Imoen Romance?

Why isn't there a romance for Imoen? Granted she's [Char Name's] half-sister on their evil father's side but they're practically like distant cousins on the human spectrum. I believe a mod or update is in order.
She doesn't look like the trailer trash hillbilly brother banging type anyways
What Imoen says is great. What your character can say in the mod, less so. What I did not like was there were some really tasteless and rude dialogue options you can choose while talking to Imoen. I am not %100 sure but one dialogue had a 'fart' option as an answer when talking to Imoen romantically. (May be another mod, it has been like ten years I played the mod!) And yeah you can rape Imoen through dialogue, or try to do so, IIRC if you choose that dialogue option Imoen screams and loses it, turns Slayer and rips your character apart in a cutscene, cue game over screen. (Yeah I may have tried that dialogue option to see how tasteless the mod goes, the memory is foggy though)
The negative posts come mostly from people who think "It's wrong! It's your sister! INCEST!!!!".
Or that's what I've heard anyway.
Thank you for your time.
She's your half sister, and perhaps even less than that. Let's say you're a plain elf. Imoen is a plain human. Bhaal had to take two different forms which means different DNA and stuff. Biologically you have nothing in common.
This is a video game, meaning it is not reality, so no grim consequences for this romance
And most importantly, this is truer than ever on a solo video game, people do what they want.
We may discuss whether the mod is well written, whether it is complete, etc..., but discussing the morality of a virtual romance sounds... strange to say the least.
Same goes for Saerileth even though the love is (emphasis on this one) mostly platonic and that in a lot of countries the age of consent is 16 it sparks a debate (She is fifteen if I remember well).
That's an hypocrisy dating from long ago in medias of all kinds and follows on forum. So take cold shower and go rip children to little pieces to draw those bad thought out of your head!
Using the terms "brothers" and "sisters" is just a linguistic convenience, meaning "we are all spawned through the divine magic of the evil God of Murder."
In an imaginary world with monsters, magic, and gods, getting too science-y is a mistake.
Solar: Perhaps it is time for the truth to be revealed. And who better than your own genitor to tell such a story? Now is your turn to listen closely, Daughter of Bhaal, for many have died so that you may live.
[Cutscene: Imoen's mother appears.]
Jaenya: I greet you, Imoen, my daughter. I am Jaenya of Waterdeep, and I am a tailor by trade. Or I was, at least, until seven days before your birth.
You do not remember me. Nor do you remember the manner in which we parted ways. It is my understanding that it would best remain this way.
Solar: You have been called upon to tell your story, spirit. You are not to care about the consequences. It is time for this one to know her origins.
Jaenya: Unbeknownst to my husband, I bore the child of the Lord of Murder within me. I was but a simple tailor, how could I oppose the will of a god? The memories of that night would forever haunt my every dream thereafter.
My beloved thought it was his offspring, at first. As time passed, however, the guilt and shame in my breast made him doubtful, suspicious. My soul was shattered by the lies I told, as my life had been shattered by Bhaal on the fateful night of your conception. He confronted me, questioning my faithfulness. I could not bear the look in his eyes any longer.
I revealed the truth, among pleas and tears. He took me in his arms. He said that everything would be all right, and I believed him.
Seven days before your birth, my daughter, they came. Bearing torches, shrouded in hatred and fear, they set my humble home aflame while I slept. My husband was with them, full of sorrow, tortured by the choice he had made.
Before you judge, consider that this was the Time of Troubles. My husband was a pious man, doing what was right. What worth is the life of a mortal, when she carries Evil itself in her womb?
Others thought differently, however.
[Cutscene: Young Winthrop appears, along with his two adventuring partners. One woman, two men in total. Nevea is a mage, Tarren is sword and shield warrior, Winthrop is dual wielding rogue.]
Nevea: We knew what was about to take place, and we would not let it happen.
Young Winthrop: I was reluctant at first. But we were young, and adventurous, and some of us even righteous.
Tarren: No matter how vile the Spawn would be, this innocent woman was not to blame. We would not stand by and let her be burned alive.
Nevea: We made it inside the house before it was too late. With my magic we could escape through the cellar undetected.
Jaenya: I followed the directions of the strangers in a sort of trance, as I heard the furious voices outside cheering at the blazing fire that was to consume me and my offspring.
Nevea: We would travel North, to the outskirts of Kryptgarden Forest - a place to which surely no townsperson would follow. There we'd hide until the abomination was born. If the mother survived, we'd escort her to Neverwinter, where hopefully she could start anew with her trade.
Young Winthrop: We agreed on slaying the Bhaalspawn at birth. Surely it would be a hideous monster... we could only hope that the mother would not be harmed irreparably during labor. Even in her state, she showed the innate resilience and will to live that runs in your own blood.
Jaenya: There you were born, my child, among high trees and before three young adventurers that did what they could to assist you into the world. A beautiful baby human girl, rosy, healthy - everything I'd ever hoped my child would be like. You had such powerful lungs, we were worried the entire forest would come to devour us.
Tarren: We realized that this was no monster. We could not possibly end this new life.
Young Winthrop: What to do, then? You were now our responsibility, woman and child. Had we saved your lives only to leave you stranded?
Jaenya: I had lost everything, and yet, looking at your tiny face... I could feel nothing but joy. You had become my life. Nothing would harm you as long as I lived... and this resolve was to be tested for the first time shortly after your birth.
Tarren: Someone *had* followed us. It was no townsperson.
Nevea: I stood watch the night that the Deathstalkers first made an attempt to take the Bhaalspawn girl. A shrouded figure fell upon me, and I would have been slain had I not been fast enough with my protective spells. The assassin was like a whirlwind, deadly and unpredictable.
Young Winthrop: We fought the stranger with all we had, but his skill broadly surpassed ours. We were just a group of barely experienced adventurers, while this man seemed fueled by death itself. We fended him off for a short while... he kicked me and knocked the air out of my lungs.
Tarren: He struck me down in a swift blow to my unguarded flank.
Nevea: Having exhausted my spells, his dagger pierced my robes, skin and flesh. It was a blow I would not survive.
Young Winthrop: In a rage I managed to bury both my blades deep in his back. He still had the strength to stab my leg before falling.
Jaenya: I hurried to attend to their wounds... but it was too late for Tarren and Nevea.
[Cutscene: Camera pans to Tarren, Ghosts emerge from their bodies]
Nevea: I gave my life doing what I thought was right, and for that I am thankful.
Tarren: So much left undone, so many things I could have done better. Still, I regret nothing.
[Cutscene: Both disappear]
Young Winthrop: They were good friends. I had known them for most of my life. My naive days of adventuring died with them.
That night my fate was permanently linked to yours. The followers of Bhaal would hunt his offspring to bring the Lord of Murder back, while Cyric's cultists would strive to stop this from happening. If this Deathstalker knew about you, surely more would come... and I'd be damned if you or your mother would come to any harm as long as I lived. My friends' deaths would not be in vain.
We took to the road. We traveled, long and far... always looking behind our shoulders, never staying anywhere for long.
Jaenya: It was a harsh life. I learned to use weapons to defend myself, even developed a deep love for magic. We avoided many encounters and fought through many others. As we traveled we met various friends that sympathized with our cause, Gorion among them.
We also became... close. Very close.
Jaenya: Over time, I came to love you and your mother more than I could have ever imagined possible.
[Cutscene: Jaenya and Winthrop teleport to be next to each other. Young Imoen appears.]
Young Winthrop: Regardless of all the hardship and dangers we faced, they were the happiest seven years of my life.
Young Imoen: Mom and dad were the best, though a bit smothering sometimes. They'd always be so worried about me.
Jaenya: It was hard to raise a child in our constant travels. But you were strong, and smart, and restless and stubborn. You quickly realized that our lifestyle differed much from most.
Young Imoen: That's right. So when I asked, mom and dad told me the truth.
Jaenya: Of course we did, my sweet princess. Your dad and I were king and queen of a far off kingdom. We were forced into exile by your evil uncle and his supporters, who wanted the throne for themselves. They would forever hunt us so that we could never reclaim our kingdom. This is why it was very important that wherever we go, we keep our identity secret.
Young Imoen: Mum would never lie to me. I was a princess!
Young Winthrop: We desperately hoped your heritage would never manifest, and you'd live a happy, long life. Perhaps, some day, we would be able to forget its existence.
Jaenya: A shame, my child, that these dreams were to be truncated.
[Cutscene: The deathstalker appears.]
Deathstalker: They eluded us constantly. They bested some of our most skilled members, a feat beyond the capabilities of many. No more.
Young Winthrop: We stopped in a small settlement in the northern reaches of Cormyr after months of quiet travels with no sign of ever being followed. So... we stayed. We made a simple life there, made friends. Though we remained cautious, we allowed ourselves a glimmer of hope.
Deathstalker: I patiently watched, and waited. Waited for them to grow comfortable, to start forgetting.
Jaenya: Two years later, we called the place home. We would sometimes not bother to take turns to sleep. I'd overlook some of my magic wards, or forget to keep a weapon at hand. I even let myself dream of more children with the man I loved.
Young Imoen: I had friends, and an actual home! It was a bummer sometimes to always have mom or dad around, but I didn't really mind.
Young Winthrop: I let myself relax, forgo some of my training, drink a bit too much some nights. I'd forget to ready my armor every night, especially when work was too exhausting. In a way, I let go of the fear.
Deathstalker: The moment to strike had come.
Jaenya: It was a day of local festivities. We drank a little more harvest wine than we should have at the local faire, and didn't watch for signs of intrusion when getting back home. Winthrop opened the door, and the trap sprung.
Young Winthrop: There was a quiet click, and the needle pierced my skin. A shadow was cast from above as the poison took over. I tried to warn them, but I was already growing numb.
Jaenya: From the rooftop the deathstalker plunged his blade into my shoulder, straight through to my heart.
Young Winthrop: She fell in front of me, eyes wide as she gasped for breath. Helplessly I watched her blood pool on the floor and touch my listless fingers.
Young Imoen: Something lifted me into the air. I smelled something that made me wanna throw up, and then I felt like falling into a deep, dark pit, and continued falling and falling and falling...
Young Winthrop: He was gone in an instant. The pain faded to black.
Jaenya: After all those years... we had failed.
[Cutscene: Jaenya dies and Winthrop collapses, Gorion appears.]
Gorion: The villagers found him at the brink of death. Their druid did all she could, but Jaenya was too far gone. With a heavy heart, I arrived soon after Winthrop regained consciousness.
[Cutscene: Winthrop gets back up]
Young Winthrop: Gorion had warned us that this would eventually happen. He gave us the means to contact him should disaster strike. And that's exactly what I did.
Gorion: We knew this day would come. A few of my colleagues and I rode the winds of magic to his aid. We would hunt the girl down on one condition: no more traveling, no more fleeing. We would erase all traces of your existence and hide you in a secluded place, safe from harm.
Young Winthrop: We had been selfish to refuse this in the past. Maybe if we ran far enough, if we resisted long enough...
Gorion: Deep within the Marsh of Tun, the servants of the dead Lord of Murder prepared for the ritual sacrifice. There is no telling what horrors you witnessed before our arrival. The enemy met our assault with sorceries and dark prayers - many of them fell, as did some very close friends of mine. The scene was all too familiar.
Young Winthrop: We made it to the altar, and saw you there, prostrate under a twisted blade ready to strike. The terror in your eyes... I will never forget. Gorion struck down the priest as I pried you away from Death's grip.
Gorion: We then made our escape, keeping the enemy at bay just long enough for me to transport us to safety.
Young Winthrop: You were in a state of shock. There were cuts and markings all over your skin, your face was stained with soot and blood. Nothing I did would shake you form it.
Gorion: You had seen too much... you knew too much. We erased our tracks, all of them, as we had done before. We made sure no-one would know of your whereabouts, of your very existence.
Young Winthrop: I said goodbye, knowing that you would be my daughter no more.
Gorion: In the safety of a secluded grove they cleansed your mind, healed it from all harm. The process was lengthy. You were barely conscious through it all.
Young Winthrop: For two years I waited. I worked at the Candlekeep inn while trying to become someone else entirely, fighting to let go of the past, to remove it from my memories as if it had never existed. I lost myself for some time, drowning my pain and shame in alcohol, neglecting the skills I had honed for so long...
[Cutscene: Winthrop turns into a fat man]
Old Winthrop: But at least you were finally safe. Perhaps I'd finally saved you from your heritage.
Gorion: You healed, eventually. In the process, every memory of the past was banished from your mind, to be replaced by the truth you've kept with you until now. The secret had to be absolute.
And so I brought you with me to Candlekeep. The way events unfolded since then, you already know.
[Cutscene: Everyone disintegrates, camera pans to Solar.]
Solar: Thus the past has been revealed to you, Spawn of Bhaal. Had you known the truth before now, would events have unfolded differently? Would you be the same person? Are you the same person at this moment, now that you are aware?
Solar: Ponder these questions, Imoen. Perhaps in the answers you will find a part of yourself long forgotten.
Despite such an amazing backstory, I've always had a certain approach to Imoen in Shadows of Amn...
Is is possible for this explanation to be provided by the Solar, even if Imoen isn't in your party?