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I don't understand the Controversy/Fuss

I’ve been on the forum for three years but rarely post.

I’m honestly shocked by all the feedback beam dog has gotten. I’m the first to admit that the EE additions were not on par with the originals but I hold them in such high esteem the couldn’t possibly have met my expectations,.
The very fact they gave me the excuse to play the games id been waiting years for was enough. I know the content was hit and miss but just to be in that world again with some news additions was brilliant. I love Neera and Dorn and the black pits were excellent.
I’m not so sold on Rassaad and I felt the added content was lacking but just to experience a polished version of my favourite games was enough.

The expansion on the other hand has been the best experience in an RPG I’ve had in years. I’ve played Dragon Age, Witcher 3 and Pillars of Eternity but I’ve enjoyed this more.

There are elements I don’t like mostly some of the new NPC's but the setting story and side characters are all excellent and very immersive. I love the idea of the crusade sweeping down and that the villain isn’t really a villain at all. I’ve enjoyed helping the crusade whilst working against it. The options for the quest outcomes offer more of a variety than most modern games and the quests themselves are all thought out, enjoyable and unique.
The only game I’ve played from an RPG respective that has compared to this recently is Witcher 3.
I enjoyed pillars but the setting doesn’t compare the the forgotten realms. I’m just glad someone is making games set in faerun and is giving me the chance to go into the world of Baldur’s Gate again. The fact the story, world, quests and characters have been lovingly written and created and pay such respect to the source material is a bonus.

I also don’t understand the controversy maybe it’s because I’m Welsh and live in Scotland but for me the transgender thing was a non-issue. I’ve spoken to the character done the side quests involving her and thought nothing of it.

Was completely taken by surprise when I read about all the fuss. Maybe it’s an issue in America were religion is a big thing but is just smacks of backwards thinking.

Transgender or any other orientation isn’t an issue for me are anyone I know how does a character in a fantasy game were previously wave had a belt that changes gender bother people so much. Even if it is as people have said, in there to promote the SJW agenda who cares it’s a fantasy world anything goes. There’s walking talking fungus I don’t like mushrooms but I’m not going to cry about Beam dog making them sentient and equal to other characters in the game.
I find this all quite bizarre and its a damn shame if this effects sales or the prospect of Baldur’s gate 3 or a new expansion I’ll be gutted, just wish people would get a life and grow up. If it bothers you don’t play it but don’t bitch and moan and ruin if for everyone else.


  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    @baldrat60: I am also European, and I agree that the transgender thing is a complete non-issue. The character is badly written, but that's it, there's no real issue whatsoever.

    This is North American conservatism and backwards thinking, nothing else. The same 1850s attitudes you have to consider whenever you visit there.
  • sparkleavsparkleav Member Posts: 871
    Hi, yes I agree with you @baldrat60 I'm in the UK also and 100% agree with the non-issue thing. My initial reaction to all of it was how can such a minor thing be so blown out of proportion? I also agree that at least someone is making these games even though some might think they are not written to the same standard as the originals.
  • RawgrimRawgrim Member Posts: 621

    @baldrat60: I am also European, and I agree that the transgender thing is a complete non-issue. The character is badly written, but that's it, there's no real issue whatsoever.

    This is North American conservatism and backwards thinking, nothing else. The same 1850s attitudes you have to consider whenever you visit there.

    This. I am european too. Transgendered people or gay people etc are not a huge issue. Hasn't been for 20-30 years.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    There's been a number of threads about this topic already, so I'll just leave a note here to be respectful of the other members of the community and to generally be excellent to each other. For a longer version of why it's important, see this post:
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    Philhelm said:

    @xzar_monty Yeah, of course EVERYBODY on a sub-continent whose total population approches 460 million is just as dumb as the next one...

    And you try to lecture people about backward thinking and 1850s attitudes? Nice try. :o

    To be fair, here in the United States, newborns with a mental handicap or any physical deformities are left at the foot of a mountain to die, in order to keep our bloodlines pure. Individual firearm ownership is encouraged so that we can shoot deviants, transients, undesirables, and Europeans on sight. I can understand why a European may think us backwards, but we do have a presidential candidate who will make America great again. Soon, oh yes, soon, we shall erect a wall around our borders so that our prey cannot escape.

    Must have been a different America I visited on four occasions from 1997 to 2000. I didn't get shot, stabbed or mugged and I don't think I witnessed a single shootout in the streets. Of course Raleigh, NC is at some distance from the OK Corral so I might have just been in the wrong part of the country. :smile:
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    :D Bahahah
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    It is absolutely ridiculous, if not downright libelous, to accuse Americans of being stuck in the 1850s when we are so obviously stuck in the 1860s.
  • baldrat60baldrat60 Member Posts: 43
    Im not being disrespectful im just saying it wasn't an issue for me and i dont think it would be an issue for anyone i know. Im not saying everyone in America has a problem and i understand the countries population is exponentially larger. All im saying is based on the negative responses ive seen and the media reports the transgender aspect does seem more of an issue for people located in america. Again im not saying all Americans are the same that would be ridiculous.
  • PhilhelmPhilhelm Member Posts: 473
    joluv said:

    It is absolutely ridiculous, if not downright libelous, to accuse Americans of being stuck in the 1850s when we are so obviously stuck in the 1860s.

    It looks like someone used Photoshop to transpose the current U.S. flag onto the French flag.

  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited April 2016
    baldrat60 said:

    Im not being disrespectful im just saying it wasn't an issue for me and i dont think it would be an issue for anyone i know. Im not saying everyone in America has a problem and i understand the countries population is exponentially larger. All im saying is based on the negative responses ive seen and the media reports the transgender aspect does seem more of an issue for people located in america. Again im not saying all Americans are the same that would be ridiculous.

    The reality of the situation is that a small, very vocal minority of internet assholes are often covered more in the media than the mostly content American gamer who doesn't really care.

    The other sad truth is...what's going to sell news stories? The idea that a lot of Americans are "apparently pissed off" by a minor character in an expansion to a game? Or the idea that 99.9% of those American folks who bought the expansion did not give a rat's ass? Money motivates media just as much as it motivates every other industry.
  • NightRevanNightRevan Member Posts: 81
    Well the are European stereotypes of the USA and it's citizens that are unfair and biased (in part due to the news that gets reported and media etc which leads to a warped view) but then there are equally unfair stereotypes about Europeans or European countries (UK - and the English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish that make it up, France, Germany, Spain, etc) and ways they can be represented or commented on that is equally unfair and frustrating to those of us over here.

    Basically get past stereotypes, and get to know the real culture and society, pretty much stereotypes like this are bound to be wrong and get people's backa up. Understanding is always better than assumption.??
  • baldrat60baldrat60 Member Posts: 43
    Im not stereotyping anyone ,.the point of post was in support of the expansion and that i dont understand the backlash.
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636

    Basically get past stereotypes, and get to know the real culture and society, pretty much stereotypes like this are bound to be wrong and get people's backa up. Understanding is always better than assumption.??

    The general idea, yeah.
  • RathenauRathenau Member Posts: 80
    To get back to the topic at hand, if I may. I find that there is far more to the issue than at first meets the eye. I cannot speak for anyone else so I'll keep to the points that I find troubling myself and the history of it as I see it.

    If I understand correctly then you @baldrat60 are of the opinion that it's mostly about one transgender character in the expansion. Yet you mention the social justice warrior agenda too, even though you dismiss that in a single line. As for the first, it seems that the inclusion of such a character isn't noteworthy. The issue arises when that character is seen as, to borrow a term I picked up in another thread, a symbol of the underlying message.

    As I see it, it all started with an interview with one of the writers who said Baldur's Gate contains sexism that needed to be addressed in the new expansion. Referring to certain jokes and two companion characters. On top of that, the language used was quite truculent to anyone who might disagree with that view. Then the discovery of the now removed voice line referring to Gamer Gate in a joking matter. To make matters worse: a clarification was written wherein said writer confirmed she stood behind the morals held by the social justice movement. Now we can clearly see that the idea of a SJW agenda isn't created out of thin air and was certainly lend some credibility.

    Now I, for one, saw this as a red flag. Baldur's Gate is after all one of my favourite games and to think that a long awaited expansion to it was being used to push an ideology that I can't get behind was... problematic. Coupled with the fact that the initial release of the expansion had some severe problems with the multiplayer aspect, the exportation of BGI characters and the modifications that stopped working. This led to various questions and assertions being brought forth.

    With these very forums and the Steam page being moderated, threads locked down and users banned, a good many people left severely negative reviews for the expansion itself. Mostly because the developer cannot moderate those. This was followed by a public appeal by the developer of the expansion to give good reviews. To top it all off, the Game Gate community was seen as the driving force behind the negativity and this was communicated to various social justice websites by an employee of the developer. As you might expect; this only added more fuel to the fire.

    Thankfully this all died down eventually, perhaps in part due to the public statement that certain things would be changed within the game. (i.e. a different dialogue tree, the GG joke removed and bugs being fixed.)

    So to sum it up; I'd say it clearly doesn't revolve around the singular issue of the inclusion of one transgender character. It seems to be a hostile overreaction based on incomplete information, badly handled public relations and the conflicting ideas between two ideologies.
  • WayniacWayniac Member Posts: 132
    baldrat60 said:

    I felt the game was great

    I'll second that for sure. Despite being from the conservative backwards-thinking North America that @xzar_monty mentioned, I totally agree with you.

    The problem is that sometimes people, no matter where they reside, love making mountains out of mole hills.

    For clarification, that's something we say in America when someone makes a bigger deal out of something than there should be. You probably wouldn't understand if you're European :p
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,794
    No, we make elefants out of moskitoes, usually.
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    jastey said:

    No, we make elefants out of moskitoes, usually.

    DISEASES OUT OF PIMPLES! You ingrate... :wink:
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    jastey said:

    No, we make elefants out of moskitoes, usually.

    Are you Danish by any chance? :smile:
  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    Philhelm said:

    @xzar_monty Yeah, of course EVERYBODY on a sub-continent whose total population approches 460 million is just as dumb as the next one...

    And you try to lecture people about backward thinking and 1850s attitudes? Nice try. :o

    To be fair, here in the United States, newborns with a mental handicap or any physical deformities are left at the foot of a mountain to die, in order to keep our bloodlines pure. Individual firearm ownership is encouraged so that we can shoot deviants, transients, undesirables, and Europeans on sight. I can understand why a European may think us backwards, but we do have a presidential candidate who will make America great again. Soon, oh yes, soon, we shall erect a wall around our borders so that our prey cannot escape.

    hahahahahahahahah, this sarcasm made my day!
  • GriboeGriboe Member Posts: 47
    Tumblr/Reddit crowd is spreading. No one can stop it. Unfortunately.
  • ObjulenObjulen Member Posts: 93
    It honestly says more about the people throwing a fit about how much of a stick they have up their backsides about the issue than anything else. The way the controversy was going, it sounded like a main character was transgender and incredibly in-your-face and blatant about it, as opposed to a bit character with one line about it. Having a 9th level mage Imoen de-powered down to a rank apprentice was a much more jarring disruption of the storyline and setting than a spell vendor with an atypical background.
  • RathenauRathenau Member Posts: 80
    I suppose it's a matter of different sensibilities for different people. Personally, I'd say it goes far deeper than one cleric that offers healing and donations with the now infamous dialogue, but I'll finish the playing the expansion before I comment on the majority of it.

    As an aside it should be noted that Imoen can only multi class from pure thief to mage in the enhanced edition and never reach level 9 due to the experience cap in that version of the game.
  • Wraith_SarevokWraith_Sarevok Member Posts: 130
    How long are threads like these gonna keep going?
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