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Imoen Romance?



  • SittingOnChairSittingOnChair Member Posts: 6
    Is it possible to romance both Aerie and Imoen at the same time with this mod? I always brought Arie since she serves as a very good late game tank, but never tried romancing her; Since I used a half-orc and a Dwarf on separate playthroughs. I wanna see what her romance is like while also trying this mod. "Two birds with one stone" as they say.
  • wukewuke Member Posts: 113
    Is it possible to romance both Aerie and Imoen at the same time with this mod? I always brought Arie since she serves as a very good late game tank, but never tried romancing her; Since I used a half-orc and a Dwarf on separate playthroughs. I wanna see what her romance is like while also trying this mod. "Two birds with one stone" as they say.

    you can choose to install the component that allows it, they will ignore each other's romance. BTW I remember there's something special if neither of the two are romanced in ToB? It's been a while since last time I played and I hardly took Aerie so it might be some false memory.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    wuke wrote: »
    you can choose to install the component that allows it, they will ignore each other's romance. BTW I remember there's something special if neither of the two are romanced in ToB? It's been a while since last time I played and I hardly took Aerie so it might be some false memory.

    This is true. There is an option in the mod where, if neither Aerie nor Imoen are romanced, the two of them will wind up in a relationship together. You can, of course, encourage or wreck the romance as you wish through advice to Imoen, and the way their romance plays out actually raises some very interesting thought experiments about how romance would work in a world where magic is capable of doing some very, very potent, reality-bending things.
  • wukewuke Member Posts: 113
    Zaxares wrote: »
    This is true. There is an option in the mod where, if neither Aerie nor Imoen are romanced, the two of them will wind up in a relationship together. You can, of course, encourage or wreck the romance as you wish through advice to Imoen, and the way their romance plays out actually raises some very interesting thought experiments about how romance would work in a world where magic is capable of doing some very, very potent, reality-bending things.
    Now I remember reading that part, that idea does feel like something Aerie would come up with.
  • zoharzohar Member Posts: 25
    I had a problem with this mod. I understood from the Readme file that the talks were timed so I waited for Imoen to start talking on the Underdark. To my suprise she only talked about her being my sibling and some banter with my companions (from reading this topic i knew she had several lovetalks about her torture by Irenicus).

    Even then I stayed cool thinking that all was well. It was when I escape from the Underdark that the shit hit the fan when Imoen didn't talk with me about setting camp (yes, I read some spoilers).

    I knew something was wrong. So I loaded a save just before exiting the Underdark, clicked on the talk button and pointed on Imoen. How surprised was I when FINALLY she talked about her torture!

    So my questions are these: Do I have to talk with her from time to time to activate the lovetalks? (I only have the initial lovetalk - clicking several times after the initial lovetalk don't open others). How much time between the talks can I click on her again to activate a new talk?
  • wukewuke Member Posts: 113
    zohar wrote: »
    So my questions are these: Do I have to talk with her from time to time to activate the lovetalks? (I only have the initial lovetalk - clicking several times after the initial lovetalk don't open others). How much time between the talks can I click on her again to activate a new talk?

    you shouldn't have to do this, every "important" talk should be automatic. technically the mod scripts set timers to change some variables and the game constantly checks variables to initiate conversations.

    Let's assume when you have her rejoined in Spellhold the game starts a timer to change a variable called IMOENLOVETALK to 2 after an hour.
    One hour later, IMOENLOVETALK changes to 2, the game detects the change, then tells Imoen "your next line is No.XXXXX when talking to someone, and you should talk to charname NOW".
    Because the game constantly checks those variables, theoretically lovetalks shouldn't be missed, still sometimes characters should start talking but they couldn't due to distance silence etc. the variable is still there, so when player initiates a conversation Imoen is like "Oh I should say line No.XXXXX".

    Of course the real conditions are a bit more complex, and I can't tell from which point it failed to catch up. Now that you get one you can wait for later ones to trigger automatically. I don't know which talk about torture have you got, but after one containing some triggering content you are good to leave Underdark.
  • zoharzohar Member Posts: 25
    I just forcetalk from console to see all the talks from the Underdark. JUst exited it and Imoen talked to me about setting camp. I asume all is well now. Thanks for the explanations, my friend.
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