level up point (which I will for sure).

    My Sarevok Tactic will be the one I usually follow on Solo bow users - Arrows of Dispel on Semaj and Angelo, Arrows of Detonation for them in the face, till they die (if one gets too close, arrows of biting will be used), then Sarevok should be a walk in the park quite frankly. The only handicap I can see is a bug regarding my mirror images as I can get only 2 of them instead of, what, 5, 6 or 7? Which is kind of a BIG disadvantage in many battles. Too bad that in those "many battles" I really really tend to not get hit at all, aside from my own spells.

    Nevertheless, it should be easy from now till the end. Wish me luck (tomorrow, sleep time now)

    Edit : photo insertion doesn't work again...
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    edited October 2012
    Are you remembering to use the tag right @cheesebelly?

    img src="Direct link from image shack not embed"

    Then make sure to contain it with < and > at either end.

    I fought with this in my own thread last night for Rilthea until I finally got it right.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    @Bynary_Fission it looks like you are 5 HP below maximum, have you been rolling for max HP?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    @Cheesebelly drizzt wears a helmet and has 30% damage resistance, and -16 AC
  • Bynary_FissionBynary_Fission Member Posts: 202

    You can always go for a minimal death run, no?

    The kind of defeats the purpose of the thread. It's tempting, but if I could do it for BG1, I can do it in BG2.

    "@Bynary_Fission it looks like you are 5 HP below maximum, have you been rolling for max HP? "

    I'm trying. Most of my penalty likely came from BG1, when my rolls were a bit lower. I do try and roll for max HP when I can, especially when I have DUHM cast and active (ex: I can easily roll 4 for Cleric level-ups with it, but without I only get 2-3). I don't why that is, since only fighter classes should get bonuses over +2...but in BG1 I always rolled 4 for Fighters, and 3 for Clerics and Mages (until I got the Tome of Bodily Health, when I rolled 5 for fighters).
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    @Dragonspear : I don't know, sometimes it works this way, sometimes it doesn't. I thought the link was too long at first, but that's not the problem. Then I tried putting it into a new post and surprise - it worked :P
    I think it might be a slight forum bug, or something I myself am doing wrong. I'll make some research about it, thanks! :)

    @sarevok57 : -16 AC is the least concern once you got 24 or 25 strength actually. Let's say we go with a level 5 fighter/thief/mage (theoretically should be 5/6/5 I reckon) with a +3 weapon, like the Staff +3.

    We get 5 THAC0 bonus from the fighter levels, +3 THAC0 bonus from the staff + 6 or 7 to hit from the Strength Bonus and +1 from the Gauntlets of Weapon expertise and +1 from Weapon Specialization. Add another +4 from a sneak attack and you got yourself...

    -1 THAC0! :D

    Now, if I understand it right, does this mean that only rolls from 15-20 will hit Drizzt? I can live with that!
    Plus level up the fighter a bit more here and there and add some nice, solid, good roll backstabs, and you can still kill it. Although I think that for backstab reasons, Drizzt gets hit FAR more often. If I was able to kill him with a Cleric/Thief (therefore without 25 strength) in three swings of the staff, then so can a fighter/mage/thief :P

    @Bynary_Fission :

    True that! I'll make my best to attempt to win the game without deaths myself, but I am afraid of SoA (not Throne of Bhaal though, once I get the planetar, the whole game will be a walk in the park :P )
    Hopefully my familiar will be able to take a blow in the head here and there XD
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    edited October 2012
    Double post, final BG1 update, YAY!

    (sadly, final Sarevok's words screenshot failed for god knows what reason)

    At any rate, had no difficulty at all in Baldur's Gate in the final chapter. Especially the ducal palace battle went fairly well, had to use a storm giant strength potion to improve my THAC0 though.

    Final battle was basically drinking plenty of potions, casting web, cloudkill twice and arrow everyone to death. Admittedly, Sarevok died first XD

    It's the first time I used that many potions truth be told. I even used green scrolls for the first time, as well as the potion of Absorption (which is BIG)

    Time for Shadows of Amn I reckon! Wish me luck :P

    Edit - spirit armor was actually not needed. Potion of Invulnerability was more than enough to compensate for it. I wonder what my saving throws were though XD
    -18, -20, -17, -17, -20.... SEEMS LEGIT!

  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2012
    I was just starting a video one of this, but the hotkey didn't turn it on. :p
    half an hour wasted. >_<
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    FIRST Shadows of Amn update... or should I say date? I dunno XD

    At any rate, I started off, remarkably with 72 HP, the ones that I had at the end of BG1 (2x15 + 7x6 = 72)
    More remarkably, it appears that the game DOESN'T accept a kit on your active class when you're in a dual-class, therefore, I could choose myself a kit for my fighter class (WOOT, Berserker rage = immunity to charm!)

    Went with **** on Staff and ** on Two handed weapons, which comes in handy for certain "unknowns" like Staff of the Magi and Staff of the Ram (best combo ever)

    Spell picks were pretty much standard, with the exception of Spell Thrust on Page 3, which is one spell I never used but just found out that could be useful early on! (maybe even latter)

    So, cleared up Irenicus' dungeon easily (sadly, Mirror images is still bugged, only having 2 images sucks, but it does give me *some* comfort with certain arrow traps)
    After doing that, I went shopping in the Adventurer's mart and... got to 5000 gold, that's it.
    Went to the circus tent and cleared it out without any problem really.

    With what gold I gathered, I bought myself a Staff Mace +2 and a Shield of Reflection which together cost only 5000, plus some scroll case and gem bag, which are always useful (where's the potion bag at?!)

    SLUMS - Cleared up the Copper Coronet of any slaver scum, killed the beast master with ease with the shield I had and a cloudkill spell (which insta-killed all animals)

    That's pretty much it for now.


    PS - Project Image in Irenicus' Dungeon as random loot? SIGN ME UP!

    @GemHound : I know your pain all too well >.<
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    How did you manage 4 points into staves even though you dual classed at level 2 =(
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    @Dragonspear : It's the BG2 Infinity Engine doing it - once you're done dual classing, you can still build proficiencies to Grand Master level, even if you're no longer a fighter. Might be fixed in BGEE though.

    Also, exporting a fighter dual classed in BG1, makes you choose a kit, of which Kensai and Berserker are part of - but you can still build up your ranged weapon skills to High Master level though, or Grand Master even if you hit a fifth proficiency point in the fighter levels.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    Damn, that's even MORE reason to go make it so my multiclasses can reach grand mastery. It also tells me I never used Anomen to his full advantage in BG2 ><
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    edited October 2012
    @Dragonspear : Anomen can be actually very useful that way. It's not a big bonus from Specialization to Grand Mastery, but with a big shield, full plate mail and the Flail of Ages, Anomen really *never* failed for me :)

    SECOND update! TADAA!

    Where did I left off already? Cleared the copper coronet I believe.

    Well, went onwards and did everything possible in the Sewers (cloudkill is a godsend here) and completed Lilacor. Finally made my move into the slaver compound, where the only threat I faced was that cleric at the beginning casting a charm person, which failed to do anything though (that guy cast true sight before that, it was kind of a pain). With the loot all around the place, I was able to pay Gaelan Bayle 15k gold, which granted me the Amulet of Power and Ring of Protection +2.

    Moved forwards and got the Harper random encounter, which triggered all the questline to Xzar's demise (RIP :( ), but hey, at least I got some nice XP!

    With no further sidetracking, I made my way to the de'Arnise hold, where the only threat to me was the Iron Golem, as I had no staff which was able to hit him (could have bought Staff or Rynn, but let's be honest - 16000 gold for a staff that will be replaced fast? No thanks :P ), so had to hit him hard with the Hammer of Giant Killing thingy. TorGal was insta-killed by a cloudkill, as usual.

    Back in Athkatla, I amassed enough money to buy myself good ol' Robe of Vecna (welcome powerhouse!) which really makes me a killing machine now. Was missing a small 10,000 XP for level 13 as a mage, so I decided to do super quickly the Skinner Murders quest (the more you know - Bone Golems use unenchanted weapon. Fits perfectly with my prot. from Normal weapons XD )


    With full buffs on, my Armor Class goes to -15, THAC0 to 3 and HP to 115 I believe. Make it 140 with Vampiric Touch. Not bad so far, noooot bad.

    Trademeet next!

    Edit : Forgot to sell arrows *facepalm*
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231
    edited October 2012
    @Cheesebelly Good lord! How on earth did you get those saves during the Sarevok battle? How many potions did you use? O.O ...No, seriously, teach me :D... I mean.. invulnerability (+5 to saving throws), spirit armor ( +3 saves vs magic) I'd say you get +2 from a ring... still...
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    Can he also get grand mastery in flails?
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    edited October 2012
    @neleothesze : I have no idea actually. I was wearing
    - knave's robe
    - helm of balduran
    - metaspell influence amulet
    - ring of prot +2
    - ring of wizardry
    - cloak of displacement
    - boots of speed
    - golden girdle

    As for potions, I went with :

    - oil of speed
    - potion of absorption
    - potion of invulnerability
    - potion of magic protection
    - potion of magic shielding
    - potion of regeneration
    - potion of storm giant strength
    - potion of heroism
    - potion of power

    Spells :

    - Shield
    - Mirror Images
    - Improved invisibility
    - Spirit Armor
    - Draw upon holy might

    That's all on the top of my head I believe? :p

    @Dragonspear : he should be able to get grandmastery in any kind of Cleric weapon really. Although, usually I have Minsc use the Flail of Ages and Defender of Easthaven for Tanking purposes.
  • Bynary_FissionBynary_Fission Member Posts: 202
    @Cheesebelly...dang, nice run so far. It looks like you might even beat me!

    I'm going to give this game another stab. BG2 is just such a damn good game that I don't mind replaying it over and over...and plus, every time I die it is a new learning experience for me. Hell, I died like a dozen times in BG1 before figuring out the formula to make it all work.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    As long as I keep it nice and easy, I shouldn't have major problems, although I was a bit too hectic earlier, might have been my end were it not for two consecutive saves XD

    So, I left off in Trademeet, a place of a relatively easy quest truth be told - and that it was, I was able to take good care of the druids without many problems (death fog is a caster killer. Two of those, with robe of Vecna, are INSANE. I know by fact that they are also able to kill liches)
    Cernd, in a neutral, partyless way, killed Faldorn in matters of seconds (a shame he's isn't nearly as powerful in a party)

    Ihtafeer was a least concern truth be told. None of the guys there were able to hit me thanks to my AC, so Daos were taken care of properly (shield change - Shield of Harmony). Which led me to the Crypt quest which I completed in the neutral way, and then I went to complete the Skinner quest once and for all (the Trademeet part anyway)

    Back in Athkatla, I went to the sewers to kill the Rakshasa there, nothing a good pair of Melf Minute Meteors couldn't do. Lucky loot - Mordenkeinen's Sword! (just in time, as I got my first square on level 7), then moved forward to kill the sewer adventurers... Which admittedly was as easy as to cast two death fogs, as a Mordenkeinen sword waited in the frontlines to do all the dirty job (it was immune to EVERYTHING anyway! D: )

    Saved Haer'dalis by helping the mage get his mirror back, and made my way to the Planar Prison, where I killed everything on sounding hits of a Mordenkeinen sword or Death fogs. The Warden's battle was however kind of tricky, as he sneaked in both a Flesh to Stone and a Disintegrate spell on me, both of which I saved successfully. Unfortunate, but lucky nonetheless! :P

    With the rewards from the quests, I was able to buy a wizard casting licence and the Shield of Balduran, which is going to aid me into retrieving that nice Tenser Transformation spell in the Lower Reaches. So... next questline - Cult of the Unseeing Eye!



    Note : Still haven't sold the arrows, as well as the bracers of archery. Fail from my part XD
  • Bynary_FissionBynary_Fission Member Posts: 202
    Woop...guess who slayed their second dragon? (yes, I went back and killed Firkragg again)


    Thank you Righteous Magic, Stoneskin and Righteous Magic! And of course, a whole slew of other spells. But this guy was a lot easier to kill - without that damaging breath (blindness was temporary and I had some offensive spells that were quite effective against him) I could just pound him into dust with my 4 APR, enhanced with lots of spells of course. Breach and Lower Resistance were also a big help. Now to move on to the Shade Lord...but first to make this post. :P I now have two components of Crom Faeyr - The Hammer of Thunderbolts and the Crom Faeyr scroll. I need to do the Planar Sphere next - I have no choice but to pick up Valygar to do it, but I'll make sure that he won't see a single second of combat so that my no-NPC rule is not violated.

    I've also re-done my runs for the De-Arnise Keep, Firkragg's dungeon, the first level of Watcher's Keep, Haer'Dalis's quest and a few other small things. Once I finish the Planar Sphere, I'm going to find a +4 weapon to use and kill Kangaxx...with my trusty scroll of Protection from Undead! It's never failed me before and it will work like a charm. Afterwards, I will likely finish the Trademeet Quest, then I might just delve into Chapter 4 - I don't want to max out my XP early in the game.

    Here is my current level and inventory status:


  • mungomunkmungomunk Member Posts: 63
    or you tell the crowled wizards about valygar and use his corpse to open the sphere
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    I may be mistaken but I believe you can just kill Valygar to get into the Planar Sphere.
  • Bynary_FissionBynary_Fission Member Posts: 202
    edited October 2012
    Huh...I always thought you had to have him in your party. Thanks for pointing that out, now I can enter the sphere in good conscience.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Yeah, his body just dissolves from your inventory when the door opens.
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    @Bynary_Fission! That's awesome! Btw, use Holy Power, Draw Upon Holy Might and Righteous Magic in this particular order for awesomesauce. No Crom Faeyr ever needed that way (truth be told - the Defender of Easthaven is a better weapon offhand for Cleric Classes, since they can raise their strength to 25 naturally)

    Note that Holy power will actually LOWER your Strength, but in Conjunction with DUHM and RM, you can get to 24 strength on level 9 Cleric, or 25 on level 12 :)

    Can't wait to face some dragons. Will make videos about the battle truth be told. Firkraag's battle Solo was one of my first videos on youtube, but it was made out of pure poor quality, so I want to remake them (even if now I am LPing )
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    @cheesebelly: Interesting, I never knew death fog can kill liches. Are they below 8 hit dice or they just die from the cloud damage?
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Shouldn't undead be immune to most fog spells?
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    They aren't affected by stinking cloud, but I believe that any cloud that actually does damage (cloudkill and incindiary cloud, and I guess death fog) all hurt them from actual damage done. Now whether or not poisonous clouds should (even though they're considered acid damage I believe is a question). Incindiary cloud just burns though :P
  • Bynary_FissionBynary_Fission Member Posts: 202
    hey guize

    guess what i got


    At this point I'm likely going to head over to Chapter 4...though there are a lot of items and things I want that are inside Watcher's Keep as well. Decisions, decisions...I might just hold off on it until ToB even though my character is sufficiently equipped to go in there.
    @Bynary_Fission! That's awesome! Btw, use Holy Power, Draw Upon Holy Might and Righteous Magic in this particular order for awesomesauce. No Crom Faeyr ever needed that way (truth be told - the Defender of Easthaven is a better weapon offhand for Cleric Classes, since they can raise their strength to 25 naturally)

    Note that Holy power will actually LOWER your Strength, but in Conjunction with DUHM and RM, you can get to 24 strength on level 9 Cleric, or 25 on level 12 :)
    Whoops, meant to include Protection from Magical Weapons instead of another Righteous Magic! I don't have much of a need for Holy Power - recall that my character is also a fighter and as of now they have achieved parity in their levels, so I won't get any bonus from it. Of course, DUHM and RM are still staples amongst my combat buffs, of course. :) The problem with the Defender of Easthaven is, as before, the pitiful +2 enchantment level. Even +3 still holds me back, especially with Improved Mantle spells. the defense bonuses are indeed tempting, but just too many enemies are immune to +2 weapons to make it worth it, especially later into the game. :( Crom Faeyr is a wicked +5 weapon, and it gets a massive 8 damage bonus - certainly worth it, I'd say. I already got the Crom Faeyr scroll and the Gloves of Ogre Power (I sold it to the Water's Keep merchant) - now just to get the last component.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Might have mistaken Death Cloud with Incendiary Cloud for Lich damage (neither kills them instantly). I am not sure now that you mentioned it, must check up...

    Yep, killed Shangalar with Death Fog, two of them were sufficient to destroy him, as seen on this VERY POORLY DONE video :

    Truly sorry, it's a disgrace to be having it on youtube, but it was my second video (out of 509 currently XD )

    Kind of awesome of me to have done the Twisted Rune solo on level 13 as a Fighter>Mage :o
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