I want that wand of beer. It is a very usable weapon in battle. Give it to your enemies as a gift of peace, retreat for a short time, come back and loot. No need for even killing them and you get prime XP for diplomacy.
Full Plate Armor - of Misfortune. Originally called the Armor of Mystical Knowledge. Has an AC of 1 and is combineable with rings of protection and mages are allowed to wear it. It will double the memorizable arcane spells of all levels, 1 - 9. The twist of that is, of course, no mage can cast spells while wearing such heavy armor...
The Full Plate Armor of Misfortune had to be locked away in the Assylum, to prevent magic users all over Faerun going mad. And having heartattacks.
@ekster: that would be not mirroring, but letting through. It could mirror all damage received by the enemy onto the wearer, or at least mirror damage to the party members.
It let's through the original damage... and, in addition, mirrors the same amount of damage onto the wearer for an extra oopmh! You end up taking twice the damage from every blow.
One of the things I always wanted to find in there, was the Red Wizards of Thay spell, Flense. That would just be rather fun to play with if it got implimented in the game properly.
Rodent army Invocation - Level 7 Time of effect : Eternity
Summon 2d4 (+1 per level of the caster) giant hamsters from the miniature space, the rodents take the places of the quick slots of every PNJ in vicinity of the caster. And don't try to remove them, Minsc will not allow you!
Cast within 10ft of any female enemies and a summoned Captain Kirk will beam in, he immediately begin romancing them unless they save vs spell. Green women receive a -4 penalty.
@Moomintroll In the event of a critical failure, you summon Ensign Ricky the Redshirt who is immediately reduced to small chunky bits by the first enemy to look his way.
It's funny, that writer's strike basicly created the Wesley everyone knows and loathes.
They had a few Wesley scripts written up and were planning to take ideas from all of them to just make one or two Wesley Episodes. But when the strike hit they couldn't afford to throw any scripts away and the audience was tortured with all of them XD
Did you use a Staff of Avatar change? I see a Sea Lion whelp of cuteness. Save at -4 or go 'ooooooh, how cute....' and forget all about fighting your opponents.
edit: on second thought, I was wearing my goggles of wishful thinking. That Sea Lion in your avatar looks quite mature. BTW, I don't think it's a Sea Lion, but what's that cousin's name? Seal?
Don't half Orcs have immunity to that baby sea lion stuff? ..and just gobble it right away?!
Plus, don't forget that Wesley Crusher was Gene Roddenbery's self-insert into TNG. He was supposed to be Gene. Some writers cannot but help make any character based on themselves into a Mary Sue. Or a Marty Stu, in this case.
Harkel Harple's Galumphing Labrador. 1x per day you can use this beautifully carved figurine to summon a black, chocolate, or yellow labrador retriever (male or female but fixed) to the party's side. The labrador will enthusiastically greet all party members before turning its attention to the situation at hand. There is a 25% chance the labrador will attempt to befriend a hostile (hostile saves vs. spell or becomes unable to act this round because he's too busy giving ear scratchies and tummy rubs). There is a 25% chance the labrador will attack a hostile target for trying to hurt his/her person (chance increases to 75% if Galumphing Labrador sees someone attack his/her person). There is a 50% chance that Galumphing Labrador will see a squirrel and take off in hot pursuit of its favorite furry menace. If any party member has a ball, there is a 100% chance that Galumphing Labrador does very much want the ball.
Used once in pen and paper. Worked beautifully. Basic "Jack in the box" looking contraption: Confusion area effect, pyrotechnics (smoke), 2d4 "awakened" monkeys (as 12th level druid) ninja level 2 summoned. All effects centered on device for 4 rounds. Full round activation.
Figurine of Wondrous Power- Cat Hat. This figurine, provided you are a spellcaster of the arcane sort, becomes your familliar. Don't expect it to be completely obedient to your summons, though. Cat Hat is able to cast spells of its own, including "Do it yourself", "Ask me if I care" and "Oh, it's you." Even more rarely it will cast "Pet me" while the owner is in the middle of combat, and often "Feed Me Now, I am dying of hunger!" followed by "You want me to do what with this? Eat it? As if!"
The best part of this figurine is that it provides 15 hit points to its user and has an armor class of -6 due to the materials used in its construction. Also, it prefers to travel curled up on its owner's head, thus the name, Cat Hat.
@LadyRhian There is always Murlynd's spoon. I could see an ironic cursed version requiring you to alter your sleeping arrangement in addition to generating pastey wet cardboard gruel.
Harkel Harple's Galumphing Labrador. 1x per day you can use this beautifully carved figurine to summon a black, chocolate, or yellow labrador retriever (male or female but fixed) to the party's side. The labrador will enthusiastically greet all party members before turning its attention to the situation at hand. There is a 25% chance the labrador will attempt to befriend a hostile (hostile saves vs. spell or becomes unable to act this round because he's too busy giving ear scratchies and tummy rubs). There is a 25% chance the labrador will attack a hostile target for trying to hurt his/her person (chance increases to 75% if Galumphing Labrador sees someone attack his/her person). There is a 50% chance that Galumphing Labrador will see a squirrel and take off in hot pursuit of its favorite furry menace. If any party member has a ball, there is a 100% chance that Galumphing Labrador does very much want the ball.
Helm of Mind Protection (constructed of a metal colander with various wires and things attached to it. Grants immunity to mind effecting spells and/or government rays)
Wand of Probing (Alien technology recovered from Barrier Peaks region. A 12", purple device with two buttons. One makes the device pulsate, the other emits a beam. Creatures up to ogre size struck by beam must save vs. Petrification or fall prone for d4 rounds.)
@salieri That video cracks me up. The fact you can hear the guy panicking long before his entrance on screen. His dog is called Fentan! After Mazzy? I expected to see a little red-headed munchkin streaking across the park.
@Secria Saying this so @Awong124 doesn't have to- strip out the "too much magic power" part and just make the ring buzz and vibrate, and you're rich when you sell them as sex toys. Just size it for a slightly different appendage...
Full Plate Armor - of Misfortune. Originally called the Armor of Mystical Knowledge. Has an AC of 1 and is combineable with rings of protection and mages are allowed to wear it. It will double the memorizable arcane spells of all levels, 1 - 9. The twist of that is, of course, no mage can cast spells while wearing such heavy armor...
The Full Plate Armor of Misfortune had to be locked away in the Assylum, to prevent magic users all over Faerun going mad. And having heartattacks.
That would just be rather fun to play with if it got implimented in the game properly.
Invocation - Level 7
Time of effect : Eternity
Summon 2d4 (+1 per level of the caster) giant hamsters from the miniature space, the rodents take the places of the quick slots of every PNJ in vicinity of the caster. And don't try to remove them, Minsc will not allow you!
Conjuration - level 3
Cast within 10ft of any female enemies and a summoned Captain Kirk will beam in, he immediately begin romancing them unless they save vs spell. Green women receive a -4 penalty.
I'd rather have an Arrow of Slaying (slays Wesley Crusher on touch, no save)
It's funny, that writer's strike basicly created the Wesley everyone knows and loathes.
They had a few Wesley scripts written up and were planning to take ideas from all of them to just make one or two Wesley Episodes. But when the strike hit they couldn't afford to throw any scripts away and the audience was tortured with all of them XD
The best part of this figurine is that it provides 15 hit points to its user and has an armor class of -6 due to the materials used in its construction. Also, it prefers to travel curled up on its owner's head, thus the name, Cat Hat.
Had it worked properly it would probably give all kinds of protections, enhancements, whatever.
Put it on, explode like a powerful colorful fireball and get killed instantly.
I dunno what to call it.