The quality of his toadying was severely lacking! Not like old Jeeves here. He was the most obsequious groveler that I have ever had the pleasure of being fawned over by.
Tiax: "You have disturbed Tiax the Grand again! Such INSOLENCE! Tiax will place a mark of shame upon your forehead! ALL will know your treachery!" *casts* Tiax: "Eh... it would appear that... the great and... mighty Tiax... has shrunk his undergarments... three sizes this day." Tiax: "Excuse... the mighty Tiax... while he catches his... his breath... He will rule... later." Tiax: "When Tiax rules, britches will not ride up so wedge-like."
Is it just me, or is the world filled with wackos? Okay, Mr. Psycho gnome, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but we're really not interested in your rock garden.
Why are you so fat?
I am Dinkamus Littlelog and I come in search of the holy groundhog.
We're a horde of rampaging Tarrasques! Krie! Krie!
I am Foolio Displasius, Destroyer of the Seven Suns! Raagh!
Sarevok: You remind me of myself...before I was slaughtered and cast into the Abyss.
(Quayle's Death)Ha Ha! Smart guy dies! But Tiax goes on to RULE!
Xzar: Those the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad, mad, mad!
Ike: There's a sucker born every minute... and you are right on time.
Mad Arcand: There be pheasants and penguins and booberry trees between the greenest of skies and the whitest of seas (wertle-wertle-wertle-woo, wertle-woooo...)
Well-Adjusted Al: Hi, I'm Well-Adjusted Al, and my prices are sensible. I used to be called Crazy Al, but therapy has convinced me that selling plate armour for 3 gold pieces and a small duck was no way to get ahead in business.
@GemHound Is it just me, or is the world filled with wackos? Okay, Mr. Psycho gnome, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but we're really not interested in your rock garden. i love that quote i was actually saying that to myself the other day, haha
@GemHound Is it just me, or is the world filled with wackos? Okay, Mr. Psycho gnome, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but we're really not interested in your rock garden. i love that quote i was actually saying that to myself the other day, haha
My favorite is probably the longest response in the game. Poor Portalmindbendarwinden.
I cannot be the only one who cracked up at Xan's tutorial lines in BG2. "Good job. I am now going to teach you how to MEMORIZE spells."
He just sounded so BORED and ANNOYED throughout the entire thing, even when you're doing everything right. There was this constant undercurrent of 'Why did I let them talk me into this, they are NOT paying me enough for this shit. Whatever let's just get this over with already okay.'
I cannot be the only one who cracked up at Xan's tutorial lines in BG2. "Good job. I am now going to teach you how to MEMORIZE spells."
He just sounded so BORED and ANNOYED throughout the entire thing, even when you're doing everything right. There was this constant undercurrent of 'Why did I let them talk me into this, they are NOT paying me enough for this shit. Whatever let's just get this over with already okay.'
I tried to go through the tutorial recently, mostly because I'd never tried it. But to be honest my curiousity got the better of me. For the record, while "Belt" seems to be immune to whatever you throw at him, the others aren't. Though Brawen has to be the toughest to dispose of. She must have an item she is wearing that prevents her from dying from damage, however disintegration still worked wonders on her, imoen, and xan.
When Evil was torn asunder, three pieces were locked away. For a millennium I have guarded this piece, dispensing death to those that follow Darkness. You are no different, manling. Your death was ordained when Kangaxx fell.
Korgan (to Jan): "Hahahaha! Marvellous tale, gnome. Well told, well told. Only blight on ye is that trimmed beard and the pointy pickle hanging off yer face."
"Hey" "Hello" "Ugh, i think i stepped in something" "Everyone in town used to throw rocks at me and tell me i was annoying" "What time is it?" "I havn't been in a convasation this long for well... ever" "Whats that big weapon for?" "Those colours look pretty stoopid on you..." "I once knew this guy called dibby he threw rocks at me, are you going to throw rocks at me?" "How about now" "How about now" "How about now" "How about now" "How about now" "How about now"
btw any1 can help me; i believe there is some quote about sunshine after group awake in the "we see another day.." any suggestions who said it etc ? ty
"Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!"
I can never get through it all without cracking up I got to the hat this time
"I mean, if I say how the great cycle fells the mighty oak, yielding to the furrows and valleys of a more subtle landscape, is it my fault if you take offense?"
Tiax: "Eh... it would appear that... the great and... mighty Tiax... has shrunk his undergarments... three sizes this day."
Tiax: "Excuse... the mighty Tiax... while he catches his... his breath... He will rule... later."
Tiax: "When Tiax rules, britches will not ride up so wedge-like."
Is it just me, or is the world filled with wackos? Okay, Mr. Psycho gnome, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but we're really not interested in your rock garden.
Why are you so fat?
I am Dinkamus Littlelog and I come in search of the holy groundhog.
We're a horde of rampaging Tarrasques! Krie! Krie!
I am Foolio Displasius, Destroyer of the Seven Suns! Raagh!
Sarevok: You remind me of myself...before I was slaughtered and cast into the Abyss.
(Quayle's Death)Ha Ha! Smart guy dies! But Tiax goes on to RULE!
Xzar: Those the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad, mad, mad!
Ike: There's a sucker born every minute... and you are right on time.
Mad Arcand: There be pheasants and penguins and booberry trees between the greenest of skies and the whitest of seas (wertle-wertle-wertle-woo, wertle-woooo...)
Well-Adjusted Al: Hi, I'm Well-Adjusted Al, and my prices are sensible. I used to be called Crazy Al, but therapy has convinced me that selling plate armour for 3 gold pieces and a small duck was no way to get ahead in business.
Always loved that quote, and always will.
"Good job. I am now going to teach you how to MEMORIZE spells."
He just sounded so BORED and ANNOYED throughout the entire thing, even when you're doing everything right. There was this constant undercurrent of 'Why did I let them talk me into this, they are NOT paying me enough for this shit. Whatever let's just get this over with already okay.'
I also like pretty much everything the Spectator Beholder says, but I can't remember specifics right now.
"Ugh, i think i stepped in something"
"Everyone in town used to throw rocks at me and tell me i was annoying"
"What time is it?"
"I havn't been in a convasation this long for well... ever"
"Whats that big weapon for?"
"Those colours look pretty stoopid on you..."
"I once knew this guy called dibby he threw rocks at me, are you going to throw rocks at me?"
"How about now"
"How about now"
"How about now"
"How about now"
"How about now"
"How about now"
I can never get through it all without cracking up
I got to the hat this time
- Cernd, to Edwina ;-)